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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 427 KB, 566x631, fucking really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6253993 No.6253993 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ has this ever happened to you?
>go to restaurant
>everything on the menu is $9-$12
>order something thats $10
>get shitty portion
>ask why
>'oh well a lot of people weren't eating all their food so we reportioned'
>finish the meal
>still hungry
>pay bill
>feel like you just got ripped off.

>> No.6253996

>go to restaurant

Nope. :^)

>> No.6253999

I'm an American and I don't think I've ever gone out for food that isn't tapas/small plates and been hungry after my entree.

>> No.6254007

Toppest of tier applebee's has half priced appetizers after 9 so I'm sorry, but I don't know that feel.

>> No.6254165

>get shitty portion
>ask why

Do real humans actually do this? I mean sure if it's a street vendor and the guy before you got a serve twice the size of yours then yeah, pipe up. But in a restaurant? What is wrong with you OP?

>> No.6254168

I've been there before when they gave you a resenible size for the amount you pay. so i was curious why they jewel me.

>> No.6254169

Isn't most of their food frozen and then re-heated in the microwave?

>> No.6254171
File: 60 KB, 402x640, Saeki-Onikage_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with asking some cheap cunt why they're skimping on the portion sizes? you sound like a passive fucker. If you're paying money to eat food you hold all the cards.

>> No.6254174

>order spaghetti carbonara
>get the feeling the chef came into the sause

Has this ever happened to you?

>> No.6254181

Is that Obama?

>> No.6254192

this has happened to me atleast twice except the 1st time i didn't ask

annoying as hell, i rarely eat at all so when i eat i eat like hell

>> No.6254211

>fat people stories . jpg

No high quality restaurants spam the diner with so much food that only ham planets can eat it and not feel like they're going to die.

Please get your stomach stapled, you fat piece of shit.

>> No.6254227

>reading comprehension
>shitty bait
Come on.

>> No.6254230
File: 1.51 MB, 1440x2560, IMAG0094_BURST002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for water to start out with
>get a dirty look

>> No.6254237
File: 272 KB, 1300x870, $30Plus15DollarTip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What really pisses me off is when I watch people go to really expensive restaurants on T.V. or on munchies on vice, and they pay like $30 for 2oz of food with those useless drippings of sauce on the plate for "Decoration", and have to buy like 3 more plates of food to be full.
>Pic related, their portion sizes

>> No.6254239

>Not just asking for extra potato, rice, bread, whatever
Sure it might cost an extra buck (a lot of places don't even charge extra) but it has a significant effect on how filling it is. Also yes I'm fat.

>> No.6254246


the food in your picture is usually part of a tasting menu with 6+ courses

no one pays $20+ for that amount of food

>> No.6254247

>have to
>on TV

Brotip: people who aren't fat don't get overcome with panic when the first of several plates arrives, and there's visible porcelain underneath the food.

Normal people (imagine the kind you see on TV, but perhaps less makeup and acting more relaxed) can enjoy their food and actually talk between bites, instead of struggling to breathe.

I hope things get better for you, and remember to take a shower before you go out.

>> No.6254254

This is one of the two reasons why I cook at home. Some people do it for health reasons (e.g. gluten), "moral" reasons (no vegan or Kosher restaurants), to save money, etc.

I do it because I want to control the portions, and because I don't trust people to do their job.

When I make breakfast at home, I can have all the bacon and sausage I want. They make such a big deal out of it if you ask for more than two pieces. "We have to charge extra, you know?" Uh, yeah, I get that. "It's going to be a dollar for each extra piece." Yeah, that's fine. "OK...if you say so..." What the fuck? Same with any toppings. You want light mayonnaise on your sub? Fuck you, we're going to cum all over that shit.

I used to order an extra hashbrown at McDonald's because I'm a fatty. Nine times out of ten they would forget to put it in there. Do your fucking job and read the god damn screen and check the bag. I am now officially that guy that sits at the window until I've checked everything. Here lately I've been going in to order because their accuracy goes up quite a fucking bit. They don't want to deal with you in person.

>> No.6254255
File: 18 KB, 348x348, $40Plus15DollarTip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip, I'm a 6' 151 skeletor, I just don't see the point in why someone would pay that much money for a meal that could literally be consumed in one bite if you put forth that effort.
The small amount of sauce they put on it just makes it even more infuriating, because it's neither enough for me to enjoy, and this isn't a fucking art exhibit.

>> No.6254258

This doesn't happen to me. Some places are clearly geared toward everyone getting their own individual meal on a plate, while others are all about getting a handful of shared plated to the table. It's usually obvious which is which, but if you're unsure a quick consult with your server will usually set you straight.

I actually prefer eating at places where you order for the table and pass everything around. This only works when you're out with unfussy people, but I try to avoid going out with fussy types.

>> No.6254261
File: 168 KB, 568x612, Kim_Kashkashian_Page14(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this worked up about tips

Are you one of those >muh REAL WORK in THE REAL WORLD blue collar chumps, getting indignant that your fellow poors might possibly be getting compensation for services rendered?

The tip is part of the cost of eating out, sorry your parents never taught you this, but I imagine there are other, far more crucial things about life that they also didn't teach you.

>> No.6254263
File: 27 KB, 400x289, FoodFeeRape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure, why not, I'll take the bait.
Yes, I don't think tips should be required, and I'll even take it one step furtherm I DON'T THINK TIPS SHOULD BE LEGAL

>> No.6254265

That's not a meal, dude. That's one course. A meal would be made up of several courses like that. The art project aspect of it is to help justify the price, which is usually pretty steep. If you find this kind of shit infuriating avoid expensive places with tasting menus. It's not that hard.

>> No.6254270


I suppose you also don't think it should be legal for stores to post the price without including the cost of the tax. Yes? And yet, I don't see you getting indignant over that. Is it because you know you can get away with stiffing some poor 20 year old waitress, whereas the store will tackle you and call the police if you try to steal from them?

Classy as fuck.

>> No.6254275
File: 9 KB, 261x173, Ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I'm fine with taxes.
Tips are 100% bullshit.
I don't agree with all of this, but these videos seem to get like 80% of what I want to say, across to faggots like you.

>> No.6254280

>please watch my video

It's saturday, I'm not clicking your self-masturbatory rant video, and I'm not opening any doors for the jehova's witnesses.

Sorry your parents messed you up so bad.

>> No.6254284
File: 32 KB, 409x393, Ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, then I'm not arguing with you and I declare tips are 100% bullshit, thanks for wasting my time faggot.

>> No.6254290

>tips are 100% bullshit

That's kind of like saying "dogs are bullshit", it may feel good to say it but it does exactly nothing until you start kicking dogs in the park at which point you get arrested.

But lucky for you it's not illegal to screw over someone in the same income bracket as you so that you can live beyond your means. Have fun eating at other people's expense! In a way, you're basically on food stamps (although you probably are also literally on food stamps)

>> No.6254296
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But lucky for you it's not illegal to screw over someone in the same income bracket as you so that you can live beyond your means
No one is forcing them to work for someone willing and legally paying them less than minimum wage

>> No.6254298

>legally paying them less than minimum wage
doesn't happen

>> No.6254301


it's amazing how smug someone can be while they're arguing about tipping on a madagascan oral history forum

>> No.6254303
File: 31 KB, 630x500, WrongAgainFaggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will say that if I don't tip them, they're paid minimum wage for the hour, but when tipped, they get paid less per hour.

>> No.6254305

I agree tipping is bullshit. But where it's customary I do it. Not because I agree with the concept, but because I'm not an asshole. When in Rome one follows Roman customs. When in NYC I tip 20%. When in Tokyo I hardly tip at all.

>> No.6254306


Not that guy, but "emplyoers are required to make up the difference if the employee ends up taking in less than minimum wage" is probably the worst argument you could choose. Many people aren't in a situation where they can take legal action against an employer, as it usually entails losing their job for a period of time and can have a profound effect on your ability to get a job in the future. When you've got rent to pay, food to buy, people to shelter, it's a big deal.

>> No.6254307

doesn't happen

>> No.6254310

Every /ck/ road leads to tipping.

>> No.6254311

And how is that my fault? If your boss doesn't pay you for your work then that's between you two.

>> No.6254312

except "tips+minimum cash wage must equal federal minimum wage" is a FEDERAL law, not a state law, so this entire chart is bullshit

>> No.6254332

>Poorfag detected

Nah just kidding, getting up from the table hungry is the restaraunt fault. You should get up feeling full even if you go to a 3 star Michelin place with portions the size of a few coins cause you're paying enough for it that they'll serve you 12 or so courses.

>> No.6254335

Teens please. Tapas places are for drinking first and snacking second. If I want a plate that is literally three bites to go with my entire bottle of wine, that's my call. I appreciate it if the waitress asks but they shouldn't be shoving food down your throat that you didn't order.

>> No.6254366

I'm agreeing with you dummy, American portion sizes are much too large at pretty much every restaurant except tapas or small plates where its by design.

Plus if I'm at tapas its wine, olives, bread; in that order. Who eats a whole dinner at tapas?

>> No.6254379

Anti-racketeering laws are also federal laws, but in many places if you're running a restaurant the mob still tells you who will pick up your garbage. I believe it's also a federal law that you're not supposed to hire illegal aliens, but if you look at who's washing dishes (and even on the line) in many places you'll see it isn't followed. Restaurants aren't supposed to keep two sets of books, either, but many do.

Just because there are laws does not mean people follow them, especially in the restaurant industry where enforcement is lax and no one really gives a fuck.

>> No.6254380

>pretty much every restaurant

This is only true of lower class restaurants. There are plenty of restaurants where it's not a tasting menu style, and yet the portions are reasonably sized.

The oversized portions thing is strictly for people along the lines of that shitposter from indiana who rides a motorcycle and posts blurry pictures of shitty chain restaurant food.

>> No.6254397

am i the only one who tips for the hell of it?
like litterally i could of probably made some one's day on a busy day for giving them money to buy a pack of smokes.

>> No.6254435

They make hundreds of dollars in a single shift from suckers like you. You're not making anyone's day.

>> No.6254448

He's stimulating the economy while losers like you suck the teat.

>> No.6254460

He could stimulate the economy by spending money on something that will actually be taxed

>> No.6254461
File: 114 KB, 500x375, big-portion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Portion." God. Even just seeing that word makes me rage.

You see it all the time in reviews. " ... and they had nice big portions!" MAH PAWRSHUNS. Who gives a shit how much food you get, as long as it isn't absurdly small (i.e. snack-sized). No, apparently we don't care about the quality of the food, just that you get a lot of it to cram into your guy and refrigerate for later. I guess it's how places like IHOP and Olive Garden, which serve garbage but at least give you a lot of it, stay in business.

>> No.6254468

This is why I don't go out and eat with my brother and his friends. Dammed the quality. I need something as big as my head. If it is not, then I'm unhappy. Doesn't matter if it was made with some thought or anything. HOW BIG IS IT, I NEED SOMETHING BIG INSIDE OF ME.

>> No.6254474

quantity is a quality, madfriend

>> No.6254497

Every waiter I have ever known has been paid at LEAST the normal minimum BEFORE tips. The only waiters that actually only get $2-3 per hour are the old hags at Denny's. I know several waiters who make more than $10 per hour BEFORE tips. They easily pull in a few hundred a night for a 7 hour shift.

>> No.6254499
File: 533 KB, 1189x896, Booby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this isn't snack sized?

>> No.6254500

cause giving $3 for a pack of smokes (assuming something like black and milds) is soooo heart aching.
oh my aching wallet oh nooo the 3$ that could of been spent on gas in my ca- oh wait. i don't have a car, maybe that's why i'm able to tip.

besides tipping is a good way to show there was good food/service.

>> No.6254502

And who cares how high the quality is when you have to stop at another restaurant on the way home just to not go to bed hungry. The main reason people go to restaurants is to fill their belly. If that isn't happening, then you have to question why you would go to that restaurant.

>> No.6254508

getting a bucket of shit fries is shit fries that's barely eaten.
now getting a small bucket of good tasting fries, thats another story.

>> No.6254520

If I was served this shit I'd ask why they hired a fucking art graduate instead of a chef

>> No.6254560

You're right, which is why I'm so puzzled as to why you think giving someone three dollars will "make their day"

>> No.6254580

>$3 for a pack of smokes


>> No.6254587


It's very obvious that you've encountered the massive holes in your argument and are now retreating into "why should I give a shit?"

>> No.6254623

Bread sticks.

>> No.6254629

i can't find a fucking picture but local bodegas sell 3 cigars in a pack for about 3$ give or take

shitty day? i mean my dad used to almost want to punch the shit out of people getting in his way at walmart, pretty sure waiters can get pretty damn annoyed with customers too.
and like 3$ is going to break my neck lmao

>> No.6254633
File: 529 KB, 480x360, 1382037966526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips aren't required though. Thats just a stupid cultural thing that keeps getting perpetuated from one generation to the next.
People only tip because they learned it was 'proper' from their parents. Thats literally the only reason.

Eventually less and less people will tip, until the stupid fucking practice finally dies out.

>> No.6254640

It's right, though. If your boss is supposed to make up the difference to minimum wage and he doesn't, because he knows he can get away with breaking the law, then who's fault is that? You might as well use that to argue that everyone who gets fucked over by their boss should be paid directly by their customers.

It's not making their day though, they expect it. It's probably below average to them.

>> No.6254642

if i got money for a pack of smokes early in shift i think i'd be pretty happy

>> No.6254651

>The main reason people go to restaurants is to fill their belly.

confirmed for amerilard

>> No.6254660

at the end of the day, you had good tasting fries but are still hungry

>> No.6254689

What's wrong with getting something that tastes good at big potions?

If I'm going to spend money eating out I want the food to be good and I want to be full. If I have one without the other I'm not happy.

If that's the case maybe you should only eat at tasting restaurants and leave reasonable non skellies alone

>> No.6254761

yeah, it's almost like food costs go up or something CRAZY like that

>> No.6254763

I hate living in the UK because the people are miserable, and basic foodstuffs are more expensive than fodder, but I'm glad I don't have to tip anyone ever.

>> No.6254779


There's not necessarily anything wrong with that, but people expect to pay for what should be a small to moderate portion but receive a huge portion. When in actuality the restaurant is pricing the dish properly (~30%); you pay for a small to moderate portion and receive a small to moderate portion.

If you want a heaping fuckload of food, order a heaping fuckload of food. Aside from drinks, unless it's some sort of greedy shithole or they have some very uncommon ingredients that they can justify having higher margins on, you get what you pay for.

>> No.6254841

>What's wrong with getting something that tastes good at big potions?
idk. When I go out to eat I don't want to be carrying away half my meal in a doggie bag for later. Especially if I have plans after dinner. That's not happening. So if a place serves huge portions I'm either going to be sharing a plate with someone or going somewhere else. Because I'm not into the idea of paying for a plate of food so large half of it is going to end up in the garbage. I'd be much happier with a moderate sized plate of food, especially if it meant the food was higher quality.

I know there's a stripe of person who feels they didn't get their money's worth unless they have to loosen their belt after the meal. There are plenty of places that cater to that kind of diner - offering "all you can eat" deals. Let them eat at those places.

>> No.6254905

I would say 90% of the time I don't go to a fine restaurant/tapas/small plate I either take food home or I am full before finishing everything. And I don't go to olive garden or applebee's or any of that shit. Don't live in a flyover state either. I'm not saying its everywhere but it is definitely a trend in American restaurants in general.

>> No.6254913

Nope. Usually I have leftovers.

Guess you're a big guy.

>> No.6254932

>yurup pls

>> No.6254950
File: 22 KB, 300x300, exps5941_GBS1554510D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here pic related is what i would expect from a restaurant where a single meal costs $9

>> No.6254958
File: 2.10 MB, 4608x3072, eggplant-meatballs-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is what i got minus two meatballs. i don't care if they jew me on food. I'm not a fat ass i just don't want to pay the same price for less.

>> No.6255438

One course only, fucking pleb.

>> No.6255862

>If you're paying money to eat food you hold all the cards.


>> No.6257427


I don't get this part.

>> No.6257432

that pic made me wet. wtf