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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6297106 No.6297106 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst meal you've ever had in your life?

>> No.6297107

Cabbage wraps.

>> No.6297110


nigga, you got some kinda problem with hamburger helper cheeze mac?

>> No.6297112

Every meal I ever had in the first year of highschool before they let us to to shops and go home.

>> No.6297116


>> No.6297118


Spoiled chili

>> No.6297121

Yes, yes I do. It looks gross.

If someone placed that in front of me, I'd push it 12 inches away with the tips of my fingers and fold my arms in silence.

>> No.6297122

>to to shops and go home
>to to shops

So they made you wear tutu's and sent you home with faggotry?

>> No.6297126
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I went to this place that sells "Greek" food and American diner food. Gyros, corn dogs, burgers, fries, root beer on tap, etc. I used to absolutely love this place growing up.

Bought a corn dog and a gyro. Gyro meat was flat-out burned, and the corn dog was frozen in the middle. I think they made it from frozen sausages to make battering it easier, because it was not your typical frozen corn dog that you get at supermarkets. This place was (or used to be) legit.

I don't know why, but it just really depressed me. I suddenly understood conservatism and "muh tradition!"

Something came over me, and I drove back, threw it on the counter, and demanded a refund. Took my cash, went home and wept.

>> No.6297144

When my sister moved out, she wanted our family to come round and cool for us for reasons I'll never know. She must have known fine well that she couldn't cook. But 4 days independence and she thought she could.

We were served some kind of pasta dish. Imagine luke warm pasta with some bright pink, sweet, sickly tasting sludge ontop.

If I had to guess the ingredients it would be;
>tomato puree
>corn starch
>her entire spice cabinet

I've never had to chase food before.

>> No.6297147

>I've never had to chase food before.
You are a good brother.

>> No.6297149

My sister's friend was getting married, and I was invited. The reception was at this little restaurant in a neighboring town. I'd never been there before, and had no idea what to expect. To tell the truth, I wasn't expecting much. This area is not generally known for culinary finesse (this is the land of the tater-tot casserole). When we got there and saw the buffet, I almost cried. It was like I was back in school. There were sad gray vegetables, shoe-leather meat, and roasted potatoes. I took a big spoonful of the potatoes, thinking, "It's pretty much impossible to fuck up roasted potatoes, so these should be fine, right?" WRONG. They were mushy and soaked in what I assume was canola oil, with very little seasoning.

I tried so hard to eat that food. I liked the bride and didn't want to hurt her feelings. But I mean god damn. If I'd gone to the restaurant on my own and been served that meal, I'd have refused to pay.

>> No.6297165

>friend's mom is a shit cook
>eaten dinner a couple times
>never enough food, and I take a tiny portion to be polite
>every time it's like burnt dry chicken breasts and canned corn

They are very well-off so its not like they can't afford it. Now if I'm at his place during dinner I just say I ate before I came.

>> No.6297219

I ate at Burger King once.

>> No.6297236

You brave soul

>> No.6297239

That looks tasty

>> No.6297244

Then they'd tell you to get the fuck out of their house, you pompous autistic fuck

>> No.6297283

nigga that shit is 11 years old of coarse it looks gross now. dumbass.

>> No.6297312

I always go to this sandwich shop for lunch, at about 1:30 they get all their cooked food and put it together in sandwiches and sell them for £1 each. Yesterday there was a sausage and tomato, all the tomato had absorbed into the bun and it was like red mush that fell apart. When I looked inside there was a fucking bean inside, 1 single bean.

I guess that's what I get for going to a place with a 3/5 hygiene rating.

>> No.6297491

Family reunion in the Deep South that I couldn't get out of.

Food consisted of:
>Easy Cheese casserole sandwiches on stale white bread
>Punch where each bowl of the stuff contained a literal pound of sugar
>Some sort of angel food bundt cake that looked, felt, and tasted like a kitchen sponge
>Cold fried chicken coated with a thick layer of translucent grease
>Decaf instant coffee
>Casseroles, casseroles, and more casseroles
>Krispy Kreme donuts

Looking at that buffet line explained a lot about why the people in that room looked the way they did.

>> No.6297511

>Krispy Kreme donuts
sounds like a good reunion to me

>> No.6297576

Its better if the hot dog is frozen so it doesn't over cook. Look up pretty much any deep fried batted dipped recipe for the same conclusion barring things that can handle the high temp.

>> No.6297601

Some sort of "asian" ...casarole? that my midwestern mother would simetimes make. It was just a pot with a lid filled with beef, rice, and celery, and nearly and entire bottle of that shitty fake soy sauce that's nothing but water, salt, and high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.6297606

You sound like a fucking loser. Do you realize that?

>> No.6297633
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>> No.6297702

Some leaf wrapped ground beef this Chaldean chick brought me.

>> No.6297721
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>I suddenly understood conservatism and "muh tradition!"

A little of that is just getting old, Anon. But don't blame the people who served you shite food. Blame the conditions that contributed to them cutting down on quality and care in making the product.

>> No.6297725


Liver and onions. In tomato sauce.

Thanks Mom.

>> No.6297727

The single father special: ketchup on ramen.

>> No.6297728


autistic teenager detected

>> No.6297751

nacho fries from Big Boy

there aren't any Big Boys where I'm from, so I saw one and thought it would be nice to try. The place is like a cross between an Ihop and a McDonalds. They gave me a soggy pile of french fries topped with dog food and "cheese." I think I ate a few, realized I had made a horrible mistake, paid ten dollars and left. I had to swat flies away from my table the whole time I was there, too.

Fucking south.

>> No.6297779

seriously man?
get rice in bulk
get shitty meat in bulk
get potatos
there, now you have better food. thank me later

>> No.6297783
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>potato in rice

>> No.6297798

>You guys in charge of knowing what Sausage dip is.
Although I must say, I've never seen it yellow before.

>> No.6297936

Indian buffet.

>> No.6298530

Only thing I can remember is this 10 year old "potatoh and spinach soup mix" my mom thought would be a good idea to make.

I have never in my life disrespected my mom, but I told her "Mom you'll regret making me eat this" and she says "Just eat it please, it's all we have."
Next day at 11 in the morning I walk into the hallway to use the bathroom and vomit so hard I fall down, then I shoot so much diarrhea that I stand back up. I slowly make my way down three flights of stairs puking and shitting down to the main office. it feels like eternity, my mom comes to pick me up with fresh shorts and I have to wear a trash bag home, crying the entire drive home.

I think we moved after that, I'm not sure if I remember.

Otherwise, it's the time my mom made curry again after a long time since she made it and I realized it wasn't as good as I remembered it. The potatoes were crumbly, carrots were mushy, beef was tough, and the rice crunched in my mouth. I cried that day, because it was the day I realized I was a man and no longer a boy.

I have not cried since that day.

>> No.6298532


The one where I had no food at all for the meal because I was irresponsible with the actual good money I made.

>> No.6298536

>live in la jolla, california
>dad comes over to visit me
>picks me up from my dorms
>feel like sushi
>we go to this suspicious japanese place in the middle of an empty mall
>3 filipino servers and an empty restaurant
>completely fucking empty
>i get the bento
>i shit you not the waiter brings out small porcelain plates with dry microwaved chicken thrown on it and tossed with store-bought teriyaki sauce
>rice is the hard shit that you get when you leave fresh rice sitting in open-air for a while
>fish is decent actually

meh, wasn't too bad I guess.

>> No.6298563
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That picture gave me feels, I can't find reindeer meat for a reasonable price where I live.

>> No.6299036

funny how you reply to the one person who called you an autist, but none of the people who did call you one.
autist confirmed.

>> No.6299076

>Mom gets super pissed at me for seemingly no reason
>Decides she's not going to cook dinner
>Says she is going to Subway
>Asks what I want
>"I'll just get you an Italian sub"
>Returns a few hours later
>Bread. Bologna. Lettuce.
>Tasted so bad I cried

>> No.6299087

Some kebab in Berlin. It was 6 am or so and the place looked sketchy, meat tasted like the 9th circle of hell, but I was so hangover/still drugged/hungry so still ate it all. Gave me terrible shits few days after and now I have a gag reflex every time I smell kebab.

>> No.6299100

My dad made swiss chard as a side dish once.
We usually eat it cooked with a little potatoes, salt, and olive oil on top.

He just cooked it, didn't put any salt inside, no potatoes, no olive oil, just overcooked green mush on the plate that tasted like some kind of industrial waste.
Was kinda surprised because he usually cooks good.

>> No.6299108


How is that place still dishing out franchises?

>> No.6299181

Semolina porridge.
The taste isn't that bad but the texture is absolutely revolting. I legitimately puked a few times when I was a kid and I haven't touched the stuff since.

>> No.6299204

A Seafood Lasagne my brother cooked. It was his first proper cooked meal for the family and it made me retch

there was technically nothing wrong with it but why did he have to pick then for me to realise I can't eat seafood, I still feel bad about it

>> No.6299224

Are you the same guy who tried to cook his own bread in his coworker's oven and insulted his Irish stew and almost got rekt for it?

>> No.6299608

>On a road trip with my dad and his parents
>Grandparents resolutely stuck in this depression-era "save everything" mentality so all throughout the trip we buy food that won't spoil
>End of trip, coming back home
>Sitting in traffic, smell of NJ state highway traffic fumes
>Lunch time so time to finish off what we have left
>Everybody gets a butter, peanut butter and anchovy sandwich with little chunks of jarlsberg cheese on nasty 10 grain bread
>0/10 would not recommend

>> No.6299641

Dandelion greens. I'm an adventurous eater but those were far too bitter.

Also, I once when I was a kid at camp I had a cup of instant beef ramen that made me throw up 20 minutes after I ate it. Didn't have a fork so my friend let me use her hair chopsticks. I washed them 3 times but still couldn't get the grease and chemicals out. Then to make matters worse the soup was spoiled. I'll never forget that smell. The only thing I've smelled that came close to it was when years later I made the mistake of taking a big whiff of rotten olive oil. That was a decade ago and to this day the thought of instant beef soup makes me physically ill. brb going to dry heave for 15 minutes

>> No.6299966

One time my girlfriend tried to make sausage and peppers, but got confused by my spice rack and dumped in way too much of everything. It was completely inedible, but I still managed to get through about half of the plate she served out of love and sheer determination to not to make her feel bad.

>> No.6300093

had sausage gravy that tasted like actual cigarettes. nearly vomited.

>> No.6300130

When I was about 11 years old I was with my parents as we traveled to South Carolina. All three of us were desperately hungry but they didn't want fast food. Finally we saw a sign on the side of the road for "authentic Carolina barbeque". We stopped there and ordered two full racks of ribs to eat between the three of us.

It was then that we found out the horrible truth about "Carolina barbeque".



That was more than 20 years ago now and I would be hard pressed to think of a meal that was more of a soul crushing disappointment in my whole life.

>> No.6300198

I found carolina mustard based to be GOAT on pulled pork, fagg0t

>> No.6300214

anything my mother cooks

>> No.6300218

Are you me?

>> No.6300235
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Cow's tongue.
> be me be teenager
> Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Children's Center
> temporary group home
> cow's tongue for dinner
> afro mericans love it
> take one bite
> heave & spew
> eventually end up in foster home
I Hate Cleveland and beef.
> glad you like em

>> No.6300260

no, sorry anon

it's more vinegar based than mustard based. and vinegar based bbq sauces are GOAT

>> No.6300266

My wife's sister made shrimp and grits

The shrimp were cooked by boiling them in jar salsa and pour the whole mix over the grits

I literally barfed

>> No.6300273

When I was a kid I used to mix cheesewhiz in my rice

One time I was at a friends house for dinner and they where having rice. I asked for some cheesewhiz but they didn't have any. They instead melted one of those craft singles slices over the top with a microwave

I still recall the smell of it when I want to induce vomiting.

>> No.6300277

Even thinking about mashed chick peas makes me gag.

>> No.6300280

>spewing food

wow are you retarded?

>> No.6300281
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>and vinegar based bbq sauces are GOAT
>vinegar based bbq sauces
>bbq sauce

Hardly a day goes by when I'm not happy that my parents moved to Maryland from Missouri before I was born. There is almost nothing about the mid west I like.

Except Kansas City style BBQ. All other forms of barbeque can just fuck right off.

>> No.6300669


In NZ, Burger King is better than McDonalds, even if 90% of the staff is now Indian.

>> No.6300758
File: 46 KB, 511x450, imo-s-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had St louis style pizza once. I was hungry as shit and only ate two squares. We had to go to burger king afterwards because we threw most of the pizza out.

Imo's is so shit, pls dont even try

>> No.6300950

jokes on you because missouri isn't even part of the midwest