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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 580x673, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6305213 No.6305213 [Reply] [Original]

Step it up, every other pizza place

>> No.6305215

I never understood the whole "let's order a side of bread with our bread"

>> No.6305236

It's an American thing.

>> No.6305240

I'm an American and it's not my thing

>> No.6305261


American food is basically a wet dream of a 6 year old. They can't stomach toppings other than plain cheese or pepperoni so they have to order bread with garlic and butter and overly sweet marinara sauce to make their experience more enjoyable and diverse. Also they eat pasta with bread too which i've never seen done anywhere else.

>> No.6305759

>eurocuck says as they chow down on a box of muslim greese

>> No.6305769

>My European cuisine was much better without American tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers, we had food like

>> No.6305770

Garlic bread is great. Bread in general is great. Fuck you if you don't like bread.

>> No.6305772

Fuck you , breads killed my family.

>> No.6305773
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>Ingredients are cusine

>> No.6305775

Bread is a giant part of European cuisine.

>> No.6305777

>American tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers
Andean, Andean, Mexican. Unless you're claiming that us Latinos are also American, gringo. Your kind usually vehemently denies it.

Also I hope you like no cheese on top or wheat flour to make the dough of the pizza. Those are Old World things.

>> No.6305782

>the game
I just lost the game.

>> No.6305793

Whats the point of those tables anyway? Is it so the ants have somewhere to sit?

>> No.6305798

The idea is it prevents extra-greasy pizzas from sliding around inside the box while in transit.

>> No.6305799

>non-American not being able to spell
Not surprising.

>> No.6305805

Bread is great. But pizza is already bread. I don't need bread with my bread.

>> No.6305806

Actually, most breads are fairly small.


ignore >>6305798, it's so that the pizza doesn't get crushed byt he other pizzas sitting on top of it in transit.

>> No.6305808


The fuck? Its so the pizzas can be stacked ontop of eachother and the middle of the box does not cave in and crush the pizza by either the weight of pizzas themselves or any downward weight on the box.

There is barely any room for the pizza to "slide around" anyway, and besides the plastic tables don't bolt the pizza in place or anything, they just rest on top.

>> No.6305816
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No, it keeps the box top from sinking down and making the pizza cheese stick to it.

>> No.6305826

>pizza is bread
Maybe if you're getting shitty pizza.
I eat tortilla chips with my burritos and quesadillas all the time.

>> No.6305865

>tfw anything nice and useful about the new world we owe to the latin part

what's even the use of north america?

>> No.6305869

Lel is that Mac DeMarco?

>> No.6305918

Sunflowers come from North America. Without those there would be hungry Slavs squatting everywhere.

>> No.6305928

We take everything the rest of the world does, and make it better.

>> No.6305963
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>Americans don't like the abominations europeans call pizza
>that means americans don't like toppings other than pepperoni

it's not a matter of toppings its a matter of taste

>> No.6305987

I never really even see those plastic tables anymore, when I get pizza delivered or with take out. There's something missing there altogether.

>> No.6305991

you do realize that what the europeons hail as the end all be all of pizza is literally just a overrated cheese pizza.

if anything America is the land of toppings.

>> No.6306001

The fuck? No we don't

as an European, I've literally never seen anyone in my life eat a pizza with nothing but cheese.

A pizza without topping isn't even on the menu in most pizza places here.

>> No.6306019


Wat. That's the basic pizza literally EVERY pizza place offers. Cheese, tomato sauce and, well, the dough.

>> No.6306022

Lot of pizza places I went too didn't even have it on the menu (we have a lot of "traditional" pizzerias here). You could still get one with no topping but you had to specifically ask.

>> No.6306032

what is the little plastic table for

also who orders pizza anymore instead of just getting digiorno? digiorno tastes far better than any delivery pizza and is only 6 bucks. protip only get the cheese version as this only applies to the cheese, which has higher quality cheese than any of the other ones

>> No.6306069

The pizza won't stick to the top when you close the lid.

>> No.6306147

>A pizza without topping isn't even on the menu in most pizza places here

This is a pathological lie.

>> No.6306157

So what do your pet mice use as garden furniture nowadays?

>> No.6306189

Where the fuck in Europe do you live?

>> No.6306538

Go back to eating your Kebab while Jamal fucks and cucks your gf in the other room.

>> No.6306796

the little disc is for your lego figure to stand on as he addresses gathered crowds in his role of Lego Dictator For Life

>> No.6306820


>having such poor-quality pizza boxes that the lid bends and touches the pizza

>> No.6306834

>ordering pizza
>not making your own

Seriously, Pizza is stupid easy to make. You can even puss out and use a dough kit, and shit's still cheaper than the garbage they sell you at pizza hut and places like that.

>jalapeno pineapple ham master race

>> No.6306841


>> No.6308567

>what's even the use of north america?
We're not a shithole, unlike everything south of Texas. There's a reason that 20,000,000 Mexicans, Guatemalans, Brazilians, and so on have made a "run for the border".

>> No.6308625

I will :3

>> No.6308654

Usually trips don't lie but
>using gringo that way
first generation latino-american detected
>b-but.. muh heritage
Fuck you. You American now, homes.

>> No.6308684

>''fuck your little plastic tables; here's a garlic knot'' move

Goddamnit do I hate twitter

>> No.6308686

I bet your super fun to hang out with.

>> No.6308693

>American food is basically a wet dream of a 6 year old. They can't stomach toppings other than plain cheese or pepperoni

Right, I'm pretty sure we invented strange toppings on pizza...in the US cheese pizza and plain pepperoni is pretty much reserved for children only, adults generally eat "supreme" pizza which is typically a combination of at least for different toppings

>> No.6308729
File: 13 KB, 200x260, 18a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza cheese?

>> No.6308743
File: 904 KB, 1469x1959, pizzacookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design your ideal pizza. Cheese, sauce, and bread are standard.

>half pepperoni

Also, do you guys put leftover pizza in the fridge, or leave it in the box? Reheat or room temp?

>> No.6308754


>I'm pretty sure we invented strange toppings on pizza

Well if by strange toppings you mean putting chicken and bbq sauce or macaroni and cheese then yes you are correct. Most toppings you consider your inventions are actually terrible bastardizations of real Italian or pizza with terrible quality toppings. I'm sure your pizza is ok but i don't see how you could pick an American pizza over an authentic Italian stone oven pizza with good quality ingredients.

>> No.6308760

>over an authentic Italian stone oven pizza with good quality ingredients.
Newsflash, authentic pizza is rare as a motherfucker in Italy, let alone the US.


>> No.6308779

The difference is that I can go out and choose from at least five different styles of pizza when I go out. Then I can choose between places based on price and quality. I can even get muh authentic Italian stone oven pizza. Fuck your lack of variety.

>> No.6308781

What is Neapolitan pizza considered then?

>> No.6308784

Usually just leave it in the box. Reheat it in the oven.

>> No.6308789

Some pizza places do a margarita but instead of just plain cheese, they add tons of fresh herbs on top. Like actual whole oregano leaves.

>> No.6308820
File: 36 KB, 1193x715, 1386511247644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck puts cheese in a margarita

>> No.6308832

If you hate bread then you hate beer.

>> No.6308840
File: 517 KB, 618x500, 1310949899062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Murikans can't be this stupid.

>> No.6308842

>I need cheese in my drinks

>> No.6308846

I prefer butter in my coffee

>> No.6308853
File: 119 KB, 425x474, 1310950372366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and educate you, son.

A Margherita Pizza is like the kind you see when someone refers to "authentic italian pizza" - thin crust, not much tomato sauce, little islands of real mozzarella cheese and then garnished with basil.

>> No.6308858

Meh. I'd rather have a frozen taquilla drink.
With cheese.

>> No.6308908
File: 716 KB, 717x536, 1423641336352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one that misspelled margherita dumb shit

>> No.6309037

bobby's pizza been doing this for ages

>> No.6309071
File: 425 KB, 936x884, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I'm from CT
>tfw when 20 minute away from some of the best pizza in the world
>Sally's and Pepe's
>on the same street
>dat tomato sauce
>dat crust
>tfw when go to college in upstate NY and cant get a decent slice of pizza.

I love being home. Even my local pizza place is apostle-tier.

>> No.6309086
File: 23 KB, 671x548, 1766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been to Italy
been to NY
been to Turkey

Still the best pizza

I havent tried Modern Apizza, thats next on the list

If there's one good thing about Connecticut its our pizza

>> No.6309093

When world famous pizza is discussed I can honestly say I've never heard CT enter the discussion.

>> No.6309099

I wanted to hate this because I am predisposed to hate everything about CT. But, it was pretty damn good.

>> No.6309126

SUNY system?

>> No.6309137

If you google worlds best pizza Pepe's pops up in pretty much every list

Most people from Connecticut hate everything about CT except the pizza too.

Clarkson in Potsdam

>> No.6309140

Quality school, I heard that a woman went there once.

>> No.6309151
File: 74 KB, 500x375, Pizzeria-Bianco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, I'm just over here being the best pizza.

>> No.6309162
File: 287 KB, 431x277, Screenshot_33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only 28% women, and half of those would be 4's in any other context.

>> No.6309163

Unfortunately, good pizza doesn't exist down here in the south.

>> No.6309182

There is, you just have to live somewhere that isn't bumfuck


If you're into authentic pizza


If you're into cheaper NY Style

Both of these places are absolute god tier

>> No.6309338

What is that image from?

>> No.6309389

American food is just degenerate european stuff
For fucks sake, do you kids learn anything in school? Murica' is just britbongs who had their own place for 200years, christ.

>> No.6309392

Do you have any clue of what you are talking about?
Europeans don't eat the same stuff. It's like saying african cuisine. Fucking muricafags are the most uncultured pigs. I'm glad you guys don't have healthcare and lots of guns. Fucking making idiocracy a reality

>> No.6309462

We have chinks here though, they taught us a lot of ancient chinese secrets.

>> No.6309759

Soggy burned bread

>> No.6309787

>turns out we've been doing X all wrong this whole time
>giving no fucks, they decide to X
>shows us exciting new way to eat X

>> No.6309908
File: 3.30 MB, 2068x836, real pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6310015

>American food is just degenerate european stuff

i traveled a lot when i was younger, was kind of privileged. either way i've experienced a lot of different countries cuisine and good "american" food or american style whatever food is no different than another countries. if anything, americans are better at making other countries food great. and the bad food from either country is bad for different reasons. in europe, bad food is absolutely inedible because ingredients are disgustingly old or shit quality. in america bad food just tastes all the same because its loaded with salt. if i had to choose between bad chinese from america or bad chinese from china, id pick america. id probably choose great chinese from china for the experience but americans are capable of making it just as good.

>> No.6310022

I want to know this also. Reverse image search was useless.

>> No.6310163
File: 14 KB, 190x187, 1348052516138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never traveled anywhere in your life. Stop making shit up for your Internet Persona No. 331

>> No.6310184

>at least for [sic] different toppings

That's because they value quantity over quality, and they have the palates of 10 year olds.

>> No.6310241


Let me give you something to think about.
> American Chain Pizza is utter trash and the ingredients are poison.
Do you guys remember when Pizza Hut tryed to get into "sub sandwiches?" Oh god! it was a disaster. They would bake buns out of pizza dough, and then stick a bunch of DISGUSTING pizza toppings in there. I'm saying shit like pepperoni, cheese, mushrooms, green peppers.... but instead of being drowned in all the garlic salt and marinara... it's just on a bun.

Try that shit. It was DISGUSTING. oversalted, weird, just... makes you think how you were able to eat that same shit on top of their pizza.

And remember when dominos/pizza hut i dont remember which one... they tryed to make Pasta Bowls?

holy fucking shit. Never tryed anything more nasty.
American New York Style pizza is god tier... and all it is is thin crust with little sauce, and some cheese and maybe pepperoni and mushroom. That shit is good.

i was never a fan of the "italian" pizza... it's a completely different beast and not my thing. It's like a salad on a tostada.... no pizza ceviche for me, thank you.

>> No.6312277

let's order a pizza and bread sticks and then not eat our crust!

>> No.6312966

>NY style crust, cheese
>alfredo sauce
>fuckton of fresh mushrooms
>thin slices of fresh jalapeno
>super-thin pepperoni, the kind that gets crunchy and curls up when baked
>cheddar cheese
>grilled chicken
>roasted red and green peppers
>banana peppers
>ugliripe tomato chunks
>lots of garlic, parmesan
>sautéed/caramelized onions

>> No.6312975
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>> No.6313009


Unless you consider raw venison and acorns cuisine, the vast majority of pre-European civilization was in central and southern Americas. It only stands to reason that any pre-European cuisine or foods would come from the areas of highest population. Saying it's not American food is like saying sushi is Chinese because they cultivated rice before Japan.

>> No.6313026

Both Dominos and Pizza Hut currently make pastas, they're actually pretty good. Domino's lets you put any topping you want in theirs and you can get it in a "bread bowl" which is uh, like a sort of....soggy-ish pasta pizza, I advise against the bread bowl. The Alfredo pasta is good on its own though.

>> No.6313041

>sushi is Chinese because they cultivated rice before Japan.
sushi IS Chinese. How do you not know this ?

>> No.6314246
File: 1000 KB, 612x920, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New York Style
Your taste is shit, take your crackers with ketchup elsewhere

>> No.6314282
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1425428599465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy fapping, lads.

(It's actually kind of terrible, but whatever.)

In the future, checking the archives is usually helpful. It was tricky in this case, since there isn't a lot of porn discussion on /ck/ (or any of the boards on warosu). You can copy the image hash over to archive.moe and search it there. Luckily this guy also posts on /v/ and there was a reply with the source.

>> No.6316010

Canada reporting in

I used to work at a pizza place that did this.
Lemme tell you what a fucking pain in the ass it is to cut and roll like 200 of those fuckers every day.

>> No.6316359

>they eat pasta with bread too which i've never seen done anywhere else.
Here in Britain I've seen garlic bread eaten with Spaghetti Bolognese a few times, but other than that, pasta with bread is just wrong.

>> No.6316524


>> No.6316618
File: 8 KB, 275x183, thatsnotaknot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I like this idea that is not a knot. That is some dough rolled into a ball, brushed with garlic oil or butter, and cooked. This is a garlic 'knot'.

>> No.6316693
File: 170 KB, 847x866, 1359691554667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Step it up, every other pizza place"
>Spinach on a pizza
>Garlic in the middle
>Not Pizza Hut
>Not even Domino's

>> No.6316701
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1424898332137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pizza hut
>not papa john's

Lmao look at this little fag.

>> No.6316796



>> No.6316851

>Papa John's
>Not overpriced trash

>> No.6316888
File: 72 KB, 552x685, 1352728574100 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying more for the same pizza

>> No.6316922

>the same pizza
Pleb detected. Don't you have a fast food thread to shit in?

>> No.6316964

you didn't think it was real mozzarella did you?

fuck it it's still good

>> No.6316977

>only gets dubs
>doesn't acknowledge trips and then calls anon a pleb

this place is going to the dogs

>> No.6317809

meme food

>> No.6318107

>actually falling for advertising

Papa John's even admitted in front of the Supreme Court all their claims about being better were just marketing bullshit

>> No.6318978

It's like eating bread on the side of rice, pasta or potatoes.

Cheap white trash crave cheap white starch.