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6300956 No.6300956 [Reply] [Original]

Does this look cooked to you?

>> No.6300957

Absolutely not. Do not eat.

>> No.6300959


>> No.6300964

Spit out the first bite.

Thanks for the chicken, housemates.

>> No.6300965

Yep it is. Go ahead and eat it.

>> No.6301005

eat it whole faggot

>> No.6301017

you'll know in the morning, op

>> No.6301022

so i got my thermapen the other day. cooked some chicken with it first time tonight. i let it get to 155 and it looked totally done, like the same doneness i've always eaten chicken at. Does anyone actually cook chicken to 165? I've heard overwhelmingly that chefs dont cook pork to 145. I worry a lot about salmonella but as we buy high quality meat it seems like the risk of salmonella would be low to begin with..

>> No.6301029

Not OP, but would it be OK to try and cook it again to finish cooking it?

>> No.6301034

it's so raw, it tried to cross the road.

>> No.6301036

I always cook 5-10 degrees under the recommended serving temperature, depending on the size of the cut. As long as it looks cooked to your liking when you cut into it then I wouldn't worry, unless you're a restaurant chef.

>> No.6301038


>> No.6301039

I eat rare sous vide chicken all the time.

>> No.6301040

You are aware pork != chicken, right?

>> No.6301044
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>> No.6301065


I'm new to cooking and haven't tried chicken yet because it scares me but I will soon and i'll inevitably undercook it some time while I learn. When that happens can I attempt to recook it or is it just a poisonous waste at this stage?

>> No.6301084

Just cut the meat in half to check the interior. Or use a thermometer.

Assuming you notice shortly after cooking it, then you should be able to return it to the oven. It's still raw meat, so all the same rules apply. You don't want to take it out of the oven, put it on the counter for half an hour, and then put it back in.

>> No.6301085

Yeah man, you can always recook things if it's under done, especially when its fucking RAWR

>> No.6301087

How would stopping the cooking partway through and then continuing make it poisonous?

Just cook it till you think its done and cut into the thick part. If its white congratulations you dun cooked a chicken.

If its pink then cook it some more.

>> No.6301094

>You don't want to take it out of the oven, put it on the counter for half an hour, and then put it back in.

honestly, while this isn't preferable, I can;t think of any reason why you COULDNT do that. Assuming the meat is infected (and considering the conditions inherent within any factory farm, we should always assume that our meat could be contaminated) you just have to get it to the correct temperature to kill any pathogens.

>> No.6301096

for food safety purposes, pork = chicken. both carry salmonella.

>> No.6301100


I've just been googling and your comments confirm what I've learned. As long as the meat hasn't cooled down, or remained warm for more than a couple of hours, then it seems ok to re-cook.

Apparently the first cooking attempt makes the bacteria more tollerant to heat if it's able to cool down again.

>> No.6301101

>Be at girlfriends place with her friends
>She's making dinner
>Something called "Chicken Tartar" Salad
>whatever we're all hungry
>Serves it
>It's a raw chicken dish
>The other couple doesn't eat it
>I eat it because good bf
>She eats it
It's been a week. Pretty sure I have worms and salmon disease now.

>> No.6301102

Actually trichinosis is the reason you don't eat undercooked pork

>> No.6301103

No, not as in the sense that most people would consider chicken 'cooked'.

Maybe if you are in the position of both being confident in the quality of the chicken and being okay with the texture of rare chicken it is cooked.

>> No.6301110


it's so raw, it should be made into an omelette.

>> No.6301111

Not really. Trichinella has been pretty much killed of in american pork stock since the 1950s.

>> No.6301112


I've never heard that before actually, interesting. will look into further.

>> No.6301114

>pretty much
How reassuring.

>> No.6301119

>Between 2002 and 2007, 11 cases were reported to CDC each year on average in the United States;[3] these were mostly the result of eating undercooked game, bear meat, or home-reared pigs.

trichinella no longer exists in american commercial pork. you don't eat undercooked pork because of salmonella, but it's rare enough that many chefs only cook pork to 120-130.

>> No.6301122

>Chicken Tartar Salad

There is actually one breed of chicken that is safe to eat raw. Your girlfriend is actually a master chef and knows exactly what she is doing and you should feel bad for doubting her.

>> No.6301179

The meat was from safeway.

>> No.6301181

You didn't think to pull her aside and explain how fucking bad an idea that is?

>> No.6301191
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>> No.6301197


That's severely undercooked.... As in raw.

But whatever floats your boat. I love chicken that's a little bloody close to the bone...

And who the hell believes in salmonella demons anyway??

I've been doing this for 30 years with no problem:
> buy frozen chicken; leave it on the counter overnight to defrost.
> undercook it (still bloody near the bone) and leave it on the stove for the whole day
> Eat its leftovers for 3 days in the fridge.

Ive never ever ever gotten food poisoning. Ever. I am not originally from America, and we don't have the "2 hour danger zone" bullshit there. We just don't. And nobody ever gets sick - unless the meat is already really bad (like slimy and green and the smell makes you gag...) Which we obviously don't eat.

I am pretty sure the FDA is scaremongering to boost the economy.
> woops! left that chicken out for more then 2 hours, DONT TOUCH! YOU'LL DIE!
> Go back to the store and buy more chicken

Fuck that.

Also, I've eaten raw beef, raw pork, raw chicken, raw fish, raw lamb....

You don't get sick unless the meat is contaminated already. That means you really don't want to eat raw wild salmon (some parasite bullshit), raw wild bore (worms), and other sick animals.

But consumer grade beef, chicken? You crazy if you think it's got enough e-coli or salmonella to make you sick.


> i wouldn't eat that chicken though, not because you'll get sick, but because the texture of raw chicken is pretty gross.

>> No.6301204


You guys are such fucking fags.

So fucking dumb. I am also the guy from above.

Raw chicken is nasty but it's not dangerous.

>> No.6301277

FSIS regulates raw poultry, not FDA. The standard for whole chickens is < 7.5% salmonella contamination, the standard for ground chicken is like < 50%. There is no standard for cut-up chicken pieces.

>> No.6301539

bitch i'll serve pork at 135. you know you can eat pork mid rar, right?

i don't eat it any other way.

>> No.6301540

yeah no

>> No.6301546

surely this is some sort of bait and/or ruse

>> No.6301548

People think pork chops are tough

they don't know that they've just been eating them overcooked their whole lives

>> No.6301712
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>it's not pink
>it's just juicy

>> No.6302006


I know shit about poultry farming: The post.

>> No.6302012


do you have this vid? I want to watch it so hard

>> No.6302222

as a general rule cooked chicken will turn white and loose the glossy pink color, that doesnt necessarily mean its safe to eat but thats when it stops turning on your gag reflex if you know what i mean Xd

>> No.6302256


There's just one safe way to eat raw chicken

>> No.6304408

salmonela starts dying slowly at 140F, have to hold it for I think 30minutes or more to be safe. FDA recommends 165F because its something like 30 seconds to kill enough to be 'safe'