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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 400x300, Preserved-Duck-Egg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6279556 No.6279556 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever eaten a preserved duck egg, or would you?

I keep seeing them next to the salted boiled duck eggs I've been buying, and wondering if I should go for it.

>> No.6279562


Its an acquired taste, not as extreme as that Icelandic rotten shark, but more like durian.

>> No.6279566

I've had durian and don't know why people hype it up so much.

>> No.6279568

They can't be too restrictively expensive. If you can get yourself to try it, go for it.

Bonus to it is being able to trick your friends and/or family into eating it if its awful.

>> No.6279572


Because good durian is fucking amazing. Especially durian pastries.

>> No.6279574

Why would you not try new things?

>> No.6279575

I'd give anything a try once, just to say I did.

Before I die I want to try durian, vegimite, lutefisk, that one korean/asian fermented pork dish, and that really maggoty cheese thats so infested that the maggots pop out at you.

>> No.6279579
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Does it still have any of the egg like taste, or is it completely different?

If you say the taste is not that extreme I'll probably just grab some the next time I'm there. I'm not sure if they sell any individual eggs, I think I'll need to buy a pack of 4 or 6.

>> No.6279607

Nothing good can come from an egg that looks like that.
Nothing good at all.
Why can't it just be chocolate
>Sold by box of 6

>> No.6279621


You watch way too much Bizarre Foods.

>> No.6279635
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I kinda miss that show. Haven't had cable for a while.
Its always been my lifelong dream to travel around and eat wierd shit.
I get so tired of normal american 'cuisine'
I want to travel to a shady, shitty little shop somewhere where I can't speak the language, and eat things that I don't even understand or know what they are.

>> No.6279674

I'm tempted to try one, as I like to say I've tried something before saying I don't like it, and I have a diverse palate, but I hear they have a gelatinous texture, and one of the few things I can't really put down is jello. I have a shitty gag reflex, and jello triggers it, so I imagine that these would too, especially with the early stigma of having to look at it. It's not like I can be enveloped by the mystery of this and wonder what it might be before trying it. I know it's a fermented egg, and most people aren't really fans.

>> No.6279680


No, its completely different. The taste is unique, and the texture is like firm jello.

I love the stuff, but I can guarantee you that you will hate it.

>> No.6279713

I eat them fairly often.
The yolk has a funny taste, that for me makes my throat hurt if i eat it alone.
You kinda have to dilute it by cooking in porridge or eating with lots of rice

>> No.6279920

delicious, and horrible for you. i usually only have at get-togethers and stuff with tons of food served and have a few slices. it is good though, no doubt.

>> No.6279921

>and horrible for you
oh really?

>> No.6279929

You are aware that you have all of that shit in America, right? The land with shit tons of non-English speaking immigrants? You literally house all of the worlds cuisines.

you should re-watch Bizarre Foods America and visit those places.

>tfw not American and have to travel to the countries of origin, resulting in spending all my savings instead of driving downtown and still getting great authentic food.

>> No.6279941

The white is like an almost black tea-flavored jello, a tiny bit bitter.

Texture, smell, and taste of the yolk reminds me of cream cheese, just grayish black instead of white.

Dice it up, toss it with silk/soft tofu and some roasted (or raw if you can stomach it) garlic, and have it over steamed rice or on toast. Do not attempt to eat it on its own.

>> No.6279946

I live in a hotel by the way, my ability to actually cook is pretty limited. I was originally intending on eating it alone.

>> No.6279949

I'd go for it. I mean, I'd prefer it if it wasn't from a store fridge and was from a source I had previous positive experiences with, but that's more personal paranoia than anything.

>> No.6279951

Yeah if you were doing that I'd go for thin slices on top of crackers. It's annoying to handle without a bed of starch. Generally not something Asians eat by itself.

Keep some hot tea handy to get what sticks to your teeth off too.

>> No.6279956
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Those eggs are shelf-stable. Store shelf, not fridge.

>> No.6279966
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I'm OP jumping back in, I see them in the fridge next to these, which I normally buy.

>> No.6279967

If the turnover at the store is low, refrigeration lets it keep longer, but I've kept it in my pantry for a week outside the fridge.

>> No.6279984

I've had them. They're fine but they really need something like porridge to balance it out, the flavor is quite potent.

>> No.6279991
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>> No.6280001


I would very much like to have sex with this woman.

>> No.6280009

So she's a Chinese American living in Japan or something?

>> No.6280016


She lives in Rhode Island. I think her parents are Chinese but she was born (or conceived?) in Japan.

>> No.6280022

Ah, she mentioned Chinese American but then said 'itadakimasu' when she took her first bite, so I was confused.

>> No.6280030


It's understandable how it could be confusing, especially given her username.

>> No.6280197

yes, absolutely. eat them all the time, have a brain aneurysm eventual wtf do i care. or be responsible.

you probably eat pizza hut 4 times a night huh.

>> No.6280203

Are you drunk?

>> No.6280210

I quite enjoy them as a treat a few times a year since I know a store near here that sells them.

They taste to me like brie cheese but a little sweeter. I just peel em and eat em which isn't supposed to be the proper way but fuck-you-I-do-what-I-like.png

>> No.6280228

no. are you?

>> No.6280230

I'm not. Why are you acting like you are drunk?

>> No.6280240

Cut it up and eat it with cold soft tofu drizzled in oyster sauce with bonito flakes.

>> No.6280242

assuming someone was being an asshole on 4chan is not a sign of being drunk, it's a sign of continual disappointment here. i am not drunk, just jumped to conclusions. apologies in this rare instance i guess.

>> No.6280258

So do these eggs have a higher nutritional value than normally prepared ones? I'd try it but that's it, don't get all the hype around these things. Just rotten eggs or whatever

>> No.6280377

sodium goes further off the charts, mostly the same though. take it as a special treat, not a normal everyday meal item.

>> No.6280380

i should add, unlike a nomal egg, this is a lot easier to just slice up and enjoy a few slices, there is no need or reason to eat the whole thing at once. let your body absorb it, enjoy some more the next day.

>> No.6281505

Sodium .... 1090mg 45%

Oh I know what these would be great in, a big bowl of INSTANT RAMEN!
A full week's salt supply in one dish.

>> No.6281526

Eat it with congee, along with green onions, cilantro, chili paste, and rousong

>> No.6281528

You should add balut to the list, if you can get over what it looks like. I was going to add a picture, but I decided against it.

>> No.6281533

P.S. It's delicious. Tastes great with some salt and pepper.

>> No.6281551

America is the size of Europe

>> No.6281572

Traveling between states is much easier than traveling between countries. Also certain places in the USA, like New York City, tend to have pretty good representation of most of the world's cultures and cuisines.

>> No.6283587

i love everything durian from pastries, ice cream, durian paste

truly the king of fruits

>> No.6283605

>this is what americans actually believe
You are aware those foreign restaurants have adjusted their recipes and menus to american tastes and expectations right? Have you ever actually been in europe?

>> No.6283612

Not that guy and I haven't been to Europe, but I've been to two giant warehouses that look like bazaars, crammed with southeast asians (mostly women) who for the most part don't speak english and are peddling shit I've never even heard of.

One of the stalls has some of the best fucking Tam Som though. Complete with crushed crabs. And she will make it as hot and as sweet or sour as you want.

>> No.6283642

Ate it since I was little. The yolk tastes pretty much like salted boil eggs, salty and creamier.
The egg white is basically jelly, like the other anon said

>> No.6283673

Yes, you fucking bonehead, I've been to Europe.

But here's the thing, you can go to the places where the specific ethnic group lives. And there will be restaurants that they run for the wider American public with adjusted menus and recipes, and then there are the restaurants they will run that mostly serve their own community. There's the one Indian restaurant full of normal Americans, and then there's the Indian restaurant full of Indians, for example. And if you're anywhere near some big enough cities you can find quite a bit of different cultures from around the world represented.

>> No.6283949

most of USA, sure; big cities, there can be plenty of found in chinatowns where you probably have never been apparently. the guy you quoted is absolutely right, and you are a fucking idiot who thinks geography makes food authentic.

>> No.6283956

i get durian smoothies all the time. i sometimes get one in the grocery but they are imported/frozen...come out okay but there is something missing to it just a little bit, not trying to complain though.

>tfw cut one open for a peruvian gf once and her eyes were like freaked out saucers of wtf.

dat durian.

>> No.6285062
File: 155 KB, 500x386, tmp_5280-1420040666176-897238395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, trying to convince coworkers to eat eggs with me this week. Will probably have pics tomorrow.

I'm just going to go buy some sourdough bread to go with it.

>> No.6285840
File: 3.37 MB, 2432x4320, tmp_5280-IMG_20150302_175551429_HDR-111216660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, got my lead free Taiwanese preserved duck eggs and tomorrow I'm bringing them to the office for consumption

>> No.6285852

If possible don't get the imported ones from China, Try to get fresh ones that they sell in the asian markets. I prefer it as it taste better and the texture of the york is creamy and the black jelly is a lot more softer. I usually cut it with a nylon string and eat it with pickled ginger with white wine.

>> No.6285861

Don't forget the egg slicer. Bringing knives to work tends to go poorly.

>> No.6285866

Were going to be eating it with bread, per this suggestion.

I also bought daifuku because everyone loves that.

>> No.6285870
File: 3.09 MB, 4320x2432, tmp_5280-IMG_20150302_180629565_HDR-1266233903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6285881

Try it with pickled ginger, swipe some from a sushi place when they are not looking. Or buy some. I have never had it with bread. But that bread looks really nice. Give it a try OP and see how it goes

>> No.6286393

I really want to try one. Theres a site that will send you a whole one anywhere in the world for 50$. Doubt it's worth that much...

>> No.6286417
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Get 4 friends who also want to try it.

>> No.6287030
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OP here, the camera does not do justice to how pretty this egg is

>> No.6287042

>You will never lick Emi's crotch.

>> No.6287080
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>> No.6287085
File: 3.09 MB, 4320x2432, tmp_3642-IMG_20150303_094009670_HDR1088325769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flavor of the egg isn't overpowering. The flavor actually gets sort of lost in the fairly strongly flavored sourdough bread.

The 'white' tastes like nothing. The yoke tastes like a mixture of egg yoke, sulfur and blood. At least that's what it tastes like to me.

>> No.6287109

I thought the yolk was suppose to be hard and green.

>> No.6287110


Not with that kind of attitude you won't.

>> No.6287119

Nah, most asian grils seem to be into tall, fair-skinned Scandanavian white boys with blonde hair.

>Be 6'5
>Black hair
>Only attractive to black and hispanic chicks
>No asian qt to eat weird food with

>> No.6287128

>egg yoke, sulfur and blood
i'm sure to try that delicious combo

>> No.6287131

>eating century eggs with bread
>not congee

>> No.6287169
File: 3.16 MB, 4320x2432, tmp_3642-IMG_20150303_093029577_HDR-1348294955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I purchased the eggs there were both soft and hard yoke options, most were soft though.

>> No.6287240

Too lazy to make gruel.