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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 266 KB, 645x473, Reviewbrah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6280847 No.6280847 [Reply] [Original]

Since Joey is kill, let's get a ReviewBrah thread going!

>> No.6280868

My favorite reviewbrah moment was when he didn't know how to eat those cheese fries from Wendys and got all flustered

>> No.6280893

I respect the hell out of him for uploading that anyway

>> No.6280901

I love this guy. I wish he was my friend.

>> No.6280921

Seriously. I'd eat dinner with him.

>> No.6280924

link me to this kid

>> No.6280934


>> No.6281018

Latest review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M57tPIOVco

>> No.6281720

I'd fuck him. Yeah, I said it.

>> No.6281731

I'll respect him when he wears a suit that fits.

Holy shit, what is the point of even dressing up if you're going to look worse than if you just worse casual clothes?

>> No.6281737

I'd fuck that Thomas Kinkade painting on the wall. Because if we're not going to have standards, why not?

>> No.6281757

Loose fitting suits look better than form fitting ones, Reviewbrah has said many times he considers that hipster stuff to be in poor taste and not fitting for a man

>> No.6281760

Minus the slicked back hair, I am the spitting image of this guy. Not joking.

Am I an ugly fuck, /ck/?

>> No.6281761

The sheer professionalism of his reviews is amazing. Based ReviewBrah ftw!

>> No.6281768

I'm not talking about hipster skinny shit. I'm talking about a suit that actually fits. I've owned suits my whole life because I had to, not because I was trying to make a statement. That suit just doesn't fit that boy. It looks like he either borrowed it from his dad or picked it up at a thrift store.

>> No.6281772

Not sure if trolling..

>> No.6281781

I know the suit you rented/borrowed for prom probably looked like that, but nobody cared because everyone looked as awkward as you did.

The suits this kid wears don't fit. Either he doesn't know his own measurements or he borrowed them. Either way, they don't fit.

>> No.6281792

My fucking goodness you're autistic, or you just plain don't understand the charm of this guy. Or both, probably both.

>> No.6281793

I want Review Brah to come to my town and dine with my at this city's fanciest restaurant.

>> No.6281797

Not ugly, just weasle-like

>> No.6281809

they fit fine enough, he doesn't have to look like David Beckham. It's off the rack, probably 38S, but whatever. Its just we only see people in suits these days that have a dick load of money or really REALLY care about having a *perfect* suit, so if someone is neither but still wears a suit, they look unusually bad comparatively.

Its like how everyone on TV has to have whitened teeth and heavy tans, because if a normal human would sit next to them, everyone would say "Who's the pale guy with the grey teeth?"

>> No.6281812

>he wears a suit! I'm impressed!
That's pretty much the #1 selling point I see talked about for this guy. When I grew up, males wore suits and parted their hair. That was the bare minimum required of men and boys. It was not, in itself, impressive. And I grew up poor. We still wore better clothes than that.

>> No.6281818

>When I grew up, males wore suits and parted their hair.
so you're 80? It's not quite as easy as that anymore. I try and make an effort to show a little bit of my personality though my dress, which at time includes a suit. There just isn't as much of a "culture" surrounding it anymore so it's difficult.

>> No.6281832

lol, you just confirmed both of my points.
thanks anon, you made me laugh.

>> No.6281838

>Since Joey is kill

what, did that fat faggot finally quit?

>> No.6281840

It really isn't difficult. Tailors have been around forever and they are still around. Hell, you can even buy a suit off-the-rack that will do you fine, if you know what your measurements are.

My whole point has been that it isn't impressive because it really isn't a hurdle. When I grew up, literally every man who wasn't homeless (and many who were) owned a suit. It was expected (and still should be). Wearing an ill-fitting suit conveys neither professionalism nor extravagance. That they aren't so commonly worn today doesn't make it any different. You have attended events where you needed a suit. You need a suit. No one is going to sing your praises because you wear one while eating Taco Bell. It's 100% pure gimmick.

>> No.6281845
File: 40 KB, 796x305, JOEYISKILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough.

>> No.6281850

>It's 100% pure gimmick
I thought that was kinda the point

>> No.6281853
File: 29 KB, 525x350, 622x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I assume you are just pretending to be old, because in the late 80s/early 90s, that was way suits fit. Not saying it looked good, any more so than those spandex suits from Indochino that look like they're three sizes too small, but that was fine.

His judgement in wearing that style of suit is another story.

Pic related because I'm too lazy to google up an authentic period photograph of someone wearing that style of suit, but this is close enough.

>> No.6281859

>When I grew up, literally every man who wasn't homeless (and many who were) owned a suit. It was expected (and still should be). Wearing an ill-fitting suit conveys neither professionalism nor extravagance.

And wearing the kind of suit a homeless man can afford conveys what, exactly?

No one looks good in a Mens Wearhouse tier suit. Maybe some exceptionally handsome people can look good *despite* that kind of suit, but I'm not really sure what you're trying to argue here. The kid looks ridiculous and autistic, but the problem is that he is wearing a suit at all, not that it "doesn't fit" (which it does)

>> No.6281864

Why is wearing a suit important? What is the practical use of wearing one?

>> No.6281867

Don't try to reason with an autist. It's not worth the effort.

>> No.6281869

So why aren't you buying all the infomercial products, or trying to make money in real estate, with no money down? If the poorly-executed gimmick is all that matters, why not support other lousy gimmicks?

You might want to go ahead and do that research. The people who wore suits that made them look like this kid were definitely wearing hand-me-downs. Or they were fat, and he obviously isn't. Case-in-point, look at Ron Paul. He wears ill-fitting suits (and sneakers) but he's intentionally not trying to impress anyone. He's trying to get away with the bare minimum of decorum. So is your Reviewbrah. But you're impressed by the bare minimum.

>> No.6281870
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 4855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit how stupid can someone be

mfw when he googled it

>> No.6281873

You're trying to equate things that take actual effort to watching a youtube video of some kid eating food?

Did you forget to take your meds this morning?

>> No.6281874

You're entertaining for the same reasons as ReviewBrah.
You. Just. Don't. Get. It.

>> No.6281875

It's funny because his suits are his only clothes in his wardrobe. You can see in his house tour video.

They're also his dead fathers.

>> No.6281883

Fine. If the shitty suits are the point, why argue that they're not as bad as they are?

>> No.6281887

>he thinks he's been talking to just one person
>he doesn't realize everyone here thinks he's a crazy autist
ayy lmao

>> No.6281891

>Case-in-point, look at Ron Paul

I can do better than your favorite crackpot loon. Look at any elected official or career bureaucrat in DC or most State Department employees internationally. Look at pretty much every president of the United States in recent history. They wear boxy traditional American-style sack suits that look pretty much like that. The sort you can get at Brooks Bros where, contrary to what Styleforum may want you to believe, people actually still shop.

Of course they have adult physiques so they fill the jacket much better, but that is how they dress. Because the point is not to stand out, but to blend in. Because that's the culture of the US Federal Government, which is, incidentally, one of the most powerful institutions in the history of humanity. Looking "good" takes a backseat to looking "conventional".

Now, you want to look at people who wear nice suits that are meticulously tailored? Go to the larger offices of most so-called "wall street" financial institutions (although most of the employees at such banks are not physically on Wall Street). I don't mean the back office in Atlanta where the people who don't matter work, I mean the places that are doing the deals and meeting with powerful and wealthy people.

>But you're impressed by the bare minimum.

Cute insult, but I just jumped into this thread to correct your misconceptions about how professional adults dress.

>> No.6281899

>Now, you want to look at people who wear nice suits that are meticulously tailored? Go to the larger offices of most so-called "wall street" financial institutions (although most of the employees at such banks are not physically on Wall Street). I don't mean the back office in Atlanta where the people who don't matter work, I mean the places that are doing the deals and meeting with powerful and wealthy people.

Please, stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.6281911


How would I embarrass myself on an anonymous underground canto-pop appreciation newsgroup? It's just some friendly advice from a guy who has done contract work at both a major investment bank in New York, and the federal government in DC.

If you just want to rant about dumb kids these days and you were born in the wrong decade, be my guest. No one can tell that you're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6281912

If you guys really want to see "what rich people wear", google "Yacht Club member" compared to "Yacht Club style".

The world's elite dress like shit. I'm talking about embroidered Tommy Bahama polo tucked into pleated, elastic waist band jean shorts, and crocs.

>> No.6281916


You're talking about what people wear when they're getting drunk on the yacht. I'm talking about what people wear to the office.

>> No.6281918

That's kind of the point. You can look at any elected officail or career bureaucrat and compare them to Ron Paul or Reviewbrah and still see that the latter two look like shit. That's fine if they're just trying to get by, but when people start praising them for their fanciness, it's completely ridiculous.

No one faults a programmer or a congressional staffer who doesn't need to appear before a camera if he wears a tie or shitty suit because he has to. But when you look unprofessional and your professional look is supposed to be your selling point, there's something wrong, either with you or your audience.

Also, you can wear a Brooks Brothers suit and still not look like shit. Stephen Colbert did it for years. The problem is not with "meticulous tailoring," but whether or not your suit even fits at all.

>> No.6281920
File: 78 KB, 594x520, euKn53k[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better

here's a couple average millionaires for ya

>> No.6281923


Actually you can find reams of AP photos of staffers and third-tier bureaucrats looking dumpy and uncomfortable as hell in their Brooks Bros sack suits. Why it's considered acceptable is beyond me, but they know they're going to be seen like that by the public, and they do it anyway. I could write a couple paragraphs of speculation on that but I don't really feel like it unless you can troll me into responding more.

>> No.6281927

I worked and lived in the sort of high-finance millieu you talk about since I was born. Most everyone dresses like shit, except for the aspirational interns, because they don't need to prove anything to each other. Imagine a 50 year old man, richer than god, who gets his suits at Brioni but always asks the tailor to "leave me some extra room in the gut, shoulders, chest, and seat, so I'm comfortable."

Expensive? Sure.
Well-fitting? Nope, sorry.

>> No.6281933

Yet you aren't praising them for how professional and refined they look, aren you? You're doing exactly the opposite. So why should Reviewbrah be the exception? He looks like shit too.

All I'm saying is that there's no good reason to praise him for his suits if all you really care about is that he's an awkward sperglord who likes to dress like an idiot and film himself talking about tacos.

>> No.6281935

>Imagine a 50 year old man, richer than god, who gets his suits at Brioni but always asks the tailor to "leave me some extra room in the gut, shoulders, chest, and seat, so I'm comfortable."
>Well-fitting? Nope, sorry.

WTF? How would you have an obese man dress? You'd like him to have an aggressively tightened waistline to show off his wonderful figure?

>> No.6281938


Did you even read my original post? Please re-read it again >>6281853

I'm not going to repeat myself just because you have no reading comprehension and can't understand that you're arguing with multiple people.

>> No.6281940

nice fashion thread guys.

>> No.6281942

Where did I imply he was obese? Key word was also "extra" room. Obviously a tailor isn't going to give an obese man a slim-fitting suit, you nonce.

>> No.6281943

>I'm just going to keep on changing my argument because I have my head up my ass and I'm just here to complain

Cool man, that's fine. I guess I'm done here now.

>> No.6281945

>being this autist
>calling ReviewBrah a sperglord
irony much?

>> No.6281947


>> No.6281949

Stop posting this shit. It isn't funny.

>> No.6281953

I can pretty much stop here because you apprently believe that my responding to multiple people somehow means that I think I'm arguing with one person.

You don't argue with people who cannot understand the law of noncontradiction.

>> No.6281971

You respond to them as if they were only one person though.
>I was only pretending to be a retard
yeah okay lol

>> No.6281980

I'd take the bait if you tried a little harder. Make it worth my while.

>> No.6281981

Reviewbrah's suits all fit, he's just emulating a style of suits from the late 80s and early 90s when suits were baggier and roomier.

Seriously, they fit, they're just extremely outdated compared to the slim fit suits nowadays.

>> No.6281994

>I just realized I'm retarded
>How do I respond to this???
>I know, I'll call it bait and look smart!

>> No.6281998

>I didn't read the thread.

Really? I mean, you weren't great but now you're not even trying. Did you run out of juice?

>> No.6282002

>damage control intensifies

>> No.6282008

So, do you want to continue the conversation or not? Because I can click any thread and read "loli troll u" over and over.

>> No.6282019

guys plz

plz stop

>> No.6282020

I've already made my point. You're an autist who just plain doesn't understand the charm of this guy. There's nothing further to discuss.

>> No.6282024

>oh shit don't have anything else to say
>lol u was pretend 2 retard
>i has no response

>> No.6282025


Why? It's fun to watch some spergmeister try to argue that "in order to impress the Real Elite Powerful Reptoids you have to dress like an alzheimer's patient with an Amex Black Card"

>> No.6282027

This guy gets it.

>> No.6282029

See >>6282025

See, this is good. This is what I'm looking for.

>> No.6282035

He finally realized he's talking to more than one person. Praise Jesus! It's a miracle!

>> No.6282075

He's a spergy, awkward looking fucking kid who's EGO has grown bigger than his suit because idiots like you keep praising him instead of ignoring him to dwell in his own sperg.

Shame on you.

>> No.6282099

The wonderful thing about ReviewBrah, is that he doesn't have an ego. He's not like sellout Joey.

>> No.6282111

Of course not. He's externalized his ego into his fucking suit. That's why he shows no emotion in his reviews, there's nothing fucking left.

Nigger can't even enjoy a cheap-ass fast food item.

>> No.6282135

Jesus christ what do you guys even argue about? The suits of reviewbrah NEVER fit him, they're too loose and big for him. Do everybody else wear good fitting suits? Fuck no but that's beside the point.

>> No.6282142

What happened? Did he not understand how to operate a disposable fork?

>> No.6282161

Wendys didn't include a fork, so he expressed confusion about how cheese fries are consumed as he reluctantly picked through the fries with his fingers and the toppings sliding off to his dismay, eventually resulting in him googling how to eat cheese fries to find no useful results, and ending the review with him seeming rather disappointed in himself for not figuring out the cheese fries.


>> No.6282181

He reviews fast food products, and mocks them for being unhealthy. Is there anyone more retarded on this earth?

>> No.6282185

Anybody got that screenshot of him confirming he posts on /ck/?

>> No.6282214

His favorite is pizza, he also seems quite fond of wings.

>> No.6282235

Daily reminder that ironically liking terrible videos still means you have bad taste.

>> No.6282256

Daily reminder that ReviewBrah is based as fuck.
Also, nobody cares about your shit taste in videos.

>> No.6282261


Who likes them ironically? For one thing...I too eat lots of pizza, frozen or otherwise, and fast food...so I legitimately have interest in the reviews, and as far as him personally goes I enjoy his dry humor and general way of speaking, I listen to his talk show as well.

>> No.6282266

listening to him is real relaxing. have you seen his video where he shows us his day?

>> No.6282280
File: 256 KB, 1244x1028, Fist_by_David_Shankbone[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this beta

>pic related, it's a taste of what you chumps would get if you ever met the likes of me

>> No.6282285

A hairy womans arm?

>> No.6282294

looks like we have an internet tough guy in the thread, watch out guys, be scared! :^)

>> No.6282295

No, a filthy, stained couch.

>> No.6282356

>old ass niggas on 4chan shaking their firsts at the young people and their rap music

>> No.6282397

This guys is a total fucking weed head. But I love to watch his food reviews simply because of his positive attitude. Plus he's a total bro - someone you definitely wanna have a beer with or hang out.


>> No.6282401

>weed head
Ayy lmao

>> No.6282430

No one is impressed by your fedora, you know, just because it's something "old people" used to wear.

>> No.6282722

I know I risk opening the floodgates on reviewbrah here, but his KFC video allows comments

>> No.6282731

He's been doing that lately.
Makes him based as fuck.

>> No.6283512


I refuse to watch his uploads until he grows a pair. The little faggot is as much a troll/instigator as all of 4chins put together.

>> No.6283699

Oh my god this kid lol. He's so spastic.

>> No.6283713

I feel like this dude was raised by his grandma. I prefer the energy drink reviews.

>> No.6283723

Picture of an awkwardly posed fist.
Sickly pale and oddly hairy
Weird wrist tendon thing going on
Filthy poor curtains.
File name suggesting there are multiple copies of this image, and that your name is ridiculous
Provocative threats and meme insults

How has a post this well crafted only got two replies? This is the Medium rare tenderloin of baits.

>> No.6283727


yeah I left a comment on his video because he does make them look delicious as fuck.

>> No.6283744
File: 230 KB, 967x640, 1423207922661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6283901
File: 125 KB, 1133x627, fine yeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he starts reviewing booze hes gona be goat

>> No.6283905

come to think of it, he might make good firearm reviews...
hes in new jersey i think, what age u gotta be to own rifles/pistols?

>> No.6283960

>File name suggesting there are multiple copies of this image, and that your name is ridiculous
are you an idiot, that's the sort of URL you get if you grab an image from GIS and directly paste the url instead of uploading

>> No.6285644
File: 245 KB, 1180x1204, foodreviewfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /foodreviewfeels/ here?

>> No.6285649

When will /fit/ leave /ck/?

>> No.6285655

>Let's take a look at this box of 5.56

>> No.6285666

I lost my shit at the google part

>> No.6285676

I genuinely enjoy ReviewBrah. Eat shit.

>> No.6285694

>everything is there

My sides.

>> No.6285873

His pizza hut triple stuffed crust pizza review is so fucking based.

>> No.6285879
File: 36 KB, 262x394, PJ-BK202_PLEATS_DV_20121010203310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this thread is still here?

So let's discuss. Pleats. Are they back?

>> No.6285911

Jesus christ, this guy looks like he's 50 but he says he's 28. Talk about shitty genes

>> No.6285959

They're definitely coming back, but it's a slow return. I guarantee in 5 years pleated pants will be the norm.

>> No.6285984

>Jesus this thread is still here?

It was made just yesterday...

>> No.6285994

You're new to /ck/ aren't you

>> No.6285998

>the 300 post limit is oldfag tier

I'm pretty sure it was 150 back in the day...

>> No.6286009

As autistic and socially awkward as review brah is, at least he's not Joey tier pathetic.

>> No.6286019

They're both pathetic.

>> No.6286030

But Joey is spiraled out of control and flew into the side of the mountain pathetic.
Reviewbrah might still get control of his life and pull up into a normal person.
Joey is too far gone.

>> No.6286043

At least Reviewbrah's got a pretty strong radio show going.

>> No.6286056

Who the fuck are you???

>> No.6286159

This is not a very nice thread. Not at all what I would've expected from a thread about this guy.

>> No.6286170

What did you expect?

>> No.6286179

A slower thread with less discussion of fashion and autism and a bigger focus on favorite videos and fast food.

>> No.6286187

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.6286193
File: 4 KB, 170x170, 1346920061630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so-called "wall street"

>> No.6286223

pls make thread in /b/ and post dick and face

>> No.6286235

Isn't that the wailing jew guy?

>> No.6287655


>> No.6287666

Reviewbrah is legitimately top tier.

>> No.6287692

This one is also great:

>> No.6287710

All of his reviews are GOAT-tier.
I eat everything he reviews, ReviewBrah is love, ReviewBrah is life.

>> No.6287716

Lmao, I like how he used a straw in a glass it's not longer than, basically eliminating the purpose of it.

>> No.6287719

Isn't he adorable?

>> No.6287746
File: 4 KB, 184x184, 1414463339650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every video has like 4,000 views
>that one pizza review with half a million views
did it get spammed that much??

>> No.6287771

>tfw he was doing this since he was twelve or something
>tfw he wears those suits to school every day


>> No.6287778

He's my favorite reviewer personally

>> No.6287884


>> No.6287887

holy shit, his expression at 2:54 is the greatest thing I've ever seen

>> No.6287899

What disorder does he have? Because I knew someone who literally wore the same outfit everyday for a year and he wasn't a blogger or anything but there was something wrong.

>> No.6287911

He's probably autistic, but that doesn't make him any less based.

>> No.6288015

holy fuck first time I know about this. He looks like a puppy in comparison to the other videos

>> No.6288028

It's too obvious, m8. There has been such an explosion of obvious h8 b8, that people are developing a resistance/tolerance to it. Maybe eventually everyone will need to make sense to be taken seriously and even get a reply, but we're not there yet.

>> No.6288065

Nice dubs. Also, kill yourselves tranny faggots.

>> No.6288247

He has a bunch of different suits though. He's just fedorable.

>> No.6288288



>> No.6288357

ReviewBrah is awesome.

>> No.6288362

I have a juicer but when a I feel like a fruit smoothie I have a fruit salad. Saves a lot of mess, time, and pulp. Plus if I use the juicer and wake up my cat he'll get me back. Evil little bugger.

>> No.6288368

He had them enabled for another vid, maybe it was a mistake ;_;

>> No.6288426
File: 84 KB, 800x759, 1423874559855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enables comments
>nothing but positivity
>bans comments again

o-ok bud

>> No.6288428

seriously. obvious home schooling and the town he lives in is tiny. the only thing they have to look forward to there is racing

>> No.6288432

He talks about going to school in his idle mind lectures though. He's also from New Jersey.

>> No.6288436

He was doing a test the last time, and comments were pending anyways.

He does these tests from time to time to see how comments are and then considers bringing them back based on results.

>> No.6288454

>dumb cunt can't handle criticism
>turns off comments

pretty standard Youtube stuffs

>> No.6288507

perhaps i like his content you dumb piece of shit

>> No.6288516

Ergo you have shitty taste. Yes, we know.

>> No.6288518

cant wait, 3 more years until he just starts with a glass of wine on his sunday reviews. the beginning of the end.

>> No.6288528

i couldnt of made it better myself 10/10

>> No.6288535

subbed. he has another loyal subscriber

>> No.6288544

its so sad to think that fast food can make someone this genuinely happy. it really is a drug

>> No.6288550

> Stop liking what I don't like!!!

He is pretty funny.

>> No.6288552

that fucking straw hahahaha

>> No.6288563

no he lives in a very small town in new york

>> No.6288565

i can't wait for him to review malt liquor and bum wines

>> No.6288577

4chan - fashion & altruism

>> No.6288580

I bet he has heuristic analyses and statistical data.

>> No.6288589

he's got some in the 10k's. that domino's review is my favorite though I believe its where we got

>everything is there

>> No.6288617

New Jersey is a different state.

>> No.6288638

'when did review brah get so witty

>> No.6288647


>> No.6288748


Is this him?

>> No.6288990

Broeys - Positive well adjusted people that contribute to society
ReviewBitches - Socially inept NEETs with poor hygiene and a thin grasp on reality

>> No.6289009

>Broeys - Internet culture LOLRANDUM memesters.
>ROTW ans - Intelligent well mannered pizza enthusiasts.

>> No.6289010
File: 1.99 MB, 332x215, 1386417149660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not fat, I'm a "pizza enthusiast"

>> No.6289012

Does Reviewbrah look fat to you? His diet works.

>> No.6289014

Reviewbrah is a skinny guy with fat fans
Joey is a fat guy with skinny fans

>> No.6289015

Because he barely eats anything. He'll take a few mouse-y bites of each thing he reviews and leaves it be.

>> No.6289017

You've never seen any fans, stop talking out of your ass.

For the review, what, do you really think he'd make an hour long video eating a pizza just to review it when he could do that with a single slice? he says in his talk show that he eats entire pizzas by himself.

>> No.6289018

>You've never seen any fans
that's because they're all stuck in their mother's basements

>> No.6289024

I have to wonder if anyone in this thread actually likes this guy or if they're saying they do because they're actually making fun of him. Laughing at, not with sort of deal. I bet that happened every day at school for this guy. It's upsetting to think that most of you are pretending to like him when really the laughs you're having are at his expense because of his oddness.

>> No.6289030

I don't see what's odd about him at all, he's an incredibly average and humble guy from what I can tell, other than his style of dress which is strange, but I don't judge people by that....and even still wearing suits is less odd than skinny jeans, coloring your hair unnaturally, or putting holes in your ears as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.6289820

this shit is fucking great. his panic starts around 2 minutes in

>> No.6289915

>ruin the gains joey has made


>> No.6289965

Most of reviewbrahs fans are from /fit/ and /misc/

>> No.6292063

It's like this guy doesn't listen to his VORWs where he talks about clearing out pizzas himself.

>> No.6292071

>getting your ass beat by chili fries so hard that Google can't even save you

>> No.6292085

Interesting. He clearly, clearly shows signs of depression and or bi polar with all of that audible self criticism he uses on himself as if hes having a conversation with someone who's not there.

>stop it! Now you're trying to find a way to blame them?

If he does this a lot, maybe someone can tell me, than surely he has depression either led my self hate or due to bi polar disorder. Maybe both.

He needs to stop eating shit and work out.

>> No.6292086


>he googles how to eat cheese fries
>you set me up for this wendys

>> No.6292090

he walked Dylan in 1975
he knew the Grateful Dead from 1966

yeah... I've watched that video way too much

>> No.6292119

he's in Maine, I think.

He possibly can't be worst than nuttinfancy

>> No.6292139 [DELETED] 
File: 2.56 MB, 290x173, 1366371367591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6292150

I need to see that.

>> No.6292183

I can just picture this kid spazing out while bouncing off the walls after all these energy drinks.

>> No.6292572
File: 60 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6293511

Is his accent Long Island or Boston?

>> No.6293522

He's from New Jersey.

>> No.6294566

>comments need to be approved

>> No.6294573

You want to give him your FULL LOAD?

>> No.6294581

Even with moot making the whole fucking site user friendly, people are as stupid as this


Yes, it's him.