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File: 210 KB, 1600x1211, BURGER KING BK SIGN, Burger King Fast Food Hamburger Restaurant BK Whopper Burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6246577 No.6246577 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone that worked at Burger King HQ anything

>> No.6246583

How many "slip and falls" a week do you guys have to take care of? How many of them are from black people?

>> No.6246588

Does BK in the US have that hashbrown burger heart attack? We have it here in Aus and it's good as fuck but god do I hate myself afterwards

if not, does that mean we have stepped it up in fatness?

>> No.6246590

Are you an American? How did it feel to be a burger working at Burger King? Did that make you King Burger? I thought yanks hated monarchies?

How do they make the tartar sauce (?) inside Mcdonald's fish fillet burgers?

>> No.6246609

What the hell, man? Satisfries were actually great, how could you fuck that up?

>> No.6246617

Surprisingly none. We did deal with the following cases though
>somebody claimed that their burger had toilet paper in it and took a picture, threatened to take it to the media if they weren't paid off. Investigation cleared us of any wrongdoing.
>someone claimed to seeing rats and rat droppings around a store. This was true and when we confirmed, we immediately shut down the restaurant for extermination and full blown cleaning

Not that I know of. A lot of regions have their own unique foods. When we create a new product, the number one priority is actually trying to create one with existing products.

Not an American, but we do have access to their systems.

Fuck if I know how they make their tartar sauce, and hell, I don't even know how we make ours. We just get them bottled from a distributor.

>> No.6246636

Fuck up how? On why we pulled the product? Be more specific and I can most likely answer this.

>> No.6246639 [DELETED] 


>> No.6246647

Why do you guys hire the most scrappy looking people possible.
Every BK I've ever been to has someone working the drive thru that looks like they were some druggie you pulled right off the street to serve me burgers.
Kinda gross if you ask me.

>> No.6246651

BK is a franchise, up to the store owners.

I also go through the complaints that are submitted and at least on my end, I follow up on them as far as I can.

I know the majority of the complaints tend to be ignored, as the regional managers have bigger things to deal with.

>> No.6246669


Why is Burger King always full of mexicans? Every time I go in it's fucking beaner central, why do they like it so much? I never see that many spics eating at other fast food places.

>> No.6246677

If you ship 5 trucks carrying 100 frozen patties and 2 trucks break down, how many frozen patties will be delivered?

>> No.6246678

Not in America, but can only assume it's due to the price.

We even tried to set up our campaigns around when welfare checks are released.

>> No.6246682

Personally, how do you explain the Big King being a shameless Big Mac rip off?

>> No.6246688

We don't even try to hide that it's a Big Mac ripoff. We marketed it as a Big Mac for a better value.

In my opinion, it's a decent burger for the price, but the Big Mac is superior. We do have a Chicken Big King which is really good if you opt to add lettuce and tomatoes.

>> No.6246689

Not enough information given.

3 trucks worth of patties

>> No.6246694

Fuck if I know. We have a 3rd party that handles distribution.

Worst case scenario, we take stock from one restaurant and deliver it to the other.

>> No.6246695


yeah why were they a failure? Why didnt marketing do more to move the satisfries brand foward?

To me they tasted like BK fries from when i was a kid, the seasoned/battered fries were shit. What went wrong?

>> No.6246712 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6246714

What's the number 1 item on the menu you love the most?

>> No.6246717

Everything. I personally love the satisfries as a consumer but it was a logistics nightmare.

The cost was nearly double of regular fries, which meant we had to sell double of what we normally do to break even. We sold much lower than expected.

The fact that it was a charged upgrade meant that no one would even want to try it. Even though it is a slight upcharge, no one wants to try that shit, especially if it's the poverty crowd.

Marketing was trash tier. Our marketing was giving out free samples for an hour on a Friday. We had no idea who to target this to. The middle aged women looking for a healthier alternative? The ones who are willing to spend more for premium? Who the fuck knows. I know in my region, we spent at least 50k and I am baffled as to where the money went.

I suggested that we enforced selling Satisfries for the first few months to get a reaction but this idea was shot down fast.

The store owners absolutely hated this product, but we forced them to buy it. The issue is that due to it being a premium product, they had to be made on request. Guess what, this adds 2+ minutes to the wait time. During lunch, this fucks everything up.

I can go on and on on this garbage product. We really dropped the ball on this.

>> No.6246728 [DELETED] 


>> No.6246732

Whyd they cost so much more?

They werent an upgrade locally just replaced all fries. im strictly a value only buyer and It was the first time i ever went specifically to BK for fries and i did it more than once.

Not anymore tho.

>> No.6246734

Easily the Tendercrisp. All chicken products are made on a separate table from the beef/veggie burgers. Honorable mentions include the Croissanwich and our smoothies.

BK surprisingly has a good breakfast menu and our smoothies are made fresh.

PS: Yes, the veggie burgers are prepped in the same area as the beef burgers.

Depends. A lot of items have a very long shelf life. Anything past due are immediately discarded.

>> No.6246745

Because McCain apparently spent 5-10 years formulating this recipe. No joke.

As well, if I recall, all Satisfries were served in a cardboard box over a paper bag, to give it the sense of premium. This alone raised the cost another 10 cents.

It might not seem like a lot, but when corporate fuckwads demand 80% gross margins, it was nearly impossible.

We were testing some stores, where we replaced all their fries with Satisfries and had a really positive response. No idea why we didn't push forward with this.

>> No.6246753 [DELETED] 


>> No.6246792

Why in god's name did BK get rid of the chicken tenders. Literally one of the only reasons I went there.

>> No.6246843


so as someone that works at HQ, what was the shitstorm like when it was clear these things were a flop?

I'm picturing sweat corporate niggas running around in ties and having shitloads of meets and throwing each other under the bus.

what's it like when a business that size has a massive fuck up? can you smell the fear in the air?

>> No.6246882

Most likely due to cost. Since we don't buy them in as large of a bulk like McDonalds, the costs were really high. We had to charge $8-9 to make our gross margins.

It wasn't too bad. Our bosses kept reassuring everyone that our next product will make up for it. Corporate bullshit but everyone bought it.

Many people were fired after our next product underperformed.

>> No.6247022

Idk if you're still here, but why did you say "worked" did you get fired? Quit? If so, why?

>> No.6247055

So how are you guys planning on competing with the burger joints that are considered higher quality? Or is the stuff mostly aimed at the poverty areas?

>> No.6247070

Why no more chicken fries though :C other than the tendercrisp this is the only good chicken item on the menu in my opinion

>> No.6247095

>our next product underperformed
Wasn't the next product chicken fries which actually helped send BK over McDicks into tops of fast food restaurants for the last quarter of the year?

>> No.6247134

The McGangbang is a thing of the past with the advent of your rodeo sandwiches. I like to get the rodeo chicken and the double burger and remove both bottom buns before I slap them together. You know nothing of self hatred before you finish one of those monstrosities.

>> No.6247142

I hated it. Worst fast food burger I've ever had. I do love your whoppers though.

>> No.6247268

do they know how terrible their food is?

>> No.6247275

Burger King is my favorite chain and this hurt my feelings.

>> No.6247282

Do you have a BK lounge at HQ?

>> No.6247338

How come my burger is never flame broiled?

>> No.6247369

> add lettuce and tomatoes

But it comes with lettuce?

>> No.6247376

Why is every Burger King I visit filthy?

>> No.6247377

I don't think chicken fries counts since it's a reintroduction instead of a new product. He's probably talking about that lame-ass four cheese whopper.

>> No.6247379

Why does your meat taste like smoky shit?
I used to love BK but fuck it went to shit.
Wendy's beef is the GOAT. Take a lesson.

>> No.6247385

Why do you suck so much penis?

>> No.6247868


>> No.6248066

>Fuck if I know how they make their tartar sauce, and hell, I don't even know how we make ours. We just get them bottled from a distributor.
That's the only thing I like about their food, that and the curry sauce.

Guess I'm tracking down outsourced manufacturers.

The trucks breaking down won't stop the ultimate delivery of the patties. All the patties will be delivered, one way or another.

The truck breaking down doesn't mean the cold storage will fail and the contents wouldn't be transferred to another truck.

So, all of them will be delivered, with some delay.

>> No.6248068

>PS: Yes, the veggie burgers are prepped in the same area as the beef burgers.
It's like you want your company to be sued or something. You shouldn't really be putting that out there.

>> No.6248079

dat charbroiled smell when I drive by. It's just a chemical you guys pump out to lure in hungry people, right?

>> No.6248095

Because you live in Niggersville?

>> No.6248107

Hey OP what brand/kind of mayo do you use in the whoppers? Would love to get it myself

>> No.6248109

God, that thing sucked so bad.

>> No.6248114

What's the biggest fuck up you ever made at work?

>> No.6248121

I'm curious of this as well. What's the fucking deal with that smoke?

>> No.6248124

If anyone has idea about this please!

>> No.6248129

Don't know about BK, but if you ever want a really kick ass mayo, Chic-fil-a has the best, imo. Next time you go, grab a fucking handful. You won't regret. As for buying at the grocery store, try Dukes Old Fashioned Mayonnaise

>> No.6248274

Do you have freecoupons for burgers and fries?

>> No.6248336

Why did you release a fag whopper?

Hamburgers don't have a sexual orientation.

>> No.6248899
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chicken big king was a disgrace. It was 2 dollar chicken sandwiches minus one bun, plus some pickles. 2/10

Satisfries were tasty as all get out, it's a pity that they were discontinued, but it makes sense. Fuck paying more, i only bought them when I had a coupon.

>tendercrisp, crossanwich, smoothies
Those are my favorites too.

You're probably not still here OP, but if you are
>how was working there and were you fired or did you quit? How would one get a job there?
>In your opinion, which fast food place has the best corporate management? The best food?
>who the fuck's bright idea was chicken friend and apple fries?
>you guys have the worst chicken nuggets of any fast food place. Why?
>who do I complain to to bring back the italian classic chicken sandwich?
>thank you for getting rid of the gross premium sandwich bread and not being as uppity as Wendy's

>> No.6249499

Quit. The pay was trash tier.

We flip flop on platforms so often it's hard to say. We actually had a platform where we were going full value, launching numerous products all for under $2. Obviously, with no products to upsell to, this killed our profit.

We were planning to launch premium burgers like angus/speciality wraps/ethnic cuisines but it was cost prohibited. Our premium now is just a Whopper + something extra, which actually sells well.

Here's a big thing. Any promotional item sells the most within the first 6 weeks, then sales would dip drastically. It is usually in our best interest to cease selling it until enough time has past to launch again as a promo item.

Not that I know of. In my region, we launched a value menu right after.

I actually presented that idea to the execs as a single product. Shot down.

Directors and Managers? No. It's due to the fact that we only try it once at a test facility, where all the ingredients are fresh. The recipes are good but when store owners cut costs by using non-fresh ingredients or not following procedures to save time, that's when quality dips.

No. Ironically, the closest thing to us is a McDonalds.

Does it? I can't recall. It's been a while.

>> No.6249511

Probably due to the niggers cutting corners. We try our best to do store inspections but it's so infrequent.

We just plop the burgers on a grill tray and toss it in the grill. If it's smoky, it's due to the employees not taking them out in time. It's not like they just pop out the grill automatically.

Because BK doesn't pay me enough.

Read above.

They are handled with different tongs and we do prep them so that they don't come in contact with beef. At least, that's what we try to enforce. I just find it weird that chicken+fish get their own table but not the veggie burgers.

No chemicals.

I think it's just Hellmanns tbh. We do change up distributor from time to time though.

Stating that we had more money in reserves when we didn't. Only realized we didn't when I found missing invoices that no one filed months ago. We're talking about 6 figures deficit here.

No, but we do accept competitors' coupons and try to match them. We also accept expired coupons. However, coupons is a big issue, with many stores refusing to accept them, despite us warning them numerous times. Store owners trying to be jews.

>> No.6249513

Do you believe burger king can be part of a balanced diet, if eaten at regularly, or semi-regularly?
Why, or why not?

>> No.6249518

>you will never shove your meat in mao's mouth

>> No.6249524

I don't even know myself to be honest. To be hip?

It's a cheap burger to make, and it sold really well. One thing I learned is that consumers are lazy or stupid. They thing it's innovative when it's the same shit they've been buying for years.

I got the job through a job board. Apparently I got the job because the other applicants were FOBs and I spoke better English. True story.

Can't say which place is better, having only worked at BK. BK was trash tier though. Best food though imo is McDonalds.

I didn't even knew we had apple fries.

Our nuggets are the worst? I don't mind them to be honest. I will say that it is all chicken though, no pink slime shit or anything like that.

Complaining won't bring back products from what I see. We bring things back based on prior sales. If you didn't buy it then, you won't see it again.

I think the premium bread is still around. It's shit though.

>> No.6249532

I think so. The secret with BK is that all extra toppings are free. Ask for Heavy anything. Load up any burger with Heavy lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, and you just got a free salad on the side essentially.

i.e. we launched a option for burgers for an upcharge where you would get a few specialty ingredients such as jalapenos. However, if you order them separately, it is free.

>> No.6249536

Nobody actually has the pink slime, that's an urban legend.
I'd still eat it if it was, though.

Which side of the class divide are you guys gonna wind up focusing on? More ~$2 dollar shit or more fancy "premium ingredient" shit?

>> No.6249540

That's great to know, thank you.
Do you know how lean the meat is?

>> No.6249546
File: 64 KB, 534x401, 1404240755000-XXX-Burger-King-Proud-Whopper-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the fag burger any good?

Does it smell like ass and taste like semen?

>> No.6249551

Why can't you make half decent fries? My local taqueria makes better fries than BK ever has.

>> No.6249585

Not employed any longer, but last I heard, we were steering towards premium. We use our poverty level items and advertise the fuck out of it. Once we get all you goys in, we plaster everything with premium shit, in the chance that you will upgrade.

Sounds like a Whopper to me.

Sorry to hear that. Doubt we will ever change that up again, after the Satisfries fiasco.

>> No.6249626

Gonna toss some random tidbits out there that no one asked. I'm sure it is useful.

If you want fresh fries, ask for no salt. Common sense.

We actually prepare a few meat/veggie burgers ahead of time and keep them in a warmer. They are stored there for about an hour if I recall. If someone orders them when they are almost disposed, we would just microwave it up for a few seconds to heat it up. This is actually in the instructions guide.

On that note, all premium products ($5+), chicken, or fish are made to order.

Use coupons if you can. Coupons have ridiculous deals, like $2 Big King.

Be nice to the storefront. I've seen some pretty bad abuse for shit that is out of the casher's control, such as register malfunction or when we run out of ingredients.

Sub out fries for a salad one day. You'd be surprised how good it is compared to our competitors. No one realizes we have a side salad, let along a really good one.

All veggies are cleaned with veggiewash. Not bleach or water only.

All employees wear gloves and wash hands whenever they get back from break. We're surprisingly hygienic in the back.

A Whopper costs $1.02 to make, which includes the cost of the wrapper. Some people think we're selling things at a loss during Whopper Wednesdays. We're not that retarded.

>> No.6249637
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>premium stuff
pic. Give me $1.50 sandwiches or give me death.

But enough shilling. Every franchise decides if they want to actually follow the rules and you mentioned not doing inspections enough. What don't we want to know?

>> No.6249663

In my region, we gave you a shitload of $1.50 sandwiches. Amazing sales but the profit margins were so low.

I don't think the stores are hiding anything tbh. We just can't afford to do routine inspections. I know we were ungoing a major overhaul of this issue, but I departed before I saw the results.

Some rules they must follow to the dot, whereas others they are allowed leeway. They are allowed to change the recipes on any product except for anything that is advertised on media. We enforce a minimum price on products but we do not enforce a max. That's just a few.

>> No.6249696

Me ME, i want to know what was of crazy schizophrenic jerk that brought me to the restaurant in barcelona before there was burger king there and was tortured and executed!? tell me the answer!

>> No.6249734

How can a NEET get a job at BK? They always want experience, as crazy as it sounds.

>> No.6251034

What fucking mayo do you guys use please

>> No.6251044

Not this guy but I guarantee they just use Kraft

To OP, do you still have toys with kids meals? I feel like McDonalds is the only place who still advertises their toy promotions on television, and has popular/big franchises promoting with them like MLP, Transformers, yada yada you get the picture, I can't remember the last time I saw a BK kids meal commercial

>> No.6251112

Hey goy, I mean guy. Why is BK so much better than Micky Ds in the third world? It's like they're actually trying.

>> No.6251208

sorry if this was answered, what was the deal with changing the god tier crown shaped nuggets a few years back? now they taste like shit

>> No.6251216

my BK is fucking shit. whats something i can order at any BK and it will still taste good

>> No.6251224


Go into the store and ask for an application. Fill it out there and hand it in to the manager (if you can). Hopefully, you can talk to one and tell him about yourself.

I have such a spotty record right now that it's getting harder and harder for me to find work. Ive found that I need to sell myself now more so than my resume.

>> No.6251231

Why were chicken nuggets so cheap for awhile? 1.50 for 10 nuggets is sketchy as fuck.

>> No.6251752

which bathroom did humpty use?

>> No.6251769

I've noticed that the quality of Burger Kings can vary greatly. I didn't eat at Burger King for years, because the few around where I used to live were such crap, but now it's one of my go-to's for fast food, because the Burger King where I live now is outstanding, the food is always fresh and hot, and they do a damn good job of making the food the way it's supposed to be. That's fairly impressive for a fast food place. I particularly like the Big Fish (both regular and Spicy). That's usually what I get, along with some fries. If I really want a burger, I usually get the Big King.

>> No.6251799

Does Burger King have a company wide policy on long haired men, or is it a regional thing? I work at a Burger King, and I was hired with long hair. After being there for three months, the district manager came in and told me I had to cut my hair because Burger King doesn't allow long hairs unless it's for religious reasons. I told my store manager I was quitting after that, and she said she'd talk to the district manager about letting me keep it because she didn't want to lose me. He ended up letting me keep it.
At the store I work at, the people working the drive thru always tell the customers that it's "our version of a big mac" when people ask what it is.
The Tendercrisp is delicious. Too bad it makes me have to shit within half an hour every time after eating one. I'll eat one at the beginning of my half hour break and have to take a shit by the end of it.
>We just plop the burgers on a grill tray and toss it in the grill. If it's smoky, it's due to the employees not taking them out in time. It's not like they just pop out the grill automatically.
Actually, the burgers are cooked in a broiler, not on a grill. And they do just pop out of the grill automatically. There is a button on the broiler that we push, and it ejects the burgers into a tray when the timer is done. How could you work in corporate and not know that?

>> No.6251802

>If you want fresh fries, ask for no salt. Common sense.
We fucking hate when you guys do that and ask for extra salt packets at the window. Don't bother doing this, just be honest and ask for fresh fries. Nobody minds making them as long as you understand there is going to be a wait.

>> No.6251826

*And they do just pop out of the broiler automatically

>> No.6253065

Not really about the food, but what is the "corporate culture" like at BK? Are the managers all shitters or are people generally nice and relatively intelligent?

>> No.6254136

Bumping for certainty

>> No.6254156

>long hair

Just claim it's not long, make them come up with an objective definition for long. Then when they fire you anyway, sue them for having women with longer hair.

>> No.6254208

That's Fatspeak IE American English for 'grill.'


>> No.6254347

Bump! Happy Sunday's everyone

>> No.6254612

Maybe, but Burger King's signature is "home of the flame-broiled whopper." Is the slogan different in other countries or something?

>> No.6254665

In my country, the slogan translates as "Where flavour is king," using the English word "king" rather than our word. I don't think it has a signature because it's not very popular. I mean, it's considered better than McDonald's by people who have eaten at both (I've only been to BK abroad, so I can't say), but there aren't that many in my country to begin with. Besides that, about a quarter of the ones we do have are split between just two cities, both of which have relatively larger foreign populations than the rest of the country tends to.

Anyway, yeah: "broiler" and "grill" are the same thing. What Americans call a "grill" is either a "barbecue grill" or just a "barbecue" to other English-speakers.

>> No.6254737

We do, but we do zero advertisement for the kid menus. Kids menu drive nearly zero profits, and to be honest, we lose money from all the cost of the toys and shit.

Kids menu is just an indirect traffic driver for the parents to come.

We just call it a grill. I guess you can call it a broiler.

We have no policy on long hair. At the stores I inspected, as long as you wear a hair net, you're fine.

The store/regional managers that we do conferences with are intelligent. They obviously know what consumers want, since they are on the front lines. It's tough to create a general consensus on what to create next when there are hundreds of managers though.

In the corporation itself, it feels like any other corporation that is going through bad times. A lot of straight up niggers that will take credit for anything good and scapegoat others whenever shit hits the fan. The good people that try to make a difference usually realize that they cannot do a damn thing with our limited resources and either lose hope or quit.

Overall, I'd say corporate is more persuasive than intelligent. They talk a lot of talk, but they certainly can't deliver. They try too hard to compete directly with McDonalds when they should be focusing on reducing costs and taking what we can get.

That's not our slogan here. Every region is different.

>> No.6254749


$4-something for a godamn Whopper where I live at.

What is even the point?

>> No.6254756

From our sales, you're not the only one to think that.

We price our Whopper to be roughly 20 cents less than a Big Mac.

Use a coupon or come during the King Deals if it still exists in your region.

>> No.6254765

Ausfag here. Does Hungry Jacks retain the same processes/recipes as BK or am I eating a different version of the Whopper?

>> No.6254770

They better fix that soon. Even In-n-Out are as big a kike as you guys, and their burgers have far better quality.

>> No.6254777


Even In-n-Out aren't**

>> No.6254799

I can't confirm, but I assume they have the same processes. Recipe, they might make slight variations on the toppings but the meat should be the same.

We do quarterly competitive analysis and everyone is losing shares to the up and comers such as Five Guys and even Dairy Queen of all people. So what do we do about it? We ceased quarterly analysis and only do yearly.

I swear the company is really retarded at times.

>> No.6254804

>The cost was nearly double of regular fries, which meant we had to sell double of what we normally do to break even.
yeah that's not how profit margins work
did you get your business degree at devry?

>> No.6254811
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Hello former Burger King HQ worker. As a former Burger King HQ worker, who would you rather have sex with: your mom or your dad?

>> No.6254818

>and their burgers have far better quality.

So why don't they taste better?

>> No.6254828

I'm too lazy to dig into my old worksheets to find the proper numbers. But there was a lot of shit to consider, including cannibalization and the impact on sales if we stopped advertising it, that all led to the discontinuation of the product.

>> No.6254867
File: 623 KB, 2048x1152, 2015-01-31 08.16.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what do we do about it?

Quality. Not quantity. Quality. People like Five Guys because of the authentic home made taste and texture. They advertise their burgers as greasy, sloppy. So people will know what to expect when they get there.

Burger King advertises their burgers as clean, kempt. But pic related is what we get: a tiny as fuck, stale, lopsided portion for nearly $5 bucks. Come on now. Why wouldn't people avoid Burger King for a better burger joint in this point in time?

Not to mention the more upbeat service at these places. Service is 78% of a food joint. When you're hiring nothing but deadbeats that serve you shit food, you shouldn't be surprised why customers suddenly abandon you.

>> No.6254884

you said ask anything. answer him>>6254811

>> No.6254897

Who the fuck was responsible for reformulating the Angus Steak Burger the first time around. You had a good thing going and you fucked it up. Then you went full retard and switched to that shitty XL crap. At least you had the sense to abort that downs syndrome of a burger.

Also would like the information of the person who decided to reformulate your fries. The ones you had before the current ones were so much better, have no idea why the fuck you'd mess with something that works.

>> No.6254908

Corporate doesn't realize that service is a big deal. They just keep pushing out food and wondering why no one buys, when many of our stores look like big shitholes.

I realize we lack consistency across restaurants, but corporate believes if it's in the manual, they should be following it and that there's nothing we can do to fix, beyond doing better inspections.

Whoever thought it was ok for franchisees to change the recipe should be shot. And now that all stores are accustomed to it, they don't want to go back to a general standard.

I don't know much about the angus burger, sorry.

For fries, I think we changed vendors. That would explain it.

>> No.6254921

Just an FYI, although we have an entire team that are involved with all the processes, it is ultimately on the director of whatever department that makes the final say.

Many times the team would spend months on an idea, only for the director to do the complete opposite due to their gut feeling. Of course, that lead to major fuckups on a budget we do not have.

>> No.6254961

RIP pre-2013(?) BK Fries, you were amazing and I was hooked on them ever since you introduced them and had them advertised by Mr. Potato Head.

Anywho, what oil do you use now to fry stuff in. I used to love your hash browns but ever since you changed frying oil about a year or two ago, they taste nasty and oily as fuck.

>> No.6254970

>I don't know much about the angus burger, sorry.
Angus Bacon & Cheese was the motherfucking SHIT back then. Would just get it plain, just the cheese and bacon. So good.

>> No.6255345

In-n-out prices vary by restaurant, they only serve burgers and fries. Fuck that.

>> No.6255619

The BK in that shopping center is probably closer than the McDonalds. I drive by this every day on 57