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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 600x339, garbage on a lightly steamed poppyseed bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6253633 No.6253633 [Reply] [Original]

>visiting Chicago
>go to hot dog stand and ask for a "Chicago hot dog"
>he hands me the garbage in pic related
>I thought a Chicago style hot dog was just like, a regular hot dog but more heartier and with spices
>this shit has tomatoes and "sport" peppers; whatever the fuck those are, and celery salt
>he refused to give me a refund
It tasted bad and he didn't even stock ketchup in his stand.

>> No.6253641

He also gave me a taste of his personal hot dog after.

>> No.6253645


>Hating on Chicago style hot dogs

Yeah, go fuck yourself

>> No.6253649

It was 25% actual hot dog, and 75% salady bullshit.

>> No.6253654

go fuck yourself.

you can be the top.

>> No.6253657

I wanna try that pic

>> No.6253670
File: 74 KB, 689x517, 1418812411928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ketchup on a hotdog.
not mustard

>> No.6253675

Hot dogs drenched in honey mustard and chives are the best

>> No.6253677

Chicago dogs are shit
They're the only regionally famous food I've ever had that I didn't want to finish. They found a way to turn a consistently mediocre food into something digusting.

>> No.6253683
File: 74 KB, 640x480, perfectdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicago faggots trying to dress up pig and cow anuses in a condom with a shit ton of peppers and tomatoes in a sad attempt to make local 'cuisine'

The only reason you should be eating this garbage in the first place is if you literally have no time or other viable options for edible substances-- such as being at the park or walking around the tourist shitter sections of of NYC.
Pic related is one of two acceptable toppings for this shit, along with yellow mustard. And if costs more than a dollar, then you're better off starving.

>> No.6253686

Hot dogs are shit to begin with, at least the hot dog place near me made them somewhat enjoyable with their Chicago dogs which is actually fairly good. But they also know not to use shit yellow pleb mustard.

>> No.6253697

that actually looks like its been grilled fairly well. I'd have it, but with mustard
that looks like an overcomplicated "interpretation". the hot dog itself looks like it was microwaved.

>> No.6253698

this. fuck you windycityhomos.

>> No.6253718

No fuck you.

No idea where you guys got your dogs, but try actually fucking looking for a good place to eat em, try O-Mallys or something, best chicago style dogs from what I've tried, bun is slightly soggy most of the time but it adds to the flavor.

Chicago style dogs are delicious, just gotta get them from someplace good, not a vendor ya tards.

They're better without tomatoes and sport peppers though.

>> No.6253751


>Putting ketchup on hotdogs

Do you want me to cut in in slices for you too, you fucking 4 year old?

>> No.6253753

That pic always grossed me out. Who wants big wedges of raw vegetable on your hotdog? Fucking cut them smaller. And those better be peppers and not pea pods.

>> No.6253763

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.6253767

>saying that
>in stop liking what I don't like the thread

They're sport peppers, and I agree, I always fucking hated biting into my pickle whenever I eat chicago styled dogs, I really should start cutting them smaller.

No idea why I didn't think of that. Maybe I'm just stupid.

>> No.6253770
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>hating on sport peppers

>> No.6253772

this actually made me mad.

congrats op

>> No.6253773

>>I thought a Chicago style hot dog was just like, a regular hot dog but more heartier and with spices

Yeah that's what all the peppers and shit are.

>> No.6253778
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>mfw getting a Chicago style dog from Al's Beef

>> No.6253781

God damnit, for some reason every sport pepper I ate was a weird combination of sour and spicy, and never went well with my dog.

I haven't had a chicago styled hotdog in a while, maybe I'll like it now.
Or it'll just make me chuck a glass of milk again.

>> No.6253785

I went to chicago a few years ago so I don't remember where but we went to two separate hotdog restaurants, not some people off the street. Got them prepared the 2 different ways (I think it was grilled and steamed, but I forget) and they were both terrible

My friend was from Japan, so a completely different set of taste buds, and we both agreed they were terrible.

>> No.6253787



>> No.6253788

Gotta look for either hole in the wall places, or something kinda out of the way.

Otherwise, it won't taste as good as it should.

You would think, but it tastes good.

>> No.6253789

Well, they're pickled peppers, anon. How do you think they're gonna taste?

>> No.6253791

I don't know Anon.

I don't know.

>> No.6253792

Can we all agree shitcago is the worst state in the union for chow? Maybe penultimate actually, slightly better than green bay.

>> No.6253793

No fuck you.

We're still pretty bad though.

But still, fuck you.

>> No.6253799

>eating hotdogs at all
>being from a city that actually made that shit-tier food a staple for their 'cuisine'

Ketchup is perfect for hot dogs since they both occupy the same culinary tier as Spam and processed lunch meat. Dressing up a hot dog with all the nonsense is the same as dressing up a slab of spam-- only idiots would even try.

>> No.6253804

>chicago style hotdogs our staple cuisine
deep dish pizza is more staple than our hotdogs.

>> No.6253814

Fucking hate those "sport" peppers but everything else in it is good.

>> No.6253816

...And the only difference between ketchup and your shit-tier tomato sauce is added sugar. Props on the cheese/dough, though.

>> No.6253817

What's an sport pepper? Can i put them in my workout shakes?

>> No.6253819
File: 55 KB, 600x450, 011314-clark-cubs-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fucking Christ, that goopy tomato sauce abomination is the best your city has to offer? Is this the face of every Chicagoan who has to pretend to enjoy the local 'cuisine'?

>> No.6253824

Why thank you. The cheese is the best part.

>the cubs

Really the only thing you gotta do is find the right places, don't go to whatever you see first, ask around a little bit, someone will point you in the right direction.

>> No.6253826

>Chicago is a state
Its a hotdog, theres not a lot you can do to. A top tier hot dog is always mediocre at best. I fell for that shit before, by friends who swore ball park dogs were much better than what you can make at home. They aren't. Hot dogs are never good, Chicago just found a way to make them bad.
The only thing that lived up to the hype. Deep dish was amazing. I wish people weren't so faggy and served it outside of the area.

>> No.6253832

I agree on the hotdog thing, there's really not much you can do, I guess it's just a Chicago thing to like our style of hotdog, you're always exposed to it, and you grow up around it, it's an acquired, (more like forced, honestly) taste. You really just gotta grow up with it it seems.

>> No.6253834

Chicago like to think its a state, and probably has more sway in D.C. than most states, so there is that.

>> No.6253836

>Deep dish was amazing

Coming from the tiermaster talking about mediocrity.

>> No.6253847

Man I really hate this board and all of the retards with dumb opinions like this downs syndrome manchild I'm replying to. I can't imagine what it's like to wake up every day and be that fucking stupid.

>> No.6253868
File: 20 KB, 413x395, 10000010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not nearly as retarded as the people from a city that earnestly 'classes up' a processed food item sold in the same isle as lunchables and loafed meats.

What culinary masterpiece will this glorious city dream up next? Chicago-style tuna and poppyseed crackers covered in peppers and onions and shit? Deep-dish cheeseburgers?

>> No.6253875
File: 1.46 MB, 499x281, 1422678571477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who ever said that it classed it up?

It's the way we make our hot dogs, why do you have such a big problem about it?

You sound upset.

>> No.6253879

It's a fucking hotdog, my autistic friend. Get over it. No one is forcing you to eat them. Maybe learn to cook your own food instead of relying on others. Ask your mom if she'll let you use the stove and grab some recipes online to try (ask your parents' permission before going online though)

>> No.6253890
File: 79 KB, 256x256, 74716a1c85bbc0cd7fae78f2e4ee3b1f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Stop insulting our food you autistic baby! You sound m-mad!

I guess Chicago really has nothing better to look forward to in their ballparks than processed beef intestines from the freezer masked with extras that are 5x more expensive than the actual 'meat.'

>> No.6253892

You're all a bunch of fucking idiots. Stop arguing about the worst "meat" product of all time and spend your money on something that's edible

>> No.6253906
File: 75 KB, 316x368, 1421387520083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really do sound mad, why act so uppity about something that doesn't effect you?

Unless Chicago styled hotdogs killed your parents or something, I really see no reason to act like such a fag about it.

>> No.6253913


chi-town here

>he refused to give me a refund

suck it fggt.

>> No.6253922
File: 170 KB, 800x533, Arch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the term 'banter' mean much to you? I'm just having a few laughs at your expense. No need to get passive-aggressive about it-- it's all in good fun. I'll even let you take a free shot at us like the one or ten Officer Wilson was given by Michael Brown.

>> No.6253924

Beef intestines are delicious.

I find the dominant flavors in hot dogs tend to be soy bean and salt. Then there's a bit of vague pork-like flavour in the background. It's an inoffensive sort of substance which blends well with anything, which I suppose is the idea behind a Chicago hot dog.

What's wrong with the extras being more expensive? How is that even a criticism? Some things are more expensive than other things. That doesn't mean they can't be combined.

>> No.6253928


Your streetlamps look stupid.

Ah alright man, you're okay. I like your arch.
It's a neat arch.

>> No.6253937

fucking kek'd

>> No.6253938

I'm just pushing some easy Chicagoan buttons for fun. Relax-- hot dogs are perfectly fine and I'm sure whatever the hell you like to put in them tastes good.

I still just like them with just ketchup or as a chili/cheese dog, though.

>> No.6253941

You know how to push our buttons well.

We're very easy to piss off.

Incredibly easy actually.

>> No.6253944

A lot of Chicagoans come to Mizzou for the journalism school, and I always get a kick out of telling them that ketchup on a boiled hot dog is the best way to eat it.

>> No.6254117
File: 183 KB, 1000x562, OrH92qn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only place to get a Chicago style hot dog around here in CT is a chain called BurgerFI (unless some CTfag wants to chime in with something I don't know).

This is their Chicago dog. Leaves something to be desired don't you think?

>> No.6254382
File: 251 KB, 888x986, fuckyeahchi_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you so obsessed with me?

>> No.6254393

does it have neon relish?

>> No.6254411

Trying to make your shithole hometown seem better by having "muh regional specialty" is a common thing in the flyover states. See Cincinnati, with their super delicous, unique chili.

>kinda of sweet, what so you added cinnamon?

Flyover gonna fly

>> No.6254423

you are supposed to get a brat or polish sausage, not a fucking hot dog, thats redneck shit

>> No.6254430

Wow, I'm surprised that food in Chicago is overcompensated by other shit. Buncha windy city retards.

A good hot has one or two toppings on it. Mustard, sauerkraut, relish, onions. Something like that. People try too hard to put other shit that just doesn't belong on a fucking hot dog.

It's a hot dog. It's basically the unwanted scraps of meat from a cow or pig in a intestine. Quit trying to add all this faggoty shit to it.


>> No.6254433

It's vienna beef, spazlord

>> No.6254434

I like chicago dogs, I can see why some people don't like it, but it's weird so many people get offended by the idea of it.

>> No.6254442

People who like good things don't buy hot dogs, people only buy hot dogs for their children who don't know any better

>> No.6254454

There is so much butthurt by jelly folks who lack a food culture (and if you have one, you should fucking know better than to be a cunt) and baby's first troll here this thread might fucking explode.

In the meantime, what makes chipotle so good and how do I make ramen?

You faggots are the sickness that metastasizes into full blown cancer.

>> No.6254464

>It's a hot dog
It's a hot dog, so you should put lots of delicious toppings on it to improve it.

>> No.6254466

>living in a place where your sports stadiums sell more hot dogs than other sausages

>> No.6254469

Eating a steamed dog slathered in a packet of mustard on a warm sunday afternoon at Wrigley is proof god loves us, double dubs.

>> No.6254480

dude, what stadium uses packets of condiments? Don't they have the several gallon bottles with pumps by you?

It sucks when I go to more southern areas and they only have shitty yellow mustard in their stadiums instead of the brown stuff

I would say the Cub's futility despite giant budgets is even more proof god exists

>> No.6254489

agreed but a perfect chicago dog requires a charred dog, not steamed

>> No.6254495


Does it look like it has neon relish? Doesn't surprise me that they'd fuck that up, really - you absolutely cannot buy that style of relish in any store around here. They'd have to have it shipped in.

And look at that sad pickle. Not even a spear. THAT is inexcusable. If you can't be bothered to put a fucking dill pickle spear on your "Chicago" dog then take it off the goddamned menu.

>> No.6254498

>watching grandpaswing
>in a smelly and hot stadium no less

>> No.6254512


>being a child of the 21st century
>being a spoiled, baby who gets everything they want including their chicken tendies
>never have to or want to go outside
>expects nothing less than air conditioning and never has to do manual labor
>has the attention span of a flea
>cant appreciate something that isn't full contact and "fast moving"
>would rather just sit on his gadgets all day long

Future neckbeard of murica, plz go.

>> No.6254513

OP here

I was really just mad that he didn't fuck me in the ass

>> No.6254515

how not white are you that you don't watch baseball?

There is no better summer activity than going to the ballpark, tailgating, and going to a baseball game

>> No.6254519

yea there is, putting luckswing on TV for a nice nap

>> No.6254524

There's a reason it's called America's PASTtime

>> No.6254528

latinos and asians love baseball even more than honkeys

>> No.6254582

i mean its no NFL, but its far and away more relevant and interesting than anything else

>> No.6254583

>watching the national felon league

>> No.6254588
File: 9 KB, 420x316, dicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

I haven't seen New York #btfo this badly since 2001.

Chicago cuisine CONFIRMED GOAT

>> No.6254590

>hot dogs and greasy shit on bread

don't flatter yourself, flyover land

>> No.6254592

literally everyone does

Who cares if the players are criminals, thats irrelevant they are just there to entertain us

>> No.6254596
File: 205 KB, 290x368, 1423781848984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pure, unbridled rectal ravaging

>> No.6254599

NHL is still played by gentlemen and it's 10X the game foosball is.

>> No.6254605

yeah, but there is no team in my city, so fuck that

>> No.6254648


If you hadn't mentioned ketchup at the end, it may have been more believable.

>> No.6254663

That's a snag bruv. Shit's all over that fuckin collection of horse and big dicks all you yank mongs eat. Head down to bunnings grab a couple a snags for you and ya missus. Fuckin good times.

>> No.6254674

Chicago hotdogs use all beef franks you idiot.

>> No.6254679

why is that a good thing?

Pork/beef blend is obviously superior for sausages, of course hot dogs use the lowest possible quality of meat regardless of what animal it comes from

>> No.6254692

If people used dill relish instead of that sweet bullshit, Chicago dogs would be pretty good.

>> No.6254732


this so much, sweet relish is fucking disgusting

>> No.6254741

Yup. When I make Chicago dogs at home, I use dill relish instead of the neon green sweet relish. And Claussen (or equivalent) pickle spears. Also, some place overdo the tomato. I love tomatoes, but it should be two thinly sliced halves, that equal the length of the dog. That's it, and they should be tucked in the sides of the bun, not thrown on top, like I saw in a pic earlier in this thread. The sport peppers are absolutely necessary, though, they cannot be skipped, ever. As is the celery salt.

>> No.6254959

pick one

>> No.6255016

Hey OP. You fuck.

Why don't you go home and have your mama cook you up a batch of Hamburger Helper with a side of Coke and fries ya fuckin' mook. Don't come to my fuckin' city and tell me my food sucks shit cause you're a piece of garbage ya fuckin' asshole.

I'm 29 Chicago born and raised you shitheel. when Chicago struggled in the depression and the days of prohibition the hot dog was a way for families to feed themselves with protein - but they needed veggies and shit too alright? So you dress that shit up like a fuckin' salad. You got a full meal in that poppy seed bun. You want a refund? I'll refund ya fuckin' face asshole.

And you fags wanna knock the fuckin' pizza? Maybe if I wanted limp dick DiGiorno bullshit I'd go to New York or some pussy city like that. But here we gotta eat heavy cause it gets fuckin' stupid cold in the jetstream.

The only things I hate about my city are niggers, the price of a pack of smokes and the fuckin' traffic around O'Hare. Otherwise. Go fuck yourself and go eat a Bar-S frank with ketchup ya fuckin' piece of shit.

Go Sox.

>> No.6255022

>go sox
fucking white trash

>> No.6255027


You're trash ya cocksucker.

>> No.6255049


>salad on a hot dog


>> No.6255055


Maybe if you're a faggot.

>> No.6255137

Which is scraps of old bull beef in a thin pig or sheep intestine. Or 'casing', as they politely refer to it.

Intestine meat is pretty tasty, though.

>> No.6255150

any hot dog is pathetic if you are older than 13. There is never a situation where a hot dog is the best choice of sausage

>> No.6255430


Fuck this shit. mods. purge this entire thread.

>> No.6255450

chicago style isn't my first choice, but if somebody makes one I'll enjoy them

>> No.6255457

new york here. chicago has nothing going on except disgusting junk food, of course they're going to be the best at hot dogs. I wouldn't ever eat a hot dog here in the city, but in chicago? sure why not. it's not like there's anything better around.

>> No.6255466

>meme hotdog

>> No.6255468

a hot dog should have pickles, fried crispy onions, ketchup and mustard on it

also american hot dog sausages are complete shit

>> No.6255470

Alaska Reindeer Sausage co. Louisiana Hotlinks are god-tier.

Do they sell them anywhere outside of Alaska?

>> No.6255546
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>> No.6255836


>acting like a 4 year old about someone elses food preferences


>> No.6256176


Chicago confirmed for top-tier banter

>> No.6256208

I hate you people that have shit taste buds that can only taste one or two flavors at a time.

I bet you think steak should only ever have a tiny bit of salt and pepper with no sauce.

>> No.6256769

it's like you didn't even read modernist cuisine, yorkbro.

>> No.6256809


>> No.6256813

>loving a shitty team
Yeah I bet you celebrated hard last time they won the world series.

What's it like being over 100 years old?

>> No.6256829

it must be sad to only have enough love for your team that you can only like them when they win

>> No.6256831

it's a shame they have to settle for shit-tier food

>> No.6256838

Had it not been for the ketchup comment, I would've fallen for this.

>> No.6256850

>order Chicago dog
>pull out ground up intestines and anus and feed to stray dog
>enjoy soft poppy bun filled with delicious tomato, peppers, onions, relish and pickle

>> No.6256859

>It tasted bad and he didn't stock ketchup in his stand.

So many replies. Well done. 10/10

>> No.6256862

Yeah, I actually never keep up with sports anymore, but trash talking has always been something that got me riled up in sports for some reason.

Even though I don't really follow the Sox anymore I still retort if someone shit talks the team.
You can never really get rid of that.

>> No.6256863

And you at the forefront of it all

>> No.6256878

These are so good, I went on a fishing charter there last summer, when we got outside of the airport there was a stand selling these. delicious.

Still can't compete with fresh caught halibut or red salmon. These frail old eskimos taught me how to fillet them where the guts and bones were the only thing left. It's not really worth the time with smaller fish that you catch in the states, but eating fish without having to pick out the bones is worth it.

>> No.6256881

go fuck yourself you hipster wisconsin transplant bitch faggot nobody likes the cubs

>> No.6256895

Yeah, actually I do.

That's different. Like it or not a hot dog is a sandwich. I hate people who load a bunch of shit on their sandwich.

You throw off the ratio of flavors.

>> No.6256901

>mfw faggots actually put ketchup on hotdogs
top fucking pleb. mustard and fresh diced onion master race

>> No.6256902
File: 109 KB, 600x839, SabrettFrankfurters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top pleb.

>> No.6256920

I disagree.
Poking yourself in the eyes with a sharp pencil, while soaking your pecker in acid, is much better than going to the ballpark and watching a baseball game.

>> No.6256924

duuuuude that shit's good

I like fresh onions but I'll get that stuff too.

Most of my hot dogs are 711. I'll usually get diced onions, a bit of dill relish or or pickle slices if they dont have dill relish, either (some salsa with extra cholula and yellow mustard and chili if I'm not eating it in the car) or (brown mustard, kraut)
maybe cheese too

at home I'll have polish sausage
costcos are great but they don't stock them near me anymore
I'll put all sorts of shit on them at home. That's half the fun of them is trying different stuff.

>> No.6257032

>Wisconsin hipster
How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.6257036

ITT things that never happened

I'd like a Polish right now though