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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6326793 No.6326793 [Reply] [Original]

Butter or oil when frying an egg? I've seen people say oil, but I've always used butter and whenever I use oil there's too much around the egg, like it just gets pushed away.

>> No.6326796

I cook the bacon and then cook the eggs in the bacon fat. Just like mother used to make.

>> No.6326800

Butter. Nothing else adds flavor to eggs.

>> No.6326801

Bacon fat is best imo but I use butter when not making bacon

>> No.6326802

oil first and finish with butter

>> No.6326815


From a spray can. Suck it

>> No.6326820

That's backward. You need to start with the butter and follow with oil, then finish with bacon fat.

>> No.6326821


>> No.6326836
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>> No.6326838

You're making me extremely angry right now.

>> No.6326881


I don't cook in oil because it's unhealthy so I make my eggs on a peace of cooking paper. It's not as tasty though but it's healthy.

>> No.6326892

>Buying animal fat
>Not getting it free from your butcher
You can also get bones which make for great stocks.

>> No.6326904

That sounds fucking disgusting and is probably more of a hassle then just making poached eggs which are as healthy as it gets and actually doesn't taste like a burped up shit.

>> No.6326906

I usually use coconut oil.

>> No.6326918

Good luck getting free anything from a butcher. Those criminals sweep the floor and they'll charge you $2.99/lb. for the fucking dirt.

>> No.6326919


Uhm no, why would it be a hassle? I just cut a piece of cooking paper, break the egg there in the pan and let it cook on medium.

After it's done it looks exactly like OPs picture. It comes off the paper easy.

Poached eggs would be more time consuming.

>> No.6326929

OK, but it sounds like some pussy commie shit

>> No.6326945

Where the hell do you live?
I get free shit all the time.

>> No.6326948

So does a jar of this cost like $150?

>> No.6326952


it costs 600.53

>> No.6326956


It's healthy and less fat. Deep fried cooking is very bad, I avoid it like the plague. Also fuck you, I'm not a commie. Death to all commies.

>> No.6326964

>Deep fried cooking is very bad, I avoid it like the plague.
Then your an idiot. Besides, who the fuck ever deep fried an egg?

>> No.6326975


You cook it in oil don't you nigger? Then it's fried.

>> No.6326978

>deep fried
dat illiteracy

>> No.6326980

It says it costs £4 online, so $7ish.

>> No.6326982


It's the same shit nigger. If it's fried in oil it's bad.

>> No.6326984

wrong again my dark skinned friend

>> No.6326985

>If it's fried in oil it's bad.
You really ARE an idiot.

>> No.6326987


samefag please..

>> No.6326989

>If it's fried in oil it's bad.

reconsider your beliefs, boyo

>> No.6326993
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tryagain jizzmop

>> No.6326998
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>> No.6326999

The 90's are on the line....

>> No.6327017


>hurr durr resetting your router

samefag harder ffs

>> No.6327040

Literally anything you want.

I cook in bacon fat if I've just cooked bacon, but I usually strain it first, because who wants non-pepper black specks all over their eggs?

If I'm cooking eggs, and not using bacon, I usually use clarified butter, because I like the taste of butter, but not the sourness from the milkfat.

I still cook at a generally low heat, because bubbles in your eggs are unappetizing.

>> No.6327041

How, retarded faggot? Work it out in your brain.

>> No.6327043

Why not just poach all your eggs? It's classical, healthy, and not stupid.

>> No.6327046

He's an idiot, but anyone who hasn't heard of a Scotch Egg is also an idiot.

>> No.6327047


loads of people deep fry eggs.

also shallow frying is pretty much as bad or potentially worse than deep frying in terms of how much oil gets in the food

>> No.6327053

Those posts are 12 seconds apart. It takes at least 30 to reset the router, dumb dumb.

>> No.6327058

I've heard of a Scotch Egg, so I guess I lucked out on that one.

>> No.6327131

bacon fat

>> No.6327157

bruh do u even 4chan

>> No.6327183

Scrambled? Bacon grease.
Delicate sunny-side eggs? Butter, unless they're meant as a topping to fried rice or something, then oil.
Crispy sunny side eggs? Oil.
Omelette? Butter or bacon grease.
Frittata? Bacon grease or oil.
Tamagoyaki? Oil.

>> No.6327275

>From geese that are allowed to feed freely
I find that extremely funny, don't know why.

>> No.6327288

It's so the hippies, pansies and wimps don't get buttfrustrated over force-fed goose products.

>> No.6327326

I think it's more because free-range organic is a pricey marketable fad.

>> No.6327388

If I'm gonna have delicious bacon with the egg I just fry the bacon first and then fry the egg in the baconfat. If I'm out of bacon butter is the obv choise becouse it tastes so much better.

>> No.6327395

Just don't use olive oil because it has a low burning point.

>my family used olive oil for all shallow pan frying because it's a "healthy" fat
>omelets, pancakes, french toast
>so much smoke

>> No.6327402

Hmm, for some reason duck fat was an expensive commodity. Probably mixing that up with Foie gras

>> No.6327408

just don't use extra virgin and you'll be fine. refined olive oil has a smoke point that's ~100deg higher.
your pan shouldn't be that hot anyway when you are cooking eggs

but really, use animal fats. bacon fat, duck fat, butter, whatever you got

>> No.6327409


There's a difference between EVOO and refined (aka "light") olive oil. The former has a low smoke point. The latter does not.

>> No.6327417


Didn't know that. My parents were dumb and therefore so am I.

>> No.6327421

>duck fat
fuck dat

Damn I crack myself up

>> No.6327424



>> No.6327438

Butter. I only do scrambled though these days. Much tastier.

>> No.6327442

its all good anon, at least you are talking about cooking instead of vegan shitposting or jerking off to joey videos

>> No.6327449

cant wait to order "fuck dat potatoes" at a restaurant

>> No.6327460

oil. or use fat from bacon.
use molds if scrub in order to keep the egg nice and small.
of course make the pan super fucking hot too and make sure the oil is spread around nice and thin.
i myself use canola oil. cheap where i live.

>> No.6327487

usually butter
bacon grease is good too

hard scramble all day erry day

>> No.6327545

>of course make the pan super fucking hot
anon pls

>> No.6327546

>Babby's First Brekky: The Thread
Cook the bacon in the oven then brush your pan with the rendered bacon fat to cook your eggs > butter > brushing pan with oil

>> No.6328119

Either will do.

>> No.6328143

I use pig fat. And oil when I'm out of fat.

>> No.6329780

Protip: oil is fat

>> No.6330024

this guy has his shit together

>> No.6330033
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>> No.6330047

I usually just wipe the pan down with a paper towel I've put a little corn oil on. If I want flavor other than salt and pepper (eg. Someone else made breakfast and can't cook eggs right), I'll add maple syrup.

>> No.6330067

Does he? Bacon with scrambled is disastrous. Sunny side (delicate, as he said) usually takes oil. Omelette, he's pretty spot on, frittata, I exclusively use oil, and yeah, that weird-ass sweet japanese eggs I'd use oil for, but only because I never make them, and that's how the youtube fairy does it.

>> No.6330217

I posted the post to which you are both referring.
I don't eat scrambled eggs with bacon /in it/, but I cook it in bacon grease.
I get myself a nonstick pan, some room-temp egg(s) that I've beaten to uniform yellow and some bacon grease.
I heat the pan until I see the first wisp of smoke, then off the heat.
I add a little bacon grease, move it about, then add the egg(s), whip in the pan until mostly cooked, but they've taken no colour, then pour back out into the bowl and whip some more to cook any straggling egg left behind with the residual heat of the cooked egg(s). Then salt to taste. Pretty delicious, IMO.
Certainly, you can make scrambled eggs with butter or clarified butter or oil (I made some yesterday for my fried rice and used oil for it), but I think they generally taste better when cooked with bacon grease.

Delicate sunny side eggs can be made with oil, sure, but taste best with butter, IMO. If you like to make it with oil, by all means, make it with oil.

And tamagoyaki doesn't have to be sweet. I certainly don't make it that way. It's gross sweet, IMO.

We always used olive pomace oil for cooking crispy sunny side eggs. Adds a nice flavour and colour.

>> No.6330234

>using anything other than bacon drippings to cook anything
idfk why people hate flavor so much

>> No.6330265

mild kek

>> No.6330384

Just use a little oil.
When you want "flavor", add a little salt.
That way you only get the flavor of the egg, and not butter.

>> No.6330406

This is actually a good point.

That guy is probably using salted butter.

The milk solids *do* ad some flavor, but not in the way salt does.

>> No.6330408


Bacon drippings are awesome. But for some foods it's entirely the wrong taste. Using it for cooking is a great idea. Using it for *everything* is retarded.

>> No.6330430

This is very true. It's like (and I know you guys will hate me for this) when I discovered truffle oil. I still think it's fantastic on french fries.

I tried cooking steak, popcorn, and chicken with it. It is HORRIBLE in all those situations, even though it rocks on fries.

Bacon fat is similar. It is fantastic when paired with certain things. If you're trying to use it in your alfredo, count me out.

>> No.6330433


Butter. The eggs float on top of the butter fat, and slide right out of the pan. Also adds to taste. Olive oil tends to float to the top of the eggs, doesn't contribute as well in the flavor department, and doesn't work as well as a non-stick agent.

>> No.6330436

>Nothing else adds flavor to eggs
>american "olive oil"
top lel

>> No.6330445

Best way to do it.

>> No.6330446

>implying it isn't the eurofags who make the fake olive oil
you best be trollin'

>> No.6330450

>olive oil doesn't add flavour to eggs!
>eurofag olive oil is fake

>> No.6330545


but butter tastes good

that's the whole point of using butter

why do people have such retarded arbitrary personal ideas about this shit

you can use any fucking fat to cook this shit in it's not like the temperature at which egg coagulates is even half the smoke point of any of them

>> No.6330552


cooking in truffle oil is a bit silly cause i doubt applying much heat to it does the truffle aroma any good and it's pretty pungent stuff so using it in cooking quantities is likely to overpower whatever you're cooking

but hey i haven't tried it

>> No.6330583

Sorry, I wasn't particularly clear.

In all those cases, I drizzled the truffle oil after cooking.

Of course, I tried cooking *IN* truffle oil once when I was uninformed, and it was an expensive and disgusting mistake.

>> No.6330616

I use butter

>> No.6330789

Not talking about smoke point.
I just like my eggs to taste like egg, and anything else easily overpowers them.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm the type who'll eat eggs with no salt.

eggs + oil + salt taste like eggs.
eggs+butter taste like butter.

>> No.6330819

Colza or sunflower oil.
Not olive, too strong a taste, and i'm a southern french frag who puts olive oil everywhere.

>> No.6330912


i was talking about the thread in general not just you - any fat could be appropriate as a cooking medium depending on the recipe you're making.

i don't think butter is a terribly overpowering flavour personally and i specifically think it complements eggs, the main caveat being that if you brown it it could make a significant impact on the flavour of the dish.

>> No.6331215

This. Eggs in olive oil is just way too overpowering.

>> No.6331228


apart from refined olive oil which is neutral, in case you didn't know.

>> No.6331240

They tried the label that says they birds were essentially tortured to make their fat taste better but it didn't sell as well.

>> No.6331244


>> No.6331582

Neither. Just have a properly seasoned cast iron skillet you pleb.

>> No.6332157
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>cast iron

>> No.6332374

coconut oil because butter burns too easily

clarified butter would be ideal but I don't feel like it

>> No.6332516

Same here. With plenty of Sazon for flavor.

>> No.6332554

butter, the taste compliment perfectly

>> No.6332579

I'm somewhat snobby or, at least, get called snobby by friends, family and on /ck/, but I think that oil spray is okay for frying eggs and making stir-fry. It's not something I use regularly, but I don't fault it.

Have any of you ever used a mister bottle/bottle mister for spraying oil? I'd bet at least one brand of mister bottle would work pretty well for misting oil onto a pan and would certainly not arouse your autismal feelings against nonstick spray.

>> No.6332632

Oil if you are optimizing appearance because it doesn't brown.

Butter if you are optimizing flavor at the expense of it looking more rustic.

>> No.6332647

I want to get a dinosaur spray bottle like AB's

>> No.6332657

both butter for flavor, some oil. . tilt the pan and kind of "baste" it,"non stick" pans are a fallacy coated or not. like fishing lures. most are designed to catch fishermen, not fish.

>> No.6332749


>> No.6332761

oil spray is fine for eggs, wouldnt ever use it for stir fry, but a little spray to fry an egg isnt a big deal.

>> No.6332784

Eggs cooked using oil are disgusting, pleb tier shit. Butter only, people.

>> No.6332942

>Have any of you ever used a mister bottle/bottle mister for spraying oil?

No. You don't need a mist or a spray for a pan. Just pour a little oil in there. The spray is just extra complexity for no benefit.

remember that one of the primary function of the oil in a pan is to fill the tiny gaps between the food and the surface of the pan, thereby allowing for fast and even heat transfer into the food. A little mist of oil is often insufficient for that.

>> No.6332947

>A little mist of oil is often insufficient for that.
You're not limited to one spray....

>> No.6332951


missing the point m8

>> No.6333104

i use a teflon pan

>> No.6333229

See, I like to do that sometimes if the extra grease isn't properly absorbed, it somehow makes the back of my throat really itchy for the rest of the day. Which is frustrating cuz whenever I google this to find out what I'm doing wrong, all I get are lots of bullshit lifehack bloggers going BACON CURES SORE THROATS MY GRAMS TOLD ME

Yeah, your grams probably didn't cure her bacon with sodium nitrite, either.

>> No.6333245

Not him, but I mean, I can use two or three spritzes of oil and get a layer good enough to fry an egg without all the extra mess that covering the bottom of even a small pan with oil. I'll still use bottled oil if I'm frying some veggies to go alongside or in the eggs, or bacon grease when I treat myself, but 4/5 uses of the spray can per week and it'll still last me a good couple of months, and save me probably at least a quarter of a bottle of the more expensive olive oil.

>> No.6333263
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Can we all agree scrambled eggs are for children?

>> No.6333266

Nope. All methods have their place. You seem to be the child trying too hard to be an adult.

>> No.6333291

enjoy your pleb palate, peasant

>> No.6333299


Sunny side up is for lazy weekends where I have a lot of time

Scrambled is for quick protein snack/weekday mornings where I have 2 minutes to cook eggs.

Fuck outta here stubborn spergmaster

>> No.6333302


if you want a 'layer' i fail to see how using a spritz bottle is any better than just pouring from a bottle.

>> No.6333304

Have fun with over easy eggs in your breakfast tacos

>> No.6333319

> Sunny side up is for lazy weekends where I have a lot of time
> Scrambled is for quick

wtf? are you serious? sunny side up is faster... you just crack the eggs and walk away for 4-5 minutes...

scrambled you have to keep mixing and mixing...

Am I not getting something? Why do you think sunny side up needs "a lot of time"...?????




You could just go get dressed or brush teeth while your eggs are frying SSU....

>> No.6333357

You're a idiot. You can scramble two eggs in the microwave in about 2 minutes,and they'll be the best scrambled eggs you will ever taste.

>> No.6333464

moar liek niggered eggs

>> No.6333820

Since you seemingly don't know the difference in consistency between a sprayed oil and a poured, viscous oil, go cover the bottoms of two pans with each. If you still don't see the difference, then you might need glasses.

>> No.6333836


without appealing to my ability to see, could you try to explain the difference? because a layer is a layer as far as i can tell.

>> No.6333854

show me how please?

>> No.6333889

>difference in consistency between a sprayed oil and a poured, viscous oil

There isn't a difference. The oil is the same. The viscosity is the same. Spray oil isn't a special or different oil, it's just normal vegetable oil put in a can--sometimes with flavorings added--and the price jacked up a few times.

Perhaps you meant that the spray provides a more even application on the pan? That is true, but it's also irrelevant once you put the food in the pan.

>> No.6333901


here's a few different recipes for it here:

>> No.6333923

ive had best results with the cooking spray.

ive tried butter and olive oil and the egg still likes to stick.

havent had a problem with cooking spray.

>> No.6333971
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Gas yourself

>> No.6334165

but it takes like 60 or 90 seconds. is your pan cold.

>> No.6334177

preheat the pan before adding the oil and it won't stick

if I can do it you can do it

>> No.6334185

If you're frying an egg, neutral oil (butter smokes) If you're scrambling it or any other preperation, butter is best

>> No.6334191

if you have a hot pan you can literally cook a scrambled egg in less then 10 seconds while sunny side up takes at least a minute

>> No.6335381

you must have shit tastebuds then

>> No.6335402

I use it in box mac n cheese
2 tbsp bacon fat, pepper flakes in the fat
either have it in the fridge from the day before
or use it for lunch
Melt, combine with noodles and cheese packet.
Add milk to preference. (but in small amounts)

>> No.6335407

How is cooking in oil unhealthy?

>> No.6335413

I eat raw eggs

>> No.6335454

Enjoy trying to look like a tryhard faggot all day.