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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6304867 No.6304867 [Reply] [Original]

So I just turned 18 and I'm interested in trying liquor. Like, real liquor, not beer. Just want to ask; what's the difference between a manly drink and a girly drink? And what are some examples of each?

>> No.6304869


Girly drinks are anything that attempts to hide the flavor of the alcohol, usually with excessive amounts of sweeteners.

>> No.6304875

Pretty much this.

As long as there's no fruit or umbrellas and it doesn't have a fancy name, you can't go wrong.

>> No.6304878

Is a mojito girly?

>> No.6304880

don't listen to stupid stereotypes and just do what you feel
fuck the dudebros spouting gender roles

>> No.6304883

Drink whatever you want. Don't get caught up in manly/girly. If it tastes good, drink it.


>> No.6304884


Don't listen to these guys. Only latent homosexuals label drinks "girly" or "manly". Try everything, drink whatever you like.

>> No.6304890
File: 92 KB, 445x331, 40c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


R.I.P. 4chan.

Murdered by /lgbt/.

>> No.6304898


not really know. You shouldn't drink one unless you're in a tropical environment though.

>> No.6304899

>implying a proper Mai Tai isnt dank as hell.

If you bitch that a cocktail is "girly" because it is sweet or has some fruit muddled in it then stop drinking all juices and sodas hypocrites.

>> No.6304900

girly drinks have vaginias boy drinks have penises

>> No.6304901


no not know*

man I'm tired.

>> No.6304902

Both of you need to chill

>> No.6304908

if you guys are into cooking its a little too late to save face by trying to segregate drinks into girly/manly.

>> No.6304910

If cooking is so feminine, explain why approximately 100% of history's legendary chefs have been men.

>> No.6304912

I'm in Canada, and I only like to drink rum or gin drinks and prefer that they have either lemon or lime in them.

I also enjoy the mint

>> No.6304914

Drinks can be drank by any gender, i worked at a bar and had this rich guy who would drink the most expensive whiskey we had, then other days he would get a fucking malibu mixed with pineapple juice and yeah he would request the umbrella.

The drinks are not for men or girls, what determines a manly drinker is someone who will order whatever they enjoy and fucking enjoy it without being hunched over a glass of whiskey with a husky voice and smoking cigars because it is "cool" or asking for the sweetest drink they can then requesting more vodka to be added because it is too sweet for them then carrying it about all night without a single sip of it.

Drink what you like OP, only feminine males care about looking "Manly" with what drink they choose.

>> No.6304920

if drinking fruit based drinks is so feminine ...?

want me to hold your hand or can you reach the conclusion yourself?

>> No.6304925


>> No.6304932

there is no manly or girly drinks, only personal preference. but also remember sometime you need to alter your drink preferences to reflect social and situation

tl;dr im slightly drunk, drink what ever you want

>> No.6304935

a girly drink is any drink that you pretend to like just because you are insecure about your manlyness. Don't be a faggot and drink whatever the fuck you like

>> No.6304952

From my experience, a "girly" mix drink is one that has been mixed with so much non alcohol that that the proof is near non existent, even moreso when whoever is drinking is doing the Starbucks thing of claiming they love something when they're in reality drinking an overpriced shake.

Neutral drinks would be any liquor on the rocks, neat, or in a mix drink meant to meld the flavors together instead of shooting a LOIC at it. There's no such thing as a "manly" drink, other than maybe Everclear 190 neat.

>> No.6304954

Fuck off /pol/, quit trying to stir up shit on /ck/ of all boards.

>> No.6304955

also for ecample, ive sat down my local dad drank baileys, illusions, screw drivers and some strange concoction made from fruit juice and liqueurs. its a mind set if you have to drink manly to be manly your probably not thst msnly

>> No.6304991

>dank as hell
totes brah

>> No.6304999

>Manly drinks and girly drinks

stopped reading there

stop being stupid

>> No.6305007


I don't think drinking a pink sweet alcoholic drink will make you grow a vagina or become feminine.

>> No.6305027

so if I follow the logic correctly, sipping some undiluted high proof pure grain alcohol is the manliest drink I can order, correct?

thanks /ck/. the ladies will be checkin me out today at the bar

>> No.6305039

These. My drink of choice is straight bourbon and beer but those who get hung up over the masculinity of what they're drinking are worse than those who just pound back Appletinis.

Can both of you retards please leave

It's more because "girly" cocktails are loaded out the ass with syrup. Things like Irish Coffees are sweet but not girly.

>> No.6305207

So why do neckbeards think imperial stout is manly as fuck? It's got more sugar than a box of cocoa puffs.

>> No.6305251

No fuck you. I remember when I ordered a Raspberry Mojito in a bar the bartender laughed at me. I didn't know it was a girly drink. You stop being stupid.

>> No.6305257

It was probably more like you were in a dive bar and you don't order complicated shit with a lot of freshly picked leaves and whole fresh tropical fruits at a place like that.

inb4 wisconsin starts a shitfest over the definition of a dive bar

>> No.6305280

It's a thin like. For example a daiquiri is fine but a strawberry daiquiri makes you a bitch.

>> No.6305306

This seems like a terrific place to ask:

What alcohol should I buy? The less I have to adorn it, the better.

>> No.6305320

If you have to conciously try to be ''manly'',you're a faggot.
Drink and do what you want,giving a shit what other people think about your choice of beverage is something that women do.

>> No.6305333

>If you have to conciously try to be ''manly'',you're a faggot.


Mang, you aren't into fun

>> No.6305590
File: 42 KB, 337x462, gin-and-tonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girly drink = sugary
Manly drink = not sugary, neater the better (ie: straight whiskey)

I agree with a few others don't listen to that shit, a lot of sugary drinks can be delicious. The one thing I will say is girly drinks tend to be lower alc % and LOADED with sugar (like wine coolers) so you're going to be overloaded with sugar much faster than you're going to be drunk. Keep that in mind. Stuff like a gin and tonic is not only a classic drink but one of the healthier drinks for you.

>> No.6305602

>Stuff like a gin and tonic is not only a classic drink but one of the healthier drinks for you.
What makes a G&T healthy? Isn't it just a clear spirit with essentially a sugary soda?

>> No.6305612


Healthy might not be the best choice of words but compared to many drinks that contain sugary additives it's pretty straight forward. Neat would really be the healthiest or some type of red wine.

>> No.6305646

>adding water to your alcohol

>> No.6305655

>Isn't it just a clear spirit with essentially a sugary soda?

G&T's are made with tonic water, which is usually sweetened very little, if it is sweetened at all. It's not sugary like a cola or sprite, etc.

>> No.6305681

>being a man
>not deciding what you want to drink, asking internet instead

>> No.6305692

I usually add a little water to whatever liquor I'm feeling and sip away. Sometimes I'll pour a fifth into a gallon of water and go to town.

>> No.6305706

a real man drinks whatever the fuck he wants

>> No.6305763


There are no 'masculine' or 'feminine' drinks, it all just depends on what your trying to do.

If your trying to impress your friends or chicks, any kind of whisky, neat.

If your trying to impress potential employers/clients, Cognac or single malt scotch.

If you want to be a hipster, drink only the most obscure things you can think of.

If you hate alcohol, just have a cup of hand drip coffee, black.

If you want to not be a faggot, drink stuff you like.

>> No.6305779

Beer is also pretty healthy and nutritious.

I once read something about the botanicals in gin being good for you in some way but since they get distilled I'm sceptical about that.

>> No.6305790

Schweppes tonic water for example, a popular one, still has 86 grams of sugar per liter. Coca-Cola regular has 106, for comparison. That's still pretty damn sugary.

On a related note, I'm drinking a gin rickey now. Gin, juice of half a lime, handful of ice and topped of with soda water. It's a nice change of pace for when the tonic gets too sweet.

>> No.6305822

I have a party in my friend's house this weekend, what should I bring? I only have half a bottle of spiced rum. Drink it straight like that?

>> No.6305884

Fucking feminists and homosexuals in this thread especially you OP.

A manly drink is something an adult man should order.
A girly drink? Well thats something a little girl would order, a CHILD.
Drinking like a man is drinking like a fucking adult.
Adults should have developed their palate and be able to appreciate delicate, complex and sometimes challenging flavours, and also be able to tolerate moderrate alcohol consumption.

>> No.6305925

LOL. lol. no an adult is someone who abstains from alchohol. a child is someone who emulates fiction.

I get it, you want to be seen as an adult, well how about you start acting like it. It starts with being mature enough to critically analyze your own decisions. "Hmm, should I ingest poison merely to broadcast my own desire for adulthood to the world?"

>> No.6305950

Just get a double shot of vodka, on the rocks.

>> No.6305957

>no an adult is someone who abstains from alchohol

Only a child would say that.

>> No.6305978

how ironic, because only a child would say what you said. hmm... it would appear we're at a standstill.

but i'd take the side of someone without holes in their brain when it comes to matters of logic, no offence.

>> No.6306028

>be out drinking with grill
>"want some jagger shots, Anonette?"
>"Sure, Anon, I love jaggermeister!! tee-hee"
>jagger shots arrive
>drink the shot
>grill is struggling and only taking small sips
>by the end of the date the shot glass is still half full

>> No.6306039

>how ironic

Like rain on your wedding day.

>> No.6306040

If you're going to call someone a child with sweeping generalizations and uninformed nonsense you could try not typing like a retarded child.

>> No.6306053

When i was young they warned me about peer pressure, e.g. "all the cook kids drink". They didn't warn me about the truth: only spergyfaggots don't drink and then find the need to post on alcohol threads.

>> No.6306058

It's like a free ride, when you've already paid.

>> No.6306062

>what's the difference between a manly drink and a girly drink?
Insecurity issues

>> No.6306065

ugh, I'm fucking hungover and there is a booze thread.

>> No.6306067

Slows dehydration in your nose down m8

>> No.6306072

Is my usual drink a girly drink?

2 parts lemonade to 1 part vodka, drank fast.

>> No.6306452

I hope you didnt tip that asshole.

>> No.6306471

When it comes to all drinks in general I usually separate them into adult beverages and "my first time getting drunk in high school" Which would include any flavored vodkas and rum, hypnotiq, four lokos, wine coolers, etc.

Real men drink whatever gets them drunk though

>> No.6306484

Do you really expect these fat fedora wearing socially crippled fuckwits to know anything about being manly? It's all about the person, not the drink. You want to taste vodka strawberry? go ahead. You want to drink that clear blue shit because it's clear blue? Go for it. These nerds only stick to whiskey because it is THE commonly associated with manliness drink and they hope they will be seen as manly for drinking it, especially since they know even hippies are manlier than them.

>> No.6306492


Real men drink what they want. Only fratboys drink exclusively to get drunk. Take that fedora out of your ass and just admit you're an alcoholic who just wants to get drunk, not taste the drink.

>> No.6306504
File: 88 KB, 640x480, play-nintendo-ds-games-your-samsung-galaxy-note-2.w654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real men don't care about societal norms and do whatever they want :) and wear a batman costume while you're at it - you're an adult who makes his own decisions xD

>> No.6306510


>> No.6306511

Now you're just an idiot and exploding a proper line of thought into your neckbeard idiocy. No wonder you're a NEET.

>> No.6306517

Why, that's the "argument" you can see repeated many times in this thread. I'm also not a NEET, like many people who would disagree with you. Shame you're too cowardly to encounter someone on your own level.

>> No.6306527

There is nobody on my level in this thread. Certainly not a petulant child like you who feels peer pressure for random people who don't even know he's alive and only drinks mature drinks for mature people such as himself. Are you a virgin?

>> No.6306533

There are plenty of those people in this thread, you're no special snowflake. The topic of the thread is also not the motives for drinking manly drinks or not drinking girly drinks, but simply the question which drinks are considered manly. There is no reason to bring up "real men" and what they do, unless of course you're offended by someone remotely hinting at this concept, like OP with his question. That's your problem though, don't waste the time of people who simply want to talk about alcohol.

>> No.6306555


If people simply wanted to talk about alcohol, they would simply talk about alcohol instead of labeling it like "what will give me + guy cred". I used to think mojitos were incredibly gay, until I started going out with friends in college and started drinking them with no judgement and in that party environment. Also, had a friend who only drank vodka+strawberry and we all gave him shit for it, but he always hooked up with decent chicks.

>> No.6306559


He is, you're pretending to control him like his parents did and he's not paying attention to you

>> No.6306560

Nobody cares if you're gay, that's also your problem. Mojitos probably ARE gay, but nobody says you can't drink them, that's again part of the motives that aren't the topic of the thread. If you are so concerned with what real men do however, I'd say one thing is to accept not to be typically manly in every regard (e.g. your alcohol preferences). That shows more balls than trying to undermine the meaning of "manly" or denying the existence of such a characteristic.

>> No.6306567


Actually that's how it is.

Real men't don't let you control them.

Why would a real man let such pathetic manipulations go victorious?

>You have to obey or you'll be a child, look at all these children doing what their parents want!

>> No.6306584

If you drink it fast and not for taste, why not drink vodka neat without the sugary sour mixture?

>> No.6306594

What about Long Island Ice Teas? Would those be counted as "girly"?

>> No.6306597

Hey mate, I don't care. I drank pretty everything with an alcoholic content almost every night for 5 years and been sober for over 2 years now. I just don't see how a drink is gay, unless some guy put his dick in it. However, the kind of people I've seen and heard, time and time again, talking about how manly a drink is are always and I do mean always pathetic nerds trying to look cool so others will like them. That has nothing to do with the quality of the drink, but rather the label unrepentant losers use to try and find a drink that will make them feel superior to proper people.

>> No.6306639

>wrestle a bear while drinking malibu


>> No.6306643

Heres the thing:
There ARE drinks considered girl drinks, and some people will give a guy shit for ordering/drinking one. However, it's not as common as people make it out to be, and it usually won't have any affect on the person who ordered the drink.
It also depends on the setting, and individual "scene." You mentioned college and that is a perfect example of why the scene changes the perception the drink. I've been dating this college girl and one of the most popular bars on her campus has Mojito Night where you get a huge pitcher for like $5. In other bars/clubs a mojito would be considered a girl drink, but in this bar it's the popular, "cool" drink.

I understand why OP is asking because people who are new to drinking don't know many cocktails, or which ones are popular. That stuff depends, again, on local scenes and settings. It's fine to say "order whatever you like" but it may not be very socially acceptable, and some drinks will make a person stand out.

If a person cares about that stuff, the best option is to scope it out and see what everyone else is drinking, popular drinks or the special deals like the Mojito Night example I gave.

>> No.6306660

Xenon 2 -Pc 8088 CGA

>> No.6306756

Alright, now that I think about it, it does seem like it depends on the country, because here I've been to a lot of different towns and bars and never felt any kind of pressure whatsoever towards or away from a drink. Anyway, one way I've figured of avoiding that was simply either asking your group "so, what are we drinking" or pay the first round and ask them what they want and see if there is a discrepancy between what each individual and the group wants.

>> No.6306800

I find gin and tonic to be a pretty gender neutral drink in any crowd. Not "manly" mind you, but gender neutral.

>> No.6306818

Mojitos and other "complicated" drinks are for places like upper midrange steakhouses, country clubs, cocktail bars, and tiki bars (I love tiki bars since you can dress like a slob in a hawaiian or bowling shirt and order immensely sugary and complicated shit that would get you laughed out of most bars).

Like >>6305257 said, if you're drinking at a normal bar, stick to standard [liquor] and Coke, [liquor] and Cranberry/OJ, [liquor/liqueur] on the rocks, etc etc.

Depending on where you go, a good tonic water can be unsweetened and just like a more bitter club soda/seltzer. The bottled premix is generally HFCS-loaded crap.

>> No.6306828

Liquor Store manager here

Start with blended whiskey and coke/ginger ale/sprite/club soda.

Once you can take a big gulp of that (it may take a while) without making a face from the alcohol, put more alcohol in it rather than mixer.

Then just start doing whiskey and water (with ice).

After a few months of this you'll be able to not only enjoy whiskey straight, on the rocks, or even neat (no ice), but you'll also be able to legitimately appreciate the taste as your palette has gradually gotten used to distinguishing between the alcohol and everything else in there (where you get flavors from)

Start cheapish too, Canadian Club, Seagrams 7 or Seagrams VO. If you want bourbon or scotch then go with like evan williams, jim beam, jack daniels, j&b, cutty sark, ballentines, dewars, famous grouse, etc.

A big mistake many people make is to jump straight into the higher-tiers of whiskeys and while it IS smoother, there's simply no way for you to actually appreciate it as your tongue has gone 18 or 21 years without tasting things like oak so it won't be able to communicate to your brain correctly.

>> No.6306844

i've been a heavy drinker for 10 years, and i still shudder and recoil from the bitterness and burn of ethanol. and i always immediately follow the drink with a chaser.

i always have to use a very sweet mixer to mask the taste of liquor. i can never picture myself sipping on straight whisky or brandy.

go a head and call me a fag. i can't help this. fagginess.


>> No.6306853

>went the horribly expensive route
>burnt out my tongue with cask strength single malt every saturday
>Hated it until halfway through the second bottle when I actually start identifying flavors besides "OH GOD FLAMING BAND-AIDS," which curiously disappeared.

Probably should've done it the way you said instead, but either way, I actually can spend weekends sipping 40-48% liquors now like they're tea.

>Lafroog still makes me want to curl up in a ball and vomit
>drinks of choice now are Glenlivet and Glenmorangie

Murder your tongue with 70+% overproof rum like I did with expensive scotch and you should be able to build up an immunity to the burn of 40% alcohol by the time you're done with the rum bottle.

>> No.6306858


the most potent pure grain alcohol you can find

an oral syringe, a dab of lotion, vaseline, or lubricant on the tip

plug it anally. you will get drunk faster. no taste. less alcohol is used than when drinking so you save money

>> No.6306871

What's your take on Ballantine's, Jack Daniels and Johnny walker Red Label and compared to eachother?
Oh and what do you think of absinthe?

>> No.6306881


Hemingway drank mojitos religiously. And I doubt there's a manlier man in this board.

>> No.6306884

I sincerely did not have much trouble adapting to strong liquor but that may be because my nose is often clogged for one reason or another so I wasn't getting the full impact of it in the first place.

>> No.6306887


I like to add carbonated water to not-so-good whiskeys.

Yeah, I know.

>> No.6306894

Not the manager, but

>Red Label
Solventy, cleaning fluid or maybe fuel. Seems to get worse every year, if you want a good blend then go for Famous Grouse.

Ballantine's is also a better choice, but I haven't had it in a long time. Should be a safer bet than Red Label.

>Jack Daniels
Mass produced, bland, and really not worth it if you live in the United States and have access to more characterful bourbon like Jim Beam, Evan Williams, or Wild Turkey for a comparable price.

Honestly, I can respect that as long as there isn't ungodly amounts of sugar in it.

>> No.6306921

Weird, I was gonna ask about the grouse, but since I havent drank it in a long time, I preferred to ask about red label. Well, I'm not american, so I've always felt fascinated about Jack Daniels, the mythos and different taste. Say what you will, but that used to be my low-mid tier (price wise, 22 euros) favourite.

>> No.6306938

Outside of the United States, bourbon starts getting more dicey in terms of proper quality/price ratio. I'd still look hard for a proper bourbon rather than Tennessee whiskey, though. Wild Turkey and Jim Beam shouldn't be that big of a leap.

>> No.6306954


I'm from Portugal and the only time I saw Jim Bean was in Mallorca in one of those huge alcohol stores where they tons of alocohols and it was beautiful. I was gonna get it but I decided to get what I call Power Rangers, a pack of small bottles with different kinds of absinthe. TO this day I still prefer absinthe to any other kind of alcoholic beverage.

>> No.6306962

R.I.P. /ck/

Murdered by /pol/

>> No.6306966

>Evan Williams over Jack Daniels

Jesus I hope no one is listening to this guy

>> No.6306972

>liking Jack over Evan Williams
Do you mix with Coke?

>> No.6306974

You're 18 and you're only trying liquor now?

Try famous grouse, it was my first love

>> No.6306980

I usually do pulls and end up actually tasting it

Evan Williams is one of the shittiest whiskeys I have ever tasted

>> No.6306985

Ill add

If anything, go for Clan Mcgregor over anything

>> No.6307094

Are margaritas gay?

>> No.6307173

don't forget about your free bowel cancer

>> No.6307189

Tequila shaken with lime and triple sec? No. Fruity blended drinks in all kind of fun flavours? Yes.

>> No.6307237

Shut up tryhard

Also angry orchard is my favorite thing to drink, how does that make you feel?

>> No.6307244

grill here, and i'll just add this and move on:

you know how dudes think (or at least claim to think) that it's sexy as fuck when a woman is drinking aged scotch/really into beer/whatever stereotypical manly alcohol? one of the sexiest things a dude can do is to be confident in his masculinity enough to order and enjoy stereotypically girly drinks

>> No.6307248

> a fucking malibu mixed with pineapple juice and yeah he would request the umbrella.

damn straight hell yes he would ask for the umbrella, that's the best part

rich dude knew what was up

>> No.6307256

and is gross as fuck

>> No.6307258

I love a straight Hendrick's gin on the rocks, or with a little plain soda water. You can dress it up if you want to with some fresh mint or maybe some cucumber slices, but it's beautiful on its own

>> No.6307262

>you know how dudes think (or at least claim to think) that it's sexy as fuck when a woman is drinking aged scotch/really into beer/whatever stereotypical manly alcohol?

Not really, I usually assume they're just trying to impress people if they're making any sort of spectacle out of it.

>> No.6307285

Ok thanks i'll be sure to take one girls opinions about herself and apply it to all women because i knows how much girls love being generalized.

In my experience Fireball and Angry Orchard are two of the safest drinks to have around for girls. They mix together really nice.

>> No.6307315

how clever... okay fine, you may follow my personal blog at tjlats.tumblr.com. perhaps you'll learn a thing or two about the art of comedy.

>> No.6307359

it is extremely common to add a little water to scotch to bring out certain flavors. a lot of people also do that with other types of liquor. personally I like to let a little ice melt in my rye. stop acting like a fucking child attempting to be a man, nobody is impressed you drink everything neat.

>> No.6307371

I think it depends on the culture.

Bailey's and vodka are girly drinks in my country.

whisky and beer are manly drinks.

Rum is neutral, Pisco is neutral, tequila is kinda of neutral.

Shwepess is girly.

It's mostly because of teenage girls. They have adapted culture like it.

>> No.6307521

What about gin?

>> No.6308237


Please fuck off to tumblr/reddit/whatever cesspool hugbox you came from and never come back

>> No.6308348

I'm actually legit drinking whiskey and tonic right now.

>> No.6308352

Canada? I'm in BC and that seems accurate to me
throw that on the neutral list

>> No.6308355

I'm partial to whiskey with an ice cube. I like sipping on it until the ice cube melts and then slamming the rest down.

>> No.6308357

Schweppes or Kinley, fuck the rest

>> No.6308368

I always use schweppes tonic but I'd rather use something less sweet