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6331463 No.6331463 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best tea in your opinion?

>> No.6331464 [DELETED] 


>> No.6331467

your opinion is wrong

>> No.6331477

>better than beer
get out of here stalker

>> No.6331480

You're all wrong.
>Fiery Brazilian cachaca

>> No.6331538

A good early gret or jasmiin erspecially perls.

>> No.6331661
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Pleb tier: black tea
Hipster faggot tier: green tea
Patrician tier: white tea

prove me wrong

>> No.6331692

>implying that white tea is not hipster faggot tier.

>M-my antioxidants!
>The subtle flavors!

go fuck yourself.

>> No.6331703
File: 31 KB, 460x306, girl_drinking_tea_1347254049_460x460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do girls pretend to like tea?

>> No.6331708

Aw, I really like gunpowder, green tea is pretty good

>> No.6331729
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nah. hipster tier is yellow tea.
What, never heard of it?
That's why they like it.

>> No.6331736

Girls tend to like flower-based teas. I respect people who drink leaf teas straight up without adding sugar or milk.

Green tea gets old fast. I can drink more black tea than green tea, but I don't really have a personal preference. I hear that red teas are pretty sweet naturally but I haven't really tried any myself. Roobios? Something like that. The last tea I've had was from Taiwan, some black dragon pearl jasmine tea. Pretty cool watching it open up while in warm water. Barley isn't a bad choice either.

>> No.6331760
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Oolong and Rooibos

>> No.6331765
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red fucking tea, the stronger, the better
>m-muh whithe faggy is for emperors can fuck themselves

>> No.6331767
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Ma nigga

>> No.6331770

The green tea I picked up in bosong korea and the white tea I picked up in some decrepid shop in souther japan were both on my top.

Also some tea I got on clement street SF called blue people was amazing.

>> No.6331774

Is that hibiscus? Hibiscus tea+honey is top tier. Its the only tea I put anything in.

>> No.6331792

Earl Grey, Darjeeling, Orange Pekoe are all good. I prefer black teas to any other, though I'm kind of a tea casual so if there's more specific classifications for those three teas, then I don't know them.

>> No.6331857


pleb pls go

>> No.6331878

>Orange Pekoe
You realize that this just describes how big the leaf is cut, right?

>> No.6331882

sencha or pu'er for day to day/with meals, chai by itself.

also can anyone direct me to some good resources to learn about teas?

>> No.6331884

That wasn't the question.

>> No.6331888

Is that a term for urine?

>> No.6331896


There's a very good episode of good eats on it, at least as an introduction.

>> No.6331899


>> No.6331931

Best overall? Persian
But Earl Grey in the morning is great

>> No.6331973
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Earl grey is an afternoon tea.

>> No.6331980

I drink gunpowder green and golden monkey

>> No.6331982

Tie guan yin is one of best tea.

>> No.6332058

try Yellow Tea, it taste like a buttery tea.

>> No.6332062

Tasteless white piggu

>> No.6332067

Oh shit, this nigga knows about the steel buddha. U a chink?

>> No.6332068

I've been enjoying smokey black teas, but winters coming to an end so I'm going to find something a little lighter soon.

>> No.6332080

there is no definitive answer of course...tea is tea. we judge it, hence it is subjective.

personally, i love a wonderful rose tea for flavor.
jasmine is wonderful for groups to serve.
matcha is amazingly good and healthy, i keep a can at work.
i drink a lot of mugicha also, a wheat tea, when going out for the day or exercising. i love the strong taste. some don't..

>> No.6332150

I drank your mom last night.

She was salty.

>> No.6332222

Lemon Ginger

>> No.6332233

I really like rose tea, but super earthy teas are really good. You got to buy the expensive shit for that though.

>> No.6332237
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this is like my favorite

>> No.6332243

3xth for any herbal tea that has blue berry in it.

>> No.6332253
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As an Anglophile, these are the correct power-rankings of tea (assuming all are Indian or Ceylonese - fuck Chinese tea):


Black tea is for getting shit done

Oolong is for that mid-day break where you reminisce on getting shit done

White tea is largely for patricians and hipsters (I don't really care for it, but can appreciate it)

Green tea is exclusively for hipsters and dirty slant-eyes. Tastes like grass, has no caffeine and is the favorite of weeaboos.




>> No.6332260

>fuck chinese tea
hah, ok...

anyways, though, how can any of us prove you wrong? you have an apparantly strong personal opinion on what you like; how could any of us sway you out of that? The fact that I think you are a dipshit is irrelevant to your tastebuds and nothing I could ever say will change that.

enjoy your tea.

>> No.6332266
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>>fuck chinese tea
>hah, ok...

>First of all, one should use Indian or Ceylonese tea. China tea has virtues which are not to be despised nowadays — it is economical, and one can drink it without milk — but there is not much stimulation in it. One does not feel wiser, braver or more optimistic after drinking it. Anyone who has used that comforting phrase 'a nice cup of tea' invariably means Indian tea.
>-George Orwell

>> No.6332270

george orwell had a strong personal opinion too, how nice.

enjoy your tea.

>> No.6332278

not even that guy but chink detected.

>> No.6332281

enjoy your tea.

>> No.6332283
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>> No.6332302

It actually refers to the pluck. 1 bud x 2 leaves.

>mfw looking at brokers for tea and see a tea literally named orange pekoe.

>> No.6332370

Breaking news, British dude insists that British custom is superior to that of other cultures.

>> No.6332402

Earl grey. English breakfast.

>> No.6332420

Alcoholic girl detected


>> No.6332428

Yorkshire Tea

>> No.6332476

yup, this.

>> No.6332483

Jasmine tea is best tea imo.

>> No.6332534



>> No.6332536

I had a stir fry for tea tonight. Though I'd much rather have a good steak or lasagne.

>> No.6332537

I'm glad true best tea is getting some recognition

>> No.6332543


I had no idea. All I know is I get a tea labeled Orange Pekoe and it's deliciously earthy and strong but not too strong. It's nice.

>> No.6332553

Chinese/Japanese green or white every time.

If I wanted something strong and full bodied I'd brew some coffee.

>> No.6333539
File: 483 KB, 1000x750, ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>great for your stomach
>boosts immune system
>tastes great
>smells great
>no pleb caffeine
>tingles in your mouth

Ginger is best. For variety try milk oolong, tarry lapsang souchong, yellow needle yunnan, jiaogulan, lapacho or cactus.

>> No.6333684

black tea is my go tea when I'm falling asleep at work, but I usually dirnk white tea

>> No.6333810

Chinese oolongs are the best. My favorites are Wuyi oolongs or the Phoenix Mountain oolongs from Guang Dong.

I drink mostly Chinese tea, though. I don't know much about Indian/English tea, and I am not a big fan of Japanese tea either. Of course every once in a while I enjoy it, and I like preparing and drinking matcha.

>> No.6334042

When it comes to tea, the British know best.

>> No.6334491
File: 14 KB, 236x270, lapsang souchong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lapsang souchong is pretty good if you like smokey stuff

>> No.6334523

>Britain knows better about tea then China
>Britain, who sources their tea from India, only drinks black tea, and adds milk to it
HAHAHAHAHAHA. China is the cultural hearth of tea, it is the only country in the entire world that produces every kind of tea - black, oolong, green, white, puer, yellow. They have been growing tea since before Britain was a place, and the entire world has China to thank for tea, Britain included.

>> No.6334589

You can actually use it to make tea smoked duck. I've made it a few years to bring to Thanksgiving with a hoisin glaze and oddly it goes really well with mashed potatoes.

>> No.6336167

why do people have this mindset? is it because the british liking tea is a dank meme, or are they that dumb?

>> No.6336204

African rooibos god tier. Especially with the cinnamon mixture makes it so good. I drink around 1.5 litres of that per day (0.5 litres just with breakfast)

>> No.6336207

cmon anon

>> No.6336210


Anyone who has any idea of what they are doing knows "British" tea is boring olde black tea blends

>> No.6336219

>Tea is hot water with flavour.
>Flavour won from plants.
>Cares about which plant

>> No.6336224
File: 186 KB, 1000x639, 18_Art_brisk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do diners/fast casual/etc places say they have tea when in reality they only have that sugar water brisk shit?

i said tea, not iced tea, and definitely not flat soda 'tea'

>> No.6336227

Get out of the south

>> No.6336241

>not knowing difference between tea and tisane

>> No.6336244

>implying that vegetable stock is tea

>> No.6336247

i'm in western ny

>> No.6336344

>b-b-but muh herbal teas

get wrecked herbalfags

>> No.6336348

I get being pedantic, it's fun. But don't shit on rooibos, it's great.

>> No.6336351

sorry, I haven't quite woken up yet today, lemme go make some coffee

>> No.6336360

this guy gets it. western NY masterrace.
hell. we should create a WORLD of western new yorkers.

>> No.6336368

Leave TX alone and you can have the rest of the world for all I care.

>> No.6336379

every tea thread, every time, i cringe at most of the posts i see... so much arrogant judgement, even /b/ would blush.

>> No.6336385

>even /b/ would blush

have you ever even been there?

>> No.6336388

almost every day, for years.

that is how bad i think these tea threads are. disagree and shove a jasmine pearl up your ass if you like.

>> No.6337419

It does not stain your teeth as quickly as coffee does, making it a valuable caffeine alternative.