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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6257679 No.6257679 [Reply] [Original]

>Uncle owns a buffet restaurant
>He is understaffed because influenza
>Knows I'm a good cook and asks me to help there for a few days (for free)
>Agree because he is generally a nice guy
>Today, first day working there
>He puts loads of salt on everything
>Ask him to taste my soup
>"Needs more salt" and pours in like 5 tablespoons
>Pasta salad, add salt
>Chicken breasts, "you are using too little salt anon" and throws like a handful on them
>According to him, I put way too little salt on everything, and people usually say I use too much, which is true I guess
>The food is so salty I need like 3 glasses of water to finish a plate
>Restaurant closes, "thanks for helping anon, but seriously use more salt tomorrow so I don't have to follow you around"
>Get annoyed, ask if he puts salt on his wives pussy before eating her out
>"The customers won't eat as much if the food is saltier. And it's tastier too"

That seems unethical, I feel like he's ruining his food on purpose, yet his place is always packed. Should I become one with the salt tomorrow, or should I try to make the food better and healthier?

>> No.6257684

Have you never played Sim Theme Park?

Keep the fries salty, and the drinks expensive.

>> No.6257685

if it's packed dont fuck with your uncles business.

>> No.6257687

and charge people to leave.

>> No.6257690

Do as your told, faggot.

>> No.6257691

It's not your restaurant. Holy fuck, you obnoxious, uppity cunt. If that's what his customers like, and what keeps his restaurant full and profitable, it's none of your damn business. Open your own healthy, responsible restaurant if you're that concerned about how other people eat. Or tell him your tampon is stuck so you can't help him out again, if it's such an offensive issue to you.

Do what he says because he knows what works for his property. Or don't go at all. Not your place to decide his procedures.

>> No.6257693


This. There's a secret why people like eating at restaurants and can never replicate the dishes at home and that secret is - SALT! Like my girlfriends mother, she loves to eat chinese food and all that crazy shit and loves going out to restaurants but the food she makes at home is just plain terrible because she uses so little salt it's tasteless.

>> No.6257699

restaurant cooking always has way more salt than home cooking.
it's just what they do.

>> No.6257712

This. I knew an old Turkish lady who was an amazing cook. One thing she taught me was always use more salt when cooking for guests. People find salty food tastier.

The biggest improvement any home cook can make in their cooking when serving guests is to add more salt (and probably pepper).

>> No.6257717

>Look at image
>Instantly imagine a 12 year old screaming that into a mic

Thanks CSGO. As for OP, as long he's tasting it first I don't see the problem, excess sodium aside.

>> No.6257873
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>tfw the first comment says exactly what you wanted to say


>> No.6257881
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at least he knows what he's doing, do as he says, it's his restaurant after all. If he doesnt respond well to polite advice just shut up.

Excess of salt is the #1 sign that tells me a cook is not a good cook.
You can't make your dishes taste good so you drown em in salt to give them a semblance of taste.
Nothing strange, american food is greatly based on salt (and fats and proteins etc.)

>> No.6258021

I don't eat out because I'm always unusually thirst afterwards due to the salt. When I cook at home needing to add lots of salt usually means they flavours are imbalanced. When you cook a meal properly you barely need to add any.

>> No.6258053

>Get annoyed, ask if he puts salt on his wives pussy before eating her out

>> No.6258089

in my experience, i always found most american food hopelessly devoid of salt, and they usually try to compensate for it with an overload of fat and pepper

>> No.6258152

what kinds of food for example?
I'm talking fast food and heavily meat-y diet.
fat is another big chunk, right with sugar. Dont konw about pepper.
Afterall...what IS american cuisine, except fast food?

>> No.6258163

most chain restaurants and fast casual places (tgi fridays, dennys), most every americanized "ethnic" place i've been to as well (including ones from my own country)

>> No.6258176

I'm probably going to be bashed and shittalked because of this but whatever. I couldn't find any english source for what I'm going to say now, but from my personal experience(and my family members, since I basically cook everything for them), salt is something you can develop tolerance to. I used to put much salt in everything I cooked(unless it was desserts) and I had to cut down a little after my high blood pressure got really worse. So I stopped putting salt at all to some of the salads and cut down a significant amound in everything. First few weeks it was bland and disgusting as fuck for everyone but then I got used to it. Few days ago when I tried to make a tomato salad with as much salt I used to put cca. a year before it was waaaay too salty and couldn't eat that shit at all. Anyone else had similar experiences?

>> No.6258181

Not only fast food, slow food such as bbq as well.

I tried some american recipies and it's almost allways equal parts salt and brown sugar on a quite fatty piece of meat.

I'm not complaining, it just takes some getting used to.

>> No.6258194
File: 38 KB, 800x450, salted caramel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to put much salt in everything I cooked(unless it was desserts)

>> No.6258206

>Should I become one with the salt tomorrow, or should I try to make the food better and healthier?

You should do exactly as you're being told.

>> No.6258209

yeah yeah, but it's nowhere near healthy.
also, I wouldnt define bbq as slow food, I mean, yeah for an american that's slow food but to me it's still not.
afterall usa cuisine is like the country, just a melting pot of stuff from around the world, nothing original, and even succeded into picking the most unhealthy stuff
oh ok, still a little perplexed that you didnt notice a great amount of salt, since it seems like a common denominator in us "cuisine", like the other anons are saying.

>> No.6258210

> he does it for free

>> No.6258276

OP has been so royally BTFO'd that he's had to abandon thread

>> No.6258291

Doesn't matter. If he can't follow simple directions he should decline to help out.

>> No.6258329

OP here. I'm still monitoring this thread.
And I don't feel like I've been BTFO'd, I don't even really have a stake in this matter. I just felt like it would be better for my uncle's business to not use such copious amounts of salt, because maybe the food would actually taste like something other than salt.
I've worked in a restaurant for over 2 years, countless people have eaten foods that I made, and liked it, and paid for it. I know adding salt and butter makes a dish taste "better", I just wanted /ck/'s opinion, because I felt like adding excess salt to foods just to make your customers eat less is unethical, and eventually bad business.
Maybe when you've cooked something else than fried eggs in your parents' kitchen, you might be able to join the discussion, stupid faggot.

>> No.6258376

>I just felt like it would be better for my uncle's business to not use such copious amounts of salt, because maybe the food would actually taste like something other than salt.
>"The customers won't eat as much if the food is saltier

>> No.6258392

It's his business model and it works. I actually agree with you on this, but you shouldn't fuck with what he's doing because it works for him.

>> No.6258412

It's almost like people like salt and fat, gee I wonder why people would go out to a restaurant.

Almost every restaurant uses ridiculous amounts of salt and fat, that's 50% of why it tastes good and why people don't recreate it at home.

His demographic clearly isn't the 20 something yr old city yuppie who eats nothing but kale and "organic" chicken while avoiding gluten.

>> No.6258441

it sounds like youìre trying to make people who eat healthily sound like stupid hipsters, while people who drown in fats and salt are the shit

>> No.6258445

If he has customers and people like the food then don't change anything. People don't go out to restuarants to eat something healthy, they want something that tastes good.

>> No.6258524

i might have to try this

>> No.6258547

No it doesn't, sounds like he's saying old people eat at the restaurant and people who think gluten is bad are stupid

>> No.6258676

Whatever happened to honest pay for honest work? He doesnt have to pay you hourly but he should toss you a few bones for the time. At least i would if my nephew was helping in my kitchen

>> No.6258697

>ask if he puts salt on his wives pussy before eating her out
>saying that about your aunt

>> No.6258735

Why would you pay your family?

>> No.6258759

lolz at all the 'a good cook doesn't need salt' you know nothing of cooking. you don't add salt to your ramen cause it's already loaded with it you fucking autists. also OP is a faggot.

>> No.6258843

>>Get annoyed, ask if he puts salt on his wives pussy before eating her out

>> No.6258882

Salt to your uncle's content. It's only a few days after all. Then use your inside restaurant knowledge wisely. At least you have ethics

>> No.6258988

Because I'm not a cheap piece of shit and appreciate them as people not just exploitable sacks of flesh you jewish cunt

>> No.6258997

ingesting too much salt regularly can change the way food tastes over to you. he probably finds normally salted food to be flavorless. but if he stopped eating so much salt for a while and started eating normal food, he'd find his standard salting to be way saltier. dude's sodium levels are probably off the charts.

regardless, it's not your problem, just make him his shitty food and make sure not to get into the habit of eating like he does.

>> No.6259068

Wtf you idiot, she is not my aunt, she's just some cunt that my uncle chose to marry.

>> No.6259107


how in heaven is bbq not slow food?

it's traditional, regional cuisine

it's also slow as fuck in terms of cooking process but even if it weren't it's "slow food" in the fancy sense

>> No.6259307

I'm at CIA right now. You are taught to salt things more than most people seem reasonable. Salt brings out flavor in things. If he's dumping a fuck ton in he probably has a Fucked palate. But If his shit sells don't fuck with it. He calls the shots on that stuff not you.

>> No.6259334

So, your aunt.

>> No.6259376
File: 80 KB, 502x626, cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm at CIA right now

>> No.6259429

Sounds like the uncle had a well reasoned answer to why he uses a lot of salt. OP has reasons for less (better taste, healthier), but taste is subjective (and apparently it's not hurting business), and healthiness is pretty complicated due to individual response variation and secondary effects from salt reduction. Not to mention it's your uncle's business, his livelihood, if you want to earn karma serving improving the diet of people who didn't ask you to, do it at your own restaurant. I'd cook as he requests, because even if you don't, he's going to add the salt himself, it just means you're wasting a lot of his time following you around all day. Exactly like he said.

>> No.6259434

You do know that the body craves sodium? Your uncle is right and has nothing to do with tastes but cravings

>> No.6259438

Because OP is one of those pencil neck asian millennials

>> No.6259724

Why were you making your recipes in somebody else's restaurant in the first place? His regulars know what they want.

I wouldn't go there any more than I'd go to McDonald's, but I'm obviously not his custom.

>> No.6259892

Our bodies crave a lot of things but you don't have to flood it. But yeah, just do it.

>> No.6260044

You're working in someone else's kitchen. Unless they specifically ask for your advice or a demo cook it they way they want and with their recipes. If you had a restaurant I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate your uncle coming in and salting everything.

>> No.6260073

My girlfriends mother uses plenty of salt and i hate it. Only this is at home. Its surprising because she is a chef and has worked at many places and boasts constantly with her certificate of being a great chef. Then she will dos hit like letting meat burn into the pan and smoke up the kitchen, or unable to make a salad without making the saltiest piece of shit ever.

Either way you are in someones kitchen and buisness, how would you feel if you was managing someone and they completely disobeyed you and ignored what you asked them to do? you'd be annoyed and fire that guy right?
So put the salt he asks of you, he really should of only needed to of asked once. You are at a buffet if the customers have unsalty food they will eat more and he will lose money. over salt the food and help him out. Even come up with new idea's i find oily foods make me order more drinks at buffets.

>> No.6260093

>> asks me to help there for a few days (for free)
theres your problem right there.

if the fucker is paying you, then he can tell you how much salt you add.

if hes not paying you, he can stfu and just be happy you are stupid enough to help him for free.

>> No.6260104 [DELETED] 

over-salting is wrong.

over-salters are nigger dick suckers.

>> No.6260207

He's probably used to eating so much salt that anything with a little less tastes like taste to him

>> No.6260218


>> No.6260223
File: 686 KB, 2048x1536, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6260234

over-salters are terrible cooks.

person with a normal palette need only a hint of added salt.

its people who are perpetually eating over-salted food who's tolerance has risen so high that they require more and more salt.

>> No.6261660

Eating loads of salt does have some health benefits, right? Especially if you live in hot climates.

>> No.6261879

>reduced sodium

okk, don't worry about your pizza slices, it says that it's healthy for you!

>> No.6261975

the question to ask is what are his customers like, because its its 80% seniors thats exactly why he salts the food so much

old people have bland as fuck palettes, old folks homes have to overseason most of the food so that they can actually taste it.

Op, dont fuck with your uncles business, he knows wtf hes doing.

>> No.6262649
File: 31 KB, 288x316, 1421946965352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>reduced sodium salt

How the fuck does that even work?

>> No.6262652

You asked your uncle if he salts his wife's pussy before eating her out?

The hell is the matter with you?

>> No.6262654


I still want to know if he does or not.

>> No.6262661

Potassium salt

>> No.6262673

Enjoy bland food. A "hint" he says

>> No.6262686

Now, I like cooking and all and I'm decent at it too. The more I cook though, the more disillusioned I become with it. The basics of food that tastes good are literally salt, sugar, fat and some protein too make you full. No matter how hard you work on getting the perfect balance of flvaours and textures someone using more fat, salt and sugar than you is going to taste better unless he fucks up the dish.

>> No.6264626

I think you're confusing bbq with grilling m8