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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 311 KB, 352x262, accident.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6313844 No.6313844 [Reply] [Original]

But I should have cleaned up the grease over there.
And they never should have put the deep frier so WHOOOA


>> No.6313847

>no kitchen mats
>carrying a pan of boiling oil
The fuck. Where do these people work.

Also, they showed this at work. And I laughed there too.

>> No.6313851

wonder if her hitting her head was intentional. Shit probably would of actually knocked her out

>> No.6313856

Oh come on. The blood curdling scream makes this 1000 times better


>> No.6313866

is that anita sarkeesian?

>> No.6313874

top kek.

But srsly. There should be a cart for safely transporting something like that. With a lid. Boiling oil is not something you lug around where it can splash. She was definitely Dar-winning.

>> No.6313875

I've worked at a lot of restaurants that don't have mats. I've carried oil like this, too.

You grab a large, empty pan or pot and put it on the floor. Then you lift the elements out of the oil, and remove the insert out of the deep fryer. That would slowly get poured through a conical coffee filter. Clean the insert, add the oil back, drop the heating element, and then turn it on.

The real problem is she's carrying HOT oil. We did this at the beginning of every shift before the fryers had been heated. You don't clean the oil during the shift or at the end of the night.

I worked at Wendy's for two years, and the deep fryers could pump hot oil underground, and then you'd just scrape out the debris and add clean oil. Takes like 15 minutes.

>> No.6313932

should have been

>> No.6313935

if only

>> No.6313947

Ugh. My Taco Bell is like this. No mats, and they just filter oil out the bottom through a mesh strainer into a big pot.
Fortunately, they get all the old Mexican/Filipino workers to do it.

>> No.6313968

Jesus christ that was terrifying

does this happen often in the food preparing industry?

>> No.6313969
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, cktrigger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you learn how to properly chop an onion. Watch this webm to learn how to do it safely so you never cut yourself.

>> No.6314032

I kept expecting her to get cut and I cringed so much with so little payoff

>> No.6314040


you have successfully triggered me

>> No.6314212

That was terrifying, I was just waiting for the gore which never came.

>> No.6314231 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 400x300, child-with-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember to keep your pot handles turned toward the inside of the stove.

"Kitchen for Trouble," starring Dan Doofus

>> No.6314239
File: 6 KB, 200x291, 1416293923950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6316837

buy some sticky shoes next time

>> No.6317734

>Sous chef planning on being promoted to head chef
>non-band ring in kitchen


>> No.6317744

Too right, fucking laughed so much harder with sound. Also, was that god damn Gary Busey saying "There's been an accident!"?