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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 784 KB, 688x600, pizza dough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270071 No.6270071 [Reply] [Original]

alright co/ck/s

i see a lot of damn pizza threads.
i always forget to photograph mine.
this time i fucking remembered.

rate my pizza, fags

pic is a homemade dough kneaded with garlic and herbs (mostly basil, but there is majoram and oregano in there too)

i did forget to take a picture where i put some polenta in a fine mesh filter, and shake it over the pizza pan for a non-stick surface.

and as blasphemous as this sounds: i prefer the thin metal pizza pans to the thick ceramic pizza stones.

>> No.6270076

>with garlic and herbs

>> No.6270077
File: 939 KB, 748x516, pizza dough with sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very light, thin layer of sauce.

sauce is homemade, basically just roasted tomatos and roasted garlic hit with the immersion blender in a saucepan, then seasoned and treated like any other sauce.

since it only takes a couple spoonfuls of sauce per pizza, i like to store mine in a mason jar, as it sits in the fridge, the flavors have a chance to marry and the sauce really develops a nice flavor

>> No.6270080
File: 1.08 MB, 754x618, doh wib chengs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a flavorful crust
i know, i am a goddamned blaspheming heathen for enjoying the flavor of my crust.

plus the fresh dough has such a strong bready taste, its not like you can really over power it.

and its only like 3 cloves of garlic and a tablespoon of herbs into 2 pounds of dough so..

not like its overseasoned.

pic is just a light covering of shit-tier mozzarella (they don't sell good quality mozz in 6 pound blocks, and i am too much of a poor amerifat to not buy in bulk - but for kirkland's signature it is alright)

>> No.6270082

Skyking would not approve.
Just sayin' ........

>> No.6270083
File: 1.32 MB, 926x598, herbed cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was out of fresh basil, and this dried basil was decades old, and basically flavorless

had to add fucktons for even the mildest basil taste

so this pic is probably not the best, but there you have it

normally its just a light coating of herbs (assuming they are 6 months or younger, and normally i only do this on dough that isn't herbed, but fuck you, basil is awesome)

>> No.6270088
File: 1.16 MB, 792x616, mystery meat pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topped with some mystery cured meat (i think it was some kind of hot link or something? it was quite spicy almost had a very very light smoky note, but that could have been my imagination)

not much i can say about this other than i have no idea what it was (four people in this house do shopping, and we are friends with a local butcher, so mystery meat in my fridge is damn common) and it was delicious.

>> No.6270090
File: 1.01 MB, 714x586, olive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kalamata because fuck black olives

>> No.6270093
File: 1.12 MB, 888x514, tomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you put tomato on junk food, that magically makes it healthy and wholesome.

no but seriously, tomato is fucking delicious

>> No.6270096
File: 1.01 MB, 676x616, pickled peppers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peppers with vinegar because acetic acid dilute is pretty tasty too

>> No.6270097
File: 1.13 MB, 762x604, pecorino romano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally some pecorino.

>> No.6270100
File: 784 KB, 544x518, fresh out of the oven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baked in the oven on the second highest shelf at ~485 F until dark golden brown (A couple spots of black is traditional, but i usually like to get it just before it blackens)

the crust comes out nice and crispy on the outside (Which, since this was a thin crust, was basically the whole thing), and nice and soft on the inside (For thicker crusts).

enough for the crust to support the weight of the pizza when you hold it by the edge, but not so crunchy that you can't fold the pizza in half without it breaking

>> No.6270105
File: 1003 KB, 616x588, sliced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270118

Looks pretty good, how was it?

>> No.6270133

better than anything i can find at any pizzeria..

but seeing as how i live in alaska, that might not be saying much (not a state renown for italian cuisine.. or culinary prowess in general)

>> No.6270145

I was with you until these two, op, why would you do this

>> No.6270168
File: 183 KB, 300x480, sport pepper alternative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i like margherita (and by that i mean american margherita, as in tomato and basil and mozz on a sauced crust)

and this is basically that with meat, olives, and peppers.

as far as why pickled peppers instead of regular..

having tried both, i prefer mine with a little acetic acid.

i actually prefer pic related, because its got a bit more capsaicin.

but when i run out, pickled jalapenos do the trick.

you should try the pickled peppers on a pizza sometime..

and if you don't like american margherita, your opinion is invalid

>> No.6270169
File: 603 KB, 750x512, amerifat margherita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic isn't mine, but its how amerifats do margherta

>> No.6270178

Honestly? That looks great. Thin crust, not too much topping (I dislike "garbage" pizza.) Home pizza is not necessarily cheap.. I make a easy yeast dough, or buy canned. Favorite jarred sauce, (why reinvent the wheel). Sausage, black olive, mushroom. And good shredded cheese. If you go cheap on the cheese, you have f''ed it up.Not a expense freak, but you really do need good cheese.Most times, thin crust. Some times "deep dish", but to me,that is not really pizza, but meat pie. What ever floats your boat. I like broccoli /ham in wheat tacos, with blue cheese dressing. Gross, you can't do that. Yeah I can..

>> No.6270183
File: 846 KB, 245x210, for your health.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lost me at jarred sauce.

of all the things to make, sauce is arguably the easiest.

just blend some tomatos, ya dingus.

other than that you had me 100% in agreement until you mentioned broccoli ham wheat tacos

..what the fuck are those?

>> No.6270192

>If you go cheap on the cheese, you have f''ed it up.
Bullshit nigger! Good mozzarella has mild flavor and is easily over powered. its 99% about the texture of mozzarella in this case. Even the fakest and cheapest of cheeses can get the right texture (hell i have gotten good texture with pepper jack)

>> No.6270216

Pretty good, would eat.

>> No.6270408

\thanks for OC!

>> No.6270512

>buying tomatos
PROTIP: Tomatos you get at a grocery store are never truly ripe, and they never will be. They'll always be watery shit

>> No.6270749

>plus the fresh dough has such a strong bready taste, its not like you can really over power it.
Yeah, you're right, sorry. Was just thinking about premade overseasoned shit and got triggered. Yours actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.6270872

It has nothing to do with ripeness. The problem is that they are watered so much that the plants soak it all up and store it in the fruit. That makes them larger and heavier, of course, but waters down the taste.
Homegrown tomatoes are so much better.

>> No.6270971

flavor in crust should come from culture and grain

>> No.6270989

nice one

>> No.6271026

it has everything to do with ripeness

tomatoes aren't magical sponges that soak up all the water you give them

they pick them when they are green so they can ship them without damage

how can you be this wrong

>> No.6271081

that looks delish

I wanna try putting tomatoes on mine but afraid it might have too much water

about how long did that take to cook?

>> No.6271102

Jeeeze,what a prick.You sound like the exact type of person I avoid. with a vengeance.Never a good thing to say. FO..Also>>6271026
Everyone knows this. I would like a fresh homegrown tomato,Not possible in February.unless you live in OZ. or NZ

>> No.6271120

>Everyone knows this
The guy I responded to didn't seem to know it.

I'm in south Florida and this is actually peak gardening season for me, where I live is technically a tropical zone. I have yellow grape/roma/some kind of large heirloom tomatoes thriving right now.

It sounds nice, but the downside is it's too hot to grow most vegetables during most of the year, other than peppers and kale which aren't bothered by the horribly oppressive sun and heat. Not to mention insects, in the summer everything gets eaten alive if you don't use massive amounts of poison.

>> No.6271125

Looks good. Few pointers. Do try to get good quality mozzarella, I know you can afford it if you're using pecorino. Also make the sauce using canned tomatoes. San Marzano if you can find them, if not any italian vine ripened are better than the shit orange tomatoes you get in the winter. Get the whole peeled unflavoured ones. Last suggestion is to use fewer toppings to you can taste the star ingredients the sauce and the cheese. The last thing is just a personal preference though.

>> No.6271145

Eh, I've picked ripe cantalopes and watermelons after a day of hard rain. They were full of water and the taste was washed out. Supermarket tomatoes do suck.

>> No.6271178

You sound like the prick here.
And an idiot.
You can't avoid someone with a vengeance.

>> No.6271189

Looks like a typical shitty home made pizza.

>> No.6271340

I'm not hating on your pizza. Made one myself earlier, and still jelly of yours. Looks pretty good.

But I just can't imagine a crust being crispy, but not not breaking when you fold it. To me, if it bends, and doesn't snap, that's NOT crispy.

>> No.6271361

amerifat here.

I don't do mine like that. Not even close. That thing is ugly and took way to much prep.

Flatbread, stretch it out to 1/4 inch. shape doesn't matter. oil that puppy up. slices of mozzarella, whole fresh basil, and I like using grape tomatoes that have been cut in half.

a little bit of salt and black pepper, sometimes some parm or other grated hard cheese after it comes out of the oven, sometimes not.

I can't imagine taking the time to actually chiffonade the basil, or slice that much tomato. it doesn't take that much ingredients, either.

the person who made that went full fucking retard.