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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 800x670, australian_flag_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6332204 No.6332204 [Reply] [Original]

Australian food culture.
Welcome fellow Australians and unite in our culinary superiority.
No amerifat haters allowed, we all know you cant handle it.

>> No.6332210
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>> No.6332211

Meat pies at the footy
>fuck yeh
>oooh baby

>> No.6332213

Says the amerifat thats never left his home town

>> No.6332216

Australian food is awesome because we have access to some of the best meat and seafood in the world.

>> No.6332217

>he thinks I'm a murrkan
topkek, also it's like the deadest hour for them you dumb cunt

>> No.6332219
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>> No.6332221
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>5 replies
>2 posters
OP you are one sad faggot

>> No.6332223

>Im a girl BTW

>> No.6332227

Dont be a hater

>> No.6332228

Where you from, coward?

Just had some Huon river salmon with lemon myrtle & some Moreton bay bugs.
Tomorrows kangaroo mince & damper.

Headin' to a Russki restaurant on the weekend

>> No.6332230
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>> No.6332234

Good aussie grub there

traditional russki or trendy nouveau style? Not that trendy is a bad thing

>> No.6332250
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Currently cumbing some bronzewhaler I caught

>> No.6332254

Olivier, borsch, pelmeni, kasha, all the real shit. Going to drown myself in vodka & kvas. God bless our small but awesome Russian population.

>> No.6332256

I think you are mistaken, dumb bitch

>> No.6332265

You a fan of deep fried gummy shark?
Fucking craving flake right now.

>> No.6332267

Well today I had a delicious grilled salmon fillet from Tasmania with a creamy lemon white wine sauce with mashed sweet potato and a fresh crisp salad by the bay. Its good to be Aussie.

>> No.6332288

Hell yeh, beer battered and fried in beef tallow.

>> No.6332290
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Ready for the pan

>> No.6332292

Any of you Aussies have dingo tendies, maybe with a side of hoity toit greens?

>> No.6332300

Aus food culture is basically to take anything another country produces and make it better

>not implying that's a bad thing

>> No.6332309

Sounds sweet.
Vodka = essential

>> No.6332312
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Australia. So racist that they had to develop a localized spring roll that tastes like shit because nobody knew what real spring rolls were.

>> No.6332313
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>> No.6332315

Australians have a cuisine?

>> No.6332316

dont you hang shit on chiko rolls cunt

>> No.6332321

I don't think you understand the thought process that went into the development of the Chiko, you virgin chink.

>> No.6332324

Who /perth/?

Wanna come over for dinner?

>> No.6332330
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>> No.6332336


Nothing of value but a fake version of some chinese foods, god awful beer, and horrid wine

Aussie tourists ruin places even worse than chinese, american, and russian tourists combined

Fuck Australia

>> No.6332346

perth fag here. going to sleep, got work in a couple of hours. but beer sunday? NoR or SoR?

>> No.6332350


Bloody beauty

>> No.6332372

>insert country has insert thing?
Yes m8, countries have things, even the ones far away that you don't know anything about

>> No.6332375

We also have a better version of actual spring rolls too.

>> No.6332376


Fucking love the wall of butt devastation caused by simply being Australian. Keep crying sad & jelly cunts

>> No.6332377
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>australian culture

You mean handmedown british culture mixed with stolen chinese culture?

>> No.6332378

Anyone remember red and blue joker ice creams?

>> No.6332381

America. Aerosol cheese.

>> No.6332383

>british culture

You mean handmedown french culture mixed with stolen american culture?

>> No.6332384

>American culture
You mean stolen nigger & mexican culture?

>> No.6332386

>handmedown brit culture
What is an anglo country for 400 Alex?

>> No.6332388

It's actually bloody boat people culture

>> No.6332390

Vegemite is the best spread for sandwiches.

>> No.6332394

Kangaroo with bush spice mix, grilled barra, a pavlova and some banana prawns..Wash it down with some yarra valley wine

>> No.6332433

Technically Americunt culture is stolen British also.

>> No.6332466

Eyo is that glass pasta or whatever it's called on the greens?

Also, you guys don't really eat Kangaroo right? It's just a meme, no?

>> No.6332474

Nope, I have had them on skewers and as steak.

>> No.6332479

Vermicelli rice noodles

and yeh kangaroo is legit and delicious.
wallaby is better if you can get it.

>> No.6332485
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Strayabros, come on. ;_;

>> No.6332488

No way Skippy, wes gonna eat you and all your friends

>> No.6332491

You're a cunt.

>> No.6332492

I'm sure you can get some cute cow pictures, but I'm still going to gobble it down.

>> No.6332496

Yes we do, it's delicious and incredibly healthy.

You can get Wallaby meat at Preston market or Leos Fine Foods if you're in Melbourne. Theres also Ringtail meat at preston market but it's imported from NZ.

I had crocodile once when I was in Daintree. It was actually really tasty.

>> No.6332497

If you ever get the chance, eat some turtle.

It's like chicken, but juicier.

>> No.6332498

Stop fucking up cars when we accidentally slam into you. Goddamnit, I know people who've nearly had to write off their cars after you jumped in front of them. And then you fucking hopped away you shit. Fuck you, I'm going to eat you.

>> No.6332500

>incredibly healthy.

How come? It's a Kangaroo man. ;_;

>> No.6332501

Are you this much of a crying bitch over every animal?

>> No.6332504
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You Australians are heartless, savage beasts.

Stop shitting on my childhood.

>> No.6332506

>bogan alcoholics with no education
>three of the world's most liveable cities, #2 on the human development index and food/wine capital of the world

how does this even work ausbros

>> No.6332508

>food/wine capital of the world

Uhh, no?

>> No.6332513

We're the best because everyone else is worse.

At least we don't shoot each other (anymore)

>> No.6332520

Low fat, lots of iron & protein. Think venison.

Well we aren't uneducated, alcoholics can still hold a day job, and we don't really have a food/wine capital but we're up there somewhere just because of the quality and cleanliness of produce.

The HDI shit I can't explain, I guess we had a good distribution of wealth until recently.

>> No.6332521

I know right it's not hard when America pumps everything with corn and China grows food in human excrement. Then you have Europe where everyone is crammed into micro-countries so you have polluted mega-farms to feed all the cunts.

>> No.6332525

Fuck up gronk, come to parra westfeilds car park. Frothing cunt.

>> No.6332526

As much as people shit on us for being uncultured and everything, we're pretty fucking great, and all these cunts are paying thousands of dollars to send their chink children to study here.

>> No.6332529

shit yeah.

>> No.6332530

>we aren't uneducated

From the amount of racist shitposting coming from aussies, I find this post ironic in the extreme

>> No.6332532

>come to parra westfeilds car park


>> No.6332533

>Post ironic
Describes you perfectly.
Intelligent and educated people know that race is a thing, and that white ones are better than non-white ones. Go be butthurt elsewhere you sad little cunt.

>> No.6332535

The majority of racist comments on 4chan tend to include the word "nigger", and that's an American thing.

>> No.6332539
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>> No.6332541

What do Australians call black people?

>> No.6332545


>> No.6332547


>> No.6332549


>> No.6332550
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>wine capital of the world

how cute, they confused quantity for quality again

get back to me when you're growing something that isn't made to appeal to the palate of a child and the budget of a homeless bum

>> No.6332556

No amerifat haters allowed,that''s rather rude, I like and admire Australia (except Fosters)food culture? worse than the US. kinda true story. Reports of a recent earthquake,magnitude 7 on the Richter scale were false. It occurred when there were paydays on three Aussie sheep stations. ya cunts. :)

>> No.6332558
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>making wine that everyone can buy and enjoy is inherently bad.

>> No.6332570


>> No.6332574

We don't have many black people here in the populated parts of Australia. The Aborigines are out in the desert so we don't see them. We get some Indian migrants but that's about it.

We call them Curry Munchers.

>> No.6332582

"foodie" detected

>> No.6332588

Fuck off cunt, I'll meet you at Parramatta library car park.

>> No.6332590
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>> No.6332591

The Barossa Valley is literally the best place in the world to grow grapes for wine, hence why we have the best wine in the world.

>> No.6332593

Met me outside Centerlink.

>> No.6332599
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>> No.6332602

>beetroot on burger
Disgusting m8

>> No.6332659

You guys are awesome, OP. I especially like the Mozartkuchen and of course Sachertorte. Not so big on Wienerschnitzel, since the oil is just a little too much for me.

>> No.6332665

You should've timestamped it and waited for an appropriate moment in the /ck/ Challenge to post it. Could've won a prize!

>> No.6332672

Ate some today actually. Spaghetti meatballs quite gamey and dry. Not the worse meet, wouldnt say its my favourite.

>> No.6332742

>Horrid wine
So you literally pick out something that Australia is well known for internationally and then shit on it, truly it must be hard not living in the greatest country on Earth.

>> No.6332747

started grating my onion into burgers, good results, fuck people who say meat only in a pattie

>> No.6332756

Why are you talking about German//Austrian food in an Australian cuisine thread?

Did I just get trolled?

>> No.6332769

Why did you faggots stop throwing shrimp on the barbie?

>> No.6332899

No. Just because you can make one trophy wine and a bunch of cut rate wannabe versions of the same doesn't mean you matter.

>> No.6332939


>> No.6333035

This isn't about Austrian cuisine?

What is it, some "savages from the antipodes" cuisine thread?

>American thing
No, Aussies use it too.
Nigger or coon are the ones I've heard most often. Also boong, but that's more an abbo name.

>> No.6333653

No haters allowed, other amerifats are welcome.
Shake it off!
Shake it off!

>> No.6333774

Dunno m8 theres good Shiraz, Cab Sav, Chardonnay... Penfolds grange is fuarkin tasty. I reckon you're talking a lot of shit because you are mad jelly or have a chip on your shoulder about Australia. Maybe an Aussie tourist called you cunt and you've been traumatised ever since

>> No.6334946

I got 19 seconds into that


>> No.6334975

>Aussies use it too
No we don't. If you use that word then you're unAustralian.
You're probably a young chap who grew up with the internet and learned bad habbits from reading American comments. I bet you spell arse like ass, too.

>> No.6335033

>good shiraz
I used to drink it a lot of that stuff when I was younger. I eventually realized most of it is shit. I almost feel like we're overdue for contrarian wine hipsters to start pretending to like it, kind of like it was fashionable for a while to drink severely flawed "natural wines" that smelled of mold and ass, or how the rose stigma triggered a rose fad a few years ago. Maybe this has already started with Aussie reds and I'm just not "with it" enough.

>cab sauv
Sometimes passable, mostly equivalent to the california bulk wines with cartoon characters and clever names.

Hell no.

>> No.6335045

Your oppinion is shit.
You cant even tell when youve been trolled, obviously you have no fucking idea whats going on

>> No.6335047

>You cant even tell when youve been trolled

Are you one of those lost /b/tards who thinks that responding to a post is "being EPIC TROLLX0RD"?

Maybe you should go back there, that's not how the rest of 4chan works, let alone the internet in general.

>> No.6335048

>no results


>> No.6335054

Your oppinion is still very very shit

>> No.6335064

You validated a trolls bullshit with a real reaponse
therefore you are either a fuckwit or love arguing with yourself, making you a bigger fuckwit.

>> No.6335065

Thanks, you too. I mean you too m8. Do I sound like australian yet? Cunt cunt cunt, shit cunt. Dingo ate my baby.
See the first time I figured you were just drunk, and the second time I realized you were just stupid. Which of course confirms your Australian-ness.

>> No.6335069


Why did you reply to me? You've just been trolled m8! Cunt cunt shitcunt, talking the piss m8? Shrimp on the barbie.

>> No.6335070
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I can overlook the fact you eat pizza with BBQ sauce in Australia only because of Danger 5, Mad Max, and your nation's actions during WWII. Be thankful you are not Austria.

>> No.6335086

>thinly veiled attempt at counter troll
>not fooling anyone

>> No.6335093
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>> No.6335094


Yep, you can always tell the aussies are waking up when they start rageposting about random bullshit

The amount of anger in the Japan threads is amazing

>> No.6335141

I love the anti-australian sledging on this board, anytime someone is acting like an irrational dick

You would think it would be
but they dont have the internet yet

>> No.6335159
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>implying the stereotypes aren't right
Instead of being upset, set an example to your fellow shitcunt m8 shitcunts, m8.

>> No.6335160


saltbush 4 lyfe

>> No.6335174

I dont think anyones upset about it.
Australians dont give a fuck about getting sledged, its how we show affection.
if an aussie is nice to you he really fucking hates you.

>> No.6335195

>The amount of anger in the Japan threads is amazing
American trying to shift blame to Australians for hateposting in Japanese threads but it's really the Americans who are still buttflustered about Pearl Harbour.

Australia has a very close relationship with Japan. They own half of Queenland, after all.

>> No.6335207


No, there was even a guy from some university (or "uni" as you people erroneously say) in australia complaining about a range ban related to japan thread shitposting and saying it was unfair. This was back when the shitposting was at its peak. I have no idea if the range ban is still in place or if that particular shitposter just got bored.

>> No.6335217

The U.S. pacified Japan and rebuilt their country after taking over military operations from you Aussies who consistently got your asses handed to them in the Pacific theater. Now you're butthurt because they're quietly conquering the land you bog-trotting convicts call home.

>> No.6335221

>This was back when the shitposting was at its peak. I have no idea if the range ban is still in place or..
You're implying an isolated incedent that happened some time ago while everything in this >>6335094 comment speaks about current activity.

>> No.6335233

>an isolated incident
Congrats, I literally laughed out loud at your post

>> No.6335243
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uhh mccain, you've done it again :-)

>> No.6335258
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That comment was confirmed fake and moot actually loves Australia so much that he plans his whole life around the Australian time zone. He stays up late in his zone to be online when Australia is online. He secretly wants to be Australian. Like most intelligent people do.

>> No.6335273

He had to stay up for the nightly aussie onslaught to help the mods with deletions and bans.

>> No.6335356
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Of ALL the shitty Australian foods I've had to put up with

This one is the worst of all

>> No.6335441

>yellow tail
The longer people think Austraian wine is just meme wine, the better.
Keeps good domestic product relatively cheap.

>> No.6335506

>d-d-don't eat the cwudy pie animools
fucken poofta

>> No.6335512

everything about australia is bad, you people are subhumans. total cultural vacuum. you're basically niggers

>> No.6335515 [DELETED] 

Tendies bitch

>> No.6335571

fuck off u fucken dog cunt fuckwit

>> No.6335589

eat shit and die cunt, thet are the best and a traditional after pub food

>> No.6335596
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Nice dubs dubs dubs and this is true.

>> No.6335598

straya has a food culture?
I didn't know that

>> No.6335603

true australia is the /b/ board of the world.

>> No.6335629

>after pub food

Meaning a food that only seems edible to most people while inebriated, or as they call it in Australia, "every hour of every day after the age of 9".

>> No.6335632

fair dinkum.
I need to dry out for a little while, feeling a bit rugged ay

>> No.6335633


>> No.6335648

Just fukken relax ay

>> No.6335686

Too fucking right ey

>> No.6335689

joisus m8, have a schooner and take a breather ay

>> No.6335697

Flavor everything with honey. BBQ spices and mustard are optional.

>> No.6335701
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Even a dingo would turn it's nose up at that shit.
Get with the tiems m8!

>> No.6335703
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You're point being?

>> No.6335710

I think Australia is pretty cool in fact. A few things do bother me.
1. You're a subject nation to the UK.
2. You suckup to that global warming crap.
3. This is a big one, your government blocks websites. It's the principle on that one, so some group of people have access to stuff that you don't because you pay them?

WTF is that crapola? We have some weird shit in the USA but that would be laughed out. Is the list even public or is some secret police kind of shit?

Now go enjoy your barbed wire canoes!

>> No.6335718

It's a human thing, we use nigger to refer to untermench types that are violent and behave even stranger than wild beasts, they certainly don't behave as human beings.

>> No.6335724

chiko rolls will always be god teir

>> No.6335726

Look mom I'm being edgy!

>> No.6335729
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We should have those in the USA.

>> No.6335732

There's nothing edgy about stating facts.
Your government's so far up your ass that you can't even admit the truth.

>> No.6335734


I have what is potentially a strange question:

What's the names of your popular sodas ( or pops, I forget which you call them)?

I was a student ambassador to your fair nation back in 2003, and I remember absolutely loving one of your drinks. It was a lemon soda, with like, 5% actual lemon juice in it.

I drank so much of the damn stuff, I got the shakes when I came back to the states!

Now that internet shipping is a thing, I've often thought of ordering some, but I forgot the name of the stuff.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.6335736


>> No.6335739


>> No.6335740

Pub Squash?

>> No.6335741


>> No.6335744
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>> No.6335747


Lift looks more like the can I remember, but I may try Solo anyway, see if maybe I'm mixing them in my head.

Holy crap, you guys have more lemon sodas than I knew!

Though, I suppose we've got like, 6 types of lemon-lime soda, so that's not super surprising.

Thanks, guys!

>> No.6335753
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lift and solo are pretty much the same product done by different companies, both designed to be ready-to-drink pub squash. the 5% lemon juice thing is solo, they put it on the label even.

>> No.6335757
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>> No.6335759
File: 435 KB, 765x1024, 4-loko-lemon-20130112-165104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like 4loko here in the states.
It used to have caffeine in it until states started banning it becuase niggers would go wilding after drinking one or two. So now it exists but w/o caffeine.

>> No.6335761

It's always better for niggers to have the government take care of their kids rather then the actual parents.

Yeah, you Aussies are the only special snowflakes with problems.

>> No.6335762


now I'm having flashbacks to high school, i remember the teeth-rotting sweetness.

>> No.6335770
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Get some of this for not only tooth rotting action but tounge and roof of the mouth destruction. This shit is probably banned by the Australian nanny state.

>> No.6335776


fuck, I remember those, I tried to chew a bunch once and ended up slicing my tongue open on a razor sharp shard. and now they make them in acid spray form?

>> No.6335780

Hell yeah, we go for broke in the states!

>> No.6335831

Overated post

>> No.6335949

why are dominos chicken kickers the greatest food in the worold?

>> No.6335954
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It bothers you more that an old lady is on the coins than the fact that the internet is overregulated and they have well justified concerns about environmental damage?

You're standing in line is for cool people guy, aren't you.

>> No.6335963

>government blocks websites

>> No.6335967

Where are you from?

>> No.6335981


>Huge country, mostly empty desert
>no oil
>not using it for solar/wind power

u wot m8?

>> No.6335982


Aus has a blocklist...

>> No.6335994

Schweppes hasn't been mentioned yet. It boasts having 5% real lemon juice.
There's also Leeds and a few other brands that escape me right now.

>> No.6336003

What does kangaroo taste like? They always have exotic meat vendors at outdoor/hunting conventions here and I've wondered. Does it compare to beef or pork?

>> No.6336007

this would be 100% true if not for the fact that it isn't correct at all.

>> No.6336012

>You suckup to that global warming crap

The prime minister has repeatedly publicly stated that he thinks global warming is a myth.

>> No.6336025


>> No.6336028

It's kind of more like lamb

>> No.6336032


Imagine beef without the fat. Cook it as rare as you can, good sear, slightly more gamey than beef. Its awesome.

>> No.6336033

kek. Aus has had a blocklist for some time now. Why are you new to this? Its at the discretion of the ISP, but almost 99% enforced.

>> No.6336035
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>> No.6336040

The only things being filtered are CP and Islamist extremist sites.

Why would you give a shit?

>> No.6336050

erm, more than that, but more importantly I don't. Its one thing to say there is no list, another to say 'who cares'.

Eh, whatever mate.

>> No.6336141

>Meat pies at the footy

Weaker, pussy version of marmite, also English


>> No.6336191

>wine capital of the world
That hurt to read

>> No.6336311

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.6336914

Oh we have plenty of oil fella, dont you worry about that

>> No.6336936

And your point is?

>> No.6336983

>food culture
put some shrimp on the barbie mate

>> No.6336989


they're English products, therefore they do not belong in a discussion of Australian food.

>> No.6337005

>You are an American and thefore do not belong in a discussion about Australian food

>> No.6337009

Brit here. What is a classic Australian dish?

>> No.6337014

why does australian flag also have english flag pattern on it ???

>> No.6337023

Australia is a British commonwealth country.

>> No.6337071
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>> No.6337245

It's not the English flag. It's the union flag. It shows that Queen Elizabeth is the country's head of state. If you look at Canadian bank notes, you will also see Queen Elizabeth. And New Zealand too.
I'm not saying it's a good thing, it's simply how things are, and it's got everything to do with the British Empire. Here's an example; I am English and live in England with my Scottish wife. My brother lives in Canada, my sister in New Zealand.
I also have family in USA and South Africa.
It's just Anglosphere. My only problem with it is that it costs me a load of money to visit my scattered family. Almost £1000 to get to New Zealand. About £800 for Canada.

>> No.6337254

>The colonists are getting uppity again

>> No.6337313

>turn your back on the empire and mother country
Get fucked, England is our mother. Australia has some kind of culture yes, and it's rooted in British culture. This is some divide and conquer bullshit to marginalise the anglosphere and push us further apart. Together we will conquer everything. Non-anglos are incredibly fuckin jealous and bitter, I ignore their shit and thank god I live in one of the blessed countries.

>> No.6337477

Huzzah old chap!
While we are at it lets reintroduce slavery and child labour!

>> No.6337518

The UK was well ahead of the USA in both respects.

>> No.6337955

french wine is crap. now eat shit and die you fucking tripfag

>> No.6337973
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> all this aussie delusion

Pretty funny shit. Not even Canada is this delusional.

>> No.6338873

Oz has some great wine, a lot of bulk shit too sure, but still some top tier stuff. Putting it over France is a bit mental though

>Being this fresh out of /v/

>> No.6338883
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>attention-whoring on a polish shadow-puppet board

>> No.6338891

No, anon. You're thinking of champagne. Australia does wine better than France. I believe France surrender their wine title in the 80's.

>> No.6338930


hi sam kekovic

>> No.6338934

Oi! The rains are 'ere!

>> No.6338951

Champagne is still wine m8. If you're referring to the judgement of paris in 76 (or the second one in 86), that didn't have much to do with Oz, it was more the notion that French wine is unbeatable being shattered (twice) but the USA. This in turn encouraged New World winemakers that they can produce some top tier stuff. But France has such insane variety due to a comprehensive mixture of climate zones and terroir that when it comes down to it Australia can't compete; it would be more fair to compare the Rhône valley alone, which has influenced Oz winemaking a fair bit, than the entirety of France

>> No.6338963
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The only really interesting thing about the judgment of paris is that it helped the general public understand that you could *in theory* make very good wine in non-traditional places.

But of course, people like to draw the wrong conclusions out of things, so now we have idiots running around saying ALL NEW WORLD WINE IS WONDERFUL, which is just stupid. Pic related.

Pecking order of kingdoms: Old world >>> New world

Pecking order of new world:

USA >>>> The rest

These are just facts, let's not get butthurt over facts.

>> No.6338970

I think it was more about the confidence of winemakers in the New World countries than anything else

>Pecking order of kingdoms:Old world >>> New world
>Pecking order of new world: USA >>>> The rest

I want to disagree but I can't, it's the truth

>> No.6338971

>USA >>>> The rest

Californian wine is swill. Better than French, but still only fit for cleaning car wheels.

Now Chilean...

>> No.6338977

>muh carmuhnair

We were talking about wine in general, not the budget wine section at your local gas station. If I was in your shoes I'd probably also pick the cono sur over the mommy's time out, but why limit yourself to such awful choices? A few dollars more and it's a big step up.

>> No.6338989
File: 176 KB, 512x384, vlcsnap-2014-12-17-12h40m35s156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now Chilean...

>> No.6339003

Is kangaroo any good?

>> No.6339009

>We were talking about wine in general, not the budget wine section at your local gas station.

No, you're talking about top end wine producers, not wine in general.

80% of French wine is awful mass produced swill for export. Same deal with Californian. So if we're talking about "in general", both are terrible.

If we limit ourselves to top producers, then that's a different bucket of grapes entirely.

>> No.6339027

But that's not really true. Top premium quality production is at 45% of all wine in France. The class that most widely exported, IGP, sits at 28%.

>> No.6339060


No, you missed the point entirely. France produces a huge variety of good wines in different styles at midrange prices. USA (and remember Napa =\= the entire USA) is not on the same level but still does pretty well compared to gimmicky budget wine countries like Chile, South Africa, and Australia where they make uninteresting bulk one-note wines via impressive technology

>> No.6339070

Pretty unfair to tar them all with the same brush, you can find top quality in any of those countries

>> No.6339073


Yes, of course. But the point is the relative amounts of good wine vs. crap wine, not whether or not a top-notch quality product exists.

>> No.6339294

Is that how you should really judge it though, as an aggregate of good against bad?

>> No.6339346

>Is that how you should really judge it though

I think it makes more sense to judge it that way rather than by looking at a single product.

Consider a different example. Suppose you were asked to compare the shooting skills of two basketball players. One player hits an amazing full-court 3-point shot by sheer luck, and then fails every other attempt. Another player doesn't have quite as long a 3-pointer, but has many that are close.

I'm sure we'd all agree that the latter player is the better one, even if he he didn't have the longest shot in the contest.

Same thing with wine. Top-notch wines are great and all, but it's not very meaningful if a region has one stellar wine and a bunch of crap.

>> No.6339364

Straya has heaps of good wine, if you go to one of our bigger liquor stores (Dan Murphys) 90% of the floor space is just wine and these stores are the size of an average supermarket.
There is wine here cheaper than you can buy bottled water for and it's nasty but if you know your taste preference and spend at least $15 on a bottle you'll get a nice wine.
Just because you've tried Wolf Blass and Yellow Tail and decided it's shit don't think you're an expert on Aussie wine.

>> No.6339402

The point isn't really whether or not it's correct, that's meaningless. The point is that it exists and is enforced on ISPs in Aussieland by your federal government. It's easy enough to get past it by using a proxy but then you shouldn't have to in the first place.

>> No.6339405
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>> No.6339406

>faggot has issues
>cares if someone uses a tripcode

>> No.6339409

>on an American website
Who's the chump now?

>> No.6339429

The UK did keep indentured servatude and impressment. One could assert that indentured servitude was worse than slavery because slaves were considered propery but indentured servants has zero rights and were used up then thrown away.

>> No.6339434

Spanish Rioja > you!

>> No.6339480
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>> No.6339507

>australian barbeque
>it's shit
>Australian anything else
>it doesn't exist, it's only barbeques and asian/paki take outs


>> No.6339512
File: 46 KB, 750x533, I parked here to laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA >>>> The rest

this is what deluded amerifats actually believe

>> No.6339521

How is this troll thread still up?

>> No.6339536

Technically, just the rest of the new world wine producers. But Aussies would no doubt be upset to hear this truth

>> No.6339543

Aussie pretending to be an American detected.
Quit shit posting.

>> No.6339568

Nope, live in the states.

>> No.6340996

>American website ripping of weeb culture

>> No.6342138
File: 62 KB, 500x386, 1419603475531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Melbourne repeatedly ranked world's most liveable city (whatever that means, but anyway), largely because of the food
>Hugely diverse selection of different cultures' cuisines
>Asian food done better than most of Asia
>Best phở in the world

feels good man

>> No.6342159

oh god melbourne is so fucking good. the restaurants there are so amazing. Remember going down there and realising sydney has fuck all on its cuisine

>> No.6342162
File: 68 KB, 364x242, lamingtons01250919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one has posted lamingtons? fucking god tier.

>> No.6342166
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pavlova is sex on a plate. especially with passionfruit and berries.

>> No.6342168
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Macadamia stuffed Emu Fan Filled with red pepper just on summer salad

>> No.6342169
File: 76 KB, 720x960, 10000114_1586120571631878_1989246349_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is sydney so burger crazy atm?
i'm glad about it, but there seems to be a real fad about it

>> No.6342172
File: 128 KB, 800x600, aussy steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also silly amerifats don't realise we have the BEST steak in the world. Every country loves it.
Also nice try butchering our food with that outback chain. Fucking gross. There is no such thing as a blooming onion in Australia. Simply disgusting and amerifat invention

>> No.6342176

>we have the BEST steak in the world
highest marbling score australian wagyu can get is nine
glorious nippon is still superior
we do have damn good produce, great meat - only thing i dislike here are the strawberries, give me wild strawberries not the huge tasteless lumps

>> No.6342177

lol cuck

>> No.6342178
File: 49 KB, 400x300, croccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because our beef has the perfect levels of fats which make it melt perfectly in your mouth.
Also, crocodile burger is fucking orgasmic

>> No.6342181

You are right, my bad. Australia isn't the best. i was overstating. But we do have amazing steaks in comparison to most countries.

>> No.6342182

We made that in NZ.

>> No.6342186
File: 109 KB, 667x1000, DSC_3068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the patties here are head and shoulders above what i've had elsewhere
going to ume burger popup tomorrow, the idea of mos burger-type burgers with australian waguy patties already has me salivating

>> No.6342187

Thats been argued against for years. still a pretty aussy dish

>> No.6342196
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Nothing is better on a good pizza than a nice egg.

>> No.6342207
File: 10 KB, 259x194, kangaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crusted kangaroo steak hnnggggg
fuck the amerifats and their misconceptions on aussie foods

>> No.6342208

where the fuck is that burger from. i need this

>> No.6342215

mister gee's burger truck
been around since late last year, but really, really hype
the do one burger, one fries, and one shake every week, from around 6:30pm, on thursday, friday and saturday

that was from the second time i went, it's their truffe burger - truffle sauce, arugula, beautiful beef patty, onion jam, struggling to remember what cheese - best of the two, though the fat boy (beef patty, onion, oakleaf, mont jack and bacon jam)

MisterGeeBurgerTruck on fb

you'll have to wait til next thursday, but definitely worth the bus trip out to haberfield, they're serving some of the best burgs in syd rn

>> No.6342217

holy fuck that sounds amazing

>> No.6342220

yeah, prices are reasonable af too - $10 for the standard burger no matter what week, $3 per extra patty

i will say, the first time i waited in line for about 45 minutes, tho the next time i was so keen i got there just before they opened (there was still a line then) and only had to wait less than 10

>> No.6342222

jesus christ thats so cheap its ridiculous

>> No.6342225

yeah, there's an abundance of great eats @ 10 or less in sydney, really enjoying the city having moved here recently

>> No.6342309

You know what I love about Australia?
Very few fucking American cunts here.

>> No.6342318


>> No.6342323
File: 99 KB, 420x348, fufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to like asians

You're not australian

>> No.6342342

No CUNT, you are not an Australian, you are a fucking DOG.
Any cunt worth his salt knows that Asians have earnt their keep in this country twenty fucking times over.
Dont be a fucking faggot about this shit, no fucking around, racism towards Asians is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

I aint trolling, I will fight you.

>> No.6342357

Asians have done jack shit for this country. All you useless slanty eyed fucks do is open restaurants and build asian-only communities. Kill yourself phillip nguyen

>> No.6342364
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Dude you have no fucking idea do you? There's great wine in all of those countries and you're a dumbass if you think that France and Amerka are the only places in the world that make great wine. Or maybe you just know fuckall about wine. That's probably it, maybe stick with your shitty budweiser or pbr. Cunt.

>> No.6342366

Glass the cunt mate, I got some VB in me Holden.

>> No.6342373


>> No.6342376

Actually fella 9+ is the highest marble score in Australia according to Meat Standards Australia. Other countries count higher ie up to 12 but its not actually any higher dude, its like how the UAE says it have 7 star hotels which implies they are better than 5 stars but they are equivalent to a top hotel that is 5 stars elsewhere. Its just a classification difference not necessarily a quality indicator. Regardless top Jap waygu is delicious, however top Aus beef is also delicious - it depends on what cut you are eating and how you are preparing it.

>> No.6342396

Well somebody doesn't Philip Ngyuen.
Why so but hurt over Philip, what did do?
Always get better grades than you? More handsome than you? More money than you?

top kek

>> No.6342480

>if you think that France and Amerka are the only places in the world that make great wine.
> the only places in the world that make great wine.
>butthurt aussies missing the point again

One great wine doesn't take away from all that horribleness

>> No.6342538

New York City, New York County, New York State.
A place so nice they named it thrice.

>> No.6342543

The myth is that throwing money at african nations isn't going to change cycles that the planet has been going through for billions of years.

That's what the religion of "global warming" is about, it's an excuse to tax people without it being called taxes.

>> No.6342553

No it isn't, that shit got laughed out of parliament 6 years ago mate.

>> No.6342556

I still don't know how to pronounce that

>> No.6342560

>it's an excuse to tax people without it being called taxes.

I do believe "carbon tax" is, in fact, the term they use. Exactly which part of that don't you get?

Are you one of those retards who thinks that if you just scream "fiat money" everyone will agree with your batshit crazy gold bug conspiracy theories?

>> No.6342564


>> No.6342570

You're from the Austalian nanny state, like the UK, you expect the government to make you safe when even the block list itself isn't public.

I don't need some government faggot telling me what sites I can go to, what's next, they control what books you can check out or read in a library?

Don't be a fucking faggot!

There's no nationally enforced internet block list here in the USA, doesn't exist and anything like that would never pass our Congress. If you want to protect to special snowflake babbies then that's a personal thing. Take some responsibility if you have children but don't block things for an entire nation because you might get butthurtz.

>> No.6342576

>block list isn't public
>no evidence of block list in any of the worlds media
oh shit anon, you're right, the block list is so secret that it doesn't even exist!

>> No.6342582
File: 38 KB, 500x345, library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't need some government faggot telling me what sites I can go to, what's next, they control what books you can check out or read in a library?

Real PATRIOT detected. Educate yourself, Captain Clueless.

>> No.6342589


>> No.6342593

what are those? free library cigarettes?

>> No.6342598


>being a weeb
>having yellow fever

Absolutely disgusting m8

>> No.6342601

The problem is you mix up asians with indians and pakis, the latter two have done nothing for any western nation.

>> No.6342602

Pencils for noting decimal numbers

>> No.6342618

Those stars don't mean shit, kind of like movie reviews. In just the USA there are hundreds of news papers and thousands of bloggers, each with their own fuckin' rating.

Every movie advertisement for instance indicates "IT'S THE GREATEST MOVIE SINCE SLICED BREAD!"

What's a marble score? Something for twatty cunts with marbles rolling around in their heads instead of brains?

NEXT ONE MILLION STAR RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS... it's a lame boring game of one upsmanship that serves no purpose except to sell shit to corporate types that get kickbacks.

>> No.6342622

I want the americuck shitposters to leave

>> No.6342624

like the gooey slimey fuckers that they are

>> No.6342631

Actually it's carbon credits, not carbon tax and it a useless excuse to tax people and create no show and no work jobs for niggers that otherwise wouln't have anything to do.

Evidently I see this much more clearly than you do, you actually believe in government top down bullshit when the planet is billions of years old. "carbon credits," a tax under another name wont change a thing in the cycles of what's happening to the planet.

Get out from under your rock and deal with reality.

>> No.6342638


Oh look, even the world bank uses the term carbon tax, because that's what it is.

But please, post more reptilian conspiracies from your research on infowars about how the planet is exactly six thousand years old which is why evidence of angels is being suppressed by Big Science.

>> No.6342649

The existance of the block list is public, it was passed by your government and funded, that's a matter of public record, the contents of the list are not a matter of public record.

But as most nanny states types do, they can look at those site to "approve" them for you children.

Do you consider yourself a child? If not then why do you need some nanny state block list for what you read?

Maybe your eyes will melt, but it's ok for government types.

>> No.6342654

>n-no t-t-the filter totally exists I swear!
if it's a matter of public record then why can't you conjure up any proof of it's existence?

>> No.6342656

That's watching, not actively blocking. There's a difference, and I do agree that it's not the federal or any government's business to do either.

The library is still there and you can read what you want, even give a fake name or no name at all, that's a lot different then the government actively blocking or taking out books and burning or burying them for instance.

>> No.6342667
File: 72 KB, 300x440, banned_books2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that's a lot different then the government actively blocking or taking out books and burning or burying them for instance.

True, places like Santa Cruz, with a highly educated left-leaning population, are not very receptive to that kind of activity. But it's still a strong tradition in parts of the US, especially where the population leans conservative.

>> No.6342669

Sorry but this is an American website, if you don't like it you can cock the fuck off.

>> No.6342678
File: 201 KB, 1280x720, sleestak-maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said carbon credit, it's an excuse for a tax.

Now bend over for your reptilian overlords!

>> No.6342680


Maybe those results are blocked too from you.

>> No.6342684

Holy shit dude, learn how google works


There, doesn't that look nicer?

All you did was show us that your first attempt failed miserably :(

>> No.6342688


>leaked acma blocklist from 2009 that was laughed out of parliament
>"Australia's mandatory internet censorship killed"
I'm not even in Australia

>> No.6342694

I grew up in a small Texas town and read most of those books in Jr. High and High school Enflish classes.

>> No.6342699

Does it matter so much when the results are the same?

I go through google advanced search as my default and just copy pasted the address. That's no biggie.

You need to read more deeply into the enacted legistlation.

It applies to the UK as well, when I send links to piratebay for instance to friends so they can grab a movie, those wont resolve, that's their government imposing restrictions on the various ISPs.

>> No.6342703


I guess not, but if you're inadvertently giving away your secrets on an ostensibly anonymous website maybe it's something to consider for the future. Especially if you're prone to getting into political arguments that you might be reluctant to post on your linkedin or facebook profile.

>> No.6342705

What secrets? A government blacklist shouldn't exist in the first place and if it does then it's payed for by the taxpayers of that government and there's no reason for it to be secret.

Real secrets would be sources and methods and design and engineering type stuff. Troop locations and plans, stuff like that.

A blocklist shouldn't be secret.

>> No.6342710

>australia and the uk have the same laws
>actions of isps in the uk having any effect on australian laws
0/10, now it's just sad seeing you grasp at straws

>> No.6342712


>> No.6342720


The secret of your search history, of course. I realize that two attempts at finding a good search result on the same concept is not a secret, but what if you had just googled your own name? Or the name of your ex girlfriend who left you (but actually you engineered the breakup)? Or something else you didn't mean to give away? I'm just saying have some awareness of what kind of information you're inadvertently leaking, unless, of course, you don't care about your privacy (but you obviously do).

It's for this sort of thing that moot added an EXIF stripper a while back. People would dox themselves by accident.

>> No.6342722

Whatever you two, I'm not gonna convince you that I'm right and I'm from the USA, I tell you these things because Australia is a really cool place and I almost moved there once. I certainly would make the points in your system of allowing people to live there, one can only show a horse to the river but one can't force it to drink.

Like you stubborn Aussies.

Plus I don't want to be a subject of the UK.
Being an American is much more fun.

You love us and you know it!

>> No.6342725

I don't consider those things to be secret in the first place or I would use means to hide them.

>> No.6342726
File: 7 KB, 250x246, 1411890648666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw amerifats are THIS deluded
We don't want you here, stay in your shithole country

>> No.6342730
File: 10 KB, 300x225, 07-minister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move along! Nothing to see here!

>> No.6343928


>> No.6344304

So, hows that food culture hey?