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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 245 KB, 817x1222, little-mix-spreads-their-wings-for-the-first-show-of-their-uk-tour05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6310593 No.6310593 [Reply] [Original]

The last musician you listened to is now your guest of honor. What do you cook them?

>start with a light salad, vinaigrette per chance
>an inoffensive, non-fattening chicken and veggie deal, some manner of swanky marinade
>finish with a lovely GHB-laced dragon fruit sorbet
>retire to the living room for a crisp rosé, let the evening take us where it cares to go

>> No.6310599

Hatsune Miku
I let her take her pick of which electrical socket to plug into.

>> No.6310601

that ghb gonna taste like burnt plastic unless your chemist knows whats what

>> No.6310608

>killer mike and El-P
>chicken and waffles

>> No.6310614

James Mercer.

Probably just steak and potatoes with a veggie. I feel like he'd be happy with something simple.

>> No.6310618


Fried chicken and Nantucket Nectars

>> No.6310629

>an inoffensive chicken
thanks I laughed

>> No.6310630

>blank banshee
computers dont eat things, i'll just put a coffee cup in the cd drive

>> No.6310638

>attempting to make a wayfoo thread on /ck/

fucking pathetic

>> No.6310640

Your pic.

10 star chili so I can eat what comes out afterwards.

>> No.6310648

Bjork. I don't know what I would cook. Probably some tender steak with a mushroom ragout, or a fish thing with bercy sauce. My specialty is desserts, so whatever is good. Maybe financiers or snickerdoodles or tres leches or some apple dish.

>> No.6310670

whatever they want

>> No.6310696

Freddie Gibbs

Six wings mild Sauce, with all the fries i can give him.

>> No.6310698

Fela Kuti

he's dead soo

>> No.6310707

>Ariana Grande

Fuck that I'm just gonna slam her on the table and give her my chorizo

>> No.6310721
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>David Bazan

>> No.6310807

Lil Wayne
He's famous enough to have gotten a taste for better food than you would expect.. so I'd probably make him some surf and turf with truffle potatoes and creamed green green beans.

I don't know what I'm going to do about drinks though because fuck if I'm letting that crazy nigga get lit inside my house

>> No.6310816
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diane Bish
>to start, rippled potato chips with a side of ranch for dipping
>green bean casserole with onion soup topping
>marshmallow salad with jello, shredded coconut, grapes, mayo, and mandarin orange wedges
>hamburgers served on untoasted white bread with the crusts sliced off
>for dessert, bryer's ice cream product topped with smuckers microwave chocolate flavor topping
>no alcohol because alcohol is for sinners

>> No.6310819 [DELETED] 

I don't understand the question. Why would I want to cook something for someone just because he or she can play music? That makes no sense.

>> No.6310830
File: 101 KB, 500x406, Chase Isaac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain of Salvation's lead singer? Hmm...

Braise a pork butt for 5-7 hours.

Pulled pork tacos, pan-fried potatoes with crazy amounts of Tony's cajun seasoning, whatever good alcohols I have on hand. At the moment...Gosling's rum and some gin.

>> No.6310841

>and for anon, every moment after this one would never be the same. because it was after this moment when anon first began to learn that he did, in fact, without a shred of a doubt, have autism

>> No.6310847

Robert Johnson is dead, so I'd be freaking out. But then I guess, assuming the story is true, I'd welcome him back with some delta tamales.

>> No.6310865

>social distortion
Grill up some burgers make some potato salad, enough beer and whiskey to sink a ship

>> No.6311598

Viktor Tsoi. I have no fucking idea..

>> No.6311603

People still listen to Lil Wayne?

>> No.6311607

I'd cook taytay chicken and brown rice and convince her to start lifting with me.
Water for dessert.

>> No.6311635

Hes like the number 3 most listened to rapper behind Jay-Z and Kanye. Its weird if you like rap and don't listen to him. Unless you're one of those conscious-fags, or even worse one of those fags only listens to rap from before they discovered rap.

>> No.6311636

>Anaal Nathrakh
Dunno, maybe some Schnitzel with egg and fried onions, fresh spinach as a side.
Whiskey and beer?

>> No.6311639

Who is that fat Chinese cunt?

Rush, poutine.

>> No.6311664

>one of those fags only listens to rap from before they discovered rap
Checking in

>> No.6311680

She's a slut for wearing a dress that short.

>> No.6311681
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>the beautiful taylor swift

>> No.6311700
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>Levon Helm

I'd make some kind of steak & ale pie. I imagine Levon Helm would like that sort of thing.

>> No.6311709

Oh shit, looks like OP wants to get his njuicy wiggle on

>> No.6311719


>> No.6311721
File: 981 KB, 500x259, you're gross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your beautiful self, Fat Sajak.

>> No.6311799

DJ Paypal

Osso buco, because fuck him, it's what I'm making.

>> No.6311819

Why don't you show yourself, lonely neckbeard? Your use of a pretty girl as an avatar isn't fooling anyone. By the way avatars are against the rules, you could get banned for that.

>> No.6311824

Baauer? I think he's German? I don't even know. Currywurst, I guess

>> No.6311828

Consuming GHB with alcohol is dangerous as it can lead to vomiting in combination with unrouseable sleep, a potentially lethal combination.[15][16]

Enjoy the clean-up job

>> No.6311839 [DELETED] 

Wow, she's awesome. I didn't know anyone on here would know of Diane Bish.

When my cable company put on EWTN and she was on, I'd crank my TV to max, sometimes getting complaints from neighbors.


>> No.6311842

>chemist for GHB not buying GBL and make your own GHB

i never got the impression GBL smeld like burned plastic but more like artificaly sweet might be because its legal here(Germany). Also for some reeason coke dosent mask the taste as good as orange juice.

>> No.6311857 [DELETED] 

Diane Bish - Pomp and Circumstance

>> No.6311864

My shitty lepai amp is struggling to handle the awesomeness :(

It's a shame that all of her videos are VHS-grade with poor dynamic range, otherwise I'd have ordered all her box sets by now.

>> No.6311874 [DELETED] 

If you're using Windows you can DL a program called YTDL to rip the file from youtube then play it locally so it doesn't go through flash graphics which is what youtube does. That might help your amp out by cutting out flash and letting your computer play it.

That or given that you'd have a direct file saved, burn it to a cd and play it directly on your sound system. Good times!

I got sick of flash graphics a long time ago and found YTDL.

>> No.6311887 [DELETED] 

... http://www.ytddownloader.com/

>> No.6311888

Linux, but I don't see how cutting out flash makes a difference. The problem is I've got unbelievably power hungry speakers (probably like 85 dB/w) and the Lepai just can't keep up. I get the same issue playing full spectrum music from FLAC on these things.

It's not my main system, I just use it for listening to stuff when shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.6311893

Its an extremely annoying form of clothing. You think the girl is wearing a short skirt. She sits down and is surprisingly not being dilligent about keep her legs totally clothes. You sneak in a peak and its actually shorts.

>> No.6311894 [DELETED] 

Cutting out flash makes multiple differences and they all add up. First it's not streaming, the file is local, also flash is known to be pretty low quality so cutting it out and using a player that's of higher quality makes a lot of difference, even if just for EQ and volume levels. Try it out, I'm sure there's some linux program that rips files from youtube.

You should hear the difference immediately.
Another thing is that you can rip those files onto a CD or whatever and play them that way on another device if you want.

For linux for instance you can use vlc to play all sorts of files.

A google of: youtube ripper linux

>> No.6311897 [DELETED] 

That's a different problem then, Diane Bish's stuff varies in volume a lot so the system has to be able to deal with it. FLACs of her's might blow it up!

>> No.6311900

Bryan Ferry

IIRC he was the son of a coal miner in england, so I suppose a nice steak and kidney pie with some ale

for what 'more than this' does a coal miner's son need??

>> No.6311903

>FLACs of her

If only there were such things. Everything she has sounds like it was dubbed with a 1980s boom box.

I've got plenty of Telarc organ FLACs (ripped from legally purchased CDs because I'm a square) that clip just as bad on my Lepai but they sound great on my Cambridge Audio amp (with real speakers mind you, but I'm not wasting a good amp on my 4chan machine).

>> No.6311908

Dunno, probably a meat feast, they might find that suitably brutal

>> No.6311923 [DELETED] 

Nothing quite like a Blood Eagle.

Ragnar Lodbrok killing Jarl Borg _BLOOD EAGLE_

>> No.6311960

I don't understand how people can listen to this stuff past their mid teens

>> No.6311965


oof, trying way too hard sweety

>> No.6311968


those are shorts

>> No.6311974


but GHB is delivered almost exclusively using alcohol

>> No.6311975

>"wahhhh I'm fat and don't like the way you talk to me, you should be banned!!!"

>> No.6311978

my man

>> No.6311979

William Basinski

broccoli confit, can of sardines, fresh pita, hookah filled with opium

>> No.6311982


Oh hey the neckbeard stopped using "her" avatar.

Are you on the sex offenders registry, or have you not been caught yet?

>> No.6311989
File: 975 KB, 500x281, 1_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen Hagrid, maybe you should stop being an insecure and entirely bitter termagant. You might start to enjoy life if you give up your priggish bullshit. And if that fails, you could always just kill yourself. Just make sure you buy a rope thick enough and hang it from a rafter that won't buckle.

>> No.6311995


You seem fixated on this notion that I'm (a) female, and (b) "jealous" of a celebrity you're obsessed with whose photos you hoard and crapflood on the food board in a sad kind of half-assed role play

I sincerely hope you figure out how to fix the mess your life has become, but somehow I suspect it's far too late for that

>> No.6312005

Only a bitter harridan would care so much about pictures of beautiful women. That or a sheboon.

>> No.6312016


No, I'm just grossed out by your loser stink. You're not even being trying to make it funny, as per long standing tradition. See Irish Stew guy or the cleats copypasta guy. I'd be ok with that, as it shows self-awareness. Instead, you appear to be sincerely invested in this roleplay where you pretend to be a beautiful woman and anyone who doesn't like it is a jealous female.

>> No.6312026

Holy shit how can someone be this salty over a couple of tay pics? It's pretty obvious you are a cunt tho, a munter as well.

>> No.6312028

my maximum pigmented

>> No.6312029

give it up already

>> No.6312032

>a couple

Two threads and dozens of images from your role play folder isn't "a couple", neckbeard. How you get your rocks off is your own business, but /ck/ isn't the place for it. /tv/ might be a better fit, although your kind has already shat up /g/ so maybe you can consider that a containment board as well. All I am saying is this kind of behavior is not welcome here.

>> No.6312036

>All I am saying is this kind of behavior is not welcome here
You don't speak for /ck/, you fucking looney toon

>> No.6312037
File: 150 KB, 1500x1500, 3bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chan is one person
>implying you can dictate shit here
>implying you shouldn't be the one to fuck off

"as per long standing tradition"
"this kind of behavior is not welcome here"

>> No.6312041


Actually I do. Some furry homo type was using pictures of a little anime girl as an avatar maybe 5 or 6 years ago in a very similar way, and he got shut down hard.

Tell you what. Let down your guard for a minute and just type out all the fucked up greentext fantasies you want about how you'd love to kidnap a celebrity and chloroform her and she'd fall in love with you and you'd wear her skin and finally be a pretty blond girl instead of having an icky gross man body with hair everywhere and a penis that you don't know what to do with. If you face your demons maybe you'll finally understand that you can be the girl, there is technology for that, and the true solution is to go full Bruce Jenner instead of acting out on a chinese papyrus forum.

>> No.6312045

You are mentally deranged. And possibly also on the spectrum.

>> No.6312094

>Animal Collective
>Strawberry Jam


>> No.6312355


last thing that played on my soundcloud:

I would give this man some salami, crackers, sharp cheddar, and maybe some wine if he was down, because I never cook well for strangers, and I'd want everything to be perfect, so those awkward moments leading up to homosexual lovemaking are sensuous as they are brief

(this thread is kinda gay just sayin)

>> No.6312577

Bo Burnham

>Make burgers and curly fries (just not greasy and american as fuck)
>Play vidya and chill while discovering that we have the same taste in music

>> No.6312582

this sounds cool
didn't know I liked (Soft Trip Hop?) (lounge?) until now

>> No.6312616

Cypress Hill

>> No.6312627
File: 77 KB, 600x401, LEMMY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last musician you listened to is now your guest of honor.

I'd order fried chicken, BBQ ribs, broasted potatoes and coleslaw from the Chicken Shack around the corner, with a bunch of Bell's Two Hearted Ale to wash it down.

>> No.6312636


OP here, I think you think I'm that guy, but I'm not, I haven't replied to this thread at all until now

>> No.6312639

Romantica (the oldest version)

I know fuck about these people other than they make folk rock. That being said.

>oysters on the half-shell topped with avacado, onion, and a homemade tomato sauce
>a salad consisting of butterhead lettuce and a creamy herb dressing, with charred red pepper and cherry tomatoes
>fried green tomatoes with bacon gravy dipping sauce
>salmon "poached" in fish stock under a broiler, skin side up, so the skin crisps, on lemon and REAL olive on collard greens, over honeyed corn "polenta"
>fuck dessert, time for alcohol and smokes

>> No.6312706

Fucking zombie Ronny James Dio gets some weed and a beer. Call out for pizza maybe if hes up for it.

>> No.6313624

Do you think Lana Del Rey would be up for some KFC?

>> No.6314414

>number 3 most listened to rapper
Maybe 6 years ago.
He hasn't been relevant for awhile.

>> No.6314431

Hey i just listened to her too. She seems pretty relaxed and has dem thighs, don't see why not

>> No.6314433
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>icky gross man body

feminist detected

>> No.6314437

Johnny Cash
Baked beans
Cole slaw

>> No.6314441

Lonely island...
Should i even bother? A ton of alcohol and pizza will do it.

>> No.6314444

>Hey Johnny you are not touching your food, whats up?
>Are you even going to talk to me Johnny?
>Fine just sit there all night with that blank expression on your face, suit yourself.

>> No.6314465

I wanna fuck Taylor swift in the pooper shooter.

>> No.6314663

> Tom Waits

Just a fuckload of bourbon, whiskey and cognac. Two pieces of huge steak grilled on my balcony and a couple of cigars.

Would be my fucking dream, I love that man.

>> No.6314671

probably just beer tbh

>> No.6314898
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Severely autistic MRA detected

>> No.6315559

She has such great legs, but everything else is so meh

>> No.6315596

I would probably take them out to one of the local bar/cafes out in the middle of the woods, there are also a bunch of wineries so they'd probably like that too.

>> No.6315677

Taylor Swift. A nice white wine with some roofy in it. Then I surprise sex her.

>> No.6315690 [DELETED] 

George Thorogood:
One Bourbon
One Scotch
One Beer

George Thorogood - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer (live)

>> No.6315717

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>> No.6315733
File: 31 KB, 500x385, boabwph1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a spinach salad, some roast chicken over root vegetables, and a bit of rice. Maybe some homemade ice cream for dessert.

>> No.6315738
File: 158 KB, 953x953, Modest_Mouse -This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isaac Brock.

Don't know. I'd just make what I always have, either ground turkey seasoned with some basil, paprika, cumin, fennel, and sometimes, chipotle, with fresh mozzarella cheese melted on it. Or, the above but with garbanzo beans, green beans, and chipotle tabasco sauce added, and the fresh mozzarella in the form of mozzarella pearls so they are not readily distinguishable from the garbanzos.

Could also make a vegetarian chili. That's more complex though, I don't eat it often unless I'm really in the mood. Tends to necessitate either vinegar or turmeric, depending. Neither of which I tolerate very well.

He doesn't seem like he'd make any big deal of it.

>> No.6315739

fuck off back to reddit.

>> No.6315742

I listened to shubert....well shit

>> No.6315744 [DELETED] 

What's your point buttboi?

>> No.6315749


>> No.6315761 [DELETED] 

He probably can't do that, he's so fat he can't get his foot to his face and probably can't look down so hasn't seen his p3n0r in ages and likely hides oreos in his fat folds as a warm late nite snack.

>> No.6315789 [DELETED] 

Are you one of those buttboi types that's never worked professionally for a real company and thinks an OS is your lifestyle instead of it being a tool to get a job done?

You're the types that get filtered out pretty quickly, now go stand in line at starbucks.

>> No.6315794

>implying I'm a freetard
I installed loonix because at the time windows didn't have support for my hardware and it was easier than jumping through hoops

It probably does now but I CBF to wipe my 4chan shitposting box to please people who don't know that the e icon isn't "the internet"

>> No.6315798 [DELETED] 

Why do you need a separate box to use 4chan? It's just a website and can run from anywhere. You need a separate computer for it, but if you're that paranoid just make a VM for it, that's easy from any major OS.

Some of you people are seriously strange.

>> No.6315802

i just listened to Queen so i suppose i would serve some gay brains

>> No.6315808

I also use it for RDP to work, porno, music to sleep to, and various other bullshit. Point being I have a desktop at work, and a laptop from work, and servers at work, all of which have different operating systems

For casual web, rdp, and multimedia, the OS doesn't matter and I go with the path of least resistance

>> No.6315813
File: 80 KB, 595x394, laughing3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>start with a light salad, vinaigrette per chance
>>an inoffensive, non-fattening chicken and veggie deal, some manner of swanky marinade
>>finish with a lovely GHB-laced dragon fruit sorbet
>>retire to the living room for a crisp rosé, let the evening take us where it cares to go


All of this is so cheesy I can't stop laughing.

>vinaigrette per chance
>swanky marinade
>let the evening take us where it cares to go

>> No.6315836 [DELETED] 

I understand using a computer that's owned by your employer for just doing work related things, but on your own computer, there's really no need to run a whole separate computer just for 4chan unless you're hiding shit from others that might use that computer. Just make a VM and if you don't want them to see it put that stuff on a Truecrypt file.

I've worked for companies where one thing is a company computer and needs to be treated as such, that even means not connecting directly to the internet from it but having to go through their own servers, that's fine it's their property in the end and no big deal. Even if the computers are sitting next to each other at my home I still have to go through their servers to do a simple file transfer or just send myself email from one to the other.

That way it's auditable and everything.
But 4chan by itself on a separate computer just for that, wot?

>> No.6315841


I have no fucking clue

>> No.6315843
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>> No.6315848 [DELETED] 

You're the nerd to me, you're the one making minimum wage and working for cunts.

>> No.6315856 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6315859
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>Being this much of a gnob gobbler.

>> No.6315871
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>> No.6315878

I dunno if you're too autistic to grasp the concept of personally owned hardware, or what? As I said all my important stuff is on company gear, the main things I do at home that I will not use company gear for are porn, music, and 4chan shitposting. Why don't you tell me how to re order my bookmarks while you're at it?

>> No.6315895

I only listen Japanese anime music so it's likely a cutey Japanese girl who will giggle at whatever I do.

I'd make her a traditional american burger 1/4 lb or less with a salad. Then we would proceed to make love.

>> No.6315897
File: 27 KB, 543x360, Lil-B-Landlord-Video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black bean curry and rice

>> No.6315898 [DELETED] 

It seems that if your employer or employers want to have a secure system then they should provide it, then they own that computer and that's fair enough.

tl;dr if the company that you work for expects a level of security from a computer, then they should provide that computer in the first place. That or buy one and charge them for it.

For re-ordering your bookmarks, it depends on the browser your using. Sometimes you can export the list to text file, play around with it in a text editor then import the list in whatever order you want.

Sorting some bookmarks is actually on my list of shit to do they tend to add up over time and I not only need to sort them but classify them into folders and subfolders and stuff. Fuck it though, I can still export them to a file then text search the file for the link I want as long as I've given it a proper description.

Sometimes it's quicker that way than pointy clicky crap.

>> No.6315901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6315905
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>> No.6315916 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6315989
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>> No.6316000

I can't believe you posted that
Are you in accounting? The only person I know who is this autistic is an accountant.

>> No.6316011
File: 34 KB, 400x266, 59880_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A greasy as hell breakfast with thc infused butter subbed for all regular butter. Sodabread, grits, eggs, scotch eggs, bacon and pancakesp. I could even infuse some whole milk for cereal. Then they'd play for me and my house would fall down and I'd be homeless so they'd ask me to go on tour with them and be their new drummer.

>> No.6316019

You can't play drums though.

>> No.6316026

Y-yes I can.. Especially doom metal drums.

>> No.6316028 [DELETED] 


Billy Joel Scenes from an Italian Restaurant

>> No.6316319

>Elliott Smith

dude's dead, so I guess nothing

>> No.6316330

>everyone falling for this /g/ pasta

>> No.6316354

Every day I see people falling for old pasta. It doesn't matter what I board I go to; the newfags almost come out in full force and take in the bait. It makes me kind of sad, but I still laugh at the fact that people are falling for it.

>> No.6316507

Iced Earth

Order all dressed meat pizza with munchie platter and curly fries.

Get wasted and rock out to plagues of Babylon

I too want to date rape Taylor swift

>> No.6316512

>John Frusciante
What do you give a guy who's ascended our plane of existence?

>> No.6316534
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is this edited or did they lift the block on posting it?

>> No.6316545

lovin the king ß

>> No.6316564
File: 32 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nick douwma
aka sub focus

probably try my hand at a full english brekkie