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6291732 No.6291732 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a meme beer?

>> No.6291733

>craft beer

of course it is

>> No.6291738

I don't believe in "meme food". I don't care if you douse your bacon in sriracha every day.

But this shit. This is meme beer.

>> No.6291741

$13 for that shit? What does it even taste like? Just a fucking beer with sirarcha poured in?

>> No.6291745

I per-ordered their Hellboy beer just for a collection purpose a month ago. It's still waiting on shipping and it's sold out.

I'm not getting that beer, am I /ck/...

>> No.6291757

The reviews say coffee, chocolate, chili, roasted malts. Standard peppery porter flavors. I really just like the bottle. Also my beer guy was like "hey hey pssssst want a secret beer? i can't actually sell it until next week" so it made it even more tempting.


Looks like nobody has had it so don't give up hope yet. It should come.

>pre-ordering beer


>> No.6291770


I'm a Hellboy fan and it's a limited edition. They had a pre-order option and I wanted to make sure I got one.

>> No.6291775
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Not knocking you. Just never heard of pre-ordering a beer or a brewery mailing beer out. Do you have to live near them? Verify your age?

>> No.6291785


Rogue Ales is fairly large and popular brewery on the west coast. They'll ship it anywhere in the U.S. besides for the few states that have alcohol mailing bans. They ask that you input your birthday but that's it for Rogue Ales sight. I've never attempted to order a beer online from anywhere else before.

>> No.6291790

rogue is good stuff but I wouldn't drink that

>> No.6291799


They do make good stuff like Shakespeare oatmeal stout but it tends to get overshadowed in people's minds by stuff like this and their Voodoo series.

>> No.6291803

Wtf man they have tons of beers on their webstore. I never would have thought to look there. I don't buy their stuff that often but only their boring stuff makes it out here I guess. I don't remember the last truly great Rogue beer I had. Any recommendations from their store? I like stouts, dark belgians, and strong fruity IPAs.

>> No.6291809
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Has anyone had the big ass braggot? Sounds pretty good.

>> No.6291814


I'm kind of picky (and uncultured) when it comes to beer but I'm a big fan of the Shakespeare Oatmeal stout >>6291799 mentioned.

>> No.6291823

I might order that and the barrel aged braggot. They both sound good. Oatmeal stouts are hit or miss though.

>> No.6291936

>being this edgy
Rogue is kinda meme but not craft beer

>> No.6291960

Just following trends. You see rogue is a follower not a setter.

>> No.6291963

Rogue is craft beer by definition you underage fag.

>> No.6291992

I think he meant "Rogue is somewhat a meme brewery, but that doesn't necessarily mean all craft beer is meme beer." But maybe not.

>> No.6291995

You can't read you fucking moron. That beer is meme, rogue is pretty meme besides dead guy.
Stay underage

>> No.6291996
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Strangely enough, I found Rogue beer at Marche d'Aligre in Paris.

All I know is that I knew some mates that picked up big boxes (24s?) of their amber ale for next to nothing. Good for cooking with.

>tfw canadian
>tfw nearly $2/bottle minimum for almost any brand, import or domestic
>tfw it's cheaper to go to a microbrewery with a BYOB option

>> No.6291997

You got it

>> No.6293034

>my beer guy
What are you, a fucking Prohibition agent or something?

>> No.6293038

>im a retard

>> No.6293041
File: 629 KB, 1000x750, twisted-pine-ghost-face-killah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink this is you want a real pepper beer.

>> No.6293107

Yes don't tell anyone pls

>> No.6293152

My brother got me OP's beer as a birthday present (because just because I love spicy food, I must love sriracha right?) and I was severely disappointed. No spicy kick whatsoever, and bitter as all hell like it had already skunked.

He also got me "beard beer" which apparently uses yeast from the brewmaster's beard. Also skunked.

>> No.6293170

Rogue kinda sucks man. Their dead guy is good and so is their barleywine but that's about it.

>> No.6293189

I heard Rogue beers are all shit, and I'll never buy one because I've heard their only decent brews are the creative ones, but this just looks ridiculous.

>> No.6293191

>rogue is pretty meme
You sure you wanna call others out on being underage, kiddo?

>> No.6293201

Rogue has put out great beer, but by now I think the amount of bullshit they've thrown at the public outweighs their actually good brews. I don't buy any of their stuff anymore. I would still visit the brewery though.

>> No.6293357

It's actually really good. I had it in house before the decided to bottle it.

As far as spicy beers go, it's one of the better ones.

>> No.6293366
File: 156 KB, 640x1280, UV_Sriracha_Bottle (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if this is a meme vodka

>> No.6293392

>30% abv
Can you even call that vodka?

>> No.6293394

it's a meme [read: shit] brewery.

>> No.6293457

I am sure sport.
Voodoo doughnuts bacon maple
Siracha flavored
The fact they have a line dedicated to voodoo doughnuts is pretty meme.
The only good is their dead guy ale
So yeah as I said stay underage sport.

>> No.6293474


Same. Haven't purchased Rogue is several years. They have started distributing in a lot of countries. Saw some last vacation in Thailand.

>> No.6293475


>shakespeare stout
>hazelnut brown
>kell's Irish lager
>xs imperial stout
>double chocolate stout
All fantastic beers

>> No.6293478

Voodoo was an experimental batch, it got popular and thats why they continue to produce it.

Would you stop producing a test batch if it sold really well?

>> No.6293481

Marionberry Braggot is delicious.

>> No.6293491

I'm definitely gonna have to try it, never had braggot before

>> No.6293494

That has nothing to do with what I said.
I understand that is sells it doesn't make it less meme.

>> No.6293539

Do you even know what meme means?

Anything that is popular is not automatically qualified as a meme.

>> No.6293544

You're telling me Siracha flavored , bacon maple beer isn't meme?

>> No.6293548
File: 81 KB, 259x383, 1399282874131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend bought one, tasted like slightly spicy dark stout. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6293554

everything else than miller lite is a meme beer

>> No.6293559


>> No.6293575
File: 31 KB, 380x302, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*slow clap*
>Siracha beer
>not meme
Okay dude

>> No.6293576


>> No.6293603
File: 57 KB, 233x233, 1337070478166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr DURR I just learned green texted and and not realizing what I'm saying but green text.
Stay buttmad

>> No.6293628

Bacon is a readily available tasteful salted fatty meat.

Siracha is a well available, well known, good tasting mild hot sauce.

>> No.6293646
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>all this malt shit

>> No.6293667

it's also a food that hipsters have completely overexposed, to the point where its the new bacon

>> No.6293684

I enjoy novelty vodka. Although, this stuff lasted forever in my house. The worst vodka I have had, second is dill pickle vodka. Just cant get used to pickles

>> No.6293863

Doesn't stop it from being meme

>> No.6293875

I'm disappointed that their meme sauce beer is only a stout.
If they really wanted to capture the full essence of a meme brew, they would've made it an IPA.

>> No.6293930

>all rogue is shitty.
Not true. Think about it-if they really were shitty, wouldn't people have caught on by now? Use your head.
I've tried a few of their regular line beers, as well as one meme beer (voodoo doughnut). Dead Guy was good, as was one other that I can't remember what it was right now.
The Voodoo Doughnut was just shitty and unbalanced, but I don't hold that against the company. The regular stuff was great, so they know what they're doing overall. It's just that there are some flavors that don't come out right when put into a fermented beverage, and sugary is one of those flavors that's really hard to pull off.

>> No.6293943

Just wait until someone makes a Frank's Red Hot-flavored bourbon.

You know it's coming.

>> No.6293961


>> No.6294001


>> No.6294098

I bet Rogue was trying flavor extracts- essential oils- and that it just failed miserably.

I tried the banana... and chocolate, I think. Pink bottle. Worst shit I've ever tried that called itself beer

>> No.6294123

>Think about it-if they really were shitty, wouldn't people have caught on by now?
So it's good because it's popular?

>> No.6294140

that actually would be a point for its quality, yeah.

you look at macros like bud light and say it's shitty, but it's consistent and you could go your entire life failing to find a flaw in it- flaw being something outside exactly what they intended on producing

>> No.6294172


>real pepper beer
>Malt beverage with peppers added.

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.6294190


Okay buddy

>> No.6294203

Yup. Tasted like chemical death. I dumped it after 2 swigs.

>> No.6295169

Don't buy Rogue, they're a shitty business and they only make mediocre boring beer or stupid gimmicky shit like pretzel donut or sriracha.

>> No.6295170


You guys are fucking babies that like to feel superior by calling each other children. Fucking grow up, both of you. How about this:
> Drink whatever the fuck you like

>> No.6295926

>Anything that is popular is not automatically qualified as a meme.

>A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture"
So yes, in this instance, jumping on the sriracha/bacon bandwagon makes said items memes.

>> No.6297701


Ontariofag here, just start homebrewing. I started out with mead because of its simplicity and low hardware requirement, but now I'm making beer regularly. If I really wanted to, I could go as low as like twenty cents per bottle and STILL be better than macros.

>> No.6297703


>> No.6297797

I'm not listening to a tripfag

>> No.6297978

>doesn't have a trip

>> No.6297984

>silent Hill
>not a trip fag

>> No.6297999

>being this new
ok kid

>> No.6298002

>new friend calling people new

>> No.6298014
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