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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 720x540, Bodybuilder_Competition_Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6317826 No.6317826 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bulking
I need around 4000kcal a day, with a lot of protein
I'm very busy
I want to prepare all my meals in bulk at the start of the week, where the only preparation before eating is assembly of the ingredients (like assembling a sandwich) or heating it up in the microwave

Any ideas for meals like this that are actually good?

>> No.6317833

Wow! 4000cal! I only need like 1800, you must be really active. Stews are really good, I think there was a thread for this.

>> No.6317836

Also I have no idea how you can get 4000 without eating super high calorie foods, so use fatty meats and such.

>> No.6317842

When you get to needing that amount of calories at some point you gotta go towards liquid calories. Try some protein smoothies/shakes in the morning or afternoon. Invest in a blender if you don't have one. You can also try those pre-made shakes like Muscle Milk 40's or whatever but they're kinda pricy and full of shit that's bad for you.

>> No.6317846

Olive oil, fish oil? Nuts

>> No.6317847

Go eat your baked chicken and rice slathered in steak sauce then kill yourself.

Fitfags are the worst cancer to food and cooking.

>> No.6317851

Shut up fatass.

>> No.6317852

Is eating the same exact meal every day ask day worth being fit? I gotta say I'm not sure how my quality of life would be with that and a fit body plus working out like crazy.. do you get alit of hot pussy art least

>> No.6317854

>not drinking greek yogurt+protein supplements and eating normal food while working out as much as possible

Unless you need to look ripped for modelling or acting, there's no point to eating that clean OP.

>> No.6317863

>add a higher calorie carb source than sweet potatoes, like rice or pasta. add in a peanut butter+banana sandwhich.

dark chocolate and nuts are other nice high calorie foods.

When you're eating 4k calories you dont need to be that concerned about macros, since you will be hitting minimum values regardless.

>> No.6317868

Nuts are some god tier snacks, you can easily eat about 1k calories extra by snacking on some throughout the day.

>> No.6317891 [DELETED] 
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>he doesn't want his board to be boring and mundane
>he must be fat

>> No.6317892
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>he doesn't want his food to be boring and mundane
>he must be fat

>> No.6318094
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I have no problem eating the same breakfast everyday

>> No.6318118

What are some good, non-cancerous containers one must obtain for this?

Do you steam or parboil those veges btw? And do you only cook the chicken half way?

>> No.6319861

Container wise, look for anything BPA free. Or tupperware, tupperware is god.

>> No.6319897
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If you are eating purely to get your calorie and protein requirement.

A lean beef chili (no fucking beans) is the best choice. You can literally cook a giant pot that can feed 2 dozen men. You scope it out (the stew has to be thick, load it with meat), eat it. For fiber, so that you can poop, just chew celery sticks.

>> No.6319928
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>> No.6319932
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>> No.6319940
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>> No.6319941

this thread is awful

>> No.6319954
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>> No.6319957

>not eating what you want while working out
>worrying about having a "perfect" body
>having body dysmorphia because you are a latent homosexual

You have mental issues.

>> No.6319958
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>> No.6319963
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>> No.6319991

There are two kinds of work out. One is to buff up, one is to maintain or reduce body weight.

Buffing up needs the protein. But if you are just working out to not get fat, then eat anything you want.

I don't like "buffing" up. The muscles seems unnatural.

>> No.6319995

>guaranteed replies

>> No.6320003

Whoa that gif hypnotized me for a second

>> No.6320106

A second? I've been staring at it for several minutes

>> No.6320152

why are you posting airline food

>> No.6320199

that is the exact opposite of what OP wants, you know.

>> No.6320225

You're going to want huge caloric foods. You can cook whatever the fuck you like. Make a big meatloaf wrapped in bacon, a side of mashed potatoes, another side of sweet potatoes, some small amount of greens to help hit macros and liberally apply all kinds of sauces. Demi-glaces, bbq, whatever. Use heavy cream in your mash.

A big thing of potato salad with some eggs in it is good, as you can make literally as much as you like if you have a big enough pot or can just boil potatoes in batches. Mayo, sour cream, bits of bacon... go wild.

Get fatty cuts of beef or ground beef to make gallons of chili. Get some pork belly to add to noodle soups. Pulled pork with bbq sauce.

Best of luck, hungry skellington, with a 4k bulk, you're gonna need it.

>> No.6320319

>4k calories

post body pic. chances are you dont need anywhere near that much to put on weight

>> No.6320354
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such a disturbing idea
one persone eating the very same thing for who knows how long
that must be some sort of torture and completely inhumane

>> No.6320385

It's not so bad. Makes things easier. Most people eat the same thing for breakfast everyday anyways

>> No.6320391

honestly glass is the best.

>> No.6320395
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>I don't like "buffing" up. The muscles seems unnatural.

>> No.6321327

I use glass. The lids are ruber/plastic, but that shit doesn't matter, just don't reheat with the lid on obviously...

>> No.6321337
File: 57 KB, 317x800, 1356077402987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG Beef Wellington?
Some day I will taste you...
Some day I will make you...
Some day...

>> No.6321484

Buttmad fat as fat ass detected

>> No.6321685
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If its not healthy, its not worth cooking

>> No.6321691

yeah bro just eat a lot of semen with your oats, gotta get that brotein

>> No.6321819

Op just make tupperwares of meat/veg/rice then fill in the rest of the calories with protein shakes and oil

>> No.6321877

high calorie foods/ingredients:
>olive oil
>nuts (i like almonds)
>peanut butter
>ground beef/patties
I usually buy ingredients in the weekend and premake most of my shit the day before, using a rice cooker or oven.
Mix up your ingredients weekly for variety, and stay in budget

>> No.6322015

>tfw you will never be able to do this>>6318094

>> No.6322146


My negro friend assuming you can cook, have a large enough refrigerator with a section for frozen food and some time you can prepare whatever the fuck you want.
Make some lasagna, put in into individual tupperwares. Freeze and microwave upon eating!
Or since you are a /fit/fag you should be aware of the possibility of shakes. Mix together protons powder, milk, oats, bananas, squats, peanut butthurt. Blend and chug.


>> No.6322165

Look into the sumo diet, its basically meat and veg all day with big portions of rice cooked in oil for breakfast and dinner.

Big portions. Like, 4 cups of rice that equals 1500kcal when cooked with oil.

Its clean bulk, it works, and its cheap and you xan make the rice in the oven in mass quantities

>> No.6322177
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>> No.6322182
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>> No.6322187
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Beef still looks better though. But damn that looks good too.

>> No.6322259
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>> No.6322262




>> No.6322299

you don't need 4,000 calories. stop trying to trick yourself into believing you can eat whatever you want. you're just going to end up fat

>> No.6322385

do you even lift bra

>> No.6322751
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>> No.6322838
File: 21 KB, 382x275, 21314342352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok breh, this is just getting a little too crazy for me.

I love fish though, so this might be pretty awesome too!

>> No.6323646

>Go eat your baked chicken and rice slathered in steak sauce

that actually sounds pretty good

>> No.6323687

>ms dash

oh hell no

I'm on /ck/ right?

Why the fuck aren't you making your own seasoning blends

>> No.6323714

Stock up on corned beef while it's on sale for St. Patrick's Day.

>> No.6323721

some people don't really enjoy eating food. I know someone who eats the same exact thing every single day for months on end and only gets anything different when we go out to eat together.

i can barely eat the same meat 2 days in a row, let alone the same dish.

>> No.6323856

it sounds borderline flavourless