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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6247053 No.6247053 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the logic of this to me?

>> No.6247054

fish are harder to catch than chickens

>> No.6247056

They have to prepare the fish in a separate fryer, and its got to be kosher or whatever for the religious people.

>> No.6247058

Fish is still mostly caught by net. Chickens are farmed using cheap grains. Also, probably some supply/demand going on.

>> No.6247076

McChicken is a processed piece of "chicken product" so it's mainly bleached chicken assholes. Filetofish is actually a piece of fish.

>> No.6247077

top kek

>> No.6247080

I don't understand it either. Why would someone pay more money for fish when chicken is objectively superior?

>> No.6247087

The Filet-O-Fish is the closest thing to real food that McDonald's has.

>> No.6247101

The fish is actually almost pure fish, unlike the chicken, which contains shitloads of additives. This leads to a shorter shelf life, which means more waste in areas where the Filet-O-Fish is unpopular.

They also need a separate fryer for the fish to avoid cross-contamination with other foods. They can't use the same fryer as the fries and chicken, because you wouldn't want your fries tasting like fish, and because fish allergies are very much a real thing.

Shorter shelf life + Additional operating costs = Higher price

>> No.6247111

Oh yeah it's lent, or it's lent soon, I don't know I'm not fucking catholic, the filet-o-fish proves your devotion to the almighty god

>> No.6247118

The fish is more completely the kind of fish you would get in a supermarket than the chicken patty is to supermarket chicken.

As a result, the fish is more expensive since it isn't the leftovers of otherwise-unusable meat.

>> No.6247140

fish can evolve go gyarados. they have to keep the magikarp in secure tanks in case they decide to evolve and tear the place to shit.

>> No.6247186

>Supersize Me was based on scientific fact
>/ck/ actually believe this

Literal spastics.

>> No.6247188

Can't eat meat on Fridays anymore for Catholics

>> No.6247211

You can never eat meat on Fridays you heathen.

>> No.6247216

Yeah, nah. Fish is the best meat on the planet.

>> No.6247248

I've never tried this, honest to God, is it decent? Fish from fast food weirds me out.

>> No.6247250


>> No.6247281

You're a fucking idiot. The Mc Chicken is disgusting stale piece of shit. And just like their McNuggets, it might not even be chicken. Carl's Jr. has a better chicken sandwhich. And a lot cheaper.

>> No.6247357

>has never tried catching a chicken

>> No.6247375

>not 100% white meat chicken
>still believing this in 2015
You're completely fucking retarded and ignorant

>> No.6248404

The Avon, NY McDonald's has Filet-O-Fish sammies BOGO all the time and has been that way for years.

Surrounded by farm land, the locals were afraid of this new meat until it was super cost effective.

>> No.6248418

McChickens are $2 where I live.

>> No.6248427

>> a lot cheaper
>>than 1 dollar
you're living in some fantasy land right there I'll tell you what.

>> No.6248441 [DELETED] 

Actually I'm a Christian raised Southerner from an upper-middle class married family. I became an Atheist in High School but still believe in the values that Christians live by. Instead of projecting, maybe you could provide a solid argument with my previous post. Your logic is a poor attempt at best. Stay mad bro

>> No.6248455
File: 48 KB, 567x351, du-bon-manger-shrimp-filet-o-japon-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan and Singapore get the shrimp burger

Why can't America?

>> No.6248462

Wendys Spicy Chicken sandwich is god-tier

>> No.6248467

top kek

>> No.6248468

I'm a Christian raised Southerner from an upper-middle class married family and this is what I ate for lunch

>> No.6248475

One is a loss leader placed to attract people and get them to order other stuff, the other is niche and high margin.

>> No.6248489

Since Vatican II, abstaining from meat on Fridays is only required during Lent. Someone who was actually Catholic and not just funposting on a Tibetan watercolor hashtag would know that.

>> No.6248497


too pricey. seafood is easy to accidentally undercook. Seafood isn't too popular in America.

>> No.6248520

It is with asians and black people.

>> No.6248546

Do you know how chickens are raised? They are packed by the 10 thousands in windowless sheds and are ready to butcher in about a month due to explosive growth and since they don't need to survive for but those few weeks there is no use bothering with air quality or health at all. Someone grabs the dead ones out everyday and then when the month and a half is over they literally scoop them up in a tractor bucket to be taken to butcher. And you can put almost any part of the chicken in a patty. All of this is done locally.

Meanwhile the fish they get from a "sustainable fishery" and the pollock requires decent environment to survive in, takes longer to mature and basically all comes from fucking alaska.

>> No.6248554

Actually only if you're American. Seriously. The USCCB decided that fasting and meatless Fridays were only required during Lent. The rest of the world that is Catholic abstains from meat on Fridays, those who practice that is.

>> No.6248597

>bleached chicken assholes

Don't care, would consume again.


Don't care, they're good. Tendies are better but nuggies are delicious.


You throw a boot or rock at its head and knock it out. Chickens are pretty blind and stupid.

>> No.6248605


/biz/bro, what's up?


I have no sympathy for chickens. My brother raises them, and they're such vicious, idiotic cunts. Chickens are assholes. I'm glad we abuse and eat them, because they deserve it. They're also delicious.

>> No.6248606

Kosher approval comes at a hefty price and I never understood why Mcdonalds is willing to put up with this

Not only that but it requires more special handling because of the dumb kosher laws

>> No.6248640

>loss leader
there's nothing they sell for below cost

>> No.6248664

>You throw a boot or rock at its head
You've never been around chickens, have you? This is coming from someome born and raised in Manhattan.

>> No.6248688

When have you ever had anything remotely undercooked at any fast food chain. They always cook everything to death imo.

Better to be safe than sorry so the plebs don't sue you I guess.

>> No.6248741

At Burger King we fried the fish in the same frier as chicken.

It went

This is why I never eat at Burger King. And if I do get dragged there its an Original Chicken Meal with Onion Rings, just so I can bump my nasty Zesty Sauce fueled BKBURPS™ all night

>> No.6248758
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1920, wat_phra_luang_ta_bua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would be vicious too if you were abused your whole life. Or, maybe you were, since you enjoy animal cruelty.

Hate breeds hate, bro.

>> No.6248773

BK would have a cool commercial if they turned that into a jingle...


>> No.6248783

I'd be really surprised if any McDonalds items are loss-leaders, though I guess if it were to happen someplace it WOULD be on the value menu. Are you speaking from speculation or knowledge?

I just assumed it was because mechanically-separated chicken lets them produce the chicken patties cheaply, whereas the fish patties were actual meat slices.

>> No.6248960

>seafood not popular in America
it is in New England and on the west coast
It's pretty much only slumlands and bumblefuck hillbilly states that don't like seafood.

>> No.6248966

me me me mcdonalds filet o fish are made with a very good pacific fish that may have gone up in price.

>> No.6248969 [DELETED] 

I had that for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6248972

viper kill yaself my man

>> No.6248987

I had ur mum for lunch m8

>> No.6248992 [DELETED] 

taste like tendies did she?

>> No.6249062

Literal faggot detected

>> No.6249087

Fish is good when you get the fresh stuff.

But it deteriorates quickly, which is why fish is probably unpopular places where they cant afford to throw the bad fish away or transport isnt as good.

I live by the coast. In occasionally eat fish and enjoy it.

Would never try a filet o fish though, but I quit McD ages ago.

>> No.6249110
File: 408 KB, 883x846, 1424318438324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your outdated pricing.

>> No.6249113
File: 419 KB, 883x846, 1424318438324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit sorry.

>> No.6249123


Don't they just use frozen fish?

>> No.6249138

They do. You can get frozen van de camps filets or Gordons for 10 for like $4.00? ~0.40 per filet.

McDonalds would get the mcheaper like a quarter probably. Tartar sauce costs hardly anything en bulk. The rest they already have.

>muh fryer costs

>> No.6249206

I work for Mcdonalds
>inb4 looser
And their prices are all full of shit. A small box of apple juice is $1.20 + tax when you can get unlimited soda for only $1.08.
Or how the BicMac is around $4 when you can order a Mcdouble for $1.50 take off the mustard and ketchup and add BigMac sauce for free and lettuce and you got the "BigMac" for $1.50 just no middle bun that is just shit.

>> No.6249237

>A small box of apple juice is $1.20 + tax when you can get unlimited soda for only $1.08.
And? Corn is subsidized.

>> No.6249239

i.e the rest of america

>> No.6249306

best/worst item pls

>> No.6249449

>BicMac is around $4 when you can order a Mcdouble for $1.50 take off the mustard and ketchup and add BigMac sauce for free and lettuce and you got the "BigMac" for $1.50 just no middle bun that is just shit.

Jimmy, this is Dave from Corporate; please don't bother showing up for work tomorrow and Stan from Legal is preparing a gag order to prevent any further damage to our band along with an injunction to have your post removed.

>> No.6249659

Where are you guys?
Here is South Carolina I pay
$1.00 for McChicken
$3.19 for fish-fillet
and again, fish fillet is Buy one, get one free on Fridays.

>> No.6249670

Ex BK HQ employee here.

The cost between the two burgers are quite similar. The McChicken can be sold cheaper since it has the large sales volume to back it up. The fish is perceived as pseudo-premium and thus people will pay more for it simply because it is fish. We have to sell it at a higher cost to offset the lower volume to justify having it in the menu.

>> No.6249983

Where do you live? If it's not america, you might have a "mcchicken" that is equivalent to our premium chicken sandwiches and a "junior mcchicken" that is equivalent to our mcchicken.

>> No.6250068

Even frozen foods have a finite life, anon.

Plus you've just brought up another point: it uses valuable freezer space. Freezer space that could've been used for fries and nuggets. That means there's less space for more popular items, or they just need a bigger freezer that they have very little need for.

>> No.6250081
File: 266 KB, 500x375, No dairy, please!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish allergies are very much a real thing.

They're only a "real thing" because our modern day, mollycoddling Society caters to these evolutionary defectives, who in past (and better) days, would have been culled from the gene pool due to their abnormal allergies to perfectly NATURAL FOODS.

> Oy vey, I'm allergic to fish!
> Help me Batman, I'm allergic to nuts!
> But I'm allergic to grain, the mother fucking Staff of Life!

I'm going to make it my life's work to deep fry breaded fish (perch or walleye) in peanut oil and scatter it hither and yon across the countryside, like an avenging genetic Johnny Appleseed, until this very real threat to the very survival of Humanity, is finally ended!

>> No.6250083

>might not even be chicken

Why do you think this? I don't expect you to have proof, but what even made you think that?

It's processed chicken, but it's still chicken.

>> No.6250094

It's not evolution, it's being in too sterile of an environment. Our immune systems often don't get the essential training in our formative years, and this causes our immune system to go haywire.


>> No.6250098
File: 70 KB, 500x393, muskrat Sally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Michigander here, and we're allowed to eat muskrat during Lent by special dispensation by the Pope (seriously).

>> No.6250102

I wish Batman would save me from nuts.

>> No.6250107

Chickens don't have brains with the level of complexity you implying.

>> No.6250108

I agree with you anon. At the very least, people like this should be barred from reproduction, but I'd be happier to see more drastic measures taken.

>> No.6250133

At Carl's we only have 3 fryers
>all other shit that isn't fries or chicken
>chicken (fish during catholic season
Sonic had 4 fryers and during catholic season we would use the 4th for strictly fish. I hate Carl's Jr.

>> No.6250135
File: 37 KB, 429x410, 1369966049609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my dad told me about this
>thought he was joking

>> No.6250139


>> No.6250183
File: 481 KB, 141x141, 1414292569157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts source with complete article, not just abstract, which would still be acceptable
I like you

>> No.6250215

They can still tell when they're being mistreated.

Enjoy a video:

>> No.6250241

>literally living in a flyover state

>> No.6250242

>being this retarded
The east coast has the fucking homeland of Crab.

>> No.6250630

Chicken has just chicken, its illegal to use hormones in chickens in the usa. unless you mean the salt and pepper added to it

>> No.6250637

You've obviously have never been to a chicken farm. Using hormones on chickens in the usa is illegal. And
>you can put any part of the chicken in a patty

False, you use the meat that everyone eats. McChicken consists of dark and white meat, if you think otherwise you may be retarded and/or autistic.

>> No.6250645

can see chickens
can throw shit at chickens
can run faster than chickens

yeah,try any of those with fish and let us know how it works out faggot.

>> No.6250654

Tells you how much you should trust the chicken meat in that mcchicken, one fourth of the cheapest fish on the market

>> No.6250655

too bad people who are allergic to peanuts, are not allergic to peanut oil.
Try harder faggot.

>> No.6250658

Why the fuck to people think that fryer oil can transmit allergens? The oil is too damn hot for them to remain viable in it. In the food, sure. If you fed someone a piece of shrimp that was cooked to 145 it would fuck them up if they were allergic. But the oil doesn't magically become 'tainted' by anything other than the altered flavor. I have worked at restaurants for years and known tons of people with allergies and they never, NEVER have issues with fried foods like that. Ever.

It's bullshit. The only reason to use separate friers is for taste, not allergies.

>> No.6250668

The chicken would taste fine if they would just put the slice of cheese and the tartar sauce on my plain mcchicken like I ask

>> No.6250671

>arguing with appeals to emotion rather than facts

>> No.6250676

It's a fact that emotions exist and matter
what now, christians?

>> No.6250680

Did you even watch the video? She explains how her chickens get moods and it even shows physically by their skin getting flush. Skip to 4 minutes in if you can't wait for the whole thing.

>> No.6250683

The McChicken isn't endorsed in the song "Niggas in Paris" by Jay Z and Kanye West.

>> No.6250687

Making your opponent feel like your argument is right doesn't actually mean the argument is more valid than before. There are scientific facts about the brain capabilities and emotional abilities of chickens, showing me a video of nice young woman cuddling with chickens doesn't change these facts. You are pretty much insulting the intelligence of your discussion partner.

>> No.6250696

That is not me. >>6250680 is me. There was a point to the video, not everyone here is a troll. That woman happens to have very smart and well-behaved chickens. She even calls two by name at one point.

>> No.6250709

>what now, christians?

>> No.6250732

Interesting, never knew that.

>> No.6250814

>just moved to SC
>didnt know this

awww yeah tomorrows friday

>> No.6250821


>not knowing that fish is farmed too

>> No.6250822

>put two wires in the water
>500 dead fish

yeah, hard as hell

>> No.6250835

Excuse me for prying, but why do you subjugate yourself to ludicrous religious dietary restrictions? Do catholics seriously think that the creator of the universe cares what you eat on friday during any time of the year?

Probably not.

>> No.6250846


>> No.6250864
File: 605 KB, 600x600, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electrocute an entire river

>> No.6251151


>fish swim
>so do muskrats
>therefore muskrats are fish.


>> No.6251181

>fried fish burger

Why would even want to eat that instead of some cold salmon sandwich?

>> No.6251183

Not wading through a debate on Catholicism to see if this was already mentioned, but:

Most people have a positive reaction to cheap meat and a negative one to cheap fish.

10 chicken sandwiches for $5 = a great deal!
10 fish sandwiches for $5 = What's wrong with them?

>> No.6251194

>some cold salmon sandwich
Scandinavia, pls go

>> No.6251207


don't they have the double filet o fish during lent?

>> No.6252536



All right Micky - this ain't the old days no longer.

>> No.6252567
File: 307 KB, 1496x1400, Chicken_Salsa_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely, it seems that the chicken salsa cheese is restrticted to nordic countries.

>> No.6252822

Oh fuck you got him!

>> No.6253097

expect the price to go down soon because of lent

>> No.6253256

>dollars per oz of food

>> No.6253266

>dont know what a loss leader is
you dont have to lose money on a loss leader, it can be given away at cost, or at a smaller margin that other items for the purpose of getting people in the door.

next time you criticize someone, know what you are talking about.

>> No.6253275

dont forget eggs

>> No.6253326

Water diffuses electricity tardburger. The fish would be lightly massaged but otherwise fine

>> No.6253346

This. This is why right now everybody is pushing fish product more than usual. Big time for fish. Prices usually up more than usual as well.

>> No.6253446

Says the fucking idiot who believes a video to cover up the pink slime used to make chicken mc nuggets.

The Mc Chicken is $1.29 now.

Last time i checked, chicken didn;t have pink slime.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Fuck off.

>> No.6253505

Why don't you jump in a pool with a toaster and tell me how diffused it is then?

>> No.6253556

It's so that stupid religious people can get scammed.

>> No.6253574

>And just like their McNuggets, it might not even be chicken.
Oh fuck off

>> No.6253576

Well you're just a mad moron, aren't ya

>> No.6255122
File: 975 KB, 250x227, GOeC5MN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fish are invisible and intangible

>> No.6255234
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>> No.6255826

Someone got really sick here because an idiot employee decided to cook bacon in the deep fryer and somehow managed to undercook it.

BK is the nastiest shit anyways.

>> No.6256000
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 1271236111873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying filet-o-fish isn't bleached fish assholes

>> No.6256043

sex is disgusting

also nice get

>> No.6256052


According to the propaganda video featuring the bug-eyed Asian, their chickens are prepped in a clean environment.

>> No.6256135


>> No.6256215

Don't be silly, assholes are a tiny portion of the volume of chicken so something that is 100% asshole would be expensive. They're almost certainly mostly cancerous breast and a bit of trimmings blasted off the bones.

>> No.6256254
File: 23 KB, 235x272, life_stealer_vert[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the difference
>bite into a mcchicken
>cartilage city

>> No.6256327

not a bit. I like mcydee filet o fish,alaskan polock and good. I make it at home. for a buck each. It's like diamonds or gold.Pollack is a farily ugly fish, but tasty. My Mom loved those. And friends. I see no reason, except chicken is under priced. Chicken "tendies"or"nuggers" give me a break. I like KFC, dark, legs and thighs..It is what it is. you will not change that,or unlikely. the "fillet o fish" is a favorite, but daymn,expensive. I make it at home sometimes. Gortons, burger buns, chesse,mayo and sweet pickle. No way its worth 4 bucks.Pollock or cod. I hate to say this, but FO mickey dee. you should know better.BK has a better fish sandwich, (cod) and ain't even trying. or long john silvers.Even Wendy's. A friend was an addict offed himself, loved mcdee fish.my mom. sorry..pretty good, not worth 4-5 bucks.

>> No.6256522
File: 122 KB, 500x534, mcdonalds_saimin25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this thread at all.

I haven't eaten fast food in years, and don't usually look at fast food threads, but simply browsing /ck/ over the years it's pretty apparent that the fish sandwich is hugely popular at McDonald's.

Sure, the cost of fish and the lent thing are factors, but it seems like it's just been a really popular item for decades.

I honestly don't understand going to a nationwide chain and ordering anything other than dollar items.

>not spending less than $3 for their saimin

>> No.6257494

>image looks like dried french fries in a soup

...nah. Even McDonalds isnt that nuts yet. What are those red bits floating in the broth?

>> No.6257912

Why are Vegans so fucking retarded?

>> No.6257949

Fast food prices are fucking retarded.

>KFC in hungary
>5 hot wings cost $3.50
>a menu of 5 hot wings, a drink and fries costs $7
>the fries are shitty and you can buy a 0,5l coke for $1.50 in any convenience store

>> No.6259663

>add BigMac sauce for free
Sadly, no, my local McD's charges fifty cents to add BigMac sauce.

And they only give me one sauce container for an order of 20 nuggets, and charge me fifty cents for more.

>> No.6260647

They sell more chicken than fish.

>> No.6262560

If we apply Economics principles to this it all boils down to production possibilities and comparative advantage

The McDonald's factory(s) that produce chicken patties can produce them at lower opportunity cost than than fish patties because their productions are geared more towards chicken patty production. That makes sense given that fact that chicken is a more popular menu item than fish. However because production favors on particular good over the other than the other good must be more expensive.

>> No.6262598
File: 190 KB, 1600x1114, 1424738793066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat this instead OP it's cheaper

>> No.6262612

Because amurrka is truly the shittiest place to live on earth ;).