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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 156 KB, 634x948, 2661159200000578-2982481-image-a-125_1425647319329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6297530 No.6297530 [Reply] [Original]

whats a good alcohol that i can sneak drink all day at college
i need one that will be easy to swallow

>> No.6297533


>> No.6297540

Orange/Citrus vodka mixed with Orange Vitamin Water, in the Vitamin Water bottle.

0% Suspicion.

>> No.6297543

anything clear in a sprite/dew bottle, adjust for whichever is the brand they sell there

>> No.6297554

How do you get rid of alch breath during class?

>> No.6297560

peanut butter cups. not even kidding.

>> No.6297562

you don't. alc breath comes from your blood alcohol coming out your lungs or some shit.
try to cover it up with mints, or gum.

>> No.6297569

who starts ripping open pb cup packages during class lmao

>> No.6297607


Get the mini ones that are unwrapped.

>> No.6297612

what the fuck nazi ass college won't let you eat some pb cups

my job totally lets me eat pb cups, they even have them in the candy bowl if those other faggots don't take them first

>> No.6297613

>get soda cup from subway or McDonalds
>fill with 4loko
>drink all day in public

>> No.6297621

Drink vodka and energy drink.
It wont look weird that you are sipping on an energy drink all day, will provide you with much needed energy, and will cover up the smell.

>> No.6297626

>implying 4lokos don't reek of alcohol
you'd be better off with vodka+anything man.

>> No.6297627

yeah but people would look at me like a weirdo

>> No.6297631

Is it bad for your health to have cheap vodka all day?

>Cheap vodka is never good. You can easily throw up and it may infect your liver. Definitely not my recommendation.
depends on which country produces it , countries have to conform to regulation, as such there is a predefined standard every producer most follow ..dependent on country of origin

>> No.6297635

What's a cheap liquor that isn't especially awful for you?
kinda thinking I shouldn't be drinking skol.

>> No.6297638

>whats a good alcohol that i can sneak drink all day at college

if youre asking this question you might as well drop out now because thats what youre going to end up doing anyway. i speak from experience.

sure you think youre invincible now, but the fact of the matter is you arent.

all that being said the obvious answer is vodka you dummy.

>> No.6297641

drink more so you don't have to worry about it. alcohol is life, after all.

>> No.6297643

Rubbing Liquor

>> No.6297644

>tfw you bought skol tonight because it was cheap and you were in a hurry and mixing it

>> No.6297647

the title was a joke dude
i only drink for social anxiety

>> No.6297649

Mixing vodka with anything is fine. If you drink too much the smell comes up from your stomach and everyone can smell it. If you're drinking secretly at school that probably doesn't matter because you'll probably have other drink related problems before your breath becomes an issue

>> No.6297651

i mean what brands? im concerned about health

>> No.6297652

i never mixed with skol, made everything taste shitty, been sober for like, a week now. don't think i can hold out as long as i wanted. i always drank from the bottle, because it was surprisingly more tolerable that way.

>> No.6297659

But it wasn't a joke, and deep down you know it. Embrace alcohol. It loves you.

>> No.6297663

>drinking in class

why dont you just stay home then

>> No.6297666

ok so give me advice on healthy vodka that isnt bottom shelf but not toptoptop shelf that wont kill my liver within .02 seconds
i would if a guy would propose to me

>> No.6297669


100 proof peppermint schnapps.

Compensate for the smell by always having mint gum or tic tacs.
Or claim to have some sort of tooth brushing or mouthwash compulsion.

>> No.6297671

Grow a neck beard and drink Islay whisky out of a snifter in class.

Or drink gin, gin doesn't smell on your breath.

>> No.6297672

I think UV has some pretty nice quality control, at least, their website says it does. I don't really know though, I'm looking for healthier brands too.

>> No.6297673

costco generic vodka is pretty okay

>> No.6297677

is that kanye grabbing lady gaga's ass?

>> No.6297682

Just get a bottle of wine and put it in a container. Thats what I do! it doesnt make your breath smell like booze much and it doesnt get you fckd up drunk. Rose is my favorite

>> No.6297683

which gin is healthy

>> No.6297684

isn't gin just vodka + flavoring?

>> No.6297686

>Or claim to have some sort of tooth brushing or mouthwash compulsion.
you want me to commit seppuku

>> No.6297690

What the hell are you idiots talking about? Alcohol is alcohol, it's not healthy for you unless you're only drinking 1 glass of red wine like twice a week. Why would you think that drinking hard liquor during the day could in any way be healthy?

>> No.6297692

they make you sign up, gross
good point but it takes up a shitload of space

how about champagne guise

>> No.6297694

pls be in london
>tfw no alcoholic qt gf with social anxiety

>> No.6297697

>Orange/Citrus vodka
nope. why so many britfags on here?

>> No.6297707
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>> No.6297710

Nobody's saying it is. Some brands have some pretty large amounts of impurities that make them worse. Other brands have very good quality control, and can be much healthier than say, beer for example. Maybe healthier isn't the best word, though, less unhealthy would be far more accurate, which is what OP is going for.

>> No.6297714

it's a meme you dip

>> No.6297715

15 bucks and change for 1.5l of decent vodka is easy to make your money back on

>> No.6297719

Not that guy, but blue raspberry UV + Mountain Dew voltage is a very nice mix.

>> No.6297789


>> No.6297793

You can't. You're breathing it out through your lungs.

>> No.6297801


Can confirm as awesome mix. As far as vodka brand for the vitamin water/vodka, I like Absolut Mandarin.

>> No.6297804
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Soju hands down.

This shit tastes like water moreso than vodka. Literally the best way to get stealth drunk and has like 20% ABV.

Poured like 3/4 into a glass with a dash of pepsi and all i could taste and smell was pepsi

>> No.6297816

>Some brands have some pretty large amounts of impurities that make them worse.
which brands?
>Other brands have very good quality control,
like, such as?

>> No.6297825


is that in usa? is it expansive?

>> No.6297860
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LBV or ruby port in Welch's bottles. They look very similar, if anybody ask's it's literally grape juice, they look exactly the same, and they're both sugary and easy to drink. You'll have to shop around for a port to find a colour that matches closer to Welch's, so that means no vintage or tawny port.

In theory, you can also sub madeira in the place of apple juice.

>> No.6297866

Alcohol by Volume, it means how much pure alcohol is in the stuff compared to the other parts.

No its korean alcohol, but we get it dirt cheap over here.

Let me put it to you this way, a bottle of jagermeister costs about $10.46 by me, i can get a small bottle of soju for about $6.00

>> No.6297887

vodka has the least distinct odor.

youll sweat a bit out so cologne/ deodorant.
the rest comes out your lungs, gum/mints/cigarettes will cover it up.

>> No.6297893

>LBV or ruby port
are these healthy?

>> No.6297905

Lipton tea but it's actually pear wine

>> No.6297921

is pear wine healthy? brand?
so ABC is just the percent they put on every bottle?
>korean alcohol
thing is countries have their own standards for filtering alch so it could have much impurities and we wouldnt know.

>> No.6297923

wtf i eat full meals in lecture, how can you not eat a fucking snack

>> No.6297924


All fortified wines are around 20% ABV, but they're full of sugar, since they're desert wines. The benifit of this is that even with cheap LBV, you can't taste any of the ethanol.

So are they objectively 'healthy'? Fuck no, a typical LBV has over 100g per 100mL, its the same amount or more than a can of coke.

Are they 'healthy' compared to drinking vodka all day? If you exercise, sure.

>> No.6297927

100g per 1000mL*

>> No.6297928

well, small class and would draw atention
captcha nyan cat

>> No.6297934

>so ABC is just the percent they put on every bottle?
pretty much.
>thing is countries have their own standards for filtering alch so it could have much impurities and we wouldnt know.
Given but american importing has very tough standards. Its why we dont let in the good european abstinthe because one of the ingredients in the wormwood apparently has been found to lead to certain types of liver cancer.

That aside though it doesnt taste like that either because it says on the bottle its like triple bamboo filtered with charcoal to get rid of impurities. Google it.

>> No.6297947

my senior design is 15 kids and i always eat an everything bagel with cream cheese + coffee

maybe your school sucks :(

>> No.6297957

lol yeah it does
youre an art student?

>> No.6297962

Don't get a vodka that comes in a plastic job or by the gallon first off. Second orange soda or Gatorade. Fadeorade nigga
Shouldn't this be a b thread?

>> No.6297986

Eat shit Crystal

>> No.6298007

With trips like that i think it explains why you dont have a guy proposing to you yet

>> No.6298023
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>> No.6298028

Are you the chad 4 me?

>> No.6298034
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>> No.6298044

I don't do asocial chavettes.

>> No.6298049

I want you to marry me silly.

>> No.6298051

no, i'm a senior in engineering. idk, i go to a pretty big school so i guess professors and students are used hoodlum stuff like eating in class

>> No.6298061

my answer is still the same. I don't even know what you look like but I've been with enough of the crazy ones to know to stay the hell away.

>> No.6298062

alcohol is my medicine.

hey /ck/ you should try orange juice with patron

what did they do to you wigger?

>> No.6298068

Attempted suicide and dragged me to counseling even though i did nothing. White girls man.

>> No.6298073

uh you dont sound very emotionally present im gonna have to reject you.

>> No.6298078


>> No.6298154

wrong. you stil want me

>> No.6298157


like a million dick in my ass?

>> No.6298159

if that's your fetish, i can accept it.

>> No.6298169

Long shot, but are you from CSULB? I'm currently taking a senior design class (aerospace engineering) with about 15 students in it.

>> No.6298176


> i can accept it.

so, you will take my peener?

>> No.6298182
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if you lov-- nevermind i cant even fuck with a chad sociopath unemotional bastard i just cant i need some tender lovin sorry booboo

>> No.6298189
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wait, wat...r u sure?

>> No.6298194

im not a homoerotic man stop posting fags

>> No.6298203
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DUDE...I'm totally not gay either, I just like to dance with bitchz or whatever.

>> No.6298212

thats it im oficially denyng your bf application. get back in the garage faggot fiailed man.

>tfw getting drunk

>> No.6298214

Im not even drunk faggots

>> No.6298216
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rl'y bro. it's like that?

I'm totally cool and a great dancer...SEE

>> No.6298218

clearly ur drunk rit now and full of sexy boys gays dancing so keep posting
u wanna touch my boobs?

>> No.6298225
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>> No.6298227

I became an alcohol during my senior of college. Basically blew my chances at the graduate program that I had already been accepted too, never ended up actually enrolling because by the end of the year I had burnt too many bridges. I was drinking whiskey out of an A&W Root Beer bottle every day. Would buy a new rootbeer every day and just keep a bottle of whiskey to fill it with throughout the day. By the end of the day it would just be straight whiskey, but because the A&W bottle is brown plastic you can't tell the difference.

Only once in class did anyone say anything about it, but I don't think they suspected me. Once during an after-school event a girl classmate of me caught me and knew that my soda bottle was full of whiskey since she could smell it (same girl must have a freaky sense of smell since she always smells liquor on me, in my car, etc.)

In retrospect I realize a lot of people probably smelled it, they just didn't say anything.

>> No.6298234

youre literally so drunk that nothing you say makes sense.

>> No.6298235
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the grown up are talking here, If you wouldn't mind putting a sock in your crazy issues for a damn minute, NO one would mind.

>> No.6298237

yeah dont expect normies to care about you.
i was drinking and someone smelled it and said something about alcohol.

then this guy saw me holding a water bottle.
caught red handed.

but he never approached or said anything about how he knew it was me.

they really dont fucking care. lol

-autist rant

>> No.6298238

Actually no i still dont.

>> No.6298240


hey sexy post your cock on soc so i can get off on the fact that i got a guy to post his dick on here.
it just makes me laugh.
but i dont actually care.
>tfw im so convincing that ever guy s lining u to post it

>> No.6298245
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yeah, well..um...YA but NO and maybe but whatever.

or maybe I'm totally coherent and aware but just recall those time where my inebriation controlled my existence and I'm simply trying to portray the ills of my deviant ways as some small means to recovering?

>> No.6298257

>but i dont actually care.
you do. Like I said, I've seen your type before. You thrive off of others attention, gives you a kind of rush knowing you have that power right? I'm just gonna go on here

You probably have had some sort of middle class background but you have some sort of family estrangement maybe daddy didn't love you enough or something freaky happened. Regardless it developed into social anxieties and insecurities which have hampered both your social and academic lives. So you try to drown it alcohol, but you;ve built up a tolerance to it and now need to find a bigger rush out of it AKA stealth drinking.

Breakdown of a basic becky

>> No.6298260


dis nigga an angry drunk, I bet you don't get invited back much

>> No.6298263

well if youre an actor i dont fuck with actors. i be reckless i dont fuck actas
im rela nigga

>> No.6298268

wrong. i am unloved but loved same time.
fact of life is, im gonna end up a christian wife and mothering 3 kids with a handsome son of a gun in the midwest usa while full timing as an elegant sex slave for an overly sex addicted nigga

or maybe a wigga

>> No.6298270
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I like how it fades out at the end *soon*

>> No.6298271

I'm 30 y/o. I did graduate college, even though I absolutely blew my chance at a lucrative graduate degree. So fuck you. I don't have any crazy issues. Half the people I know are functioning alcoholics.

Where do you live? I live in america and went to a big state university in a big city. I remember a girl in a seminar once giving me a dirty look, she knew. I once had this class from 5pm-8pm so of course I'd start drinking before it started and bring a little cocktail to the class since it was just a crazy little lecture by our old-as-fuck professor. Fuck those bitches if I'm not gonna be drunk for this shit-show. Nobody talked more in class than me!

I do have one friend who thinks I have an alcohol problem, god bless her soul. The worst sign I ever gave her was when I couldn't cum when she tried to give me a hand job. She hadn't tried to do that since.

>> No.6298274
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>3 kids

>> No.6298275
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ugh i hate lectures. america too.
lmao what did you talk about and to who?

lmao at handjobs. why not mae her suck it?

>> No.6298282

vodka water and lime juice

>> No.6298283

>lmao what did you talk about and to who?
lectures in my literature classes. i actually read the books then came to class drunk ready to talk about them

>lmao at handjobs. why not mae her suck it?
im not a big fan of handjobs in the first place (though they can be very nice), but she just didn't understand rhythm besides i had whiskey dick so it was worthless

>> No.6298285

sigh. none.as a long term alkie, I can tell you this. no other. No,no dui,but your respiratory well. stinks of it. vodka does not hide it. I have been lucky,so far,but killing me. three score and ten 70. lucky if I make 60. Honestly. not bad,except...worked nights, military and civilian. most of my life It's like smoking (tabacco) smell it mile away..Though I don't like Indian food too much( nann and clay pot chicken, and like beef ,a big no no in Indian culture they are wise.what did you expect? sure, I'll have a kingfisher.My name happens to be tom, or Thomas. they don't need me there..except..nothing.. hot as hell, limited resources..Gandhi is revered. Mother Theresa.this started as too much drinking.India a great people and land.. I would go as a servant.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmKMT0sUmi8

>> No.6298287


rly' I went to skool' too and grad. and law and got a real fucking job making a reasonable amount of money before going into business for myself and the pivotal moment was coming to the understanding that you have to let go of your childhood fantasies and addictions to be successful, fggt.

>> No.6298290
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>lectures in my literature classes. i actually read the books then came to class drunk ready to talk about them
oh shit you prepared my nigga did you drink 24 7
whiskey > boner

>> No.6298291

ds nigga high and drunk?
son id fuck u i have indian fetish
am grill
lets fuck

>> No.6298293


wow, this thread is rapidly descending

dafaq is your prob mane?

>> No.6298294

did you know my indian vedic horoscope says i'd be a drunk? a good one too.
i ve always felt like alcohol is my last freinds on earth. if i ever need it, its there.

>> No.6298297

gr8 way to end a delightfully sexy post, indian fetish object.

>> No.6298299

i like gucci mane but hes kinda fat
i love chief keef his dick is amazing
its an averag size so i can handle it
i hate big dicks and i love autistic bastards like him

>> No.6298300
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by grill I can only assume that you mean platinum grill?

>> No.6298303

r u the indian?
see thisis why need trips so i can keep track of you fgts.
u limp fggt.

>> No.6298304
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thread turning into a narcissists' rant

>> No.6298305


nigga, dis's 4chin y'll fggts, each and every one ya; or you wouldn't be here.

>> No.6298306

get our chin off my cunt, bricksquad fggt.

i'd never have sex if i wasn't paid for it dearly. i like cash and heels.

>> No.6298307

Most underrated vodka ever. Saw it recc'd by someone on here like three months ago, and have been getting it ever since. $17 where I am, and yeah, it comes in a plastic handle, but it's super fucking smooth. I shoot it straight exclusively.

>> No.6298308

>total fggt
everyone lets make fun of him/it

>> No.6298309
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forgot pic


>> No.6298310


bitch don't even know how to samefag on the chinz, if you were wearing a tee shirt right now it'd say "newFAG" all over it.

>> No.6298311

lmao fuck off foh

post some music sexy

>> No.6298317


what did you say to me whore, I can't understand a GD thing you say with my member so far down your throat?

>> No.6298318

whats a good gum flavor/brand for breath?

>> No.6298319


use altoids lmao

>> No.6298321

>my member so far down your throat?
yeah you wish BITCH
id slap the shit out you if you tried

flavor tho?

>> No.6298324

im gonna need you to post something of worth.

>> No.6298325

Original. Peppermint. Untouchable.


>> No.6298326

You want dick pics huh?

>> No.6298330


sorry, your right that was uncalled for and yes you would be slapping the shit out of me and rightly so, with your GD tinsels gutter slut.

also the flavour is more like tutti fruiti

>> No.6298331

wtf are you on about? healthy vodka?

jesus christ it's not difficult just get med shelf shit (smirnoff, whaever), drink straight from a water bottle or mix it in a juice bottle

I used to do it all the time

also go to the doctor and get some meds alcohol will fuck your life if you use it as a medication

stupid dumb alcoholic scum

>> No.6298332

youre so eager to show off your girlgood. trust me ive seen it all and i only like indians and blacks.

>> No.6298337
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>> No.6298338

>music of worth is this

how do you get off to metal when your drunk as fuck you stupid prick!

>> No.6298341

its pretty good actually post more music prickkk =p

>> No.6298342

>i only like indians and blacks.

so only tiny or huge, I guess I can respect a woman who doesn't compromise

>> No.6298343

Keef is meh but anything with Andy Milonakis is automatically cancer

>> No.6298348

>GD tinsels
wot m8?
i dont speak neet-whothinkshescool

>> No.6298351


in b4 b&


>> No.6298352

>stupid dumb alcoholic scum
thats hot. wanna buy me shoes?

whats in the right upper corner sexy

>> No.6298354

indians are just the right shade of nigger without being actually darkasfuck niggas and hoodrats
theyre exotic

>> No.6298356

Just a little neckbeard teaser

>> No.6298357


screw you normie, go tell you mom your outta tendies.

>> No.6298358

i'll post 10 tracks of keef that you will love brb

>> No.6298360

Please don't, I've heard a lot of Keef. He's just not my style.

>> No.6298361

>tfw am literally SA retard who is OP
>getting called normieUWOTm8

>> No.6298365

did you hearhis new shit?
post music

>> No.6298366

>theyre exotic

why do people say that shit about thing most other people don't like? maybe I should start calling my garbage "exotic" and other will gladly take it out for me?

>> No.6298369

>thats hot. wanna buy me shoes?

only if I you let me violently rape and bash your fucking head in with a rock until you stop breathing you disgusting fucking piece of shit

>> No.6298370

wow, thats hot but only if you pretend to do it on a isually fake simulated movie screen and then let me in a room alone to touch my pepe to it.
otherwise no thank you sexy.
post your full birthdate

>> No.6298374

whats not to like about indians lmao
kek kek

>> No.6298376

id like you to rape me only if you make me feel loved and are really emotional and sweet i love sensitive guys
be shy too thats really hot

>> No.6298377

You listen to Gangsta Gibbs?

>> No.6298378

new music makesmy pepe hard

ugh hes not as hot and sensitive as chief queef i could never listen to this repeatedly.

>> No.6298383


naw I'm srs. dudes are going to start coming over to my flat just to get first dibs on my trash. Everybody is going to be in total suspense for the next thing I throw in the bin, cuz it's exotic, now.

>> No.6298385
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>> No.6298387

post pics hotstuff

so white !??! if you dye our skin indian color i'd consider fucking while drunk

>> No.6298388


imma little tipsey...I can't tell if that an ear of a vag?

>> No.6298390

i have three ears on my pussy.


post music or die its my thread rules bitch

>> No.6298393

drunkfeels minithread

does anyone feel like they feel like shit because of drinking to solve problems?
like they feel theyre doing something bad by being an alchie? i hate that i feel like im doing something bad. everyone says alchies suck.
but really what if we're godtier?

>> No.6298395

>post pics hotstuff

You wouldn't like me. My mom's white and my dad's black but you'd never know it unless you pulled my pants down.

>> No.6298396


no fggt. drink moar.

>> No.6298397
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>> No.6298401

oh god so exotic i need your dick now at least post your chest like ITT wigga did

tfw captcha betaf.

>> No.6298402
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>> No.6298404


oh fuck, I've seen this trick before at the donkey show in mexico.

>> No.6298405

tj amazing gaytheis? love it.

>> No.6298409

three some? i smell it.
r u gurl

>> No.6298414

tfw drunk

>> No.6298416
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>> No.6298417

Fuck you, you are just a lazy fucking asshole on the inside. You give us proper high functioning alcoholics a bad name.

>> No.6298418

weed bro?
whats it like being drunk as fuck and high off thc?

>> No.6298419

yeah really.
god i love u
i know some famous high func alchs and i know i could be that
its like my spirit animal is a drunk bitch who keeps it together you cant tell shes drunk most the time.

guys im drnk and i need to cover my smell how? no perfume ATM or gum mints

>> No.6298423

r u grill

>> No.6298425 [DELETED] 

am very fit grill with fair sized boobs ur gelly

>> No.6298429

come on help me cover the smell faggot.

>> No.6298438
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>> No.6298439

r u relly the amazing gaytheist? hot.

>> No.6298440

>Is it bad for your health to have cheap vodka all day?

Obviously? wtf is wrong with you

>> No.6298446
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>> No.6298451

im literally about to die if youre TAA
can yu pove it?
im gonna cum so hard

>> No.6298456
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>this whole post

Le Agayzing LeTheist detected 100%

>> No.6298458

if hes not hes thinking
.these dumb ass dunks are fucking diots

>> No.6298461


guys im drnk and i need to cover my smell how? no perfume ATM or gum mints

>> No.6298465
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>> No.6298467

no sorry buddy, i go to rutgers in jersey, senior in civil engineering

>> No.6298469
File: 182 KB, 1296x808, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, what the fuck. What is going on here. Are these your lips? That's fucked up. Is that your nose and upper lip? That's fucked up. You're fucking weird.

>> No.6298472

help me asshole

>come on help me cover the smell faggot.

>> No.6298474

Stop focusing on your pussy, tits and mouth for a second and help me resolve the mystery of this neckbeard's fucking weird nose-lip. I'll take care of your needs eventually.

>> No.6298476

>pussy, tits and mouth
youre the scum of dumbness
im asking to help me cover the fucking sell withotu gu and perfume
i have to go somewhre soon help me faggot ss drunk rick
and post music too
metal pls

>> No.6298478

hes literally troling us beause were drunk idiots and he looks down on alchies
dont even fall for his pic hes just tking advantage of us?

>> No.6298480

You like my beak nigga?

>> No.6298483


>> No.6298489

metalcore =/= mettle

>> No.6298498

Well, that's wrong, but that's not important. If you want thugger shit I'll give you some

Do you want slow or fast metal

>> No.6298508

It's a /pol/ meme that louis ck is a black cock worshipping cucklord.

>> No.6298524

Yukon jack

>> No.6298543


>> No.6298545

Here's my favorite brutal/tech death album


They fell off but you know... that's what bands do

>> No.6298582

the social anxiety course helped me a lot for like 2 or 3 weeks, then I failed at step 3
hopefully that won't happen to you, OP
good luck with the alcoholism though, at least you're not drinking cause you're depressed, so you don't need to drink 24/7, just when you go out

>> No.6298610

Fruit Punch Gatorade and Vodka


>> No.6298627
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Cheap saki. I would buy the huge coconut waters (because you want to have a cap) and just fill 2/3 with saki after.

Saki is clear, you can drink it easily without it tasting like total shit, and it gets you trashed.

>> No.6298836

i fell asleep, anyone still drunk?

idk mang all my social failures and awkward moment keep rerunningin m head making me depressed but illgive urlinkatry thx

>> No.6298838

how so

>> No.6298847

12:10 good shit mang

>> No.6298853

iktf ;_;
for the course, when they tell you to write something down, actually write it down
don't just go "I'll just think about what I would write", I dd that, and when it told me to reflect on it, I was fucked
do you have close friends afk?

>> No.6298870

NO i am a robot

>> No.6298879

at first I thought you were replying to the captcha
what about online? it sucks if you have no one to talk to
even if you don't talk to them often, just having the option is comforting
I have a handful of online friends I consider pretty close, but I'm still scared to start conversations with them sometimes

>> No.6298882

Whats the best way to spend the entire day drunk without passing out or becoming some sort of drunk slurred mess, the old drunks in the pub seem to be able to drink all day and not become to wrecked, what is their secret?

>> No.6298884

i want all fucking normies to leave

>> No.6298887

high tolerance?

>> No.6298894

>All fortified wines are around 20% ABV, but they're full of sugar, since they're desert wines.
This hurts my autism

>> No.6298895

All you fucking degenerates don't tell this fuck up how to sneak alcohol into school. Stop being alcoholics you fucking losers.

>> No.6298903

we're on 4chan
we've already lost

>> No.6298906

i have someone i can talk to but you cant tell everything thats bothering you to them...some people cant handle it, dont know what to do with such info.

yeah i really shit at starting convos with literally anyone i even remotely consider friendly. they could change at any moment and be mean.

>> No.6298909
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leave us alone normie

>> No.6298918

No, fuck you. Also the term is normalfag, not normie you neo-4chan scum

>> No.6298920

mhmm, I have some things I've learned about myself that I'll probably take to the grave with me
>they could change at any moment and be mean
I think I'm guilty of that, usually if I'm in a bad mood or something, not in the middle of a conversation for no reason

I dunno if this is just me or if it's normal for SA
the more I like someone, the more I'm scared of them, if I hate someone, I barely think when talking to them and somehow have a lot of confidence
usually regret the things I say though, it's happened to me a few times with shit teachers

>> No.6298926

Shut the fuck up you scum. Stop being a worthless piece of shit. Also THE FUCKING TERM IS NORMALFAG, STOP SAYING NORMIE

>> No.6298928

sounds like you have a on off empathy switch

i couldnt be mean even to mean people usually
i could never talk back to teachers lol

>> No.6298933

>a on off empathy switch
I lol'd, I guess so
I still get the usual symptoms, heart racing, room feels really hot, I don't stutter though, my voice doesn't sound scared like it usually does
do you usually talk quietly? a few weeks ago someone asked me "do you have a normal voice? you always sound scared, is that your scared voice or normal voice?"

>> No.6298934


get a load of this normiefag

>> No.6298943


i talk low because im scared they're eyes will glaze over whenever i open my mouth so it's like i half-say it b/c i don't really want to say it.

its more socially accepted for a grill to talk quietly than a guy, probably thats why they asked you that.

>> No.6298945

I had a dude in my class who used to bring in an actual plate and cutlery. Sat around in lectures like he was at a restaurant. Pretty cool guy.

>> No.6298946

thats retarded and id smack that faggot for distracting everyone during lectures
what a faggot

>> No.6298952

yes, exactly, it annoys me so much
I spent most of middle school indoors and my dad would call me feminine because of it

>> No.6298954

I drink a little bit throughout the day of liquor on days of. So I can take like 10 151 and still be good. But I also run when drinking and drink lots of water.

>> No.6298955

you're a big guy

>> No.6298957

He ate quietly though.

>> No.6298960

>Are they 'healthy' compared to drinking vodka all day? If you exercise, sure.
No, drinking alcoholic sugar water all day is not healthier than drinking alcoholic water all day.

>> No.6298978

It involves building up your tolerance, it takes a few years but if you persist with it long enough you too could become a drinking expert.

>> No.6298982

I got to that point in a couple months. Could drink a litre of vodka and be fine the next day. Quit drinking recently because of that.

>> No.6299034

What the fuck is this thread? Just a dumb drunk slut rambling to herself? And possibly the Amazing Atheist? I need to get off 4chan.

>> No.6299260


you can't eat in my classroom
out you go

do you eat everywhere?
do you eat in the toilet?

regarding alcohol, if you're tipsy I contact campus security

>> No.6299586

i'm new to /ck/, but it seems like i never left my other home boards

>> No.6300017

This man speaks the truth. When your body metabolizes alcohol a small portion is excreted through your breath and sweat. The best I can suggest is to chew weird smelling gum.

>> No.6300057

What kind of flavor is weird

>> No.6300074

The juicy fruit trident gum
source: mum was an alcoholic and masked it this way

>> No.6300140


naw bro go to the chink store and get some ginsing gum it has a really weird funk to it that most guilo'z will not be able to place and mixed with the al/ck/ you'll pass every time.

dis fggt.>>6300074
don't know shit, but can i get your moms number?

>> No.6300147


>this guy doesn't know about nonstop drinking weekend /ck/

>> No.6300148

shes 60 with a snaggletooth nigga and she lives in the UK

>> No.6300153


I've got low standards, so.....number?

>> No.6300174



OH good. see pussy is like a slinky the more you use it the looser it gets but unlike a slinky old bitches start to atrophy from under use getting all rubber band tight again.

>> No.6300209

>Home alone
>Friends and me talk about how we going to chill almost everyday at my place
>2 came over once 3 days ago
>I'm fucking lonely (not because my family isn't there [I'm not on good terms with them and we kind of avoid each other anyways])
>My friends are huge faggots cause they rather stay at home and play league or poker instead of coming over
>Haven't been doing anything but reading the last 2 days, didn't even leave the house
>Drink the 2 beers in the fridge in one go
>Drink some random shots
>Not enough to get me drunk
>Take a huge load off snuff tobacco
>Slight buzz, sad that I don't have any more alcohol or weed

>> No.6300330
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Why don't you just go to your friends place.... or even better get a fucking job so you can buy your own booze. zzzzzz

>> No.6300409

go back to >>>/lit/ you massive faggot

>> No.6300424

Fill one of these with vodka. Good 2 go.

>> No.6300430
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Forgot image

>> No.6300432

>not a seasoned alcoholic
>back to /lit/

He's not one of us, lad.

>> No.6300437

Holy shit kid, get off this site and go back to studying unless you want to be like the rest of the cucks in this place the rest of your life.

>> No.6300442

Those big ass Breezers tropical orange smoothie vodka bottles, the 1L ones. Cheap as fuck, smells and tastes just like orange soda, and most cost effective thing.

>> No.6300514
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Let's hear some retarded alchohol stories.
I was visiting a friend outside of Boston over the summer, wound up going to some beach party with bonfires and kegs buried in the sand because you can't just have a keg out on the beach. Eventually we all started walking back to a friend of my friend's house, then I got lost. Next thing I remember I'm wandering around in these tall reeds and I see a flashlight and some guy's like hey! get out of there! Well it was a cop. So i get in his cop car and explain the situation and he's like ok, what's the address. And i have no idea so i'm just trying to stall like, ahhhh this looks really familiar i think it's right around this corner. Then i just pick a house at random and i'm like, yup, that's the one. He's like you're sure? I'm like yep. So he let's me out and i tell him i'm going to go around back to the basement entrance so i don't wake my friend's parents. Then i proceed to walk back in to the brush and collapse in the bushes.

The next day I wake up and I'm looking for my friend saying hey man it's time to wake up (there was no friend). So i knock on a random door and ask to use their phone and they look at me like i just told them i murdered their family. Then i hear "HONEY WHERE ARE THE KIDS"/ Then the guy asks me the number through the glass door and tells me he'll dial it. No answer. Eventually some kind soul gave me a ride into town and it turned out to be Plymouth Rock that I got a ride into. So I went to a couple restaurants used their phones and eventually got a hold of my friend.

>> No.6300529

>>get soda cup from subway or McDonalds
This. Doesn't matter what you want to drink because nobody will be able to see it. Only bad part is you'll need to drink through a straw if you want to be as low key as possible.

As far as cheap, easy and hard to detect: vodka and gatorade. Really just vodka and anything. Or just plain vodka.

>tfw i'm gonna buy some vodka tonight.

>> No.6300549

I lasted two weeks, heading out to get some scotch now, what should I get? Price isn't an issue.

>> No.6300551
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People don't realize that you can buy alcohol from Costco without a membership. I do it all the time. If the guy at the door asks to see your card just say you're there for the pharmacy. You don't need a card for the pharmacy either.

Also, you can get in with a gift card. Doesn't matter if theres any credit on it.

I got these last week and ran out a few days ago
>tw trying to not drink

>> No.6300649

Come on guys I need a good recommendation. Don't make me just get the Glenlivet.

>> No.6300656

Went there the one near me the other day, they scanned my card when I went to check out, then he said my membership ran out.

Totally gonna renew it, that 1.75l for 15and change including tax is fucking great, three bucks a pound cheddar too.

I have heard that the pharm thing from a moneysaving show host, though.

>> No.6300846

I drank and did drugs, including IV narcotics from age 11 until was 16.
Went to prison at 16 and spent 15 years in there.
Got out and went 26 years with no use of any drugs or alcohol.
Now, due to permanently injured back, and stupid WOD laws, have to drink a fifth of 100 proof vodka every night to be able to function.

Can't get pain pills or smoke pot, but have to dink "legal" shit, and have the accompanying medical issues. Which with no insurance, costs all kinds of money.
COPD, Congestive heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, to name a few.

Was in the hospital today due to it.

>> No.6300887

Goddamn. I'd pray for you if I was religious.

>> No.6300892

Get rum, get coke, put it in a McDonald's cup
Holy shit are you retarded

>> No.6300924

How did you manage to fuck up your life so bad dude

Where were your parents - CAPTCHA: iplan

>> No.6302826

hell yeah

>> No.6302840

Nigger with a white woman, lost my appetite.

>> No.6302856

are you retarded
>le cuck meme
>being too autistic to recognize it's kanye west and kim kardashian

>> No.6302862


>> No.6302869

We're on 4chan, do you really expect us to fucking stage an intervention for him? No. We'd rather help him crash and burn, like he wants to.

>> No.6303064

Nigga, that's how I drink. A flask is too obvious, but a nalgene bottle won't draw attention. Just make sure you dilute your vodka with water, juice, or Gatorade so it doesn't reek of straight ethanol. I try not to open it around people either, I'll wait until I'm alone and take a heavy swig.

>> No.6303500

do we come here every weekend to get wasted?
looking forward to this

>> No.6303520

WHO and WHO?

>> No.6303559

spiced rum (captain morgon, admiral nelson, whatever) and sprite mixed together tastes just like cream soda.

>> No.6305271

Silent sam and some sort of juice.

>> No.6305367

>Is it bad for your health to have cheap vodka all day?
Yes. Alcohol is harmful.

>> No.6305371

>Nobody's saying it is. Some brands have some pretty large amounts of impurities that make them worse. Other brands have very good quality control, and can be much healthier than say, beer for example. Maybe healthier isn't the best word, though, less unhealthy would be far more accurate, which is what OP is going for.
No. No. No.

Beer, wine, spirits: they all cause equal harm to your body. The only thing that matters is the amount of pure alcohol ingested.

>> No.6305439

Another anxious alcoholic!
Represent, faggot.
I go with Irish coffee, they assume it's just creamer, the fools.

>> No.6305456

Strictly speaking, beer and wine are a bit better than spirits because the fluids in the drink help compensate the dehydration the alcohol causes and they have other stuff in them that are good for you in the sense of vitamins and minerals and all that.

That said, ethanol in great amounts will wreck your shit no matter what.

>> No.6305756

>being autistic enough to even give a shit about Kim Kardashian and Kanye Wests life.

>> No.6306243

Where do you buy it and which alch?

>> No.6306370

Half rum half coke in a coke bottle it's not that hard