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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 845 KB, 2560x1600, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6280413 No.6280413 [Reply] [Original]

>milk with tea

>> No.6280424

depends what tea you're talking about

>> No.6280427


>> No.6280428

I thought it was tea with milk.
How the hell do you pour a bag of tea into a glass of milk?

>> No.6280429

That´s something only english people do and well you know how it is with them their taste.

>> No.6280434

Literal autism

>> No.6280435
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I was working with some dumb bitch who had just started working in hospitality. A customer asked for a black tea so she poured a cup of milk and dropped the tea bag into the cold milk.

>> No.6280437

We fucked up an entire country, enslaved and entire race and muscled out the only real threat to us in the shipping industry just for tea.

I think we earnt the right to boldly claim our way to brew tea is right proper, so it is.

>> No.6280439
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>mfw this faggot uses teabags

>> No.6280446
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>non-black coffee

>> No.6280449

There is absolutly nothing in food or drinks that british people do properly. I´m german and i was there for vacation and i was just fucking shocked how bad everything is. The only good food in your contry comes from foreigners.

>> No.6280451
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>ketchup with steak

>> No.6280467

Perspective, anon. Of course English food is going to be radically different from your sausage based cuisine.
And yes, our French influence is huge in the fine dining industry, but once again we're not trying to say it's thoroughbred English.

Just out of plain curiosity though, where did you actually go?

>> No.6280505

We don´t have have a sausage based cusine. We actually have a lot of food from different countries because german food kinda sucks we just the keep some of the good things. I´m just talking about what people in england see as good food. When the english restraurants were so bad we went to fast food places also because of time reasons and all of them were fucking garbage (subway which in germany is amazing was really weird they put fucking carrots on your sandwich, yo! sushi was terrible and then we tried pizza express which was so bad on a level i can´t even explain. All these places wouldn´t survive in germany. We were in london and oxford

>> No.6280508


>> No.6280534

Take 3 tea bags and 1 quart of milk. Place the tea bags into the milk, seal it in a jar, and set in the refrigerator over night. Sweeten to taste. This makes an awesome cold brewed tea.

>> No.6280541

It's like people don't want to taste the tea. Fucking milkfags.

>> No.6280701

Overdone beef wellington

>> No.6280730

>Caring about what others eat
Top kek

>> No.6280973

>not having tea with milk and honey?
stay pleb

>> No.6280984
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>American cheese
Fucking why. There are hundreds of actual, tastier cheeses you could choose from, but you don't even pick a real cheese. Fucking Americans.

>> No.6280994

sea food other than fish

replacing meat with vegetable shit

putting raisens in anything


>> No.6281007


putting pickles on burgers and sandwiches

>> No.6281010
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>chicken cooked to perfection
>Um... maybe a couple more mins just to be sure

>> No.6281011
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>germans talking shit about food
>after the abortions they call 'curry'

>> No.6281015
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Butter tea is delicious

>> No.6281027
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>no raisins in oatmeal cookies

>> No.6281096

Not enough sweetcorn and rotting cabbage?

>> No.6281128

>implying americans prefer american cheese.
>it just melts good on a burger and it's cheap

>> No.6281140
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>mfw I see delicious chocolate chip, oatmeal cookies and take a bite only to find the horror that they are raisins.


>> No.6281150

There are several bad things you could do with a pizza.
>replacing the sauce with ketchup
>uncanned tomatoes for the sauce
>cheese over the salami
>baking the salami

>> No.6281151
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>subway which in germany is amazing was really weird they put fucking carrots on your sandwich, yo! sushi was terrible and then we tried pizza express which was so bad on a level i can´t even explain. All these places wouldn´t survive in germany. We were in london and oxford
you listed all franchises, wtf.
also subway wont put anything on your sub unless you tell them, if you said all dressed and got shit you didnt want then you assumed wrong.

>> No.6281172

>not putting tea on your strong breakfast tea every morning

how silly

>> No.6281208

>talks shit about english food
>rattles on about a bunch of shit franchises making yank, japanese and italian food

maximum pleb

>> No.6281236


you are the autistic one, autismo cuck memer

>> No.6281240


>tea on your tea

>> No.6282137

Only to you. If you go to many places, especially here in the UK, black tea is almost always served with milk. Its just a taste preference.

>> No.6282213
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>> No.6282318

>what is chai

>> No.6282323

Indian chai and Japanese curry are both inflienced by the British version of the original

>> No.6282369

>spinach on pizza

like wtf

>> No.6283700


>Adding gravy on anything other than truky
>eating steak well done
>mixing two or more types of cheese in one recipe
>using olive oil for salads, dips etc
>using virgin olive oil for cooking
>cooking anything right after taking it from the fridge/freezer, and not letting it come to room temp
>putting eggs in the fridge
>using table salt
>using grounded black pepper and not freshly ground
>using white vinegar
>not having a full sit of knives and spice/dry herbs.

>> No.6283714

>Adding gravy on anything other than truky
Like, are you serious? You really believe a roux-thickened meat-based sauce has zero applications outside of moistening a gritty holiday roast turkey?

>> No.6283724
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>> No.6283735


olive oil for dips is perfectly fine. How else are you meant to get dukkah on the bread?

>> No.6283771


Milk in tea goes all the way back to china, early 1600 rich chinese were adding milk to tea before the English. The habit was picked up by the english in late 1600s, who emulated the habits of the rich chinese and it grew from there.

Before that even, tea in tibet was drunk with yak butter or milk added.

>> No.6283773

Chinese people are lactose intolerant just like niggers
They cant digest milk like whites and sandniggers

>> No.6283776

Spinach on Pizza is delicious you shit.

>> No.6283787


It was probably a fashion, one of the emperors liked milk in his tea and suddenly all the rich people "liked" it too. We are talking about people that used to mutilate little girls feet for fashion so I'm sure a touch of the runs didn't phase them.

>> No.6283794

Getting real sick of you teafags, some of you are alright and legitimately enjoy drinking your special types of tea, which I won't complain about, everyone has their own hobbies.

But then there are you elitist fucks who think that because other people in another country don't do it to the way you've decided it should be done theyre totally fucking wrong, (Looking at you fucking weeaboos who only enjoy tea because of the oriental theme of it so it fits in with your animeyz).

>> No.6283797


But he's right.

>> No.6283798

Yo chill nigga

>> No.6283801

Poor attempt at justifying your false sense of elitism.
I can tell you refuse to have milk in your tea and most likely scoff at those who do. But now you realise that you're the one to be scoffed at. How does this make you feel?

> he doesn't use rice milk in his tea

>> No.6283892

>putting salami on your pizza instead of pepperoni

>> No.6284162

>mixing two or more types of cheese in one recipe
many recipes call for this

>> No.6284163


>put kettle on for tea
>hear it whistle, come down to get it
>housemate holding it gingerly over the stove
>stove still on, he couldn't figure out how to shut it off
>wants to know what this thing is and why it is screaming

>> No.6284170

Anything over rare.
Dry chicken.
Canned vegetables.

>>using olive oil for salads, dips etc

>what is hummus
>what is baba ganoush
>what is oil + vinegar

I'm pretty mad.

>> No.6284219

dude... go find me a pizza with tomato sauce that doesn't have some form of canned tomato product on it. Making pizza sauce from scratch is a waste of time and resources.

Salami on pizza is pretty damn good.

>> No.6284221


If it's a bad piece of meat or grounded beaf it's okay

>> No.6284225

I think he's saying that not using canned tomatoes in a sauce is a bad idea

>> No.6284252

American cheese doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.6284320

9 year old detected
Delicious soft oatmeal cookies are the bomb
That's about the only thing raisins are good for

>> No.6284796
File: 94 KB, 500x667, 1410473856176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even aware what website you're posting on?

>> No.6286637

Ranch dressing everywhere. On everything.

>> No.6286655

>cooking at my apartment for some yanks in my class to experience some rural Texan food.
>perfectly done venison tenderloins
>young wild hog chops with my secret dry rub
>cabbage and onions as well along with a pot of beans
>all meat I shot back home, slow smoked on my drum smoker and mesquite I cut myself and hauled up to this frozen hell
>simple wedge salad to start
>home brewed English style hard cider aged for at least a year
>two of these fucking yanks literally dip the venison into the remaining ranch in their salad bowls
>another asks for A1 which I do not own
>typical douchy libtard girl acts like she's going to vomit when she finds out the meat wasn't store bought despite consuming her entire plate
>had said repeatedly it was wild game from beautiful Texas
>"yo this booze is too dry, bro, I thought you said this was cider? It's nothing like Johnny Appleseed."

How do you live with these people? Why would anyone put up with ten feet of snow and sub zero temps to live with these people?

>> No.6286662

You haven't heard of royal milk tea, anon?

>> No.6286677

>german food kinda sucks
That's where you went full retard.
A properly done schweinshaxen is better than a handjob from god.

>> No.6287050

>mfw come from KC missouri to wild wild west (dakota)
>these people think this is barbecue
>they hate fried chicken and mostly only eat canned beans not home made

literal hell

>> No.6288824

I like them in my grape salad

>> No.6288887

>drinking anything but water, beer, or fresh squeezed juice