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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 214 KB, 811x720, Mushrooms-w-Oyster-Sauce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6288001 No.6288001 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite way to eat mushrooms?

I like sauteeing with a shitload of butter with onions, and plopping it on a piece of meat.

>> No.6288005

I chew them adequately, then swallow.

>> No.6288129

Steamed! Really brings out their unique flavor. Salt and pepper to taste, and nothing more. I love the hell out of mushrooms. Eat them bitches daily.

>> No.6288147

Same here. Cook steak, while steak is resting add butter, onion, and shrooms to the steak pan, turn up the heat to 11.

>tfw no better feeling

What's your fungus of choice there OP? King trumpets ftw

>> No.6288151
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You're halfway there.
saute with butter garlic and thyme.

the way its meant to be.

>> No.6288155

coated in seasoned flour and deep fried for a few minutes

>> No.6288164

>Get some chopped mushrooms
>Cook 'em up with onions, garlic, and bacon. Make sure everything is chopped up real fine.
>Pat out ground beef into little 3 oz patties.
>Make a small indentation into each patty
>Spoon on a little bit of the mushroom/bacon/onion/garlic mixture.
>Place second patty on top. Crimp the sides so it stays solid.
>Grill the patties.
>Serve on hamburger buns. No condiments needed.

Stuffed mushroom burgers. Good stuff.

>> No.6288181

Sliced thin on pizza.
Cooked with steak.

No other options will taste good.

>> No.6288188

Mushrooms are fucking terrifying. They're not plants, they're not animals, they're covered in gills, they have a giant hivemind, and who even knows what goes on in that mycelium shit.

>> No.6288195

I like to lick them from my boyfriend's asshole where they grow wild.

>> No.6288204
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simple mushrooms on toast fried in garlic butter

>> No.6288216

do you guys have access to chanterelles?
here in sweden we have loads in autumn so we sort of take them for granted. I've heard its like a rare delicacy in other countries. I just fry them in butter and onions and finish off with a squeeze of lemon and parsley. some acidity really lifts mushrooms to new heights.

>> No.6288224
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I'm making this tonight: http://www.vegelicacy.com/recipe/167/russian-mushroom-pelmeni

>> No.6288227

would the opposite be viable with portabello mushrooms?

Like a meat stuffed mushroom burger.

>> No.6288228

Button mushrooms taste like jizz. The rest of them are okay.

>> No.6288232

>favorite way to eat mushrooms?

Batter dipped and deep fried. If it is chicken-o-the-woods, it must be schnitzel'd like southern fried chicken.

>> No.6288500


I have no idea. I've never tried it stuffing a portabello murger.

>> No.6288631

>TFW you're interested in mushroom hunting and live in Washington state
>But you hear horror stories of inexperienced novices getting poisoned mushrooms
>And experienced mushroom hunters don't want to share their spots

>> No.6288665

I like doing this and then afterwards i chop them fine and put them in my own raviolis with cheese and prosciutto. Preferrably porcini mushrooms.

>> No.6288691

Mah niggas.

>> No.6288697

>I like sauteeing with a shitload of butter with onions
This but with garlic. Meat is circumstantial

Properly deep-fried works really well, too.

>> No.6288839

bigass burger with a big beef patty and an equally big mushroom cap
shitload of sauteed onions
white cheese

phlegm like a motherfuck but great
used to get them at Cheeburger Cheeburger when they had rare.

>> No.6288874

underrated post

>> No.6288903

Break them up with my fingers. And throwe them in the fryear. Then Rap them in spinich

>> No.6288911

sauteed with butter garlic and Worcestershire sauce or balsamic vinegar it's amazing

>> No.6288915

I usually use them to make a sauce.

>> No.6288930
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i like to take king oyster mush rooms, slice them in half long ways, cross hatch the cut side with my knife(same as you would squid) and then i throw some bulgogi marinade on them and pan fry them in a bit of sesame oil and butter

just cool on both sides till golden brown, slice and eat with lettuce, rice, and ssamjang

>> No.6288934

I eat them live and screaming.

>> No.6288939

I love mushrooms, but mushroom soup is god awful. Just a grey grainy sludge. Biggest waste of time and I lost so many good mushrooms

>> No.6288940

you take that back

>> No.6289265

I eat mushroom with truffles

>> No.6289266

5 grams dried in silent darkness :D

>> No.6289267

this. eaten on a nice piece of rye toast with a drizzle of olive oil

>> No.6289284

Does mushroom soup come in a can as far as you're concerned? You said grainy, so I think you can't even prepare the canned stuff properly.

>> No.6289285

Any of you fu/ck/er deep fried enoki in beef tallow?

>> No.6289472

These are the kind that are really common in Japan right? Never bought them because I didn't know how to use them

>> No.6289477

The first time I ate it, I used whatever recipe is on food wishes. Followed it pretty much exactly and bought a bunch of different kinds of mushrooms. It was edible (just barely) but I'll never waste my mushrooms like that again.

>> No.6291994

butter, garlic, thyme.

thyme and mushrooms are meant to be together.
dried thyme,that is.

>> No.6292026 [DELETED] 

bbq king oyster mushrooms...people who said this know wtf they are talking about. this shroom is in a beyond most others, only share with portobello imo..

>> No.6292043

bbq king oyster mushrooms...people who said this know wtf they are talking about. this shroom is in a realm beyond most others, only share with portobello imo..

>> No.6292070


The most enjoyable mushrooms I ever had went like this.

>made mushroom stock
>took about a cup of it
>turned it into a creamy sauce
>served with homemade egg yolk ravioli

Just thinking about that meal's artery clogging deliciousness makes me want to do it again.

>> No.6292095
File: 2.96 MB, 3264x2448, 3ec2fc0c-bfe4-456b-ad8e-ce096eb46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fry em in butter and serve over linguine. crab apple tree fell down and the next spring ~2 lbs of morels fruited in my front yard where the tree had been. dopest shit ever

pic tangentially related

>> No.6292130

I like mine with salt, tarragon and black pepper.

>> No.6292142

google everything bitch nigga, then google some more

>> No.6292144

Swim over to Vancouver Island and we can go pickin' together.

>> No.6292254

They're more closely related to animals than planets, but that doesn't make them any less delicious

>> No.6292268

A guilty pleasure, but I best prefer mushrooms served at shitty chinese restaurants when they come in some spicy garlic batter coated with MSG.

The flavour eruption of salt garlic and chili on my tongue and the soft yeilding juicy texture of the mushroom against its crispy outer shell is godly.

>> No.6292287

butter, salt, pepper. thats it. i like mushrooms by themselves. its one of the simplest things i can make and love. its just so good.

>> No.6292317
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>Remove stem
>mix diced up stems with cream cheese
>in the oven it goes
It's easy but delicious

>> No.6293024
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I'm really not a fan of steak but I fucking love mushrooms sauteed with it. How do I recreate that flavor without cooking a whole steak?

>> No.6293031

>does not like steak
>will eat it with mushrooms
>how to get that without steak

eat mushrooms.

>> No.6293035

add a bit of beef broth when you're sauteeing the mushrooms, that should do the trick

>> No.6293040

Mushrooms essentially taste like whatever you cook them with you retard

>> No.6293046

>get steak
>grind that fucker up
>cook wit dem mushrooms

>> No.6293068
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I also like acid with my mushrooms if your know what I mean

>> No.6293075

i think you are confusing mushrooms with water. please stop boiling your steaks in water.

>> No.6293076

They're not widely available in the US
I've had them once and they were delicious you lucky fuck

>> No.6293085
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...have you even eaten bellas before?

>> No.6293089


i don't know what that is.

>> No.6293097
File: 1.48 MB, 1900x1263, baby-bellas-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know what that is

case in point

>short for baby portobello

>> No.6293103
File: 446 KB, 1600x1200, champignons-braun-1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry i don't know your slang terms in a language that is foreign to me.

i don't know what mushrooms you are eating if yours don't have their own taste. sorry.

>> No.6293116

They do have their own taste but the taste of whatever you cook it in becomes about 80% of the flavor when you're finished

I'd imagine that's the case for most mushrooms but I mostly cook with bellas

>> No.6293121


sounds like you're used to crappy quality farmed mushrooms from the supermarket.

wild-gathered ones are very flavorful.

>> No.6293129
File: 48 KB, 400x293, Mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I buy mushrooms they're usually covered in dirt and stuff. Should I just cook them with all that shit on there or what?
Trying to wipe it off just peels the skin and washing just makes them absorb water and become soggy

>> No.6293147

you can use a brush
i just use a dry paper towel

>> No.6293148

I buy from a farmers market and that's still the case
maybe European mushrooms are just better?

I use a fruit brush but it does strip the outer skin usually

>> No.6293149

>washing just makes them absorb water and become soggy

wrong. myth. lies. mushrooms are already 91% water. they virtually cannot soak up any water. that's why they shrink so much when you cook them. just wash them.

>> No.6293175

When I'm barbecuing something I like to put mushrooms on a skewer and just sick them on the grill.

>> No.6293184


>> No.6293200

This is correct. I believe Alton even tested this myth.

>> No.6293206

Oh yeah? Why do shrooms absorb the pan fat when beginning to saute?

>> No.6293222


Because at that point some of the water has cooked off "making room" for the fat.

>> No.6293234

These are some magic assed mushrooms

>> No.6293244

I've been pretty averse to mushrooms my whole life, but lately I've been thinking of giving them a shot. Does anyone have any good mushrooms forsomeone new to them? Preferably something i can saute with some butter and garlic and snack on, or something that i can saute up and put on a burger?

>> No.6293246

if I'm grilling shrooms I like to do something like this

>> No.6293265

forgot link..


>> No.6293300

vinegar?? that's nasty man

>> No.6293340

onions do the same. pretty much anything does.

>> No.6293653

Raw whole
Raw thinly sliced in sandwiches
Battered and fried with mayo

>> No.6293662

>trusting alton, ever
being a shill must be nice

>> No.6293693

Vinegar is a base.

>> No.6294234

>literally every word that has dribbled out of Alton Brown's mouth is a lie

Whatev /pol/

>> No.6294325

Veal Marsala

>> No.6294360

Your greentext is correct, the following comment isn't.

>> No.6294950

>1000 niggawhats

>> No.6295271


Exactly what I do. Sauteed with onions and a little butter/OO. Great on top of a burger.

>> No.6295275 [DELETED] 
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How would you know that?

Kiwi also tastes like jizz.

>> No.6295279


How much thyme would you say? I'll try this next time.

I fucking love garlic and didn't know it would work well with mushrooms. Thank you, anon.

>> No.6295284
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look for the caramel cuties

>> No.6295392
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Mushrooms and Stilton on toast

>> No.6295395

no way vinegar on mushrooms is awesome
as long as it's red wine or balsamic at least

>> No.6295422

those are b-b-b-beautiful

>> No.6295425
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>> No.6295449
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I love mushrooms, here's the last time I made deep-fried ones with tonkatsu sauce

>> No.6295462

TFW when in another month or two, it'll be mushroom season here and i can replenish my supply of dried saffron milk caps for the entire year and have mushrooms in FUCKING EVERYTHING for MONTHS *cumsplodes*

>> No.6295464
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this is my last haul of last season... fuck i wish i could find them in the woods all fucking year

>> No.6295467
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