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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6298170 No.6298170 [Reply] [Original]

Bland food thread.

Post something that looks bland as hell and how it would be improved

>"Made this for dinner, i would be the best wife ever"
Brah, never heard of spices before.

>> No.6298172

yuck thats some white people shit

>> No.6298175

plox GTFO

ITT: shit that doesn't deserve it's own thread

>> No.6298188


Looks like my dinner.

I usually do this:
>2 frozen salmon fillets, salt/pepper some paprika cuz i'm fancy

What do you do for dinner everyday, Wolfgang?

>> No.6298192


All that probably needs is a little salt.

>> No.6298198

Gravy or butter, for sure.
Black pepper.
More salt, I can tell from here.
Maybe some sweetness added to the vegetable sugar/honey/molasses. Reduced sweet liquor if you work at a brewery.

>> No.6298219

Is this supposed to be a food pics from Japan thread?

>> No.6298255

That's literally my exact go-to dinner too, minus the paprika.

I'm not hungry very often so I just eat for fuel. Salmon/broccoli/rice seems like a perfect combination.

Maybe sometimes I'll switch out for chicken, or spinach.

>> No.6298261
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Can improve it by adding any sort of spice with taste

>> No.6298262

I came here to post this.

>> No.6298264

Boring as fuck

>> No.6298266

ITT: Amerifats who drown literally everything in fat, sugar and salt. Learn to appreciate natural flavour and simple food and you might not be a fat fucker by the time you hit your thirties.

>> No.6298273

Looks good to me.

>> No.6298280

stupid fuck. condiments don't have to be sugary fat. op could simply squeeze some lemon or orange juice over the meat and vegetables. or better yet, dice and boil an apple for a simple apple sauce to pour over the pork.

>> No.6298336

Anything from lubys

>> No.6298359
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>> No.6300043
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Add more sauce

>> No.6300052

A roast dinner isn't a roast dinner without gravy.
And who the fuck drinks coke with that?

Fucking plebs.
Potatoes are under cooked and needs more paxo.

>> No.6300126

Are you fucking retarded? Thinga like cayanne pepper and oregeno go a long fucking way. There is a reason people in the north kill themselves at such a high rate. I would too if i had to eat non seasoned bullshit with steamed vegis every fucking night.

>> No.6300145
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>> No.6300158
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>> No.6300168

>Pies are bland

You're eating the wrong pies. Meat pies are supposed to have plenty of seasoning.

>> No.6300462

you don't need spices to make nice food. they're just another category of ingredients not a necessity.

>> No.6300508

that picture is clearly of a terrible pie. the meat's all grey, the pastry looks soggy and it has less gravy in it than is on the peas

>> No.6301764
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>> No.6301770
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>> No.6301978


veggies look fine

the (pork?) could use some spice.

>> No.6301981


>peas as a siding

who does this? peas are meant to be a complement, not a stand alone food. Just eat some beans for fucks sake.

>> No.6302221

butter pie

>> No.6302227

doesnt look bad, no technical issues. presentations good. whoever did it would have no issues improving their food.

aka they're not a lost cause.

>> No.6302233

I would eat that just as it is on a week where I am exercising a lot and avoiding fatty food

>> No.6302239
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needs more gravy and less cooked meat

>> No.6302609
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I see this shit on my IG all the goddamn time and I want to kill myself each and every time

>> No.6302623

Get some experience with women and you'll learn to appreciate that those chicks try even THAT hard. Most are lazy, incompetent and incapable of making ramen, much less actually bake some chicken.

>> No.6302627

This stuff only starts tasting mediocre after 10 beers.

>> No.6302634


Cooking a dinner like that isn't something to be proud of. It's the bare minimum.

>> No.6302641

I would add:
Apple sauce.
But I'm not as healthy as you

>> No.6302644


what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6302649

Are you for real?

>> No.6302651

>Canadian bacon

>> No.6302659

That sounds like it would be really nice actually, I imagine a smooth subtle unobtrusive taste and a creamy texture.

>> No.6302664
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>> No.6302666

>Pizza w/ shell-on shrimps

Conveniently inconvenienced

>> No.6302670
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another delectable meal from one of the married girls I went to HS with. fuck me im doing all the cooking when I get married if this is the shit I have to look forward to

>> No.6302674


My depression came back when I saw this pic

>> No.6302675

Pretty sure you're going to know how your chick cooks long before you get married to her

so plenty of time to back the fuck out

>> No.6302678


it's clearly a paella you bellend

>> No.6302682
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Fresh ground black pepper would help

>> No.6302690
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>> No.6302695

Not sure if that's beer or freshly poured apple juice. And not sure which would be better in this situation, honestly.

>> No.6302696
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>> No.6302698


Ah, true. But being shit at cooking is fine by me as long as they don't insist on doing it all. lemme do it. I know what I'm doing, mostly.

>> No.6302725
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