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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6283323 No.6283323 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst fuckin shit you ever done witnessed

One time I saw a motherfucker eat sushi with ketchup

>> No.6283380

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.6283402

I saw some stupid nigger call a dish of manicotti cannelloni and then claim to be Italian.

>> No.6283410

One time I saw some dude pour himself a bowl of nails, and I thought, oh, alright, here's a tough cookie, but then the asshole goes ahead and pours milk in it, totally ruining the entire point.

i bet he puts cheese on his seafood too, what a fuckin dickmonger.

>> No.6283416

Nigga do you read?

>> No.6283417

squeeze mustard from the bottle as a snack

he does this regularly

>> No.6283422

I'll pour some mustard on the side of a plate and eat it with sliced cheese and nothing else.

>> No.6283423

kek'd aloud.

>> No.6283441

Once my sister ate a plate of pickles covered in ranch dressing and ketchup. The vinegar could have burned my eyebrows off.

And once when my boyfriend was drunk he ate potato salad with a piece of pizza instead of a fork but I imagine it didn't taste too awful

>> No.6283444

>he ate potato salad with a piece of pizza instead of a fork

wait, like, how? was the pizza like a chip, and the potato salad like a dip? or did he just put the potato salad on the pizza like a plate, and ate the pizza with it on top?

>> No.6283445

I squeeze mayo on top of my sushi.

>> No.6283450

He just dipped the cold pizza in the potato salad since it hardens up in the fridge like a giant nacho. He does weird shit like that even when he's sober like miing three things in a pot and eating it. But hey he's the farthest thing from picky so idc

>> No.6283457

that actually sounds like something the japanese would do.

>> No.6283657


>> No.6283682

My brother's gf once put mayo on smoked salmon, because there was no more sauce. You can't do that.

>> No.6283689

Also, some of my friends once put butter in their coffee, because there wasn't any milk left. And it was like, blocks of butter, maybe 50 grams a cup.

>> No.6283791

GF puts ketchup on everything. What's more annoying is that she is a fantastic cook. She'll make some awesome meal then put ketchup on it.

>Make her a nice pizza with mozz, mushrooms, blue cheese, ham and bacon
>She drenches every bite with ketchup

>She makes her take on an english roast dinner, Roasted potatoes, carrot and parsnip mash, broccoli, roast chicken, roast sausages, gravy and bread sauce
>Puts fucking ketchup on it too

>> No.6283800

I've seen it quite often on salmon nigiri.

>> No.6283813
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when I worked short order some guy wanted his eggs burnt, I mean the ticket literally said burnt, but in the style of sunny side up, but with black edges, When they took it out to him they said he drowned them in ranch ketchup and tabasco sauce, I just loled and continued on with my day though.

>> No.6283825


I had a roommate like that, everything had to have some kind of condiment covering it and she always asked for sauce when eating out. We went out for dumplings and she got three little tubs of sweet chilli sauce and would dip the dumpling, take a bite and re-dip.

>> No.6283827

Well ketchup was originally a Chinese pickled fish sauce.

>> No.6283831

>ketchup on pizza
>ketchup on everything you listed there

>> No.6283832

What's ranch ketchup?

>> No.6283835

There's people out there who don't put ranch on their pizza. What fucking idiots

>> No.6283843

>friends house
>smoked a little
>hungry as fuck
>throws some butternut squash, onions, and mushrooms in a pan with cold oil
>heats it up
>adds maple syrup, soy suace and some dried spices I don't remember
>mashes everything together

Not really rage but it was fucking disgusting. We ate it anyway though.

>> No.6283865
File: 39 KB, 193x194, 1346031587004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it's not anymore is it motherfucker

>> No.6283940

>make a pizza from scratch
>lots of top notch ingredients
>made this same pizza many times, have nearly perfected the dough/sauce recipes and topping selection
>finally finished, it's a masterpiece
>I cut a slice out for girlfriend, and bring it to her
>as I'm telling her about how I made it and how good it will be....she drenches it in offbrand ranch
>"uh anyway, enjoy"

>> No.6283943

Why not just pour it onto the sliced cheese directly?

>> No.6283950

cheap ass italian restaurants not properly cooking the egg and cream sauce.

>> No.6283965

No, no it wasn't. The word has common root, the recipe is unrelated.

>> No.6283968

>Get home drunk as fuck
>pizza time
>oven is broke
>only have frozen pizza's
>put pizza on stove
>throw everything from my fridge on there
>and i mean a weeks worth of food on top of this pizza
>its covered in cheeses, sauces, random meats, fucking lettuce, vegetables, sphagetti
>eat it all
>no food for a week

>> No.6284832

I saw an American exchange student put kecthup and mayonnaise in his pasta

>> No.6284842

I went home for dinner last night and my mom made a damn good salmon filet and my sister put ketchup on it

>> No.6284866

Visually disgusting was when my gf put mayo in her mother's shitty borscht. It looks exactly like spaghetti vomits. She ate half of it and left it in the kitchen. Sat for 2 days there and stained the bowl.

>> No.6284991

>meet 10/10 who has perfect boobies, heart shaped ass, virgin, and is kind funny and considerate
>third date puts ketchup on her scrambled eggs


>> No.6285061

>be at hipster French bistro restaurant downtown
>boorish loudmouth at the table next to us orders salade niçoise
>demands tobasco for seasoning


>> No.6285068

once I saw someone eat ketchup with sushi

>> No.6285105


>> No.6285117
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Some people just prefer different things, sure a lot of what I'm reading sounds nasty but why should I care if its someone else's food?

>> No.6285156

She puts ketchup on everything she eats.
You never said she puts ketchup on your penis.
I sad for you.

>> No.6285197

Isn't spicy mayo a common condiment on sushi?

>> No.6285203


I saw an autistic child on the internet posting pictures of an angry frog.

>> No.6285217

I've seen fuckers piss, puke, and shit in bathroom sinks. that's why I'll never wash my hands while out in public

>> No.6285219


I'm a guy.

>> No.6285229

Saw some guy use ketchup
I'm scarred from it

>> No.6285256

yup it is

>> No.6285264

What you get when you forget a comma.

>> No.6285562

>using ketchup on anything but tendies

>> No.6285565

they look the same

>> No.6285580


>> No.6285635
File: 123 KB, 308x327, rush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister has Pica.
She eats paper napkins, chalk and baby powder more than she eats real food.

Most of the things posted in this thread are not even that weird. I am sure that each and every one of you do at least one food-related thing that other people think is very strange.

>> No.6285657

would she start eating a dick while giving a blowjob?

>> No.6285742
File: 234 KB, 500x375, Glore_Stomach_Display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude seriously fucking pica


I don't understand this shit. Pic related.

>> No.6285877

>sushi with ketchup

A small drizzle on tamagoyaki would be acceptable from a flavor standpoint, but still a culinary faux pax

>> No.6285880

Saw a wetback eat Oreos with ketchup and shit. Yuck

>> No.6285896

Mi cousin ate her "pan con chicharron"(boiled and then fried pork, bread, onions, and fried yam) with mayo

>> No.6285914

i work as a bartender in italy and some days a ago this german guy came in, orderder a piadina and a capuccioni which is digusting already

then he started to dip the piadina into the cappuccino, i felt physically sick

>> No.6285940

I can just about understand this because eggs royale is a thing, but >>6283689 is just confusing. Were your friends high as kites?

>> No.6286063

When I was in the reserve everything they served us was such shit I just mashed it all together. Coleslaw/spaghetti/chocolatechipcookiesurprise. I think watching me eat made others lose their appetites.

>> No.6286065

It's a kektastrophe

>> No.6286296

Yeah he's eaten a few things I would never touch. Like dumping enchiladas in a pot of mac and cheese and miing it up and eating it' tortilla chips in spaghetti, mayo on almost everything. But like I said....no fedora tipping ever goes on near me so I don't care. Wish I could just eat whatever edible stuff was around....he survived canned green beans from 2011.