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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6300101 No.6300101 [Reply] [Original]

Confess your deepest sins and secrets to Toast Jesus, and all will be forgiven.

I'll start.

I simply cannot stand shitake mushrooms.

>> No.6300109
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>> No.6300111

I hate leftovers. Nothing tastes better the next day. It's a lie told to children and the poor to keep them under control.

I got into making stir fries so I could keep everything raw and just make what I need really quick.

>> No.6300113
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I am from Louisiana and I can't stand red beans and rice

>> No.6300115

I would rather throw tomatoes at a passing car than eat one raw.

>> No.6300116

Toast Jesus forgive me for I have sinned. I don't like In-N-Out

>> No.6300118


That's clearly Toast Richard Stallman

>> No.6300122

I fucking hate Sushi. I mean hate that shitty fish bait snack with a passion.

>> No.6300124
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Looks more like

>> No.6300132
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Whenever I make a soup I add the roux last....

>> No.6300138

You sicken me.

>> No.6300159

A true monster...

>> No.6300165

i just had a sandwich with processed cheese smear, small chocolate flakes, and smoked salmon

>> No.6300166

You're just trolling us, right?

>> No.6300169
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Let he who is without sin among you cast the first roux block into the soup.

Say 15 Hail Martha Stewart's and ye shall be forgiven.

>> No.6300177

I suck at cooking and only log on to /ck/ to look at pictures of tasty food

>> No.6300201

Forgive me Jesus, for I have sinned.
I have lived near Cincinnati all my life and have never had & have never liked the look and smell of chili.
[spoiler]But I really like goetta

>> No.6300204


I can't fuck my wife any more because I can only get hard for man ass and once I was at this fancy gathering where I pretended to like Pâté but it was gross.

>> No.6300207
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Black Jesus!

>> No.6300217
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Also.... I hate Rene Redzepi, Grant Achatz and most chefs of the like. I think this Avant Garde molecular gastronomAlso.... I hate Rene Redzepi, Grant Achatz and most chefs of the like. I think this Avant Garde molecular gastronomy is bullshit. Fuck their 20 course dinner services

>> No.6300304


OI toasty...WTF why are you not forgiving me?

>> No.6300388

I really like Nestle's chocolate. Nestle Crunch is my favorite "industrial" chocolate bar. Am I going to hell?

>> No.6300464

I hate butter

>> No.6300576

>praying to the fraudulent "prophetess"


>> No.6300596

I cannot stand green bell peppers.
They're supposed to be godly, but I can't even handle them being picked off of something because it still leaves that nasty lingering taste.

>> No.6300601

the only seafood I can stand is canned tuna

>> No.6300614

Pasta tastes nice the next day
Some soups as well.

veggies do not.
Otherwise I agree

>> No.6300627

Black tea without sugar or milk is honestly disgusting

>> No.6300629

and even that has to be mixed with lemon juice, mustard, diced onion and massive amounts of mayo to be palatable for me

>> No.6300658
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>sugar OR milk
>not and

>> No.6300661


okay, and/or

i prefer both anyways

>> No.6300850
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"John 6:35 - Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread'"

Surely, /ck/ wishes to be saved. All in this thread who confess before me shall live for eternity in The America's Test Kitchen in the Sky.

>> No.6300853
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>> No.6300861


>> No.6300883
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>> No.6300916

I love crappy, bland supermarket pre-packaged sandwiches. It's good becuase I an get some lucozade and a packet of Cheese and Onion with them for the low low price of only £4.99

>> No.6301352

I dislike both eggs and cheese and only eat them in dishes where their flavor is masked enough by other ingredients.

>> No.6301389

I dislike almost no foods

I'm starting to attribute this to me having a diminished sense of taste or something

>> No.6301422
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Hot rhymes and toasted beats will come to this thread

>> No.6301426
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>> No.6302500

How do I make Deneb Candy?

>> No.6303275

Once I didn't have any other food so I just ate a bunch of shitty Kraft powdered parmesan with a spoon.

>> No.6303563
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>> No.6303724

I eat my boogers from time to time.

I wish I knew a recipe with boogers.

>> No.6303762

Can't eat raw tomatoes unless mixed heavily with some other stuff. Same for eggs. Flavor is good but that texture.

>> No.6303876

that' rather rude, insulting, even. a fatwaw aginst you... but still I confess... I sometimes cook burgers in the microwave,drink vodka with sunny d,, and God help me, like potted meat,cheap beer, bolgna and really don't give a a shit about peta or animal right's, except that a farmer guards and protects his stock. Also, this is tough, but I like yougurt and cottage cheese with canned applesauce. and plain cheap mustard, not "dijohn," spam and potted meat, rhubarb,celery,too much garlic sucks and like ketchup on hot dogs,and I eat pizza crust first..and though past 50, still like captain crunch cereal. glad to get that off my chest... I shall sleep soundly tonight.

>> No.6304962

I have accidently poured a lot of soap into my cake dough. Fed it to my colleagues as lemon cake, they all loved it.

I have cheap but decent knives, when some pleb who normally cuts everything with a blunt potatoknive is "helping" me cook and tells me how sharp my knives are I lie and tell them that anyone should have some decent knives.

I have no idea what I'm doing but everybody loves what I cook. really they keep asking me to cook because it is so good.

>> No.6304964

I also do this, with anything that needs a roux

>> No.6304972

The decent knives thing got lost in translation, I bring it like they are expensive, but they were 6 euro a piece

>> No.6304986

I hate sprouts. I have my tea with milk and 3 teaspoons of sugar and I like fish heads. I also like Lambrini mixed with 7up

forgive me Father.

>> No.6304995
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Lately I get erections by looking at food.

>> No.6305002
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I love salmon and avocado roll. I order them every time someone invites me to a sushi restaurant

>> No.6305010

i put anchovies in my napoli.

>> No.6305415

There's a chicken recipe my grandma made that actually needs to rest a day or it simply won't taste as good. So there's that.
And chili and most pasta is fine the next day.
You're right about pretty much everything else, though.

Now for mine, I don't like that bit of fat that's on some cuts of steak and don't eat it.

>> No.6305421

That's completely fine, I think.
I only look at porn to watch pretty people fuck.

>> No.6305431

Do you smoke?
Because if so, quit for a couple of days and see how intense everything will smell and taste.

>> No.6305437


>adding roux to soup

it's like you hate flavour

>> No.6305471

depends on the soup

>> No.6305482

It's called affirmative action - you're a man cooking correct?

>> No.6305492

Toast Jesus, I can't cook normally anymore.

If there is an ingredient I can replace with a lower calorie/more nutritious varient, I will. I'll slice all the fat off, switch half the flour for weird shit like white beans or add psyllium husk to thicken anything. Everything has to have a tablespoon of flax seed in it. I'm not even vegetarian or anything like that.

>> No.6305507

you filthy cis scum how dare you...

yeah I am a guy