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6272500 No.6272500 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite cocktails and best cocktail recipes

>> No.6272810

>Drink name

short tumbler

1) pour whiskey into glass
2) drink

>> No.6272817

sounds fancy

>> No.6272824


>Drink name

A lifetime of wasted opportunities and regret

1) Pour directly from bottle to mouth
2) Cry self to sleep

>> No.6272828

>not smoking weed and being happy as fuck all the time

>> No.6272834
File: 163 KB, 427x640, bulleit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper Old Fashioned:
>2-3oz Rye Whiskey
>Dash of Bitters (Angostura preferred)
>Sugar (10x preferred)
>Dash of water
>Wide-cut citrus zest

>Tumbler/Lowball/Old Fashioned glass
>Water/Sugar/Bitters/Citrus Peel in glass
>Muddle the fuck out of it
>Ice to fill glass
>Pour Whiskey to top
>Stir with barspoon

You can use any citrus peel.
You can replace the sugar/water with simple syrup.
Keep the fucking cherry and fruit out of it.
Other kinds of Whiskey are ok, although scotch is kinda weird in an old fashioned.

>> No.6272840


THC makes me suicidal

>> No.6272848

I keep hearing different things around here. Does the quality of the alcohol matter in mixed drinks?

I usually order regular Manhattans with the house rye, but I always wondered if it would taste better with makers of WR.

>> No.6272851

Depends on the drink, but with drinks where the spirit is actually a flavor component, like a Manhattan, yeah, it matters.

>> No.6272892
File: 135 KB, 864x1000, lovely-package-bulleit-bourbon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a Manhattan with pic related
Were 2 sides of the same coin

>> No.6272925

>French 75
1/2oz gin
splash of simple syrup
splash of lime juice
top off with champagne

>> No.6272934
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>Making a french 75 with lime.
>making it with only 1/3 the amount of gin it should have

>> No.6272937

>bourbon in a manhattan


>> No.6272946

you're right, it should be a full oz of gin

>preferring lemon to lime
nice try though

>> No.6272950

4oz 100 proof Aristocrat vodka, ice, 20oz Coke Zero.
repeat four or five times in an hour.

>> No.6272976

preference has nothing to do with it, the cocktail is supposed to be made with lemon, not lime.

I'll even allow using cognac instead of gin, because that's how the original was mixed, but gin became the spirit used during the war, because french goods were hard to come by.

But lime? no.

>> No.6272995

>I'll even allow using cognac instead of gin, because that's how the original was mixed, but gin became the spirit used during the war, because french goods were hard to come by.

Thanks for showing that you have no clue what you are talking about.

>> No.6273048

>French 75
What do you do with 740 mL of champagne when you're done?

>> No.6273055
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I'm not sure

Tumbler brimmed with ice
3 oz of Bombay Sapphire gin
Lemon squeezed fresh
Lime squeezed fresh
Club soda

Fill glass with ice
Add 3 oz of gin
Squeeze lime and lemon
Top with club soda

Damn that'd a pretty bottle

>> No.6273062

make more frenchs

>> No.6273076

>Drink name
Schooner of VB

Schooner glass

1) Crack open VB
2) Pour slowly down the side of the glass so you don't get a massive head
3) Repeat a dozen times

>> No.6273083

>The Good Boy

Mountain Dew (good boys don't drink drunk juice)
A single cheese doodle
Tendies of your choice

Take tendies and place in blender along with applesauce. Blend on medium until tendies are a similar consistency with applesauce.
Pour Tendiesauce™ into baba
Pour Mnt Dew into baba
Put the nipple on, shake thoroughly
Remove nipple and garnish with cheese doodle


>> No.6273950


so funny

>> No.6273988
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>> No.6274005

>drink name
Old Pal

>whiskey (rye or bourbon preferably)
>dry vermouth (dry is traditional, but i like to use about half and half dry and sweet)

1) shake ingredients with ice
2) strain and serve in a glass with muddled orange peel

basically a whiskey negroni.

>> No.6274006
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The skinny rich guy

alcohol used
>Skinny gin and skinny chardonnay

> agave nectar
> quinoa
> avocado slice
>a skinny, rich slice of bacon
>a hint of forced meme

> coat the rim of the glass in agave nectar, thren the quinoa
> add gin and chardonnay
> add bacon avocado garnish

>> No.6274060

50:50 advocaat and lemonade

>Rhubarb and custard
Advocaat and grenadine.
I don't have gernadine, so I use cherry syrup. Shit's cash

>> No.6274119

I recently tried my hand at cocktails for the first time and it went pretty well. As to not spend a fortune I decided to only go with tequila based drinks, so Tequila Sunrise and various kinds of Margaritas.

Personal favourite was Strawberry Margarita
>4 cl tequila blanco
>2 cl strawberry syrup
>1.5 cl agave syrup
>2 cl lime juice
>4 strawberries

All the Margaritas that didn't turn out good had Grand Marnier in them, so I'm wondering if that's just the wrong kind of orange liquor for Margaritas or whether something else was off. Any ideas?

Also, the worst recipe I tried was:
>4 cl tequila blanco
>2 cl grand marnier
>2 cl lime juice
>salt rim

Do you think this is a legitimate recipe or is it just my misguided pleb taste?

>> No.6274125

I find that hard to believe, since it got rid of mine.
You might have gotten a bad batch. Go somewhere you can do dabs. Concentrated hash oil won't make you suicidal. You should probably try sativas instead of indicas as well.

Other drugs like heroin might.

Marijuana is like any other drug, you should read up on it before you do it.

>> No.6274155

Natty light in a can like a savage.

6% goes down easy and zero hangover the next day

>> No.6274679

Main thing wrong is your ratios, you dont need nearly as much lime juice as you're using. Should more be about 3 parts tequila, 2 parts triple sec variety, 1 part lime juice.

Also dont know if this is a problem, but always use fresh lime juice instead of bottled varieties.

>> No.6275153

Been drinking this one since I started posting on 4chan back in 2004 and my life has steadily declined since.
In honor of that I name this drink the Wasted Youth.

>4cl chilled vodka shaken with mint leaves and ice chips before being poured into a glass
>4cl absinthe lit on fire and poured into the same glass as the mint vodka while still burning
>extinguish the concoction if it keeps burning
>1 pinch of salt in 1 cl of water with 2 cl lime juice, shake it all up, pour into the glass with everything else and stir lightly
>1 drop of tabasco

>add a Slim jim for garnish (can be substituted with a twizzler if you're feeling gay)

>> No.6275164


i feel sorry for you

>> No.6275191

never go full autist

>> No.6275204
File: 25 KB, 620x620, whitemexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drink Name
White Mexican

>Ingredients, 3 ice cubes equal parts rumchata and medium tier blanco tequila.

Pour over ice into a lowball. Stir, let chill and drink.

>> No.6275221
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>> No.6275230

Thanks, I'll give that recipe a go.
I did use fresh lime juice.

>> No.6275238

Ice, soda, anisette/clear sambucca/orzo. Add mint and or citrus if in the mood.

Summer time mmmm

>> No.6275252

Why the duck does nobody ever say shit about this fucking thing? Wtf happened to him?

>> No.6275263

Wow you are really fucking stupid and ignorant of how brains work.

>> No.6275264

It's edited you mong.

>> No.6275276
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My favourite. It's great for bachelorette parties

>> No.6275289

Why? What the fuck that explains nothing.

>> No.6275305
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, Photo-Jan-05,-3-14-09-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favourite cocktail

I fucking love a good white russian but I pretty much never make them, it's all whiskey sours for me since they take like 2 seconds to make.

A bar near me does an amazing chocolate martini too, but I never got to find out their recipe

>> No.6275359

>making cocktails at all when you're not willing to put in the time to make a proper one
Just pour yourself a nice whisky or something.

>> No.6275365


it's a gif of the rock that someone edited to look goofy, it's been around forever and it's blatantly obvious that it was edited so there's nothing to comment on

>> No.6275395

How is a whiskey sour not a proper cocktail?

Don't like sipping whiskey unless it's a nice scotch, but then I'm not about to drink good scotch every time I don't wanna make a cocktail.

If I wasn't gonna put in ANY effort at all I'd just pour a rum and coke like I always do

>> No.6275399

>white russian
literally "Autism: the cocktail"

baby drinks melted ice cream

>> No.6275408

>I'm not about to drink good scotch every time I don't wanna make a cocktail.
Hence the "or something".
Rum and coke works.
You use eggs in your sours?

>> No.6275419
File: 78 KB, 667x1000, ramos gin fizz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 1/2 oz. gin
1 Tbsp. simple syrup (1:1)
1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz. fresh lime juice
1 fresh egg white (pasteurized if you like)
1 oz. heavy cream
3 drops orange flower water
1 oz. club soda, chilled
Tools: shaker, strainer
Glass: highball

Combine the first 7 ingredients in a shaker without ice and shake vigorously to combine. Add ice to the shaker and shake again for at least a couple of minutes (more if you have it in you). Strain into a glass, top with club soda and stir.

>> No.6275421

I actually haven't tried using eggs yet. Do they add anything to the taste or is it just used aesthetically for the foam on top?

>> No.6275435

It definitely affects the consistency. Change in flavour isn't substantial but I guess you'll just have to risk it once to see if you like it or not.

>> No.6275436

Aristocrat 100 proof vodka 4oz,20 0z coke zero, garnish with a grimace as you pound it down.

>> No.6275454

Yeah I might try that tonight actually, got plenty of eggs and not much else to do.

I've been playing around with different syrups recently and making it with a honey syrup instead of simple/demerara is really delicious if you ever want a slightly different taste, though the recipe I saw called it a Gold Rush so maybe it's not technically a whiskey sour anymore at that point.

>> No.6275482

Thank you for telling me it's a gif of the rock.

>> No.6275642

Haven't tried that yet. I'll keep it in mind.