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6327204 No.6327204 [Reply] [Original]

I keep drinking green teas and thinking it tastes like some chinese soup

I don't know what they put in those soups, but I decided to add salt to my tea

now the bitterness is gone, and it tastes like fucking SOUP

is this a thing? putting tea in salt? they say it takes the bitterness out of things, guess tea too.

>> No.6327205

>I don't know what they put in those soups
Chinese Five Spice Powder and cat

>> No.6327206

It tastes like grass because it's literally a leaf m8

It's just black tea that hasn't matured

>> No.6327215

what makes green tea not just any leaf from my backyard?

>> No.6327228

>green tea

you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6327243


>> No.6327244

all tea is bitter always, same with coffee

bitter != bad

>> No.6327253

objectively incorrect on all three counts.

>> No.6327270

my post was actually 100% objectively correct

something being bitter does not make it bad

>> No.6327965

Well, adding salt into tea IS quite surprisingly thing. Or at least was.
In ancient times, putting salt in tea was quite common.
In Tibet they still put so much stuff in tea, it is more like soup, than drink. (Fucking butter, among other things.)

If you drink good tea, i think it would be a bit wasteful adding salt (same as adding sugar into good black tea). I sometimes put salt into my pu-er teas, but idea putting salt into green tea has never crossed my mind.

But hey, whatever floats your boat.

Do you drink some particular green tea, or just common no name stuff?

>> No.6328389

if your green tea is bitter then you oversteeped it. green tea should never be bitter. way to fuck up.

>> No.6328398
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>> No.6328399
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>be me
>drink black tea my whole life
>try green tea
>tastes like bland hot water with very mild almost unnoticeable flavor

>try white tea
>tastes just like hot water, no other flavors
>even more disappointed

>> No.6328412


you either smoke or your tastebuds are completely underdeveloped. either way don't blame tea for you being a turbopleb.


a herbal tea is still a tea, even if it's not from a tea plant..

>> No.6328431

>you either smoke or your tastebuds are completely underdeveloped. either way don't blame tea for you being a turbopleb.
I have a deviated septum so breathing is harder

could that be a cause?

>> No.6328441


i don't think so but i'm not an expert, ask a doctor

>> No.6329418

Yeah, that is actuallly quite possible.

If you're trying loose-leaf, you might like some dark oolongs, like Shui Hsien ("Water sprite", aka "Narcis") or Dan Cong ("Fenix").

And have you tried some chinese black tea ("red tea" how they call it)? It black tea made from different variant of tea plant, so it taste differently.

>> No.6331699

The people posting in this thread saying that green tea should never be bitter are just idiots who have just got into tea and think they know everything. There's a huge variety of green tea and some are absolutely meant to be bitter, whether pleasantly or unpleasantly so. Of course, teas that are not meant to be bitter can often be made bitter by water that's too hot or oversteeping, which others have said.