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6311232 No.6311232 [Reply] [Original]

Is there actually any difference between tap water and bottled water?

>> No.6311233

The price.

>> No.6311234

Depends where you live

>> No.6311236

In West Texas, absolutely. Tap water out here is heavily treated yet still has arsenic in it.

>> No.6311252

fuck i live in houston. you telling me to not drink like OP's pic?

>> No.6311283

look up your annual water report,

>> No.6311307

the government is putting fluoride in the tap water

>> No.6311322

I live in Pinellas County, and in my city the water smells really bad, like some sort of plastic/chemical mixture. Then lets say i fill a water bottle, then dump it, come back later and smell it, it actually smells like pool water. I've tested it on friends and they all asked if it was from a pool. Then, if you put some in a pan and boil it down until its gone, theres this chalky, white powder left at the bottom.

>> No.6311329

Congratulations you have hard water.

>> No.6311331

Exactly what is the ideal arsenic amount I should be shooting for? My city apparently is at 7 and the maximum amount before you can't drink it is 10, but I'm not sure if it being that close to 10 means I shouldn't drink it anyway.

>> No.6311333

My point is, I'm pretty sure there's a difference between that shit, and bottled. I also don't think drinking a quantity of it is a good idea.

>> No.6311334

Under 10. You're fine. Don't give into the bottled water Jew. Get a Britta pitcher if you're that worried. Some minerals in tap water are actually good for you.

>> No.6311337

Damn, dubs and trips. Quads now.

>> No.6311345

Who gives a shit? it's the same thing, if i use tap water to boil the pasta i am told to throw it out and use bottled or they won't eat it. Eat it off the same fucking plate we use tap water to clean, the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.6311348

You're wrong though. Just because it smells odd doesn't mean it is bad for you. Tap water is more heavily regulated than bottled.

>> No.6311351

>An absorbent food item is the same as glass


>> No.6311356

And whats going to happen if you eat pasta boiled in tap water? are you going to fucking die? puke it all up right there?
no you won't. It's the same as bottled water, in fact some tests have proven that bottled water is a lot more fucked up and full of chemicals than tap water.
Hell the rumor of tap water being "bad" was made by bottled water companies attempting to fucking sell you the same thing in a bottle you are proof it worked.

>> No.6311362

>in fact some tests have proven that bottled water is a lot more fucked up and full of chemicals than tap water.
>Hell the rumor of tap water being "bad" was made by bottled water companies
Let me get a source on that.

>> No.6311368

This. Southern California tap water tastes really bad unless you filter it, but Northern California tap water tastes fine. I doubt that the SoCal water is harmful, it just tastes chalky.

>> No.6311369

I've heard. But like i said, a quantity of it. I figure all of the minerals in it that are leaving the chalky shit behind aren't so good for you, if you're supplementing orr just eating a lot. I mean, don't drink a gallon of hard water a day.

>> No.6311377

That's just an article, search up for more results and i assure you, you will find proof.

There was a pretty informative video posted a while back, you are being sold tap water at a higher price in a bottle. I know your whole life you've been told differently, but just trust me on this one. Go have a glass of tap water, and i promise you won't die unless you are living in some shitty third world country. You really think the government would let you drink dangerous water?

>> No.6311378

Calcium deposits aren't going to hurt you. They are actually healthy.

>> No.6311382


>> No.6311389

>trust the government
>Trust you

>> No.6311394

Most bottled water is municipal water with a filter maybe on it. Unless you're living in Detroit. The water in any first world Country will be fine to drink.

>> No.6311398

Like selling snow to Eskimos

>> No.6311400

>Someone asks for source
>most people don't bother with source
>When a source is given
Why do you people even bother asking for a source with how in denial you are?

Either way it is good to see there is still a hefty amount of complete utter idiots in this day and age that would pay their hard earned money for tap water poured into a bottle. You are making us rich, thanks for being gullible.

>> No.6311401

Does Detroit really have fucked up tap?

>> No.6311423

I figured it would be because they shut down most of the city and payed off most city workers

>> No.6311434
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Well, if your tap is trying to burn down your house, i'd resort to bottled water.

>> No.6311451
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my tap tastes strange. i got one of these and it solved the issue. i can't tell the difference between filtered and bottled.

>> No.6311459

The water is fine to drink and from what I've read most cases of this happening the methane is natural.

>> No.6311525

Tap water is regulated by the EPA, you know, that fanatical government agency that will ruin your shit if you're a polluter or mishandle waste or whatever.

On the other hand, bottled water is regulated by the FDA, which has been in the pocket of food conglomerates for about as long as it's existed, and routinely allows said conglomerates to effectively poison food and test unproven food additives on the public.

Which option do you think is more likely to be bad for you?

Also this, almost all bottled water is just tap water from where they bottle it, maybe with some extra filtering (but more likely, chlorine and a couple extra additives to make it "taste" cleaner).

Bottled water is the height of consumer stupidity. If local officials have not deemed your tap unsafe to drink, and you still drink bottled water at home, you are a fucking moron.

>> No.6311544

If it bothers you, buy a $20 dollar Brita pitcher or something. I had water down in North Carolina and it was really, really bad. I also had water in the military that would leave your entire throat tasting like chlorine, and every time you breathed you would taste/smell it.

In Colorado it's a little chloriney but bearable considering how expensive and wasteful bottled/jugged water is for the actual product you're receiving.

>> No.6311553

Fluoride is good for your teeth, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.6311565

>paying for the bottled Jew
>drinking from the Jewish tap

If you aren't collecting and filtering rain water your and idiot

>> No.6311576

>Don't give into the bottled water Jew. Get a Britta pitcher if you're that worried

So don't give in to one jew, give in to the other


>> No.6311582

Tap water is cheaper and is subject to much stricter regulations

if you live in Europe, that is.

>> No.6311630

>drinking the tasteless clear liquid Jew

I only drink apple juice and beer, because I'm not poor or Jewish.

>> No.6311632

>if you live in Europe, that is.
Come to spain and drink the tap water if you dare.

>> No.6311663

Here you go. You're a faggot.
Source: 4chan

>> No.6311667

My tap water is non-sparkling

>> No.6311669

depends far too much on the tap to make a proper comparison.

>> No.6311670

Suuuuure, frack shill.

>> No.6311673

Same in Italy.
Chlorine or the runs, choose wisely.

>> No.6311676

My boyfriend used to only drink bottled water when he lived in Britain. I told him I think it's dumb not to drink from the tap but he insisted bottled is better. He is usually smart about things like this. Was he totally wrong?

>> No.6311677

I'm not saying your argument is wrong, but when you're asked for a source, they typically mean a primary source like a peer-reviewed journal, not some third-hand website. Stop acting like a butthurt little bitch.

>> No.6311688

>tfw living with some of the best tap water in the world

you people don't know what you're missing.

>> No.6311720

The 'chlorine smell' of pools is chloramine, your city probably adds a shitload of it to the water. Homebrewers use a tiny bit of potassium(or sodium) metabisulfate at 0.2 grains/gallon to remove chloramine from tap water, idk if that could have use to you.

>> No.6312055 [DELETED] 

yes, tap water is more heavily regulated than bottled water.

>> No.6312139

I buy bottled water (as in dirt cheap value bottled water) because it's filtered, while my tap water is hard and tastes bad and particularly makes bad tea.

>> No.6312247

>drinking rain water
Have fun when the acid rain fucks up your throat and body. Some fucker near me died from drinking that shit once.

>> No.6312353

>Pinellas County
>Bad water

Where do you live? I lived in Clearwater and the water I had at my apartment was AMAZING. It was delicious and refreshing I drank so much of it and even brought jugs of it to work to drink and share.

>> No.6312364

depends on a lot of factors, but yes i'd say in most cases tap water is different than bottled. bottled is either filtered or from a spring, the shit that comes out of my tap is sulfurous, irony disgusting shit. landlord wont put salt in, but wants me to pay extra rent. hilarious.

(we got a brita though, so its all good)

>> No.6312382


So is toothpaste with fluoride in it. There's absolutely zero need for your government to force fluoride in tap water on you.

>> No.6312440


in parts of canada like calgary or north of lake huron/superior you get really good tap water.

>> No.6312483

Thanks man

>> No.6312485

Pinellas Park.

>> No.6312489

>Tap water is regulated by the EPA, you know, that fanatical government agency that will ruin your shit if you're a polluter or mishandle waste or whatever.

Yeah, one time they domed a town then blew it up

>> No.6312499

All depends on the region. I'm from Yorkshire, and the water here is crystal clear and tastes like water should. When i went down to London though the water was pretty rank, i had to stock up on bottles while i was there.

>> No.6312501
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>thinks it's really fluoride


>> No.6312521

Fluoride is bad for your bones, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.6312555

Also says on the bottle it's from a municipal source

>> No.6312561

I bet you think gmos are bad andvaccines cause autism

>> No.6312565

Yes. Completely wrong.

>> No.6312783

Rural PA well water nowhere near fracking here, tap is fucking clean as hell I get that shit from the bathroom.

>> No.6312932


I believe cracking watertight layers of earth and having your ground water burn as a result is bad, but that's just me.

Enjoy your flambéed pasta.

>> No.6313064

So you dodged my assumptions so your opinion is invalidated tendies boy.
Stay tipping

>> No.6313535

If it is bottled in plastic, it tastes like plastic.


>> No.6313539


>> No.6313666

Depends on your house, too. I live in Macon, Georgia, which allegedly has some of the best tap water in the country (there was a huge flood in the early 90s, so pretty much the whole city's plumbing had to be ripped out and replaced), but I live in a really old, shittily maintained house - all of our tap water tastes like metal, mold, and crawlspace funk.

>> No.6313677

i live in new england. in Massachusetts, 45 minutes outside of boston and my tap water is fine. although i can tell the difference between bottled. i dont mind drinking out of the tap.

>> No.6313724

Natural news is known bogus

>> No.6313752

me too and my tap water taste terrible, so it is really where you live and how they treat their water.

>> No.6313774
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Of course theres residue when you boil all the water off. Tap water contains dissolved minerals and salts.

The smell is probably based on whats in the water source. Your county (and most of Florida) has aquifers with a lot of limestone which can add taste and odor.

>> No.6313807
File: 530 KB, 1936x2592, fAGAvJF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calcium deposits aren't going to hurt you
>they are actually healthy

>> No.6314221


There are often water quality laws regarding tap water. There are fewer or none for bottled water.

If you have a grocery store nearby with a "bottled water" dispenser outside, take a look behind it to see what it is connected to. The odds are overwhelming that it is dispensing tap water. It might be filtered, but don't count on it.

>> No.6314251

>having shit kidneys

>> No.6314260

>tfw not giving a location
>tfw expecting people to be jelly

>> No.6314263


there is no fucking way someone passed that and a stone that big would have to be broken apart with ureteroscopy

so where the FUCK did that picture come from

>> No.6314270


Surgically removed.

>> No.6314274


they generally won't go that route even with large stones like that

>> No.6314277


And? What does that have to do with that specific intact surgically removed stone?

>> No.6314322

Bullshit. I live in Palm Springs and we get our drinking water from the aquifer the whole town sits on. Sweet mountain runoff that's filtered through sand. Best tasting water in all of Socal.

>> No.6314913 [DELETED] 

west bridgewater tap FTW

>> No.6316024

i wonder what it is that gives aquafina its sweet delicious taste (and aroma!).

im really hoping it's not xenoestrogens leached out from the plastic.

incidentally, the worst tasting bottled water ive ever had is arrowhead water. it tastes like distilled water passed through a tire.

also incidentally, natural lake water tends to have calcium and magnesium salt, which are beneficial and necessary minerals. municipally treated water tends to replace the magnesium with fluorine, which the body does not use and which interferes with hormone secreting organs. the fluorine is a byproduct of aluminum mining.

the one benefit that supplemental fluorine has, which is that teeth that are coated with fluorine ought to be more acid resistant, has proved to be not to be the case many times, and it turns out that when you drink water with calcium and magnesium that your teeth become coated with additional ablative layers of hydroxyapatite, so the fluorine is actually totally unnecessary for oral health.

if your tap water has fluorine added and you already are exhibiting signs of thyroid dysfunction (fatigue, weight gain, lack of energy and enthusiasm) then drinking water filtered through reverse osmosis (like many bottled waters) with could be beneficial.

also, like another anon noted, soft water makes good tea.

>> No.6316120

bottled water has more lizard person sperm while tap water has more mind-destroying obama fluoride.

try to keep to about 50/50 so you don't get too much of either

>> No.6316148

Because you can reduce oral diseases nationwide even in the population that doesn't take care of personal hygiene in an extremely cost effective way, saving money in the long run for tax dollars that would go into helping fund their medical bills?

You do realize your tax money goes to helping trailer trash that don't bother showering or brushing their teeth, right? But they're probably cheap enough to drink tap instead of buying bottled water.

That aside, the argument is stupid as fuck. "Well gee, we already supplement something beneficial to us anyway, why provide it to us already for free?"

>> No.6316177

Tap water is fucked because my local pipes are fucked. I can buy springwater bottled by abos instead.

>> No.6316511

Bottled water comes in bottles.

>> No.6316527
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>> No.6316538
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anybody ever tried this?

>> No.6316604
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Saw a lot of dental fluorosis during my work on isolated communities with unfitting filtering equipments.

>> No.6316681

I live in Alberta and can confirm our water is god tier. Anytime I see someone drinking bottled water I want to kick them in the nuts. I don't understand bottled water at all. Then again I'm not from a shithole country trying to avoid dysentery from the local waterhole. I've been all over Canada though and the tap water was great in every place I've been. Same with all the few other countries I have been to (Italy, Greece, France, Germany, the parts of US I've been to all had great tap water).

Regulation on tap water in Canada are way higher on bottled water though. It really makes me mad when companies like coca cola and nestle buy our water for like 5$/million gallon and sell it back to shitheads for 2$/bottle. Bottled water is the craziest fucking thing in the world in regards to an economical perspective. It's utter insanity the markup on it, but people still fucking buy it.

For a long time Nestle bottled Calgary tap water straight from the fucking city and re-sold it. You're buying fucking repackaged tap water.

>> No.6316688

Tastes like dirt. Don't do it

>> No.6316698

Unless you're trying to avoid fluoride and whatever else the state wants to spike your water with, the only reasons I can think of for buying bottled water is if you're stockpiling water for an emergency or planning a camping trip, road trip or picnic, or I guess if you're going to the gym or playing sports or something and you forgot your water bottle.

Or if you're in some third world place where the water will fuck you up. I spent my holiday in Majorca drinking bottled water, then a guy bought me a drink as a reward for fishing his wallet out of the swimming pool. I drank it before I realised the ice cubes in it were made with tap water. I was out of action for 2 days with a stomach bug.

>> No.6316728

>tfw prep stash is bottled water
Well it's better than trying to go out and find water when shtf

>> No.6316730
