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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 484x344, sweet_potato_biscuits_with_ham_mustard_and_honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6269794 No.6269794 [Reply] [Original]

Post food you wont find north of the Mason Dixon. Recipes welcome.

Sweet potato biscuits are a favorite of mine, they're basically just regular biscuits but with mashed sweet potatoes mixed into the dough with a pinch of molasses. They go well with cured ham, mustard, and honey for a pleasant breakfast or appetizer.

>> No.6269807

I live in Georgia and have never even heard of that before, but goddamn that sounds delicious.

>> No.6269816
File: 83 KB, 640x480, edwards smithfield ham2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country ham, for our Northern brothers, is a salt cured ham with a lot of regional variation with how to serve it. If it's being offered as a main course, it's typically boiled (sometimes in cola) to help get rid of the saltiness. If it's being served on the side it'll often be shaved off in thin slices like charcuterie. Smithfield country ham is traditionally made from peanut-fed hogs and is also smoked and aged for at least 6 months. A few brands are pretty high-end and are similar to jamon iberico.

>> No.6269826
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it's definitely more of an upper south thing, along with beaten biscuits which are like a sort of hard tack biscuit that was popular with soldiers and wouldn't rot so you could make a hundred or so on a single day and have them last you a month.

>> No.6269839
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Eastern Carolina barbecue consists of pulled pork with a sauce based off of apple cider vinegar and red pepper. It's one of my favorites because the sauce isn't so sweet that it overpowers the pork. Here's some of my favorite recipes, though I usually add in a pinch of clove and maybe some orange peel: http://www.the-greatest-barbecue-recipes.com/north-carolina-barbecue-sauce-recipe.html

>> No.6269840

black eyed peas and hoecakes. I could eat 3 lbs of that right now.
my uncle feeds his pigs the donuts the bakery tosses because they are a day too old. makes the best fucking country ham. that and he cures it old school. in an open-air shed, in winter, shelves packed with kosher salt.

>> No.6269843
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>> No.6269845
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>black eyed peas and hoecakes

oh lawd

>> No.6269848
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Now I want to try country ham on a donut. Tell your uncle he's a great man.

>> No.6269857
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Plain roasted sweet potatoes

I eat them with everything but like it with strained clabber and beans.

>> No.6269858

>food you won't find north of the Mason Dixon

What year do you think it is? If you can't find or make any kind of food in the US then you're retarded and/or dirt poor. You can get fresh Maine lobster on the west coast for fucks sake.

>> No.6269859
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Brunswick Stew's a decent one, hearty and smoky and best consumed with friends. The best recipes use small game meat or turkey and contain corn, butterbeans, tomatoes, okra, and whatever else is handy.

>> No.6269861

Aren't you supposed to use squirrel?

>> No.6269865
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Hoppin John with Tabasco mhm

>> No.6269870
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You can, but the problem with squirrel/opossum/raccoon meat is that they taste like whatever they've been eating. Most recipes for opossum call for it to be caught live and fed nothing but corn flakes and milk for at least ten days before slaughter. Squirrel would probably be good if it was taken near a cornfield or something, but I wouldn't trust one that came from a anywhere remotely suburban cus those ones have probably been digging through trash

Also for the unaware, good Opossum tastes a bit like pork teriyaki. Strongly recommend.

>> No.6269872
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Thread theme(s):



>> No.6269873
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>> No.6269880

I got a question for you. What kind of flour are you supposed to use for biscuits?

>> No.6269882

Wheat and/or oat, you pleb

>> No.6269896
File: 2.25 MB, 2577x1794, sweet potato biscuits w country ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


regular ol' white flour. Here's a good recipe:


>> No.6269899
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> Families that eat brains follow only certain rituals. ''Someone comes by the house with just the head of a squirrel,'' Dr. Weisman said, ''and gives it to the matriarch of the family. She shaves the fur off the top of the head and fries the head whole. The skull is cracked open at the dinner table and the brains are sucked out.'' It is a gift-giving ritual. The second most popular way to prepare squirrel brains is to scramble them in white gravy, he said, or to scramble them with eggs. In each case, the walnut-sized skull is cracked open and the brains are scooped out for cooking.

>These practices are not a matter of poverty, Dr. Berger said. People of all income levels eat squirrel brains in rural Kentucky and in other parts of the South.

God Bless America

>> No.6269911
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anyone else here love them some Bojangles? Favorite fried chicken chain other than Zaxbys.

>> No.6269925

>peanut fed hogs

Noice. How does that ham taste?

>> No.6269946


>> No.6269948
File: 78 KB, 627x421, country ham slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heavenly. I had some of the good stuff sliced thin at a hotel function and it melted on my tongue like a piece of (pork flavored) cotton candy. It's very salty and a bit smoky but otherwise pretty unique, doesn't taste like prosciutto or any other ham I've had. I think the peanuts affect the fat content more than anything:


>> No.6269952

That sounds very mane. I propose a cultural exchange between Italian prosciuttos (Including sud tiroler speck and lardo di colonnata) and souther muricans country hams. I'll be in charge of the prosciutto.

>> No.6269953
File: 251 KB, 2048x1370, pepper jelly on brie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't had it, pepper jelly is something special. Goes great with cream or brie cheese on a cracker.

>> No.6269957

Should I look up a recipe or just buy some? I've actually always wanted to try it but somehow never have. I remember my dad having jalapeno jelly in the fridge when I was a kid

>> No.6269960


oh man I'd love to get my hands on some lardo, idk if it would survive shipping properly though (once it's been cut it needs to be refrigerated, and buying a whole ham can run int the hundreds of dollars)

>> No.6269962

I live in Southern Italy and I once went trekking in the alps. I bought some lardo d'arnaut in Valle d'Aosta and it was vacuum wrapped. It survived the long voyage back south just fine so I'd imagine he'd survive going to murka.

>> No.6269964


Haven't tried theirs but I've seen it at Trader Joe's paired with a jar of onion jam. You might give that a shot, I've never made it myself or preserves of any kind for that matter so I can't tell you if it's easy to make or not.

>> No.6269983


ah sorry, I was referring to the country ham possibly spoiling during shipping (I'm tired so my grammars not too good) but vacuum packing would probably solve that.

All this being said I don't know anything about shipping meat products internationally and what kind of restrictions there are or how long it would take / how much it would cost. I'm not sure I'm the guy you should ask, you might try reddit.com/r/snackexchange

>> No.6269988
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Best barbecue chain I've ever eaten at.

>> No.6269990


actually you know what fuck it, I can probably do it but it'll take a few months before I can because I'm still looking around for a job back east (currently stuck in CA). Want to exchange emails?

>> No.6270003
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, edwards smithfield ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


going to bed, I'll probably be checking this thread tomorrow in 20 hours and we can try to exchange them then if you'd like.

>> No.6270009

^^^^^ What anon said ^^^^^
Fried okra's pretty hard to get here up north too.

It's not just finding the things, which in NYC I can, but the places that have that here are more or less touristy holes. Down south because there are more places that have it in the first place, the standard places will be a lot better than the best NYC places.

>> No.6270011 [DELETED] 

Well why not. My email is charlesbubba123@gmail.com. Time to become an international cured pork products smuggler.

>> No.6270020

>an international cured pork products smuggler.

The best kind of smuggler.

>> No.6270021

And thus the worlds greatest criminal empire was born.

>> No.6270036

I miss North Carolina so fucking much. I've never lived there, but my dad did in his early 20's, and my family spent a lot of time there when I was growing up. I have very fond memories of pulled pork, country ham, and gas station chicken biscuits. I think NC might be the greatest state in the union.

>> No.6270037

Greasy meh tier

>> No.6270038
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looking forward to doing business (eventually)

>> No.6270051
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NC is a great state, I've visited a few times and enjoyed it immensely. Cheer wine, barbecue, tobacco, muscadines, and chicken biscuits. People there like to take their time with things and never seem in a hurry.

>> No.6270062
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>> No.6270064

It's fucking beautiful, too. From the mountains, to the plains, to the coast/islands, the scenery is utterly breathtaking.

>> No.6270070
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The Outer Banks are rather pleasant

>> No.6270086

ITT: people cursed by the gods to not be a North Carolinian.

>> No.6270087
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>> No.6270101
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Maryland is below the Mason Dixon line

>> No.6270149
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Fried catfish from the other night. I only had blue cornmeal but it turned out perfectly.

Peanut oil best frying oil

>> No.6270968
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>> No.6270977
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>> No.6270978
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posted on the thread yesterday but just ordered a bunch of ansom mills stuff.

gonna make hoppin john, cornbread and just some regular oatmeal. maybe some polenta depending on how much meal i have.

>> No.6270980

>dat 2 litre of tea

Seriously, do you Americans have beverage with every meal?

>> No.6270990
File: 912 KB, 811x609, sweet tea on the porch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every good meal, yeah. That arrangement is for like a family of 4.

also sweet tea is really refreshing in the summer when it's humid out.

>> No.6271010

This picture is fine. But why must you drink beverage during your meal?

>> No.6271014


>real life neckbeard


>> No.6271019

why would you not? it seems crazy not to honestly

>> No.6271036
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South has best cocktails

>> No.6271053

>do you Americans

>> No.6271074
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looking forward to summer so I can sip one of these in my rocking chair on the porch

>> No.6271085
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>> No.6271182
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>> No.6271185
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go dawgs

>> No.6271195
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The best.

>> No.6271202
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>> No.6271259


Never had it, but it looks like scrapple which is the worst meat ever created.

>> No.6271264
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>> No.6271277

Because we're wealthy enough to afford one m8.

>> No.6271299
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>> No.6271315

...The concept of not drinking with a meal is bizarre and alien.

>> No.6271321

I really hope you're not being ironic because that truly is a fantastic experience.

>> No.6271349
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Why on earth would I be sarcastic about that? I'm going to do it while wearing my seersucker shorts and a polo. Mint, ice, and bourbon is the perfect remedy to a hot day.

>> No.6271360
File: 92 KB, 635x536, cheerwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, best soda coming through

>> No.6271365

My nigga.

I can't believe that they don't sell this stuff retail where I live; I only ever got to taste it when I picked up grab bag of weird sodas from a ranch supply store. God tier drinking.

>> No.6271372

>Why on earth would I be sarcastic about that?

This is 4chan. Some people, I'm sure, would appreciate a mint julep for taste, but add in the porch thing as a plantation reference because

>front porch sittin
>mint julep
>watchin my boys
>haha niggers

eh. but yeah. I just wanted to clarify and make sure someone else knew that's not what a mint julep is about

fuck me now I want one, even though it's 20 degrees outside now. Brrr

>> No.6271374

Kroger at the Plaza here in Memphis sells that since they remodeled. It's pretty good. I still prefer Dr Pepper as my soda of choice.

>> No.6271395


Corn flakes? That's not proper for an opposum to eat

>> No.6271408
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>> No.6271413
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opossums have short lives, they can eat whatever they want.

>> No.6271418

One time my dad smashed an opossum's skull with a 2x4

>> No.6271430

Wtf is clabber?

>> No.6271435
File: 556 KB, 1824x1368, cozy corner ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Favorite bbq place? I was pretty smitten with Cozy Corner last time I was there

>> No.6271449

gonna try making sweet potato biscuits tomorrow with this recipe


>> No.6271462
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porch sittin is a favorite past time of mine.

Current weather's perfect though for a jar of warm apple pie moonshine while huddled around the stove.

>> No.6271466

Central BBQ on Central Ave.
They just do it well, and its pretty consistent.

Nothing else tastes as good to me, and Rendezvous a shit because it's nothing but bland food, bad service, snobby attitude, and an old name.

Neely's is pretty good, too. Actually. But everything they do I think Central does better.

There's this place out in G'town called Commodore, I think. I can't remember the name. Ate there once, pretty okay for being in the burbs.

So yeah, central is the best for me. Although I haven't had coleslaw from anywhere that wasn't too black peppery, or vinegary. I like my slaw thick, sweet, and slightly creamy.

Never been to Cozy Corner, or heard of it. Whereabouts is it? I'm not a native, but I have lived for ten years.

>> No.6271516
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I wasn't that impressed with Rendezvous either, but Cozy Corner is a slice of heaven. It's off North Parkway and Manassas. I'll try Central next time I'm in town.

>> No.6271520

Aww shit, we have this amazing old woman who makes jams and jellies at the local farmers market. Best one is her jalapeno peach jelly. I could eat the entire jar with cream cheese and crackers.

>> No.6271522


>> No.6271530

Fuck yes fried gator tail.

>> No.6271539

annapolis reporting in but i'm studying out of state

fuck me too bad nobody outside of maryland can cook a half-edible crab cake, even in-season

god damn that looks good

>> No.6271554

Hey I know where that is. Cool. I'll check it out someday.

We just recently had "One and Only" open up next to the Macy's on Poplar, right by the tracks. I think that's Mendenhall? I can't remember. Need to go check it out. Was going to, but it was getting late and my gf was hungry and nervous and thought the place looked skeevy (even though it's right next to the mall and a Chili's and a whole upscale shopping center) Oh well.

the original Central is on Central between E Parkway and Cooper, on the south side of the street. There's one on Summer, too. It's usually not as busy, and when they're on point, it's GOOD, but OG Central is way more consistent and still realy good.

>> No.6272002

nah, liver pudding and liver mush are about the same thing and an acquired taste. scrapple is shit. Neese's sausage is the best manufacture breakfast sausage you can find.

>> No.6272005
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Yeah I'm from Alabama and this shit would blow minds around here.

>Mfw I'm trying to eat healthy and I live in the heart of dixie

>> No.6272015

First off, thats a half-gallon, sir. Second off, yes it's the first thing they ask you when you go to a restaurant. In fact if I don't have a drink within 5 minutes, you're probably not gonna get a tip.

Or do you eurofags not believe in tipping either?

>> No.6272145

eurofags always tip their tranny S&M masters. Waiters, not so much.

>> No.6272241

pepper jelly with cream cheese on an everything bagel is a great way to start the day.

>> No.6272277

My family does a fish fry every year. We always catch a bunch of catfish and crappie and fry them up with along with some hush puppies, then get drunk. The south can be fun sometimes.

>> No.6272357
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oh Cozy Corner is super skeevy, the buildings across the street from it are condemned and the ceiling panels are falling down. That said it's the best barbecue I've had.

>> No.6272377
File: 208 KB, 500x372, Evan_Williams_Single_Barrel_Vintage_2003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really good value, I got a fifth from Total Wine for $25 and it's a touch better than Buffalo Trace.

>> No.6272380

gad bless this state
bbq game strong as hell

>> No.6272385

Everything Evan Williams is a fucking value. I have nofuckingidea how they can sell stuff so good so cheap.

>> No.6272387

outside of latin america, nobody does pig better than north carolina.

>> No.6272390

nobody does bbq better than NC
and I've lived in all three bbq states

I want to go to latin america though to taste

>> No.6272426


Everybody here in M10 talks about it like it's a godsend and I just don't get it.

Of course, I'm from Louisiana originallly, so for me it's all about catfish, white bass, and brim from the Sabine. Ohhhh yeah

>> No.6272428

>dat E-dubbs Bourbon

fucking rotgut but used to be all me and the guys could afford. we'd get a plastic handle between four of us, get fucked off our rockers, get sick, then do it again the next day

I do not miss it.

>> No.6272432

I don't know about that. I think Texas does brisket better, but that comes down to personal preference.

>> No.6272442
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>> No.6272445

that's because Texas IS brisket.

This "three states" thing. I'm not really following.

Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Missouri... that's already more than three.

>> No.6272451
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the single barrel is legit good though. their regular stuff is trash though.

Pro tip: don't buy bourbon that comes with a screw cap.

>> No.6272464

>four roses
I love that stuff
I mix it with dr pepper. I'm a bad man.

and thanks on the tip. I might have to check out the Single Barrel now. Although lately I've been drinking Woodford Reserve when it comes to Bourbon.

Also on the cheap, I like W L Weller Rye. I think that's what it was. I finsihed it off a long time ago and never got any more.

>> No.6272469

I feel like y'all ain't about this life

Nigga no frog legs? No lotus seeds? No pawpaws? No beignets? No etouffe or poboys?

So it's true, the south ends and begins in Louisiana.

>> No.6272472
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Woodford tastes fantastic but it's almost too smooth. I like something with a little more bite.

>> No.6272481

maybe that's why I like it.

>> No.6272485
File: 523 KB, 1203x800, turkey gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cajun country is great but I'll be damned if I let a bunch of mackerel-snapping papists determine the culture of the entire region.

>> No.6272491

Nobody in Louisiana likes the Baptists. Not even the Baptists. lol

>> No.6272511

...there is no such thing as cajun country, that was a marketing term created by CODOFIL.

In my community all the old people still say Cajun is an insult and that we were never to use it "it meant white trash cher. We come from many people, acadians were not sent to desolate places and we rarely outnumbered everyone else"

Northshore was them majority wise, still is pretty sure.

>> No.6272514
File: 110 KB, 1600x1063, cfs 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you don't what the word "papist" means and confused it with the word "baptist" leads me to believe that you are poorly educated and profoundly uncultured.

>> No.6272537

>you are poorly educated and profoundly uncultured.

He's from Louisiana, what do you expect?

>> No.6272542

>putting rice in the gumbo
>putting shitty sausage in the gumbo
>putting bell peppers in the gumbo
>putting turkey in the gumbo

>not loading that bitch up with seafood of all kinds

>implying you know a goddamn thing about cajun anything

>> No.6272543

sorry anon. I misread. I have minor dislexia and discalculia (fuck me I dont know how to spell those two words. too lazy to look it up) getting worse as I get older. I never used to have those problems that bad, outside of confusing b's and d's which I think every kid does at some point, right?

My comment still stands, though.

okay I'll give you the cheap shot. good job.

>> No.6272548

You guys are dumb, he is saying he doesn't like the Catholic culture of Louisiana dominating the cultural landscape and pushing others under the rug figuratively ofcourse

Papist is slur for Catholics, he is a protestant.

>> No.6272549

Texas, North Carolina, and Missouri are the main three.

>> No.6272551
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This was the dinner I made, I'm from the south, and don't suspect you're going to see a bone off pork country style rib with spicey creole rootbeer gravy(also braising base) and jalapeño cream cheese grits.

>> No.6272561

>pretending to have medical disorders because you came off like a retard on the internet

>> No.6272575

Southern food looks tasty.

Is it possible to find ingredients for southern food outside the U.S? Say in Australia?

>> No.6272581
File: 158 KB, 1280x857, pimento_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pimento Cheese. Sometimes I will even mix some in my biscuit dough before baking, but just spread on sandwich is mighty fine too.

>> No.6272591

Over the last few months I've been teaching a person from Australia how to cook Southern US food and she hasn't had much trouble finding stuff.

>> No.6272598

Can you find grits, sassafras leaf, fresh lotus seed, snapping turtle, catfish, terrappin, muscadine, pawpaw (not what you call a papaya the other pawpaw) or frog legs?

Most posters are talking about luxury foods for Sunday dinners or holidays, I tend to like the folk foods of bayou people.

>> No.6272599
File: 67 KB, 886x643, study-of-roman-catholicism[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Louisiana has the largest concentration of catholics in the South. You're a dumbass.


thanks for that. Episcopal master faith.

>> No.6272604

Gumbo goes on top of rice
Andouille is a seasoning for the gumbo
Bell pepper is necessary
Seafood is necessary

You must be a savage for believing Brown gumbo is at all correct, everyone knows red gumbo is superior.

>> No.6272605

How is it possible that BOTH of you nitwits failed to understand the meaning of my post when the target of my attack was the one to actually get it?

Congratulations on being so retarded that a dyslexic coonass outsmarted you.


>> No.6272610

Your point post was still correct even if you didn't mean it to be. I'm the first to recognize the Catholic culture of Louisiana dominates the region, Northshore/Florida Parishes before Katrina being the exception that comes to mind.

>> No.6272615

Stop posting Pierre, you're fucked up.

The cuisine of South Louisiana is ultra-specialized sub-genre of Southern cooking. Now fax me an Abita beer and some tasso ham.

>> No.6272618
File: 359 KB, 1600x1200, the good shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, I'm buzzed. I'd offer you a double to make up for it but sadly we do not yet have the ability to send drinks through the internet.

>> No.6272619

Eh, I can agree with that. But still I have trouble finding grits outside of the south unless there are American blacks around. I can't imagine how hard it would be for an aussie to find it.

>> No.6272624
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>> No.6272627
File: 15 KB, 300x380, bisuit debris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your point post

Was posted by someone else you mongoloid. Read threads before opening your cocksucker.

This is why we need IDs on /ck/

>I can't imagine how hard it would be for an aussie to find it.

You can order dry goods over the internet and have them delivered right to your front door

muh nigga

>> No.6272629


nice, enjoy

>> No.6272632
File: 438 KB, 4272x2848, bbq pork belly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6272654

clabbered cream. Raw cream (fresh from the cow and not pasteurized) is set out over night, the result sours a bit resulting in a sweetly soured cream similar to that of sour cream but thicker and tastier.

>> No.6272659
File: 450 KB, 1600x1200, lexington barbecue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6272662

>This is why we need IDs on /ck/

Hello, Reddit.

>> No.6272671
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>> No.6272674

We don't just clabber the cream but yeah, it's an old Gaelic thing that stayed until pasteurized milk came to the rural areas.
It's not that serious man

>> No.6272677
File: 205 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mcvpakrD1w1qhp8aco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken n Waffles is the shit.

>> No.6272679
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>> No.6272682


I've had some mighty fine crab cakes from a roadside shack on Virginia's eastern shore.

>> No.6272686
File: 169 KB, 1600x1076, fried pickles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are pretty good sides with seafood and chicken

>> No.6272705
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>> No.6272707
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not a fan of shellfish but softshell crab sandwich is alright

>> No.6272721

but i read it as "bapist" and thought it was a typo ;_;

>> No.6272727

just get polenta and use extra water. don't shape it and re-fry it. leave it as a porridge. It's close enough.


>> No.6272737


also add cheese or honey. Don't listen to any of the weirdos in the low country who tell you to add shrimp.

>> No.6272740
File: 159 KB, 435x419, 1330037022573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat bread roll

>> No.6272743
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, Julie Ann Emery Damages.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a mighty fine dish, friend. delicious. hope it tasted good.

>> No.6272744

yes! LA man here, still. same guy. that's me!

crawfish mac n cheese A-OK. Shrimp and grits with cheese? NO. And not just because I'm allergic to shrimp.

Shrimp and grits without cheese i guess would be passable...

I like cubing andouille and cooking it up with some black beans and green onion, putting it on top of grits with gouda and a little bit of aged gruyere. it's simple. fast. good.

>> No.6272756
File: 104 KB, 612x612, biscuits and gravy fountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't pretend you wouldn't try it

>> No.6272761


did you make this happen?

>> No.6272765


I did not, some Washingtonian made it


>> No.6272774

My friend runs a catering company and he might let me borrow a fountain to recreate this majestic sight.

Would /ck/ like to see that?

>> No.6272779


>> No.6272784

I'm Australian and my mum always made pumpkin scones (well, butternut squash but we call it pumpkin) to have with jam and cream. It sounds like it would be pretty similar. I'll try them with what you mentioned next time, though I've never had scones with savoury foods (even though we don't make them with any sweetner)

>> No.6272787


only if you took pictures of it being the centerpiece at a party with various inappropriate food items surrounding it. I want to see someone dip a piece of melon in gravy and eat it.

>> No.6272800

Just stop with the bait

>> No.6272802


Pumpkin biscuits exist too, omit the sugar from the dough though and just put a smear of honey on it after it's baked.

>> No.6272809
File: 241 KB, 1600x1184, country captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda hard to make but it's well worth it

>> No.6272881
File: 781 KB, 1129x850, 1419919798001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Texas Southern? I can never decide whether it's Southern or South Western, or at which point it goes from being Southern to South Western.

>> No.6272905

Triad reporting in.

crappie is about the same as brim

brisket ain't BBQ. BBQ requires smoke and pork.

Cajun/creole/acadian nigger food ain't Southern, it is more french/euronigger

or he is cajun trash

What kind of BBQ does Texas make? BBQ requires pork, and we ain't talking about a few bones with some sketchy bits of meat on them.

>> No.6272915

No, Texas food is not considered Southern for the purpose of food.
They consider BBQ to be made of beef, they make a nasty milk gravy with nary a sausage in it, and consider it tasty. Their biscuits are fail.

>> No.6272917

Easy. Where it stops being green is where it turns to Texmex.
It's a very early offshoot of franco-Caribbean cuisine with a primarily Wolof and Senegambian influence mixed with the reality of frontier swamp land a relatively temperate climate.

>> No.6272958

Texas makes barbecue using beef. I'm from NC and even I'm not so autistic to realize that different places call different things by similar names.

>> No.6272980

You must be a transplant or from the Triangle.
Any true Southerner genetically knows that BBQ is pork. And any North Carolinian knows that sauce is something that is served separate from the actually BBQ, and that white slaw is the only real slaw.

>> No.6273042
File: 586 KB, 1632x1224, photo-copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greatest chicken chain, desperately needs to expand outside the South.

>> No.6273060


>> No.6273090

shit chicken. over priced, under quality. chicken is best found in small diners and hole in the wall joints, if wanting fried.

>> No.6273113

>mfw I do this
>mfw you're more likely to get fatal salmonella from fast food than crazy prions from squirrel

>> No.6273340

best tea and dat der dirty rice! i have been known to stop in for a picnic dirty rice 'snack'

>> No.6273343


Fuck yeah, throw them in the embers of a fire pit and that shit can be amaze, don't even need butter/

>> No.6273402

No, I just know that people eat all kinds of things that they call BBQ because I'm not a dumb hick and I know there's a wide world beyond Beaufort county.

>> No.6273432


Because grocery stores have tanks. Go buy fresh never frozen sea scallops now and show them to me.

And just because a Southener opened up a meat and three in ohio doesn't mean southern food is now nationwide.

>> No.6273435


No. RIP Mrs. Winners.

>> No.6273452

This is why I feed my rats Cheetohs and reeses. They also love pizza crusts.

Motherfuckers gonna have a good life.

>> No.6273461


Paw paws!

>> No.6273945
File: 225 KB, 1500x1125, chicken mull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6273956


>> No.6273965

You're basically the one bad thing about an otherwise great state. You and your others of your ilk. Hill people. Rednecks. Backward ass country fucks.

>> No.6273978


New Orleans here, looks meh.

Not enough beans.

>> No.6273984
File: 30 KB, 316x207, Gus_memphis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much anywhere west of the Dallas burbs

>crappie is about the same as brim

I can appreciate that. But not to me. Crappie is ugly and it tastes like mud. Brim actually tastes like fish to me. To each his own, I guess.

>cajun trash

Actually no. That was me. I'm from Shreveport. I love Creole and Cajun food, but suffice it to say, for purposes of assuming it is the "Cajun Epicenter", New Orleans has some cultural problems...

That ain't Gus's Fried Chicken
>pic related

Sorry about the New Orleans jab. It's got a lot going on, but it leaves a LOT to be desired.

>> No.6273992


I agree. Not enough beans at all. But that shit just plain don't look right. And who the hell puts they rice IN the beans? Beans go on top if you're "poor", rice scoop on top if you're "fancy"

Plus, I don't see no cornbread. Or green onions on top.

>> No.6273999
File: 20 KB, 216x264, Gustavo_fring_breaking_bad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gus's Fried Chicken


>> No.6274017


not him btu ya'll are some dumb fuckers retards.
>bbq is pork. theres other meats, but theyre cooked differently, and the sauces are intended for pork, which...
>should always be served seperate.
who the fuck accepts eating that sludgy clump of moosh and sauce as bbq? nigga thats a fuckin scoop of poop youre eating, and it sprolly gonna taste liek it because
>you arent eating your bbq with slaw on it
like a fuggin ignorant moron

youre little red state weenies with your dicks chopped off, bitching about how you cant handle the fuckign universally accepted trifecta of rules that surrounds bbq, cobining into the one rule which

>dont be a bitch
youre the real rednecks

>> No.6274021

LOL nah

It's this old institution in Memphis. Two locations. One downtown, one in East Memphis.

It's good shit. Slaw and beans are plain, but the chicken is always massive, juicy, with a thick spicy crust, and that shit stays steaming for dayyyys. Like, I fucking hate getting chicken to go and by the time I eat it it's fucking lukewarm, or worse, already cold.

>> No.6274026
File: 507 KB, 1600x1200, crawfish-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rice in the beans in the pan was bothering me as well, I was just too lazy to post it. While the rice scoop on top is fancy, I just mix it together anyway.

Also, where are my crawfish bros at? Western Louisiana need not apply, why the fuck would you put spices on top of the shells?

>> No.6274036
File: 524 KB, 3000x2000, 10886_sweet_potato_biscuits[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how are those biscuits comin along?

>> No.6274041

I mean yaeh you mix that shit up with the cornbread, but you gotta plate it up separate in the bowl.

Nigger I'm Northwest LA, the fuck you talking about spices on top?

We throw that shit in the pot with the spices, taters, onions, and corn. That spice is ERRYWHERE.

Shane's Acadiana Crawfish is the BEST crawfish in the fucking country. Better than any mudbroth I ever had South of Alexandria

>> No.6274067


Sorry to lump you in with the heathens. My sister lived in Lafayette for a few years, and she said they don't spice the boil but they put spice on top. At least that's what I hear.

>> No.6274069

I so much want to try this once but you southern folk frighten me

>> No.6274075

try what?

crawfish or beans n rice?

>> No.6274080
File: 38 KB, 600x345, yousobray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6274092

9/10 you almost had me for a second

>> No.6274094

crawfish boil

>> No.6274105

soo... why are you scared?

all you do is pinch, twist, pull, peel the first rib, pinch the tip of the tail, slide the meat out, put it in your mouth, suck the hole in the head for the spice, chew it up. Do that a few more times and you're good.

Oh and don't eat the one's with straight tails. They were dead before they went to boil and will taste like dirt flavored rubber.

>> No.6274110

>why are you scared?
of the people not the mud bugs

>> No.6274114

Why would you be eating seafood with strangers?

>> No.6274118

You can do it yourself, its not very hard. Substitute the crawfish for shrimp and its a low country boil. Would turn it into a Coastal Georgia/SC kind of dish but the same concept.

>> No.6274120

I don't want to talk to you anymore

>> No.6274129

I got that. But why?

We may seem weird, but I guarantee Louisiana is probably the most hospitable place in the country. Especially at a Crawfish boil.

>> No.6274133

I can't find crayfish around here (northern MI).
I bought some traps last year and tried catching some in my lake and caught only one tiny one.

>> No.6274143

Frozen crawfish (American farmed ONLY) are pretty reliable but if you a novice to the mudbug I can understand why you might not want to do it. Low Country boils with shrimp are easy for anyone to do and you get nearly the same experience eating seafood and drinking beer outside with your bros. Feel free to throw in some mussels as well, its a great thing to do at parties or for football games. Great way to feed 6-300 people without much hassle, just dump the boil on a table and get out of the way.

>> No.6274144
File: 36 KB, 448x336, muscadines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here love these?

>> No.6274173

are those the jujubees?

>> No.6274190

Read. The. File. Name. Idiot.

>> No.6274231
File: 12 KB, 300x224, $(KGrHqR,!qIFEj6ehwQEBR)N-K!HCw~~60_35[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muscadines. They're plum-sized grapes with a kinda tough exterior. You bite into them and suck out the pulp.

>> No.6274383
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>> No.6274420
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>> No.6274428

Old Bay a shit tho

>> No.6274468


>> No.6274469
File: 36 KB, 400x300, cafe du monde beignets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cafe du Monde is pretty nice. 10/10 place to wake up a bit and rally during Mardi Gras.

>> No.6274474

> chicken and waffles
> southern

Shit was invented in Harlem, bruh.

Fried chicken is southern as hell, but that combo has Yankee roots

>> No.6274484
File: 16 KB, 328x400, seersucker crab shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you even Chesapeake?

>> No.6274489

As a yankee I fucking love southern food. All that fried shit. The best place to get real southern food in the north is in ghettos tho and that sucks.

>> No.6274490


huh, I thought it was from Baltimore.

>> No.6274503

Boss, as a native eastern Texan, I can tell you I've never seen or heard of anyone spicing the crawfish after the boil. I think your sister just knew some dumbasses.

Man. Houston rodeo cookoff just started. Just drive anywhere within a few miles of the stadium and get bombarded with the lovely scents of smoking meat.
Holy shit, I need brisket now.

>> No.6274522

Brisket is shitty. I've had it at Arthur Bryant's in KC and at Burns Original in Houston, and it just tasted like shitty dry pot roast each time.

>> No.6274524
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>> No.6274532


>> No.6274552
File: 566 KB, 4272x2848, 4s2uF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they're so good

>> No.6274564
File: 770 KB, 662x441, bubbacue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best barbecue sides? I'm not a huge fan of slaw.

>> No.6274569

you've been eating the wrong kind of slaw

>> No.6274618
File: 124 KB, 800x533, beaten biscuits w ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dislike mayonnaise, I think that kinda prevents me from enjoying it.

>> No.6274636

I like chipotle slaw for that reason, but it's a Texas thing. The mayo is drowned out by other flavors.

>> No.6274655

If you make it right, it shouldn't taste "like mayonnaise"

Slaw is better with green/white cabbage, not red.

I've never particularly like mustard or vinegar slaw. I like mine to be sweet, tangy, a bit creamy, and black peppery

I usually make mine with a bit of mayo, some milk (just enough) to thin it out, lemon juice, sugar, black pepper, and that's it. Just enough to coat the cabbage and the carrots, not more. and a pinch of salt to taste, but not too much, because you have to let it sit and the flavors marry. If you add too much salt it will bring out the moisture and you get a soggy mess.

>> No.6274662

i enjoy mixing collard greens and mashed potatoes and hittin it with dat texas pete

>> No.6274667

Oh, that explains it.

>> No.6274697
File: 980 KB, 2448x3264, bourbon and ham tasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd show up to this

>> No.6274702

>being mean on the internet

Jesus isn't smiling right now.

>> No.6274731

That looks so good

>> No.6274786

Now that is a quality spread

>> No.6275094
File: 1.40 MB, 3744x5616, the shed ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only good thing about Mississippi

>> No.6275131

oh fugg

>> No.6275156

I just watched this gif 4 times and if I watch it again I swear to god I'ma jizz my pants.

>> No.6275170

It's filled with Yankees now.

State's ruined.

Georgia is on it's way too. Atlanta is northern yuppie trash now.

>> No.6275171

I don't understand what It is with me and Zaxbys, the taste is great
but I could eat 2 chicken fingers and be on the toilet for an hour

>> No.6275182
File: 134 KB, 640x360, chopped pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You're welcome.

Also if you're ever in the Outer Banks it's worth a visit.

>> No.6275205


Maryland's the only Southern state which has actually been ruined by Yankees.

Virginia's filled with NoVa trash but they stick to their bubble around DC and bring in a lot of money so I'm not complaining too much.

>> No.6275215

Lol at southerners complaining about northerners. That is like niggers complaining about crackers ruining the ghetto.

>> No.6275293
File: 63 KB, 500x322, 5375086439_28700de8bc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they drink unsweetened iced tea. UNSWEETENED! They are a plague.

>> No.6275330

I am from NY living in PA and I like both. Fuck you cunts are racist.

>> No.6275397
File: 294 KB, 660x480, soiling of old glory boston 1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Long Island is one of the most segregated areas in the country, and NY has the most segregated schools in the country. Also the North protested desegregation just as hard as the South.

Don't pretend your own shit doesn't stink.


>> No.6275403

this is now one of the most depression images I have ever seen

It is against american values in so many different ways

>> No.6275442
File: 170 KB, 1600x1066, carolina gold barbecue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure is, and that was taken in Bahhston less than 40 years ago.

but let's return to food.

>> No.6275455

Maryland was "southern" in like 1850.

It's been awhile.

Virginia is trash, NC is becoming trash, Georgia is still good outside ATL. Alabama is fine, Mississippi is sadly southern, and Louisiana is it's own thing.

SC is southern, but it's totally inbred.

>> No.6275469

Yankees are polluting the Triangle. The Triad and the rural parts are still white and yankee free.

>> No.6275478

Brunswick stew.

>> No.6275529
File: 1.76 MB, 2391x2762, woodford-reserve-churchil-downs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Georgia is hick as fuck and your cops are the fattest and stupidest I've ever met. They made me pour out an unopened 1.75L of Woodford I had in my backseat during a traffic stop because it was an "open container" and I didn't argue it with them because he had his hand on his gun the whole time.

>> No.6275543
File: 183 KB, 800x900, a sad ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cops make you pour out a sealed bottle of liquor because their personal definition of "out of reach of the driver" is locked away in the trunk

>> No.6275550

if it was unopened, you should have told him pussy

>> No.6275558

Bro I used the word racism so fucking wrong I wasn't being serious at all.

>> No.6275614

Only geographically
we're northern in spirit

>> No.6275719
File: 341 KB, 2048x1536, oklahoma joes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6276104

You're obviously a nog

>> No.6276410
File: 214 KB, 1280x960, Natchitoches-meatpies-and-beans-rice[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6276432

Lafayette here. We do both, for reasons unclear. Not complaining tho.

>> No.6276698
File: 171 KB, 500x378, virginia sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm pork spleens

>> No.6276813

/trv/ here, this thread has made me decide to make the trip after my next one to South US.

This shit looks like literally the most delicious shit in the world.

>> No.6276819

If you're good with cooking a lot of the basics like sausage gravy, handmade biscuits and hashbrowns are not hard to learn.

>> No.6276822

I usually use armor-piercing.

>> No.6276825

>that explains it
Yep. I'll take "Stupid things that Yankees believe" for $1000, Alex.

>> No.6276836

I'm an okay cook, but I can never do location-specific foods nearly as good as the 'authentic' cooks and I wouldn't want to ruin my expectations by screwing up all the foods.

Also, the South looks like a cool place to visit, it's like Hollywood has been hiding an entire half of the States away from the world, and now that a bit more people travel there everybody seems to love it.

Shame I only get 90 days of visa waiver travel. I'd love to spend a full year messing around the States, but getting a visa is a nightmare.

>> No.6276842
File: 44 KB, 592x385, edmitchellbbqphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an okay cook, but I can never do location-specific foods nearly as good as the 'authentic' cooks and I wouldn't want to ruin my expectations by screwing up all the foods.

That's understandable and I have close to the same attitude. Anytime I want to try something that's very new to me I'll spend a bit and go to a nice restaurant that serves it to see how it's done properly before attempting. I hope your visit goes well and remember to try to ask around on /ck/ or other sites the best restaurants and foods to have. The South especially thrives when you find great joints with a lot of history and tradition rather than just some expensive tourist restaurant. Local BBQ festivals are also a great bet.

>> No.6277371

No trinity?

>> No.6277400
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>> No.6277682
File: 81 KB, 632x433, turtle gumbolaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one of the greatest things about Louisiana: no open container laws

>> No.6277808
File: 56 KB, 534x712, country ham in sweet potato biscuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278386
File: 425 KB, 2048x1536, the shed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6278779
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>> No.6278805

>not eating the skin

>> No.6278832

Country Ham, Grits, and Biscuits and Gravy are why Southern Breakfast >>> Full English

>> No.6278974
File: 1.48 MB, 5184x3456, mg_9820[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Monte Cristo sandwiches Southern? I've only ever seen them in Kentucky and PA.

>> No.6278982


I've seen them at plenty of places in northern California, no idea where they originated from

>tfw no big fat southern grandma to cook for me

>> No.6279006

While the patients could have contracted the disease from eating beef and not squirrels, there has not been a single confirmed case of mad cow disease in the United States, Dr. Weisman said.
The whole science is thrown out here. There are plenty of confirmed cases. And, the reason there aren't more, is that hospitals know you can't autoclave off the CJD when you do brain biopsies, so they simply won't confirm cases. It is too risky to their equipment.

>> No.6279051
File: 585 KB, 1749x2332, carved roast pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for summer so I can do some pig pickin

>> No.6279379

As far as the Monte Cristo goes, I thought it was Irish in nature since they've had the damn thing for years at Bennigan's before they went under. Additionally, I've seen it around Dallas, TX in various small Irish chains like Trinity Hall. Of couse Cheddar's also serves this heart attack of a sandwich.

>> No.6279469
File: 144 KB, 1024x683, Fried Okra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my East Texan gf is making me post fried okra

>> No.6279507

I'm from the south, so is my dad but he lived in California for awhile. When I was about 21/22, he bought a small fryer and taught me how to make those.
I got so fucking fat because I'd eat them all the time. He said they were from Cali but he was wrong about a lot of things so I don't know.

>> No.6279522
File: 528 KB, 2012x2048, 1416328227703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the food and the daiquiris in a fucking Styrofoam cup make me wish i was still in the south. I am California now, but goddamn I wish I was still in the south.

>> No.6279527

It comes from France. It's a modified Croque Monsieur.

>> No.6280516

I'm in east Texas. Pickled okra is awesome too.

>> No.6280567

>east Texas

More like west Loseranna, go to a dentist and quit fucking your cousins.

Hill Country master race.

>> No.6280575

this looks nice. is that considered as american cuisine?

>> No.6280579

Why not make your own daiquiris and pour them in styrofoam cups?

Speaking of daiquiris, that reminds me of a story: I was at a bar once and some buzzed cunt was having a hissy fit that the martini glass his daiquiri was in was too girly. The bartender asked him "you want me to funnel it in to a PBR can?"

I don't know why, but that story is way funnier to me than it probably should be

>> No.6280683


Love this stuff with scrambled eggs.

>> No.6280920

Mustard based = master race?

>> No.6280940

vinegar + pepper master race

>> No.6280952

>tfw Northernfag
>tfw I'll never live in Nawlins like I've always dreamed

It hurts, you guys better appreciate the simple life.

>> No.6280997

It is, but its not nearly as respected in the US and mostly unknown outside it. Southern cuisine is foreign to most Americans; Northerners tend not to travel down here.

>> No.6281024

>Sweet potato biscuits are a favorite of mine, they're basically just regular biscuits but with mashed sweet potatoes mixed into the dough with a pinch of molasses. They go well with cured ham, mustard, and honey for a pleasant breakfast or appetizer.
They go very well with some red pepper jam too! And about the only thing that is good with apple butter.

>> No.6281030
File: 437 KB, 1037x767, north carolina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> tfw NC

feels goodman


>> No.6281044

>tfw you're a straight white guy with a black friend and a flamboyant gay friend
>tfw in Asheville for a music festival and go to a Waffle House at 2 in the morning
>tfw both of my friends visibly uncomfortable with the clientele and their manner of speaking
>tfw eating my ham and eggs in peace
Feels good to be normal.

>> No.6281052

Do they ever cook lamb ribs in the south.

>> No.6281062


>> No.6281064

they're usually done as chops

>> No.6281066

No lamb isn't a large livestock in the US. Most large game is Beef, Pig, Deer.

>> No.6281068
File: 147 KB, 1000x667, BBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get new friends


there's different levels of "respectability" in those posts; country ham and bbq are staples but squirrel brains and possums are considered unusual or "white trash" food


almost never, it's usually pork or beef


i have that bbq saved ;)

>> No.6281079

>get new friends

Ehh, they're alright. Dumb, but loyal.

>> No.6281082

Stick to the big spots and you'll have a blast. Nashville is amazing, New Orleans is great just gotta know where to go a lot of the best places in the South to eat is in Hole in the wall restaurants.

Northerners have their head up their asses. HUR DUR RACISTS MUH OPEN MIND. The north is almost 99% shit hole cities these days and having lived both places just because no one is yelling nigger out of truck doesn't mean the same fucking racism isn't there.

Lul wut.... Louisiana has 6 of the happiest cities in the US http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/21/us-unhappiest-cities_n_5606503.html The people are amazing and extremely welcoming. If you are legit scared you are a fucking retard. Go, Try the food, meet the people its the best state and the best place in the world I would contend.

>> No.6281098

He's not saying you're racist. He's saying that, much like how niggers ruin the ghetto, Southerners ruin America.

>> No.6281104

Southerners are the best part of America North is nothing but assholes. Its a barren wasteland of people who are convinced their part of the country is still relevant when its just nothing but failing cities, ass holes, and shitty weather.

>> No.6281149

Northerners are the best part of America. South is nothing but assholes. Its a barren wasteland of people who are convinced their part of the country is still relevant when its just nothing but failing cities, ass holes, and shitty weather.

>> No.6281337

Both heretics and need to be treated as such. Go find fire, immerse self in fire, improve humanity.

>> No.6281348

Lost your mind. Apple butter braised pork chops, Apple butter on piping hot, buttered homemade buttermilk biscuits, apple butter, sweet onions on top of a freshly grilled burger.

>> No.6281354

Asheville is one of the most hippie cities in NC. Have trouble believing story, even if it is green text. If you'd said East Bend, Scotland Neck, Lizard Lick, Rural Hall, anywhere in Stokes, Surry, or Davidson counties, might be believed.

>> No.6281364

Do you know where that pic is from? Looks like Bubbas BBQ in Charlotte

>> No.6281502

It wasn't downtown Asheville, but a more rural part of it. Rural North Carolina is still rural North Carolina.

>> No.6281517

And you learn something new everyday!

>> No.6281538
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>> No.6281539

holy shit didn't read the name of the squirrel brain picture. I thought that were meatballs, heh.

>> No.6281570
File: 62 KB, 610x458, fried squirrel brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6281871
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>> No.6281970
File: 89 KB, 468x558, victasheepRX2210_468x558[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't imagine sheep being very comfortable in the South

>> No.6282026


Allen and Son in Chapel Hill (kek)

>> No.6282426
File: 605 KB, 1936x2592, XcKkn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6282940
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we got Lamb Fries

>> No.6283382
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>> No.6283619
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