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6276091 No.6276091 [Reply] [Original]

Water General
>tap water rating
>favorite bottled water
>best filters
This does not include flavored waters or carbonated water only high quality H20

>> No.6276097

>tfw california
>worst tap in the country

still not fucking with bottles though

>> No.6276118

>not living in the Pacific Northwest

sucks to be you

>> No.6276128

I live in the Tampa Bay Area, my water smells strongly of sulfur. It reminds me of a beach shower. I use one of those Brita jugs and it's awesome, water from the fridge is the perfect temperature.
My favorite bottled is Dasani, but I'm not picky about drinking others because it's all the same shit

>> No.6276143

>Tfw when goat tap water
Suck it other states. Oh, and my bottled water of choice os just plain Poland Springs

>> No.6276263

>Ottawa water

Feels fucking good man

>> No.6276297
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>not going to a spring and getting glass carboys filled

>not replacing 70 percent of your body with the purest water on earth

anyone that is scared of drinking spring water doesn't know how aquifers work, it is water that was underground before humans were around to drink it

>> No.6276338
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>spring shit
>full of old dinosaur fart tasting sulfur
>probably contaminated with traces amount of petroleum and heavy metals


>> No.6276353

>live in Washington DC
>Water is 50% lead
I use britta filters to fill up a pitcher with a filter. Yeah, our water is that bad.

>> No.6276355

The Waterboy is my favorite movie.
It really really sucks.

>> No.6276361

I heard Texas had the worst.

Oregon aww yee

>> No.6276406
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>not knowing what an aquifer is

not a HOT spring kiddo, water that has been filtered for thousands of years through 60 feet of rock. Water with a true life force.

you will never know how much you are missing


>> No.6276423

tampa too, I think its mondays that they dump chlorine. I use a filter but drink straight from the facet time to time, as I don't filter water used to make ice :(

depending on the area well water can be gud.

My parents in crystal river however....I can't stand taking baths there, even with filters it comes out smelling like straight irony shit.

>> No.6276437

>Scottish water

Fckn' Aaaaayyyyeeeee

>> No.6276480

Hampton Roads water tastes like rotten assholes with chlorine mixed in.

Been using a shit tier Pur faucet filter, thinking about picking up a Brita pitcher but I wasn't sure how good they are. After seeing some of the posts in here I think I'll take the plunge.

>My favorite bottled is Dasani
+1 for Dasani best bottled I've had so far, but yeah pretty much any bottled is too similar to care too much. Except fuck 7 Eleven brand bottled, got that one day and it tasted like straight public pool water. Never again.

>> No.6276499

How fast do you go through filters? My sister bought one last year in Canada and she's still on the original filter.

>> No.6276505

every month or so. your sister is drinking sewage

>> No.6276521
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Wahingtonian here.
BellingHamster, specifically.
Fuck that lake water.

>> No.6276524
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The water is so hard in my new place that I don't drink it anymore.
It stains my bathroom countertops and leaves rings in my toilet. Fucking minerals.

Anyways, .39$ per gallon is pretty cheap.

>> No.6276531


>> No.6276534


>Water with a true life force.

Yeah, that's not how anything works. Good job swallowing that hippie propaganda though.

>muh aquifiers

>Pesticide Residues in the East Chehalis Surficial Aquifer
>Eleven wells near Chehalis, Washington, were sampled in March 1993 for 123 pesticides and nitrate+nitrite as nitrogen.
>Four pesticides were detected in the initial samples; atrazine, simazine, diuron, and dichlobenil.

In the meantime, I'll be drinking water that I distill myself, aka the only way to know it doesn't have a bunch of toxins and pesticide residues.

>> No.6276553

>tfw nebraska
yeah it's pretty great because of the ogalala aquifer BUT
>tfw omaha
we are right on the missouri river and sadly use it for water supply, and it's not the best tap water, especially compared to the rest of nebraska

>> No.6276566

>Have catchment water run through sediment/sediment charcoal/UV filters
>Taste like water

Do people on city water pay for it? How expensive is it?

>> No.6276570

>Do people on city water pay for it? How expensive is it?

I don't know off the top of my head, since water's included in the rent for my apartment but I'm pretty sure it varies from place to place.

>> No.6276604

About half an hour from Los Angeles.

>tap water rating
Horrifying chlorine odor, metallic tang, 4/10

>subset: shower water
I actually like drinking it in the shower because warm/hot water has the chlorine dissipate faster.

The faint metallic note is refreshing, it's more of a shiny copper or brass and not bloody or iron.


>favorite bottled water
Fiji hands down, I'd drink it as a treat.

Second place goes to the nearest Nestle-bottled spring water, over here it's Arrowhead but I know around New York Poland Springs is their equivalent.

>Best filters
Berkey. Fucking Berkey. Changes my tap water to 9/10 axiomatic water that's completely odorless, flavorless, and tasteless.

Caveat: If I wasn't allowed to add a slice of cucumber or a little lime (fuck lemon), then I'd rate it at 7.8/10 because of how boring it tastes. Haven't gotten around to figuring out homemade mineral water.

>> No.6276608

I've never lived in a city, or anywhere that my water wasn't from an artesian well. Out of sheer curiosity, what does the chlorination / fluoridation do to your hair and skin?

Even if it's such a small ppm that it doesn't yield much effect, it has to do something.

>> No.6276609

>Tap rating
8/10 our water is great, but has just a bit too much chlorine in it when it first comes out. I still drink it, and I know it's to keep everything clean, but I wish they used just a bit less.

>Favorite Bottled
Smart water, mostly because of the bottle shape. I buy the store brand that's cheaper if it's available.


>> No.6276615

I've only showered and bathed once with mineral spring water, which was as pleasant and improved as I expected it to be, all other times with steady amounts of chlorination in the bathwater. I wish I could give you an answer but without a baseline to compare to, I can't think of any obvious effects.

Maybe sedation and sleepiness? That's what I've read about effects of exposure to chlorination byproducts.

>> No.6276618

Oh, also a Washingtonfag here. Marysville sucks for pretty much everything, but the water is pretty good.

>> No.6276621

Artesian well.

High in minerals, not too keen on it in truth. Mainly because either my memory is too screwed to tell, or it's simply not immediately obvious what those minerals are. It's certainly not iron or copper. Probably not calcium. When a lot is boiled down repeatedly it leaves a crusted white / tan / beige film or powder. I don't trust it either way, this town was a milling town at one point, and where the well is was a hattery, then a butcher shop, and a leather working place... Who knows what compounds ended up in the soil, or are there naturally. Water has quite a bitter taste and almost leaves a residue in your mouth. I'm fine with the typical iron or copper or calcium rich water, but this is something else. I prefer it tenfold to city water however, which I absolutely won't drink.

There's a spring up the road from me I'll tend to go get drinking water at or harvest ice from in the winter after the pipe freezes.

>Favorite bottled water.
Don't know.

>Best filter.
Probably should know.

>> No.6276739
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based North Santiam

>your water will never be this good

>> No.6276751

From Norway
11/10 tap water
>so cold
>so clean
>so refreshing

Live in Australia now
>Never cold
>Chlorine taste
At least its still drinkable

>> No.6276757


got a brita jug about a year ago to improve my coffee. the difference is incredible

>> No.6276790

Tap water in Phoenix is gross. 2/10, would not drink unless dying of thirst

I get jugs of Sparkletts delivered, and it's definitely the best. Same taste as Dasani, but it's nicer to have your water delivered from a spigot into a glass rather than from a plastic bottle.

Both brands are filtered through reverse-osmosis with minerals added for taste. I had a girl see me drinking a bottle of Dasani once, and she claimed her friend just got out of surgery for cancer she apparently contracted from drinking only Dasani water. Sodium bicarbonate is a tasty carcinogen, apparently.

>> No.6276803

Arrowhead is foul. Just barely a step above tap water

>> No.6277057

But then do you want to explain the inherent worth of that ? It's weird that people throw out statement like this and just assume everybody will sign on for "ITS GOOD BECAUSE ITS GOOD", maybe you're saying humans corrupt water? You're supposed to flesh out your opinions, not just throw them out there or their worthless

>> No.6277063

Holy wow, somebody responded without being retarded, thank you for actually caring about proper information

>> No.6277074

San Diego, worst tap water I've ever tasted.

Had an EcoWater (http://www.ecowater.com/)) whole house system installed along with a 3 gallon RO system beneath the kitchen sink. I buy distilled water to drink and fill some glass AquaSana bottles with until I can afford to purchase a home distiller.

Used to buy Sparkletts filtered H2O but the RO filter produces better tasting and cleaner water. Buy yourself a meter and see how your water stacks up. Distilled water reads 000. The RO water is about 15 ppm.

Clean water is a big deal.

>> No.6277078

>Tap water is limestone city and hard as fuck.

>> No.6277083

>Scottish Tap Water

da best.

>> No.6277086

Southern Swedish water is best water.

>> No.6277094

>Having to filter your water
How's it like living in a developing country?

>> No.6277102

wow haven't seen a rate my water thread for ages. good to know oldmemes don't every die

>> No.6277120

Let me guess, a salesman with a total dissolved solids meter took you for $2500? He laughed all the way to the bank. Just buy a Britta if you have taste issues.

>> No.6277140

>drinking tap water

that shit is acidic on the PH level

>> No.6277142

Depends on where the water is taken from.

>> No.6277156

If it has chlorine in it, it's slightly acidic.

>> No.6277163 [DELETED] 

chlorine is good for you, they put it in the water to protect your teeth! :^)

>> No.6277167

Im sippin on some nyc tap right now

>> No.6277186

Myself as well. Say what you will about the chlorine levels sometimes being a little too high, the stuff is pretty good. I've been across the country a couple times, and very few cities in the US have water nearly as good.

>> No.6277193

Tapwater from anywhere else tastes weird to me. Im just used to this stuff i guess

>> No.6277202

Some places have tap water so bad it almost isn't drinkable. I've lived in LA, and the water there is awful.

>> No.6277279
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>not drinking RO water exclusively

It's like you want to suffer the horrendous pain of kidney stones.

>> No.6278060

Lions bay water is the best water mann
West vancouver 2nd best

>> No.6278063

Really? Aquafina is way worse, IMO. Arrowhead is alright if you can ignore the chalkiness.

Of course my opinion is skewed because every time I reach for something more expensive than LocalNestleSpringWater I just get Fiji. There's something about how slippery it is that just makes it more pleasant to drink than even most soft drinks. I need to figure out the mineral content so I can start making my own.

>> No.6278100

>not living in the Pacific Northwest

and being 12 hours away from Europe and only 1.5 hours closer to Asia

> Pacific Northwest the earths middle of of nowhere.

>> No.6278103

We have reached a point in modernity when humans can craft the flavor of their water via steam distillation and the selective addition of trace minerals. This is why SmartWater from the Glaceau corporation is the finest drinking water currently known to man. I challenge anyone to best it in the lab, for it is already a given that God cannot best it in his plebby system of lakes, rivers, and mountain springs.

>> No.6278112
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>Glaceau owned by Coca-Cola
>SmartWater is rebranded Dasani with flavoring salts

>> No.6278142

Water here in Florida tastes like pool water because the only way to make it safe to drink is to drown all the shit particles and swamp snot in chlorine. Until I get a filter for my tap I'm going to continue buying gallons of water from the store

>> No.6278148

I love my Brita filter.
Thought it was NYC

>> No.6278307

new orleans tap is pretty fucking bad to stomach. At my relatives in south east texas its pretty good but they are on a well.

>> No.6278972



>11 wells tested


>11 are bad all must be bad

mhmmm keep distilling that water and pissing out your minerals. one day it will catch up to you

>> No.6279268
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>be living in apartments in Tennessee that are over 50 years old
>filter water 3x on brita still tastes of metal and chlorine
>forced to buy bottled water.
>have 5 cases (24/ea) at pretty much all times
>mfw every new person that comes to my apt says "haha are you planning for the apocalypse or something?"

>> No.6279279
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mah nigga
Used to live up in the highlands. Water was fucking delicious.

>> No.6279308


The whole-house filter uses either sodium chloride or potassium chloride. The under-sink RO filter uses three column-type filters which outperform a Brita by a mile. Thanks for the snotty response, though.

>> No.6279314


NYC has great tap water. The worst is probably the ridiculously hard water they have out in the midwest.

>> No.6279321

Brita filters usually harbor bacteria and or mold in them.

It's a moist environment for them.

>> No.6279418
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>> No.6279426

Portland, OR
Home to the Bull Run aquifer. Literally the best tapwater in the states.

>> No.6279498

>Acidic on the pH level
Is there any other kind of level to be acidic on?

>> No.6279506

You're thinking of fluorine. It's definitely not a waste product of multiple industrial processes that would otherwise cost money to get rid of either. It's to prevent cavities. Build strong teeth! You can't handle this stuff on your own! :^)

>> No.6279512

I live in Canada. I have crystal clear tap water.

>> No.6279520

Hi, I'm also in Portland OR and I'm tired of seeing this shit. I'd like to meet with you so I can show you how shitty the water is in my part of town.

>> No.6279521

>heard Texas had the worst
Nope. Water supplies are a local government thing, not a state thing.

And there's at least one major bottler that gets its stuff straight from Houston tap water. Bottled water isn't some magical thing. It's a godawful scam.

If you're that concerned about what you're drinking just get a filter. It'll save you money in the long run.

>> No.6279523

Flouride, you scientifically illiterate woo-believing shithead. Fucking Flouride.

>> No.6279528

>tfw moved to the east coast for college
I remember when we had that whole fluoride fiasco. Our water's still 10/10 imo

>> No.6279536

No one cares about Gresham.

>> No.6279544



>> No.6279546

I've had both and I'd argue that North Santiam water is better.

Sometimes Portland can be retarded.

>> No.6279554

Fluoride is more of a misnomer. It says little meaningful on its own. The reality is, we don't actually know the form most fluorine takes on in a given solution, especially in practical uncontrolled use.

Some of it might even just become free elemental fluorine.

Either way, fuck off anon. It isn't simply "chlorine" added to water either, but you're not tearing apart the anon I'm responding to. Keep drinking your fluoride bud.

>> No.6279567

Not him, but thanks, I think I will

Learn some goddamned chemistry and dental science before you start spouting this cracked-out conspiracy theorist bullshit.

I am sick to fucking death of all these insane anti-science movements. You anti-fluoride fuckers are just as bad as the anti-vaccination twats that fuck over their kids' health.

>> No.6279571

> tfw Lake Michigan master race

>> No.6279577

>Varies from place to place

Yep. Can confirm that an average monthly water bill in Phoenix is more than Seattle.

>> No.6279585

Can you filter flouride?

>> No.6279596
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Can't drink the water here bros

>> No.6279601

>anti-science movements
I think of it as more of a rationalist "anti-faith" movement. Science is simply a tool, and its base, it's all about repeated testing to yield objectively quantifiable results, ie, strip authority from any given speaker or observer and afford inherent empirical methods of verification. You've let your faith in scientific bodies cloud your judgement and are ignoring ambiguity where you should be questioning it. I'd argue all humans employ a degree of faith, but it comes to using it intelligently.

I know chemistry. I've read countless meta-analysis in addition the primary research on both sides. The vast majority of actually field trials, in the "wild", show conflicting results or no meaningful reduction in rate of dental caries. It doesn't matter that in the lab we've found fluoride enhances remineralization of the tooth medium, our real world observation are not matching that result, and we need to know why.

In addition, many studies have been done that have shown that adding fluoride to water doesn't even result in much contact with teeth to begin with. Most of it is swallowed and doesn't actually stay on teeth long enough to make a difference. Add that onto what we know about fluoride salts otherwise... arterial calcification, replacement of certain crystalline groups (the compound of which I can't remember at the moment, look it up yourself) in the pineal gland, effects of which, again, we don't know. Hormonal implications, so on and so forth. Just brush your teeth with the shit if you're so into the actual science behind it. You don't need to drink the shit, that's just straight unscientific, primitive, and stupid.

Besides. Theobromine is looking superior as far as remineralization potential goes. Doesn't even have all the negatives attached to it either. If you really based yourself on the whole of what science reveals, you wouldn't be so keen. You'd be lookin' at other options.

>> No.6279609

Lake Texoma area here (big reservoir on the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma). The river runs over a bunch of salt dome uplifts upstream of here, so the lake is salty enough to support a good striped bass fishery (they're usually an ocean fish).

Water supply is super treated as a result. Some of the nastiest tap water I've ever had.

>> No.6279611

>I am sick to fucking death
Sorry to hear that. Maybe there's something in the water you are drinking.

>> No.6279638

No. Here's some science to back me up, not that anyone on here will read any of it.


There aren't any solid studies that have refuted that it's a public health good. There aren't any solid studies that have linked it with any negative health consequences. There are multiple studies linking it with a positive increase in dental health, especially in children.

I know I won't convince you of anything because your head is too far up your own asshole for you to hear any sense, but I might be able to prevent you from converting anyone to your warped, dangerous views.

>> No.6279643

I live in Portland. Not Gresham.
Are you some West Linn faggot.

>> No.6279646

I'd say a good 80% of the time.

>> No.6279647

No, once you get into triple digits on the eastside, you are in gresham for all intents and purposes.

>> No.6279649

Alex Jones pls go

>> No.6279653

I'm not in triple digits you dumb assuming faggot. I'm probably closer to downtown than you are.

>> No.6279656

>water thread
>tinfoil hat wearing types show up

It was inevitable, really.

>> No.6279708

>Warped dangerous views
>Someone against putting compounds without properly conclusive safety analysis performed, and with ambiguous background in public water
Yeah, okay anon. It's definitely dangerous to not jump on board.

Notice everything you cited was something that had been filtered, interpreted, and rehashed by another body and a limited search range. Yes, some studies are higher quality than others, but this no more provides an accurate and trustable view of the whole than taking into account everything, potential for flaws and all. This is material I've already gone through.

Instead of searching for primary material that you'll just throw out as being non-applicable or non-viable (you addressed nothing I said in the last post on your own), we can reduce this to a few simple questions.

-Do you believe that fluoride is 100% safe?

-Why are you okay with compounds being added "for the public good", when the public readily has access to toothpaste that can achieve the same result, on their own?

-Is fluoride the best we can do? What if there was something better?

>> No.6279745

Enjoying some NC back-country well water

tastes like mother earth with a hint of lead pipe
also any cup you fill from the faucet WILL have specs of dirt in the bottom

going to buy a brita pitcher soon

>> No.6279774

> dad develops machines that make ultra-pure water
> 99.99% pure
> like, the shit they cool microchips with
> I've tried it
> completely unremarkable in every way
> perfect water right there

>> No.6279780

>like, the shit they cool microchips with
I'm curious, what do you mean? For use in liquid cooling loops?

Water is conductive whether it has minerals in it or not, so I'm trying to imagine any other sort of system it could be used for that wouldn't create a short just being submerged.

>> No.6279786

It's used for cooling them in the. manufacturing process. The smallest contaminant can fuck up a microchip, so they need to be 100% sure that the water they use in the process is just water.

>> No.6279806
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You judge a place by it's geographic relation to other places and not its own characteristics? Are you that mental?

PNW is king.

>> No.6279847
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>my water comes from the glorious Lake District
Feels good man. It's not fluoridated either.

>> No.6279861

Seattle here. Drink right from the tap. Greatest water.

>> No.6279874
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>> No.6279877

How much do you tip your mayor for providing water from the tap?

>> No.6279894

wtf? where do you live? phoenix az sells water by the gallon for 15 cents; we live in a fucking desert.

and it tastes pretty good as far as water goes.

>> No.6279895

Mmm, yes, quite. Indubitably.

>> No.6279904

Oh wow, you live in felony flats. Impressive.

>> No.6279909

Utah actually has the greatest average tap water.

>> No.6279917

I like this anon so much. I'm tired of being spoon-fed bullshit from all authority, and I like to question every point, concept, and idea before I accept it. I'm not bent on defying authority, but I am focused on understanding situations.

With that being said, I applaud you anon for your analysis and your perspective. Thank you.

*wipes cum off lips*

>> No.6279933

>Water is conductive whether it has minerals in it or not

>Distilled water does not contain dissolved salts and, as a result, it does not conduct electricity and has an electrical conductivity of zero.

>> No.6279947

Feels good living in Hamilton County, home of the best tasting tap water in the world currently. When i was a kid I'd drink water straight from the sink when I was thirsty and just gulp that shit down like a water fountain.

I've heard some say you get used to the tap water where you live, but I've never had any that was close to as good as what we have, and it's better than most bottled as well. Yeah, feels really goodman.

>> No.6279981

>Hamilton County
Haha, so has the birth control in your water given you nice tits?

>> No.6280071

>live in a rural town
>delicious well water
I don't even care if it tastes like clay and manganese when the filter goes to shit.

>> No.6280075

>drinking well water

What's it like drinking something that even my dog won't touch?

>> No.6280078

It's like you hate the purist form of water.

>> No.6280082

I've had this question for a while. We all know mountains have springs. Right near peaks you'll often see one. But how does that water get up there?

>> No.6280087

>mountains have springs
Gee, I don't know. I guess the sky lords must have pissed it there.

>> No.6280109

Underground pressure that overcomes gravity. The spring forms via gradual erosion and the path of least resistance to find an exit to relieve the aforementioned pressure.

Once established it just keeps flowing because the pressure release is far less than the pressure's source. Change in those underlying factors is what results in springs stopping however.

You also need to take into account the area and why the mountain exists. Some have to do wit underlying geology and plat tectonics, some are from prior glacial activity, etc. That plays in somewhat.

>> No.6280193

Cool, thanks man.

>> No.6280225

or you know, maybe it just rained further up the mountain...

>> No.6280231

A lot of the time there are springs extremely near the top that never stop flowing. Rain wouldn't be enough to replenish them.

>> No.6280238

>All the people complaining about shitty tap water.
>Meanwhile, you can drink the tap water in germ any without any problems.

>> No.6280247

Mountain composition is weaker and less packed than the surrounding ground and whatever else. That's why it goes to high places on mountains.

"Path of least resistance".

>> No.6280253
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>buying bottled water

I don't live in a 3rd world country so why would i ever in my life want to buy bottled water when there is perfectly good water in the tap?

>> No.6280254
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>shit got recently chlorinated and now i have to boil it if i don't want to feel like i'm chugging bleach


>> No.6280259

What does /ck/ think about Reverse Osmosis Water, you know water that has nothing but water and CDC approved.

Is it bad to drink water with that high a purity level?

>> No.6280262

Ottawa water is pretty darn good.
Fiji is my favourite bottle
And I've only ever used a Brita filter.

>> No.6280267
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I only drink the most pure of water, refined to where even the hydrogen has been removed. In its place is the most pure and highest of grade deuterium.

Get on my level, plebians.

>> No.6280300

Finland here. The tap water is great, enough so that you really don't need to bother with bottled water or filters.

I do buy carbonated water, though. Saskia classic from Lidl is my favourite. It has a lot of carbonation and no funny salty taste.

>> No.6280319

Well water through a Britta filter mustard race. Store brand bottled water all of the day too, it tastes miles better than fucking nestle or deer park shit

>> No.6280327


we got 10/10 tap water. tastes a pure as tapped water can be.

don't buy bottles water.

don't need to invest in a filter.

>> No.6280343

Louisville, Ky

Tap's pretty good, and boy do they fucking love to tell us about it. for a while (they might still do it) you'd see people passing out empty water bottles that say "Louisville Pure Tap" on it to go fill up yourself.

>There's a website and a twitter for the fucking water.

I still prefer grabbing water from the store because I'm lazy and can keep them in my office/gaming area.

>> No.6280347

they want you to stop buying plastic bottles that just end up in the landfill

>> No.6280352
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>drinking tap water

>> No.6280367

>being so much an insecure faggot that you think there's stigma about drinking water

>> No.6280384

deuterium IS hydrogen, what are you talking about?

>> No.6280392

Protium removed*

>> No.6280450

>Tap Water Rating
2/10, though that's probably because I long since switched to filtered/bottled. Tap water tastes musty of all things.

>Favorite Bottled Water
Deer Park or Nirvana

>Best Filters
Eh, Both Pur and Brita do their jobs.

>> No.6280471
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>mfw this thread

Hydrogeologist here that has worked for some international water brands.

So here is some things that I just feel like I must say, hoping that someone might learn something.

>muh springs!
>muh precious untouched water as nature intended!
I have bad news for you buddy, a spring does not necessarily imply that it has old water. more often than not, it has fairly recent water.
True, in order to come out of a spring, the water has to travel through some rocks and gravel and stuff, but unless you do a geological survey and some tracer tests, you have no way of knowing if its just a few days (not good) or a few months (better) or more.

Fun story: close to my previous work place there also is a little spring in the forrest. somehow word got around that the gipsies are always getting there water from there. Soon, some websites popped up, tlaking about all kinds of esoterical shit, and more and more people came there, to get some jugs of the precious water.
The local government also got wind of it (mainly because of the parking situation!) and tested the magical spring.
No special contents at all, apart from a way to high bacterial content.

Fun story two: I used to do a contract for a spring water bottling plant on some mountains, close to a very famous monastery. so the water was very famous too, and the whole pilgrimage stuff was a huge marketing advantage.
Problem just was, they had a huge bacterial issue with their water.
so after some field detective work, I figured out the following:
that nice holy monastery in the middle of nowhere was just discarding their sewage down the slope.
There it just seeped into the fractured mountain sides, and shortly after, landed it the lower springs.
>tasty monks shit for added holyness of the water

>> No.6280479


>> No.6280480

>How does water get up to the mountains?
It doesnt. Springs are never at mountain tops, because physics. There are some that appear close to the mountaintop, but that top is just the first in a row of even higher ones. The water travel from higher up to the foremost mountain.
Another option are glaciers, which can reach quite high, and there meltwater can sustain a very close to the top spring.
And yes, there are artesic springs, Where the water is under pressure and thus can travel upwards, but those either have to have a higher underground reservoir (that can be many kilometers away) or a fracture system, connected to a geothermal system.

>>drinking tap water
Since i worked for mineral water plants and communal water plants, I almost drink exclusively tap water. But I am in northern europe. Especially in the south and in south east asia (and according to those threads here most definitely in the US) there is some places where I would not drink tap water.
So there bottled water is mandatory, and as long as the plant is not having an issue (which they probably have about 5% of the year) this is perfectly save too.
But its just not worth the money if you have good tap water.
Unless of course, you occasionally want to go for a different taste. Water always tastes rather watered down, but there are some differences.

>> No.6280485

A mountain top would be a good place for a windmill to pump water up.

>> No.6280489

>Brita filters
Those can indeed "repair" shitty tap water, but you absolutely must follow their filter replacment shedule. Otherwise you just add nice germs to your water.
And then you have to ask your self, what is worse for the environment. The trash you produce with your filters, the CO2 produced in their production and transport, or the same for bottled water?
also, plastic bottles might be a rather stupid idea anyways, so If you go for bottled water regularyly, make sure that you go for glass bottles. For added environment bonuses, make them deposit bottles, that can be refilled.

>> No.6280496
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I don't really give a fuck as long as it is carbonated. It's honestly the best invention in human history, I don't give a fuck what water elitists say. The tap water quality is great where I live, but I still don't drink it.

>> No.6280513

>It doesnt. Springs are never at mountain tops, because physics.
This all depends, what are you considering a "mountaintop", or a "spring"?

I've been to the top of a number of mountain ranges and found springs. Though most are just wetness, a few dribble out, and even fewer form a trickling that goes down the mountain a bit before fizzling out. But physics does empirically afford their existence to some extent.

>> No.6280548

must be a peak that is detached from everything else in its top 100m or so
lets say its top 50m
water that not only flows directly after a rain. enough to fill a bottle quickly

Yes, there can be a lot of small wet seeps and trickles and whatnot, even very close to the top, but those are not really permanent and heavily depended on weather and snow melt.

>> No.6280555

Bottled water (any) tastes bitter to me, but tap water doesn't. What gives? I get around a bit and drink water from different places so it's not just the local water.

Also why do people make such a fuss when I ask for plain tap water when visiting? I HAPPEN TO LIKE IT MORE THANK YOU VERY MUCH KEEP YOUR VOSS AND FIJI

>> No.6280560

Out of curiosity anon. I posted above:
my water tends to taste fairly... not quite bitter, not quite thick, but sort of bitter, sharp, with a bit of a twist I can't put words to. Doesn't taste like copper, doesn't taste like zinc, nor high amount of iron, it doesn't leave pronounced stains, etc.

When boiled down repeatedly, like I said, it forms a whitish beige powder that tends to clump together in film-like crusts or sheets. It's quite strange, I can't place what it might be.

Anything come to mind? Can't afford formal tests.

>> No.6280563
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>bottled water

>> No.6280565

alright lads
im personally a big fan and major proponent of tesco's everyday value still spring water tbh

>> No.6280572

>all these faggots posting where they live

Who cares if your water sucks or not

>> No.6280576

Might have to check it out la.

>> No.6280580

>the hot water dissipates
Why not just boil your water if you think that's what happens to chlorine in heat.

>> No.6280583

singaporean or stupid

>> No.6280584

Actually that's Hamilton, Ohio, which is in Butler county. Cincinnati water is really good, too.

>> No.6280585

Not who you're talking to, but it's probably calcium carbonate. Where are you?

>> No.6280586

Northeast US. Vermont.

>> No.6280588

its deceptively sweet and wholesome while at the same time having minimalist packaging and a delightfully low price
the jews have probably laced it with oestrogen though

>> No.6280589

This thread http://youtu.be/GceNsojnMf0

>> No.6280592
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After looking up an image, it is similar to this, but clumps differently and is more apt to form sheets.

Under more neutral lighting, it would resemble the attached pic, with a more tan / beige / slightly yellowed tint. I'm mostly curious because the taste seems so novel.

>> No.6280595

>small mountain town
10/10 delicious water

>> No.6280597


>> No.6280598

Interesting. This seems as though it's likely it.


>> No.6280601

It's most likely hardness aka CaCO3, nothing to be concerned about, vinegar will more than likely dissolve any residue it leaves behind. Most water quality labs will run a pretty wide spectrum test fairly inexpensively, or just have a water softener salesman come out and they'll test the hardness for you, but then you'll have a salesman bugging you forever.

>> No.6280675

You first post says
>leather workshop
That is one of the most polluting industries there is! Various chromium compounds come to mind, and those are really really unhealthy…

But I dont know what residue they form, but if you have that much chromium in your water that you get a residue from it, you'd have severe health deficits anyways.
But you said "milling town" too, so it could be anything else.
But from the ammount, maybe gypsum? Where you at? Whats the sourrounding hills made of?

>> No.6280688
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Looking at the other posts above, it probably is lime scaling.
Pic related. The inside of my water kettle, one week after I last cooked it out with vinegar.
Drop some vinegar on it and see if it dissolves. A high Ca+ content in the water is nothing to worry about (apart from the fact that your washing machine will die earlier), in fact, it is healthy for you (>muh calcium).
But yellow? Might be sulfur, or any kind of heavy metal oxide from your leather workshop.
What's your local governemts stance on home wells?
I read some US papers about those, and the consensus seemed to be that they mostly are a health risk, and thus the nation should get rid of them and attach the folks having them to the public mains.

>> No.6280739

NYC has some of the best tap water In the country. Why don't you educated yourself before going around spewing bullshit?

>> No.6280754
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>mfw I regularly on weekends empty my cess tank into springs.

>> No.6280780

>tfw dutch
>tfw live in one of the best places water-wise within one of the best countries water-wise

My home town's water is the most delicious water I have ever tasted.

>> No.6280790


>> No.6280813

Gotland, go home.
Rest of Sweden have awesome tap water, I never bother with bottles unless I'm out and about.

>> No.6280858
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>Tap Water rating
Haifa, Israel
It's OK, 6/10

>Favourite bottle water
Ein Gedi (see pic)

>Best filters
Brita is nice

>> No.6280861

>TFW Massachusetts
crystal clear and tastes almost the same as filtered. get fucked.

>> No.6280871

>This does not include flavored waters or carbonated water only high quality H20

>does not include carbonated water
>only high quality H20

Why the fuck would I buy bottled flat water?
>implying carbonated water is always low-quality

>> No.6280902

How many steps of filtration do you need in order to remove the red blood cells from the palestinian orphans, zionist vampire?

>> No.6280913

obviously 7 have you never read the fucking bible?

>> No.6281160
File: 111 KB, 888x1200, NeptunasA4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best bottled water I ever tasted. Fuck shit like Evian that costs 4 times as much and tastes worse
136mg/L at 180 C, purest I've seen

>> No.6283658
File: 1.01 MB, 1560x975, 1425098967628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.6285258


>live in homosassa springs, can confirm for shitty water

>> No.6285429

>criticizes sources
>provides none

>> No.6285450

I got a berkey after the water spill in west virginia. I live outside the Charleston area water system so i wasn't affected but the water here still tastes awful. I do not consider it drinking water. It may have less bacteria but its full of chemicals and garbage. The berkey makes it taste almost sweet. Great stuff. We got some food grade buckets and made it ourselves. Cost 140 bucks altogether.

>> No.6285462

oh and 3/10 at best, 1/10 after they "treat" it.

>> No.6285466

That's because they're all blogs.

>> No.6285473

>buying water
Top kek
Thank God I live in the country with the best tap water in the world

>> No.6285546

underrated friendliness

>> No.6286789

>Live in Norway
>County I grew up in Contained Hessdalen, a place famed for UFOs and making it to the nations 100 worst drinking water ranking
>Neighbor County is Roros, which is famed for 1 week long marked, and also makes it to 100 worst
>Everywhere else is fine

>> No.6287741
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Is this just an American thing?
I'm a Britbong and my water is fine.

>> No.6287769


It's a *reigonal* thing.

I live in TX and my water is fantastic. A friend lives maybe 50 miles away and her water is very metallic tasting.

I have family in England. Some on Canvey, the others live about an hour's drive north of London. The water on Canvey is fine, the water at my relative's place north of London has a sulfury sort of smell to it.

>> No.6287775
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min bror

>> No.6288037
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>live in Iceland
>drinking literately the best water available on the planet right now
>mfw restoftheworldcucks will never know this feel

>> No.6288040


I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.6288077

As someone who has lived in NE, SW, SE, Beaverton, and have visited Tigard, West Linn, Lake Oswego, Hilssboro, Eugene, Salem and Medford as well as Waldport - you need to shut the fuck up you piss poor attempt at trolling Portland culture because the water here is foggy and gross. Oregon as a whole has shitty water. It's nice for swimming in, besides the Willamette, but drinking water here is nasty. I boil all of my water before I drink it because no, letting the water sit does not make the fog go away.

Have fun shopping at the nearest Plaid Pantry you sub human scum. I bet you steal from Safeway.

>> No.6288080

>TFW Walmart used our municipal water supply to fill Great Value water bottles

Our water was pretty fucking great. Too bad I moved.

>> No.6288096
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By far my favorite bottle.
> cheap
>FILTERED!!! (Recommended replace every 300 refills, $5 a piece)
>evey removable part is replaceable

Comes in a stainless steel version as well for a little extra$
Only downside is the funny noise it makes when it nears empty.

>> No.6288101


>extra resistance sucking through a filter
No thanks

1L Nalgene, wide or narrow necked, is my go to.

>> No.6288178

looks nice, Im in the market for a water bottle, does any one else have any recommendations?

>> No.6288189
File: 31 KB, 397x397, lm255_nalgene_wide_mouth_bottles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see >>6288101

I've had my nalgene bottle for $10 years and there are no substitutions.

>> No.6288236

how do they hold up as piss bottles?

>> No.6288242

go wide

You practically cant even clean the narrow mouth bottles

>> No.6288251


A handful of rice, a drop of soap and a half cup of water.

Shake shake.

Clean as a whistle.

Works for carboys too.

>> No.6288266
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id rather just use one of these

>> No.6289106

Because it doesn't taste as good. Also, no gas. Can't drink water without gas since I always used tabwater to take pills when I was a kid. Negative reinforcment...

>> No.6289183

Permanent housing in Chicago suburbs, where I get treated Lake Michigan water. I like it just fine, no weird tastes and decently crisp.

For college though, I live in Houston. The added calcium is absolutely atrocious. It leaves a smell in containers you don't wash regularly, and the taste is just too earthy but not in the good way well water with iron in the Midwest can be.

Fuck calcium.

>> No.6290140

>Because it doesn't taste as good.
It often tastes better if you live in a really civilised place (Germanic Europe, Finland).

>Can't drink water without gas since I always used tabwater to take pills when I was a kid.
So you have a fobia for still water or something? Do you get panick attacks when it doesn't bubble?

>> No.6290337

>tap water rating
9/10 bretty good
>favorite bottled water
Probably just Dasani. Others like Aquafina or Fiji taste off. Especially Fiji. I don't drink bottled water unless I'm out and really thirsty.
>best filters
I don't use filters because I'm a pleb who drinks straight tap water.

>> No.6290426

Almost every part is dishwasher safe. And don't worry about the resistance. It's a dick sucking simulator for you to practice on.

>n-nice jawline

>> No.6290939

I only drink Pocari sweat.

>> No.6290994

Jacksonville water is the worst.

>caring about trash

>> No.6291003

I live in the SF bay area, we tend to have really good tapwater around here so it is all I drink except for the occasional beer or cocktail.

>> No.6291065

nah, I just don't like it as much. I also don't like a certain type of dumpling because I had (because of an infection) to vomit a few hours after eating it.