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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6264615 No.6264615 [Reply] [Original]

>that guy who pretends to drink coffee for the taste

>> No.6264619

My gf drinks coffee for the taste and I believe her.

>> No.6264630

I do. It's interesting how each cup can vary.

>> No.6264635

coffee is such a pointless habit. it's like smoking. It doesn't wake you up. it's a big scam.

>> No.6264636

>it doesn't work on me so it must not work on anyone
Please be dumb elsewhere.

>> No.6264637

>those people are just PRETENDING to be more alert!

>> No.6264640

OP has never had good coffee.

>> No.6264641
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>> No.6264645

>someone says they love coffee
>they dump a ton of cream and sugar in it

>> No.6264647

>someone says they love cream and sugar
>they dump a ton of coffee over it

>> No.6264679

smoking wakes you up?

>> No.6264693


>> No.6264901

>singing through the nose

I mean I was entertained at first, but that fact I just can't get past. I made it like 40 seconds.

>> No.6264917

this post makes me laugh more every time i read it

>> No.6264923

>It doesn't wake you up. it's a big scam

The psychotropic effects of caffeine have been proven in placebo controlled experiments.

>> No.6264948

I love the taste of cappuccino in the morning, it brings back so many memories of my time in Italy where every single day began like this

shit, it's pathetic where my life's at right now

>> No.6265082
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> TFW Smoking raises heart rate and eye movement but doesn't actually elevate brain function
> You're all being jewed

>> No.6265087

Cafe's wouldn't be a thing if this shit didn't get you high.

>> No.6265092

someone show this to the guy who was complaining that wendy's isn't stuck in the 90s

this is fantastic

>> No.6265095
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>that guy who makes "How do you like your coffee?" threads on /ck/ and then shitposts anyone who says anything but black

>that guy who says coffee is disgusting and that you should only drink tea, and is then just as pretentious about not putting sugar/milk in tea as coffeefags are

>that guy who says that anyone who drinks it black is a tryhard, then tries to defend his mocha addiction by claiming he only does it for the stimulants

Can't any of you cunts just enjoy your fucking drink?

>> No.6265097

That was fire

>> No.6265098

>enjoying anything


>> No.6266507

Fuck off

>> No.6266510

Coffee wakes you and smoking keeps you up.

>> No.6266527

Smoking has more of a calming effect.

>> No.6266533

I've never felt any particular caffeine effect. It just tastes good, especially with a splash of milk.
>b-but then you don't like the taste of coffee
What if I like the taste of coffee with milk, faggot?

>> No.6266543
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>that guy who likes ass more than tits

>> No.6266558

what's wrong with that? when you're looking at ass you're also seeing hips and thighs it's only natural that you'd like it more. tits are more stand alone, it's a less pleasurable experience looking up there.

>> No.6266562

>tfw you don't have to pretend

>> No.6266588

>manchildren who don't enjoy coffee for the taste
join the other 12-year-olds

>> No.6266590

Even dudes have butts, bro. With tits, there's no question that the pair you're spanking your fap to is a chick.
>b-but fake ones
Nah, if you can't spot fake ones, you deserve to turn gay for fapping to a dude with tits.

>> No.6266592

Back when I used to make coffee with a french press and buy nice beans and grind them fresh every morning I would occasionally get a really nice cup of coffee, like you could actually taste a whole host of different flavors. Coffee can be like wine in that regard if prepared properly.

But then buying whole beans got too expensive and I just switched to folgers and a drip coffee maker. I don't really drink it for the taste, but there is something comforting in a cup of morning coffee.

I almost never get that interesting coffee taste I used to get anymore, not even at coffee shops that are supposed to have "good" coffee. The only place I know where I can replicate that is at Intelligentsia coffee if I get an espresso or pour over.

Learning to appreciate coffee is like learning to appreciate wine, with the difference being that 99% of coffee is boring/average, but that other 1% is truly something else.

>> No.6266594

When considering all of the boards, even /v/ is less shitty than most of them. OP would fit in more with /b/ or /s4s/

>> No.6266601

[s4s] isn't really children at this point, it's more like high-level autistic late-20s early-30s guys

you might be right about /b/, although it's hard to pinpoint what the key demographic of /b/ is

>> No.6266605

>it's hard to pinpoint what the key demographic of /b/ is

15 year olds who are too stupid to look up their own porn.

>> No.6266606

14 year olds?

>> No.6266698

I have this friend who is a few years older than me, I'm 28 and he's 31. I've always respected him as a mentor because of his years over me. He's had a long history of smoking and heavy drinking, he has been a huge party animal throughout his young adulthood. Here's the thing, he doesn't drink coffee because he thinks "it tastes nasty." During the short time that he and I worked together, I'd have my morning coffee and he'd drink a Red Bull.

It really blows my mind that somebody who enjoys smoking and drinking alcohol so much could turn away coffee because of its taste. You'd think he'd not care about taste or be smart enough to realize that it's an acquired taste. He's 31, for fuck's sakes. It's just so weird to me.

>> No.6266733

I don't drink it for the taste i drink it because i look pretty cool.
>Walk into cafe
>Check to see if anyone else is entering
>Swing door shut behind me and slide over to counter
>hunch over until someone aproaches to take my order
>i leave it a bit enjoying this cool moment
>"Coffee..." (Always leave a few second break)
>"black" look up and wink at them so they know you are hardcore
>whilst waiting make small talk with the other coffee drinkers
>Black coffee drinkers: "Ha, bet you can't handle your coffee as strong as mine"
>With milk drinker babies "Wow my black coffee too strong for you kids?"
>Then finally when you get your coffee, DON'T DRINK IT
>sit there and look into it
>swirl it around with your spoon
>give spoon and small plate underneath back and stand up
>walk about the cafe with your coffee to assert your dominance
>when nobody is looking pour your coffee out somewhere nobody wants to drink that disgusting shit
>Check your watch
>"Oh god is that the time, i've got things to do"
>place your cup down and step back
>take out a $1 bill
>screw it up into a ball
>take a shot at your cup
>practise at home to make sure you can hit it in
>"keep the change sweet heart" With a wink
>leave and feel like the coolest cool kid in the whole town, everyone will respect you more and see you are a badass for drinking black coffee.

>> No.6266759

There is no net benefit to drinking coffee. The withdrawal grogginess cancels out the caffeine effects.

>> No.6266760

Clearly you don't lift.

>> No.6266764

all my kek

>> No.6266768


clearly you know nothing of biochemistry. yeah, what you quoted was unlikely, but obviously i you build up a tolerance youre going to get more side effect than benefit like with any substance.

>> No.6266784



I bet you like merriment too, fucking faggot

>> No.6266929

>less than $1

>> No.6266956
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>that guy who pretends to eat dark chocolate for the taste

>> No.6267068

He probably realizes it's an acquired taste, but he doesn't have any incentive to learn to enjoy it. That being said, drinking a Red Bull every morning is pretty terrible for both his health and his finances

>> No.6267075

one small piece of dark chocolate at a time is great. too much is gross though.

>> No.6267145
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tfw this is actually really good

>> No.6267188

the amounts of caffeine you get from a cup of coffee are very low, and even if you drink 3-4 together the tolerance builds up so fast you would stop feeling the effects in a week

take it from someone that takes 1g of anhydrous caffeine ed when cutting.

>> No.6267196

I'd agree if people were eating 100% cocoa for enjoyment. Most people who eat dark chocolate eat, sweetened 70-90% chocolate which has milk solids in it. The bittersweet taste with the creaminess is really enjoyable if you like intense flavours. The reason I eat dark chocolate(normally 70% Lindt) is because my craving for chocolate gates sated in one piece, while it would take 2 or 3 with 30% milk chocolate. And it goes well with most good beers.

>> No.6267226
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>claims to like coffee
>only drinks Nestle capsules

>> No.6267259

what a wild load of horseshit

>> No.6267529

>1g of anhydrous caffeine ed when cutting.

That's the equivalent of like 5 strong cups of coffee.

>> No.6267914

That is legit reddit tier posting. shame on you.

>> No.6267918


>not injecting coffee enemas

>> No.6267921

i drink it for the taste.

>> No.6267930
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You clearly haven't tried it Vietnamese style.

>> No.6267937

Jacob pls go

>> No.6267940

I drink it because it looks delicious.

>> No.6268001

how did a thread like this get so much attention.

i post gold and get pruned

>> No.6268003

>diluting 1 oz of "coffee" with 11 oz of sweetened condensed milk
>calling it "coffee"

top kek

>> No.6268025
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There are wankers in NYC that drink coffee to be seen or fit in. You can see the types standing in line going outside the door for starbucks, the same types that stand in line for cupcakes.

Personally I never liked coffee and the smell of it's even nasty to me. I will have an Irish coffee maybe once every two or three years though.

Pic related, a picture I took of a line of wankers outside starbucks when waiting for a cab in Chinatown last year.

>> No.6268218

>tfw the manager chases you out into the parking lot to get your license plate number in front if everybody because you shorted them $2.50 on your cup of coffee

>> No.6268224

you were hoping the scaffolding would collapse on them right?

>> No.6268229

>not snorting lines of Turkish coffee

>> No.6268236

>implying I have a car instead of skating around on my infinitely fuel efficient and superior Razor Scooter©

>> No.6268384

I fucking remember when you posted this!

>> No.6268434

OP: explain coffee flavored ice cream, yogurt, beer (yes), cake (tiramisu), etc.

>> No.6268455

it feels like it does

>> No.6268499

that's what happens when you don't pay your janitors

>> No.6268510


Fucking faggy little bitch you are.
Best you support dolphin fucking too don't ya
Fuck outta here ya pikey little kunt

>> No.6268518

Underrated post

>> No.6268531

I drink the coffee I drink because it taste the best and that coffee is.........

Food Lion French Roast

Yes, a lowly south eastern food chain sells the best coffee in the world for ...........

4.99 a 12 oz bag, let the multitudes rejoice and thank me later.

>> No.6268568
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>[s4s] isn't really children at this point, it's more like high-level autistic late-20s early-30s guys

>> No.6268604

>Not fapping to girls with tits and dicks.

>> No.6268612

>that mod who doesn't delete this shit

>> No.6268660

give me the niggest shot of espresso you can find

>> No.6269375

are you saying caffeine is a spook?

>> No.6269392

>"I don't like ______. It tastes harsh and unappealing. That's how everyone must experience it. Anyone who says they like it is just pretending for some reason, probably to look cool."

>> No.6269397

I bet you don't get vaccinated because that's how they control your mind, right?

>> No.6269592

Why do people think that just because they don't enjoy something everyone else must be faking their enjoyment? I don't understand.

From a young age the aroma of fresh brewed coffee was one of my favorite smells. It took me awhile to be able to handle the bitterness of coffee without additives, in general I've grown to enjoy bitterness a lot more as I've gotten older.

By the same token, why do people accuse people who add things to their coffee of not enjoying coffee? The primary taste and aroma of coffee with cream and sugar is still coffee.

>> No.6269603

Not unless I got the cab and got out of the area first. A scaffolding collapse would make the area filled with EMS, NYPD, NYFD, reporters, gawkers with cameras, and blogger fags, and I just wanted to get home with the stuff I just bought.

I can't say I'd care that much if it collapsed after I was out of the area.

>> No.6269624

I didn't like coffee when I was younger, turns out it's because it was always served with too much dairy and sugar, something about that combo makes it taste nasty to me. Black with two sugars is the only way I can take it.

Don't forget to like and subscribe!

>> No.6269629

Dammit, /b/ is leaking again.

>> No.6269669

i like straight black coffee because i am poor

>> No.6269681

It smells nice but anyone who can drink it without instantly wanting to brush their teeth is a lying faggot


>> No.6269693

>not drinking oj right after brushing your teeth

>> No.6269715
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>another faggot who fell for the "coffee is supposed to be bitter" scam

>> No.6269722

Coffee is naturally bitter unless you cold brew it, then it's still a little bitter but not like it is when brewed hot.

The psychoactive components of coffee, including caffeine, are all bitter.

>> No.6269729
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>The psychoactive components of coffee, including caffeine, are all bitter.

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of

>> No.6269735

i got a kid who i work with who always gets the largest cumberland farms iced coffee he can get and fills it as such
>8 expresso shots, no im not exaggerating ive seen it settle on the bottom
>3/4 cream

>> No.6269752

Uh, coffee has no psychoactive ingredients except caffeine.

>> No.6269795

>not just enjoying vagina
tits aren't even that sexual you fucking moron

>> No.6269805
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I made the mistake of picturing Dale Cooper doing this.

>> No.6269820

>Decent meter on the chorus
>Lyric choice not too hard on the ears
>Chorus has a decent rhythm to it

What fucking right does that song have to be as close to good as it was?

>> No.6269863


Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.6269973

Trolled hard

>> No.6270201

teafag here
coffee is the taste of rotted anus

you don't add sugar or milk into your drinking water, why add it to tea?

do you really have trouble consuming something flavorful and fresh without adding fats and sugars?

>> No.6270206

coffee is psychoactive, faggot

lrn2 neuropharmacology

>> No.6270220

Tea is the taste of sewer water. It's harvested by people who don't bathe and handled by people who don't wash their hands after pooping. You're drinking bacteria.

>> No.6270229

i drink shitty instant coffee without milk and sugar because i usually don't have any :)

>> No.6270230

>the only tea that exists is chinese oolong
toppest of keks.

i grow my own passiflora, and harvest about 5 fresh leaves, for a pot of pure mouthgasm

>> No.6270235

also boiling water kills microbes

>> No.6270240

>you don't add sugar or milk into your drinking water, why add it to tea?

fucking this.
tea is just water, but not bland.

>> No.6270244

If it's good coffee then why the fuck not?

I love the taste of French pressed coffee. Very rich.

>> No.6270275

Tea contains extremely high doses of galacto-oligosaccharides, polyols, and fructans which can lead to severe bowels disorders and malnutrition. Drinking tea is a health risk.

>> No.6270289

i stopped drinking coffee after i discovered caffeine pills.

coffee was always an unpleasant chore to drink. it was like taking medicine.

and i've had access to very high-quality coffee too. at home, there was freshly-ground whole beans prepared in a commercial espresso machine.

>> No.6270320

What is the placebo effect?

>> No.6270323
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>"Can I get a large decaf?"

>> No.6270375

>with an extra shot

>> No.6270436

This is one of the most autistic threads i've ever seen

>> No.6270451

>that guy who pretends to eat vegetables for the taste

>> No.6270490

>caffeine isn't psychoactive
pls walk up to the nearest window and jump out of it

>> No.6270504


What do you mean?

>> No.6270507


>hunch over until someone aproaches to take my order
>i leave it a bit enjoying this cool moment
>"Coffee..." (Always leave a few second break)
>"black" look up and wink at them so they know you are hardcore


>> No.6270699

>that guy who doesn't know what acquired tastes are

>> No.6270727

I looooove the taste of veggies dipped in hummus could eat that shit all day

>> No.6270983


I couldn't believe that beer would ever taste good. It was actually on here where I read that it's an acquired taste so I just kept on drinking beer and now I really like it.

>> No.6270991

Agreed. Just drink it for the taste without pretending.

>> No.6271005

There's nothing quite like the taste of coffee. It's just like when I slurp some shit, actual feces.

>> No.6271083

You only drink coffe pre workout. Never at any other time and you WILL have a positive effect on your gainz.

>> No.6271115
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>> No.6271213

Never slurped shit before, but I'll take your word for it.

>> No.6271318

>psychoactive components of coffee, including caffeine
>including caffeine

>implying there are any other psychoactive ingredients
>somehow i'm the idiot

Confirmed kiddies, stay in school please

>> No.6271368

I'd say beer has more variety to its tastes than coffee. I pretty much hated beer when I first had it. Yeah I kept drinking it because I liked getting drunk and eventually I "acquired" the taste as it was but really I still haven't gotten over the taste of cheep light beer, but its better. It wasn't until I started drinking not shit beer that I can understand why people like it so much. Just like I always though coffee tasted like dirt until I bought a French press and used fresh grounds. And I didn't even do that because of what the internet said. It just made sense to me to not have to constantly buy paper filters and have the grounds constantly in contact with water

>> No.6271637

>that guy who consumes food and drinks

>> No.6271715

But there are other psychoactive compounds in coffee. It would actually be very unusual for something made from whole plant parts to only have one psychoactive alkaloid.

>> No.6271788

All of which are by-products of caffeine, at least as far as I remember

>> No.6271910


You clearly have not been in a carbonara thread.

>> No.6271917
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>that guy breathing oxygen

Plebs cannot into methane.

>> No.6272206

Some of them are, there are a couple of mao inhibitors that are unrelated to caffeine as well.

>> No.6272478

>teafag here
>in a coffee thread
Why? Genuinely curious to why you're in a thread that doesn't interest you. Unless you're that guy who likes to spoil parties because they're enjoying life and you're not.