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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 874 KB, 2029x1963, IMG_20150218_121801_821-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6245816 No.6245816 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we judge each other based on our breakfast

>> No.6245825

What are those things you poured in your milk? Pieces of bread?
They look delicious
I like you

>> No.6245830

>started cooking a few months ago
>gets excited about variety that didn't exist when living with parents
>can't cook an egg to save his life
>didn't toast the bread so is probably a future mass murderer and/or proponent of gay rights
>a liberal, a self-described male feminist, has white guilt, etc.

>> No.6245831

What shit European country do you live in that doesn't have mini wheats?

>> No.6245832
File: 61 KB, 424x425, FrostedMiniWheats_Cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frosted wheat cereal. It soaks in milk like little frosted champions.

>> No.6245834

I-Italy ;_;
Breakfast is not our specialty

>> No.6245840

get the fuck out of here spaghetti faggot before I go Mussolini on your pizza eaten ass

>> No.6245841

The yolk was runny, the white was cooked. How is that not a perfect fried egg?

>talking shit about my egg skills
>yes I'm mad

>> No.6245843

the mismatched nature of that breakfast suggests you lack any real focus in life

>> No.6245852

Spot on.

>> No.6245854

What's with that stupid glass? An old jar? You seem like some kind of hipster

>> No.6245857

It measures the amount of liquid in the jar for optimal service. Also it's blue and transparent so I find it pretty.

>> No.6245861


Jesus that's like 1000 calories. How fat are you?

>> No.6245864

>spaghetti faggot
i don't know why but i laughed really hard.

i'm going to start calling people spaghetti faggots.

>> No.6245868

>Eating cereal and oats? out of cups
>drinking out of a mason jar that has probably never actually been used as a jar
I don't like you but the food looks tasty.

>> No.6245875

6'3 175lbs
Also it's roughly 750 calories. I like to have a light lunch and a heavy breakfast/dinner with occasional snacking and a healthy amount of exercise. My daily caloric intake is usually anywhere between 1700 & 2200cal

>> No.6245878

Thomas' banana English muffins with nutella, a bowl off yogurt, and coffee

>> No.6245882

I used it to store nugs for awhile, but I like the way juice looks in it.

>> No.6245888

>Drinking out of a mason jar

You are probably a fucking cuck with a huge sense of white guilt even though you have probably never left the suburbs.

>> No.6245902

It's more of a childhood tradition. I grew up on a ranch and we never bothered to buy actual dishes.

>> No.6245912

ditch the orange juice, egg, cereal, and granola.

>> No.6245913

judging by the amount of sugar, i would say you have excess body fat.

>> No.6245921

>wants to eat healthy but too lazy or stupid
>buys everything prepackaged

>> No.6245924

So just yogurt and banana?

>> No.6245940
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>> No.6245958

Posting pictures of yourself online is really lame.

>> No.6245969

Go to /soc/ or /fit/ and say that. They could use your wisdom.

>> No.6245972
File: 537 KB, 1195x1600, IMG_2618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't take a picture but my breakfast was banana raw goat milkshake. Two ripe bananas from Costa Rica, and some Tulip Poplar raw ohio honey.

Also tha breed of goats are a mix of Nubian and Tottenburg. If I provide no pics then I at least provide a lot of details lol. Tasted delicious btw, I don't eat much because I have Chronic Lymes and Bartonella. Tonight I will probably just have two to three steamed beets and one avocado.

>> No.6245974

I didn't have breakfast this morning

do your worst

>> No.6245984

Lots of calcium, potassium, and sugar. Not a bad deal. You seem like someone who hikes a lot.
Would eat breakfast with/10

>> No.6245987

cup of tea

not really a breakfast person

>> No.6245989

>Help! I'm covered in bees!

>> No.6245999

microwaved veggie dog with no bun with spicy mustard for dipping.

>> No.6246000

wouldn't be surprised if this is true, pls confirm

>> No.6246007

Does "enjoyable" describe your mornings?

>> No.6246011

Coffee and cigarettes.
Please - I'm no hero, just a regular Joe.

>> No.6246012

Those consecutive trips.

>> No.6246015

I would be really religious with boxing training but unfortunately I came down with aforementioned stealth pathogens. If shit gets more severe with my sickness I am gonna have to supplement with Cannabis oil.

>> No.6246026


forgot to mention this but I am just thankful I wasn't born with this sickness. Those are the worst cases.. when a mother has Lymes while pregnant, and then that child either dies or lives like Stephen hawking till like 20 yrs.

>> No.6246028
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>> No.6246029

Ah, bummer. I wish the best for you.

>> No.6246033
File: 882 KB, 1428x2044, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6246038

>wa la

>> No.6246042

I recognize this burnt, sorry excuse for an omelette!

>> No.6246049

Standard nutritional intake. A quick fix, you like to put more time into other things. Hot sauce for flavor, not going out of your way to paint a pretty picture.
6/10 breakfast and personality wise.

>> No.6246053


surely 80% of the people on 4chan are spaghetti faggots

>> No.6246060


Someone post the picture!!!

>> No.6246072

You're worse than hitler. At least hitler burned jews instead of omelettes. And he didn't put worst condiment on them either.

>> No.6246074

yeah. I fap then browse 4chan/internet for a bit while having a nice cup of tea before heading to work

unless its some massive breakfast with about 20lbs of hot food piled onto a plate, I never feel any breakfast really does anything but actually MAKE me hungry about 20 minutes later, so I just don't bother with it and I'm fine

>> No.6246077


>> No.6246082

I guess breakfast isn't so important after all anon.

>> No.6246091
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>> No.6246196

Let's not go there again.

>> No.6246205

Breakfast makes me sluggish as fuck. I just get an Americano from the nearby cafe and drink it black. Then again I'm not a pasty fat fuck like most of you

>> No.6246222


Same, I don't like having solid breakfasts. Too much of a shock for my body.

>> No.6246234
File: 755 KB, 3264x1836, IMG-20150207-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me this isn't ketchup!
as a vegetarian I wouldn't eat.
plus meat looks processed big time.

>> No.6246255
File: 55 KB, 680x583, 1422653837546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6246259

it's cheap salsa. and the meat is just hot italian sausage cut into chunks.

>> No.6246271

whatever....salsa is basically ketchup in terms of sugar/kg.
maybe it was a sausage once....but...but....something bad happened to it.

>> No.6246279


Why are mason jars considered hipster/suburban? I have some I drink out of because my grandma used to give me vegetable soup and preserves and shit in them and I don't can myself. Also can remember them at my parents and grandparents house being used that way before like 20 years ago and we lived in a bumfuck town. I thought it was a poor thing where everyone couldn't be fucked to buy more glasses with the extra jars around to keep things

>> No.6246293

>maybe it was a sausage once....but...but....something bad happened to it.
it was cut and cooked
>whatever....salsa is basically ketchup in terms of sugar/kg
man you are one big faggot

>> No.6246299

it's shit.

>> No.6246346
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>> No.6246349

basic, cold egg, dry fruit, breakfast lacks flavour and seasoning, judging by your breakfast, you still live at home
egg overcooked, too big portion, no sides, ketchup/10, judging by your picture, you are obese
bland cabbage, overcooked rubbery egg, badly sliced dry bread, runny sour cream, breakfasts lack of seasoning or flavour, hipster table setting, you most likely are a feminist.

>> No.6246360

>Why are mason jars considered hipster/suburban?

Americans love borrowing idiosyncrasies from the South, but continue to deny the existence of regional white culture.

>> No.6246366


Ah ok, yeah I'm from the south so may be why I never considered it "hipster" or anything.

>> No.6246368

it's not ketchup you dumb fuck
>too big portion
hungry skeleton faggot

>> No.6246374


that's it

>> No.6246380

Sorry boys, I'm just a faggot who eats yogurt

>> No.6246385

>people actually drink out of mason jars
literally more deserving of death than stalin.

>> No.6246680
File: 1.38 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakshuka w/ freshly made tortilla

>> No.6246706

are you tryin to pull some kind of shakshuka con

>> No.6246715

i bet you've got some weird name like si or something

>> No.6246729

>what appears to be eggplant
>served with tortilla

That is not a shakshuka, anon.

>> No.6246755
File: 91 KB, 617x469, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6246758

stop posting this shit

>> No.6246812

Breakfast burrito from this mexican place. Chorizo, potatoes, cheese, onions, half salsa half katchup (because breakfast)

>> No.6246866

I feel as though I'm the only person who thinks tomatoes and eggs shouldn't be mixed. What a disgusting combination.

>> No.6246910

Earl Grey tea and a cigarette

>> No.6246957

>>didn't toast the bread so is probably a future mass murderer and/or proponent of gay rights
you mean the mason jar wasn't evidence enough?

>> No.6247007
File: 145 KB, 640x541, 2ededurtk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, my name is Si.

sorry for the fixed photo it was a bad shot i had to fuck with it.

>> No.6247821

thats like 3x the amount of food I would have at that time of day. Fat greedy shit.

Fucking hipster Jar filled with semen suits your faggot tastes well. You probably bought that shit so you could take photos for /ck/ which is kind of pathetic.

your egg looks shit, is it literally your first time making one?

At least you have decent taste in cereal. Also the banana looks very appetizing.

like 3/10.

>> No.6247828
File: 274 KB, 1381x919, ss+(2015-02-02+at+01.13.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6247837

jesus christ

how can a board about cooking be filled with faggots that can't even properly cook an egg

>> No.6247846

bowl of strawberry granola, natural yogurt, oats and blueberries with milk

and an orange juice

>> No.6247945 [DELETED] 

I had this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6247966


too much bread

>> No.6248016

You're a faggot

>> No.6248017

Bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and walnuts, with a cup of coffee.

>> No.6248026

Scrambled eggs on toast & coffee

a lot better than my usual cigarette and coffee breakfast

>> No.6248033

4 scrambled eggs, 5 pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of toast with butter, 1 cup of coffee.

>> No.6248038

Rice crispies with some greek yogurt, honey, bee pollen and peanut butter. With apple juice.

>> No.6248041

Bowl of oatmeal with raisins and almonds with soy milk because it keeps longer and I don't use it for anything else other than breakfast.

Cup of french roasted coffee with irish cream creamer.


my nigga

>> No.6248042

You sound white as fuck

>> No.6248055

A cup of whole fat yogurt with a tablespoon of maple syrup. Actual maple syrup. From maple trees. Not breakfast syrup. Not pancake syrup. Maple syrup.
Also café au lait. And I'm probably gonna have poutine with roast beef for lunch.
Guess where I'm from?

>> No.6248090

South Africa?

>> No.6248096

Chicken and smoked bacon with rocket leaf sammiches and a tomato with tea.
I eat it at around 12 despite waking up at 7.

>> No.6248117

Bonjour, Quebec

>> No.6248118

More like too little egg.

>> No.6248119

Smoothie, mixed berries, coconut water, little bit of pomegranate juice, frozen banana, nonfat milk, 0% greek yoghurt, ground chia seeds and ground flax.

Make 4 days worth at a time, easy breakfast that takes 3 seconds to drink.

>> No.6248130

>Posting images on a image board


Jesus christ who cares its a photo

>> No.6248160

I'm fine, thanks for asking

>> No.6248162
File: 1.38 MB, 2448x2750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I dont even give a fuck if someone says that's too much butter, this breakfast phenomenal.

>> No.6248167

roasted some chicken wings, pulled the meat off and combined it with chopped celery, habanero sauce and chopped pickle, then put it in a toasted sandwich with garlic and herb cream cheese.

>> No.6248181

Yogurt and nuts. Judge away

>> No.6248207

Why didn't you dice those bell peppers? You just as well could have left them whole. You're doing it wrong

>> No.6248301

hahahahahshahagaha i meant "dare"
regardless im glad to know your fin, I am also fine thank you

>> No.6248304
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I eat it cold with milk.
Sometimes with yogurt and granola.

>> No.6248333

Black coffee and a handful of almonds. Nothing exciting.

>> No.6248346

they taste like shit.

>> No.6248394

don't you talk shit about miniwheats

>> No.6248473

bowl of Cheerios and some coffee. Nothing really amazing there. Good pick me up before class though.

>> No.6248632
File: 1.26 MB, 2448x2872, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to make some delicious scrambled eggs with onions and cheese on top of a bed of spinach with sautéed button mushrooms on the side.
Fuck me senseless

>> No.6248715

You definitely think of yourself as healthy even though you eat like a fucking idiot

>> No.6248733

You probably live with your parents and are unemployed. I don't know anybody with a job that has that much time to cook breakfast

>> No.6248746

i had oats with maple-joghurt, milk, banana and clementines. yum!

>> No.6248755

>lining up your ingredients to take a picture
Go start a blog, faggot.

>> No.6248759
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should, I like aesthetically pleasing pictures bitch

>> No.6248766

>Actually, my name is Si.
Proof or GTFO.

>> No.6248778

I hope there's some garlic in that spinach. Garlic & spinarch is the best veggisidedish in existence.

>> No.6249130

Came to this thread for breakfast

Staying for proof of existence

>> No.6250583

thought you were gonna go for the omelet but then boom complete change up.

>> No.6250597

Is soggy spinach good? I've never had it cooked plain like that.

>> No.6250603

I've been to Italy, and you have shredded wheat there. Stop lying you fucking retard.

Stop listening to retards, you fucking faggot americunt sack of shit.

>> No.6250607

Guinea detected

>> No.6250625

....../ck/ is overrun with hipsters...

>> No.6250627

>didn't toast the bread so is probably a future mass murderer and/or proponent of gay rights

>> No.6250628


>> No.6250631


>> No.6250634

>You just as well could have left them whole

No. That wouldn't be just as well at all. Not even close. What the fuck is wrong with you to actually think that?

>> No.6250662

Shit fucking eggs kill yourself.

>> No.6250685

>calling that heavy
How many calories are 4 sausage links, 4 bacon strips, 2 eggs, 2 pancakes and 2 big hashbrowns?

>> No.6250727

wut, do you even lift faggot? Thats nowhere near 1000 kcal, and even if it was it shouldnt be a problem for any athletic male who lifts or does sports

>> No.6250731

This is the breakfast of real men

>> No.6250769
File: 7 KB, 229x220, croque madame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croque Madame on spelt bread.

>> No.6250794

A god damn Rice krispies treat
I wake up way too late to try making anything in time

>> No.6250797

20 pc McD nuggets with honey mustard and sweet n sour and i tried the shaking ranch powder on them

>> No.6250813
File: 29 KB, 700x468, clapton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some real pepper you fucking asshole.

>> No.6250830

don't worry about it, you don't wanna switch italian food for american just to get mini wheats

>> No.6250832

why didn't you toast the bread tho

>> No.6250841
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x1836, 20150220_105529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is your bed of spinach now?
eggs looking great.
would eat.

>> No.6250844


what is the spread on the bread. is it fish?

>> No.6250848
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x1836, 20150220_111211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6250853

now I know the German word for pasteurized

>> No.6250861
File: 54 KB, 500x500, general_mills_fiber_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my breakfast.
Look at me and laugh.

>> No.6250867
File: 19 KB, 245x400, 27510965[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be drinking a glass of multivitamin juice and eat a sandwich made from whole-grain toast (pic related, it's delicious), tomatoes, romaine lettuce, cucumber, prosciutto (or salami) and cream cheese.

>> No.6250888

fuckton of calories

>> No.6250994

there's also the word pasteurisiert

>> No.6250996
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>> No.6250999
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>> No.6251032

burger king?

>> No.6251037

Burger King sauces leftover, good eye. I always save leftover sauce from fast food, actually saves on shit.

The nuggets though are Banquet brand frozen nuggets.

>> No.6251040

why are you upside down?

>> No.6251041

same. i got a bunch of mcdonalds sauces in my fridge too. What was in the bowl?

>> No.6251043

>tfw want to make pancakes but too lazy

>> No.6251046

Ashes and butts, it's an ash try

>> No.6251051

I'm australian

>> No.6251068
File: 75 KB, 300x228, porridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big bowl of porridge with a shot of milk, I don't have the time nor do I have a woman to cook elaborated artsy fartsy breakfasts for me.

>> No.6251069

pls sir may i 'ave some mooore

>> No.6251077

I eat my oats the very same way though I use almond milk.

>> No.6251080

i feel like a turd right on top and in the middle of your porridge would make it look perfect. I dont know why

>> No.6251089

Get out of here, you damned psychologist.

"You may face hardship at some point in your life~"
"You want to make sure your plans go accordingly, but put thought into how to go even want to do more like"
Yeah, no, fuck you. It's just his breakfast, and you could say to most anons "you lack any real focus in life" and they'd agree.

>> No.6251621
File: 3.32 MB, 5312x2988, 20150220_025506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets make this fun bitch niggers.

Guess my ethnicity.

PRO HINT : Im american and if they told me to burn a bunch of mexican school children to prove my loyalty. I would do it.

Even worse. I have dated asian women GASP!