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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 800x600, openok-osennij-05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6290527 No.6290527 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: delicious foods that are uncommon or unknown outside of your country

this is openok, aka honey fungus. unusual texture and tastes wonderful

>> No.6290549

Looks and sounds delicious.
Where can I find this in the civilised world OP?

>> No.6290561
File: 120 KB, 576x384, fiddlehead8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiddleheads are sorta unknown in America. Not sure if other countries are even aware of them.

>> No.6290568

I'm excited for Jurassic World too guys

>> No.6290580

I worked for a chef that loved those things. If I remember correctly you can only get them for like 1 month out of the year. He also loved some crunchy seaweed that he used in salads and just tasted like salt water.

>> No.6290605

How is the situation with mushroom hunting in your country?

I don't think you can ever go back to your generic Agaricus from the delicious, rich shroomy flavor and texture of amazing forest mushrooms like Armillaria, Lactarius, or even Suillus or Cantharellus. I never could, anyway.

>> No.6290607

Had to do some little research to find out how this one was spelled. Cupim barbeque, which is basically zebu hump, slowly roasted over a fire.

Had it once when I went to Brazil on vacation. It's quite fatty (and, therefore, tender) and stringy. Sounds weird, but it's quite tasty.

>> No.6290617

Samphire? They are fairly common as a herb here in Australia.

>> No.6290646

Tried Chanterelles, sport?

>> No.6290648

>sorta unknown in America.
Not in the north east. Its not super common, but I've seen them in restaurants, especially in Maine, plenty.

>> No.6290651

How are those? I wanna try them

>> No.6290668

Yes, I like to hunt for them because they are 100% devoid of worms and insects, not to mention their spicy flavor.

>> No.6290795

They're just bitter. Sort of like a bitter, grassy asparagus, maybe with a touch more acid.

I wasn't a fan, but I'm not a huge fan of bitter, crunchy green things.

>> No.6291027

>like a bitter, grassy asparagus
This is spot on. Also they're slightly toxic, so best not consumed in large quantities.

>> No.6291079

Chanterelle is the common name for cantharellus.

>> No.6291121

OP's picture is of armillaria. Armillia mellea. The honey mushroom.

Morel season almost here

>> No.6291129
File: 3.31 MB, 2838x2577, Cherimoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does America have such boring fruits?
Bananas apples and oranges, wow so much variety, so fresh.
Fuck, like can I get one god damn cherimoya?

>> No.6291161

Cause all they have in America is apples, oranges, and bananas…

They let you do things on your own? Hm?High functioning autist are you? Momma give you a dollar and drop you off in the parking lot?

>> No.6291167

That thing's not samphire. Have you seen samphire before?

>> No.6291181
File: 60 KB, 500x375, BlackSapote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the fuck are you talking about?
Up your shitty fruit game America.

>> No.6291193
File: 50 KB, 620x388, PottedShrimp2_1888237i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bong here struggling to think of things we have that aren't at least infamous.

>> No.6291198

I had a salad of these in a stuffy restaurant in northern michigan.

>> No.6292123
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>> No.6292136

What shithole part of the states do you live in?
My neighbor grows them. I get those all of the time. She calls them soursop or something close that that spelling.
That and I have access to most fruit that are grown globally.
Seriously where are you from? Do you live under a rock?

>> No.6292146

>never heard of paw paws
they are basically cherimoyas of the southern US. texture's a tad different.

>> No.6292215

Thanks for the input Attenborough.

>> No.6292276

Russian currently living in a 3rd world shithole (and no I don't mean Russia) here. They are god-tier and I do think they grow in my country but I refuse to risk poisoning myself for opyata.

The bolettes here are great though.

>> No.6292295
File: 7 KB, 225x225, smug frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alot of mushrooms thread on /ck/ right now

>> No.6292328
File: 175 KB, 462x435, 1373731382189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks those bananas were grown in the US

Don't forget to complain about the smug avocado eating cool librul arts hipsters at starbucks, you ignorant rural

>> No.6292350

>Not Boletus or Xerocomus.
Why even bother with slippery jacks? It's so much work to remove that umbo or else you risk stomach upsets.

sunt tibi suilli; fungos ego sumo boletos

>> No.6292419

Fuckin love fiddleheads, seared in a little butter, drizzled with some vinegar they're great.

Well the season is a bit stretched out cause of some opening more slowly and they freeze well tho I'd imagine the peak is the time of wide availability to restaurants and stuff.
The fern is actually very widespread and common but there's only a foraging tradition in some areas.
They're pretty easy to grow too, I've wanted to try that japanese thing of hanging moss balls as a planter and ferns are actually the most common plant used for that.

See >>6290795 but when you cook them right they take on a great nuttiness too.

Eh so's rhubarb but that wont stop me.

I think they were referring to the crunchy salty seaweed.

>> No.6292644
File: 39 KB, 307x425, heinz20baked20beans[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongistan here, I have several friends in the US that either haven't heard of or haven't tried baked beans. Are these things really not common over there? We fucking love them.

>> No.6292650

I'm having them right now, in my army base stew. Shit is based.

>> No.6292655
File: 81 KB, 500x500, van_camps_pork_and_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"baked beans" are a very common thing in the US, but generally people make them themselves--you know, by baking the beans in the oven.

As far as canned beans go, that brand is not common in the US except in the British import section. However, pic related is very common in the US and tastes nearly identical to Heinz.

Yes, I know it says "pork" on the can, but that's really misleading. There is a tiny little bit of pork in there that's hardly worth mentioning. The beans and sauce are 99% the same as what you posted.

>> No.6292662

can i get baked beans with kosher pork?

>> No.6292663
File: 113 KB, 311x258, 1299778141843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, learn something new each day.
I wish pork and beans was more common over here, I can't get enough of it.

>> No.6292666


Sure bro. They sell it on February 29. It's right next to the unicorn tears and fairy farts.

>> No.6292686

>They sell it on February 29

So, uh, every 4 years?

>> No.6292707
File: 945 KB, 599x897, Philippe_Bacchet_19727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fe'i Banana

Only found in Molucca to Hawaii, but in this case cloudforest Maui

Less sugar than plantains, orange colored fruit, each bite has a slightly different flavor, very beautiful and wonderful in cooking tostones

>> No.6292737

Baked beans are pretty big in new england

>> No.6293811


>> No.6293848

Those look awesome. I want some, dammit.

>> No.6294551

>tastes bad

So what's the point?

>> No.6294561

What do these taste like? I've seen them at the store and they're quite expensive, so I don't want to waste money on something I'll end up not liking.

>> No.6294707
File: 162 KB, 640x427, Samphire[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samphire, rearely seem to see it anywhere outside of the UK and even then it isn't heard of much here unless you shop at the high mid class supermarkets like waitrose - got some hype recently in the UK again as a hipsterish sort of side

It tastes very salty yet fresh and crisp - fucking great with fish

>> No.6294718
File: 233 KB, 640x458, 7399420296_e5dec2f05b_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue crabs. We have a polar craft and a trot line in my family. We go out every other week during the season and get a bushel or two for big summer crab parties with beer and crabs. If you've never had the chance to try one, put it on your list. It's pure sweetness, saltiness, and savoryness. Wash it down with a nice pale ale.

>> No.6294729

I want to try those, they sound delicious. I also want to try ramps

>> No.6294732

You can grow ramps fairly easily

>> No.6294865
File: 46 KB, 515x589, 1310567657364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Fransisco bay area here.
they are sold as sea beans around these parts.

>> No.6295150

They're ok, but they're toxic if harvested too late in their growth spurt. I personally make it a rule to avoid foods that might cause me to need a kidney transplant. . . .

>> No.6295153

Why are you not defending the glorious Motherland from fascist Jewish Nazi Europeans? Run get your AK-47 Ivan!

>> No.6295986

Tastes good when prepared right.
Plenty of foods have minor toxins but aren't an issue because people don't consume them constantly.
It's a local foraging tradition too.

Love those, so refreshing.
It's available outside of the UK but isn't the biggest thing in common cuisine and more often used at fancy places.
In the past it was used in glass production as a natural source of soda thus its other name glasswort.

>> No.6295991

I saw them in Vancouver as sea asparagus

>> No.6296031

paw paws are better thought. kind remind me of durian.

>> No.6296039

hurr durr 'murica got boring froot.

>> No.6296048

negro you're full of shit. Everybody in the states eats baked beans. wtf?

>> No.6296211

you better fucking steam those with old bay

>> No.6296560

When I lived in the midwest I couldn't find these fuckers ANYWHERE, and trust me I looked. I fell in love with cherimoya on a vacation as a teenager. Luckily for me I moved to southern California and we have tons of crazy fruit up in this bitch

>> No.6296577

had those in Hawaii, can vouch for deliciousness

>> No.6296582

you're getting close to the season when you can find ramps at stores, they're usually packed in near the leeks and green onions.

>> No.6296588

molucca to hawaii only includes one US state, and those bananas don't get imported to the US. sadly.

>> No.6296613


Practically every single banana in the country is imported from Latin America where fruit corporations chop people's hands off and whatever.

>> No.6296630

Fuck I wish these things grew anywhere in America besides the tropical south.

>> No.6296654

I live in an area of Northern Canada that gets huge, undisturbed forest fires.
The morel picking is unbelievable. People come from all over North America after a fire to pick them.

>> No.6297017


We use Slap Yo Mamma from New Orleans. It's hotter. It's pretty much Old Bay with more cayenne.

>> No.6297070
File: 231 KB, 630x403, egXxNNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6297086

It feels like eating a skinned testicle.

>> No.6297449
File: 60 KB, 720x480, Petai-Stinky-Beans-Eggplant-With-Vegan-Sambal-Belacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone had stinkbeans? They smell nuttier than your urine after you've ingested asparagus. But it's so savoury with sambal.

>> No.6297528

Old Bay a shit

>> No.6297557

They're really sweet an soft. It's has a lot of seeds which are covered in this white "mouse", this white thing is that something you eat.

>> No.6297571
File: 97 KB, 732x549, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're visiting Canada, try to hit up Montreal and get a poutine. A poutine anywhere outside of Quebec is disgusting

>> No.6297573
File: 35 KB, 373x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camu camu. It's from Peru's rainforest. You can find it also at the capital.
Peru's Pinkberry sold this flavor for a while, the description was refreshing and tasteful.

I haven't eaten them in its solid form, i have drinked it as a juice

>> No.6297584
File: 45 KB, 381x386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from Peru, aguaymanto or goldenberries

Bitter sweet. I'm not really into them

>> No.6297637
File: 2.89 MB, 954x2095, Wiesenbovist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potatoe/Egg Bovist
It a big white mushroom that looks like a big egg or football.
These are probably known to some other countries but in germany they get cut into 2cm thick slices and get breaded and then thrown into the pan. Tastes like Schnitzel.