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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6239237 No.6239237 [Reply] [Original]

I've been trying to save money buy spending less on food. Since eggs are the most economical and nutritious source of protein I was going to try to eat more of them, the thing is other than scrambled or boiled, I don't really know of any other ways to make them.

Got any god-tier way to make eggs?

>> No.6239267
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>Since eggs are the most economical and nutritious source of protein

tufu, will fuck you in the face for saying that.

>> No.6239271

>eggs are nutritious

Pure marketing

>> No.6239273
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fried eggs with runny yolk for toast dipping


egg in a basket

toasted western sandwich (mostly for lunch, not really a breakfast thing)

>> No.6239276

fuck off vegan fag.

>> No.6239295


bro, eggs used to be like $1.99 a dozen a couple months ago. They're not like $3.99 a dozen.

Besides that, eggs aren't nutritious. All they have is protein and a shitload of cholesterol in it.

Oatmeal. Oatmeal. Oatmeal.

>> No.6239300

not a vegan here, but tofu is fucking awsome ...especialy with meat...this idea that tofu is a nasty vegan shitfood needs to stop becuase pork stirfried with tofu and bambooshoot is awsome

>> No.6239303



Can you buy carb free oatmeal? I'm on a gluten free diet so I try to be carb free because gluten has a shitload of carbs and my doctor said I can't be eating that much carbs in my diet.

>> No.6239305

not him, and not vegan, but tofu is bomb as fuck.

>> No.6239306

I bought a dozen for $2 yesterday.

>> No.6239307



Beans and lentils. Most economical/nutritious protein source.

>> No.6239315
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>> No.6239319


Please return to your board, where you all look at each other in revealing undergarments, pretending that your board is about fitness and not Homoeroticisim.

>> No.6239321

>With science on our side, we can once again enjoy the wonderfully nutritious egg. Along with milk, eggs contain the highest biological value (or gold standard) for protein. One egg has only 75 calories but 7 grams of high-quality protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat, along with iron, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids.

>The egg is a powerhouse of disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults. And brain development and memory may be enhanced by the choline content of eggs.


>> No.6239328

No he didn't. Quit lying.

>> No.6239332


>The egg is a powerhouse of disease-fighting nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin


>The egg industry loves to boast that eggs have these two compounds, lutein and zeaxanthin, that appear so protective against cataracts and macular degeneration. What the industry does is feed hens yellow corn, alfalfa, even marigold petals, anything to boost the egg content up to 166 mcg per large egg
>Eggs can actually have up to 250, a cup of carrots, though, has over 1,000. A single serving of collard greens closer to 15,000 and a serving of kale tops the chart at nearly 24,000. One spoonful of spinach has as much as 9 eggs.
>For eye protection, the recommendation is to get 10,000 a day. So that’s like a third cup spinach or, 40 eggs, More than 3 cartons of eggs a day, every day.

Pure marketing.

>> No.6239334


* brought to you by the factory farming, chicken enslaving overlords guest staring Monsanto.

>> No.6239336
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>> No.6239341
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>> No.6239342
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>Here are the top ten sources of these critical eyesight-saving nutrients. All greens. Eggs don’t even make the top 100 food sources.
>To get to eggs you have to scroll down a couple pages, and according to the USDA, come in right behind, Captain crunch with crunchberries.

Eggs are shit

>> No.6239354

They are cheap and taste good, I don't give a fuck about you /fit/ niggers and your hippie alternatives. I just want to know ways to prepare eggs.

>> No.6239366


Whoa, back it the fuck up there Jimmy, the adults are trying to determine if you should even be eating eggs at all; now go play some vidya until we're finished.

>> No.6239377

> Assuming you're eating a healthy diet, here are some ways you may benefit by eating eggs.

>Protein. Eggs are considered the gold standard that other proteins are measured against. Because of the superior amino acid mix, an egg's six grams of protein are absorbed easily and efficiently used by the body. The egg is also low-calorie (74 calories).

>Choline. Yolks are one of the best sources of this essential nutrient. Choline is needed for brain development in a growing fetus and may also be important for brain function in adults.

>Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These two, important, beneficial phytochemicals found in egg yolks (as well as kale and spinach) help prevent eye diseases, especially cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. While eggs contain less lutein and zeaxanthin than greens, these phytochemicals are more absorbable because of the presence of fat in the yolk.

>Vitamin D. Eggs are one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D, important for the bones and teeth. Vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium, which is important for the heart and colon, as well.


>> No.6239410
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No argument there, eggs contain protein


Eggs certainly contain a lot of choline, but that's not necessarily good


>Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Already covered here >>6239332 eggs barely have any

>Vitamin D

Would take atleast 20 eggs a day to get your minimum dose of vitamin D, which should ideally come from sun exposure.

People look under every stone to find a reason for why eggs should be considered some amazing superfood, but they aren't. If anything, they're bad for you, especially your heart. Health officials don't support eating more than 1 egg a day, and even that can be bad for you.

>> No.6239429

It doesn't matter if they are a super food, they are cheap, tasty and healthy.

> Most of the studies I've seen conclude that eggs are fine — and may even improve your health, as they contain nutrients difficult to find in other foods. More importantly, a report by Ying Rong of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and her colleagues published in the British Journal of Medicine in January, reviewed 17 different egg studies.

>The study concluded, "Higher consumption of eggs (up to one egg per day) is not associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease or stroke. The increased risk of coronary heart disease among diabetic patients and reduced risk of hemorrhagic stroke associated with higher egg consumption in subgroup analyses warrant further studies."

>The bottom line: Your nutritional needs and food choices should be personalized. You should enjoy food and eating, as it is one of the basic pleasures in life!


It just sounds like you have a personal agenda against eggs, so you have turned a thread on cooking into a lame debate.

>> No.6239458


Cheap and tasty sure, but healthy, I'll go ahead and quote your own article

>Based on the research, my recommendation is if you eat a healthful diet, go ahead and eat an egg a day. (My interview on CNN summarizes the key reasons why.) On the other hand, if your cholesterol is high and if you eat the typical American diet — high in saturated fat, devoid of fruits, vegetables and fiber — maybe you shouldn't be eating an egg a day.

What about that makes eggs sound good for you? Replace eggs with "a scoop of ice cream" and the sentiments would be the same. The message they give is "if everything else about your diet is great, this shit part won't matter as much if you tightly regulate it, but if your diet is already shitty, this extra shit will make it worse rather than benefit you." A 1-a-day limit doesn't give the impression of healthfulness, especially when you'd need to eat a lot of eggs to get any noticeable amount of nutrition from them.

I don't have anything personal against eggs, but I hate seeing people make up bullshit for the sake of making something they like look good when it doesn't deserve that praise. Personally, I think you have a huge pro-egg bias if you're citing the fucking lutein content of egg yolks as a serious reason why they need to be included in your diet

>> No.6239465

You specifically said you were eating them because of their nutritional value.

Way to get buttblasted.

>> No.6239473

Okay you win, now go away faggot you have derailed the point of this thread with your autism.

If you don't like them then don't eat eggs.

>> No.6239479

I also said they were a cheap source of protein, which is the largest reason of why I am eating them. But instead of suggestions for preparing them to keep from getting bored with them I got a bunch of nothing.

>> No.6239482
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Don't be afraid of plant sources of protein like lentils and beans. They tend to be really cheap and considerably healthier than animal sources of protein

>> No.6239513

of course I will have varied sources, I wasn't looking for diet advise and am not only going to eat eggs, I just wanted to see other peoples preferred way to prepare eggs.

>> No.6239516

thanks for reminding me to get back onto the god tier lentil gains train
I fell off a few weeks ago

>> No.6239839


>> No.6239878


look at this fatcat, buying beans to go with his lentils!

>> No.6239899

Easiest way to get more eggs into your diet is go into fritattas and quiches for lunch. They're easy, they're good, and you can work a shitton of variety into them.

>> No.6239904

lel wut i bought 18 eggs the other day for like $3.20

>> No.6240016

I do sort of a deviled egg, scoop out the yolk att garlic powder, mustard, sriracha and mix it and then put it back in the egg and enjoy.

>> No.6240153

Capt Crunch with Crunchberries are beyond God Tier and into Galactic Overlord status, just saying. Fuck some eggs, fuck some greens or other shittier food, give me cereal, faggots!

>> No.6240176

Egg Salad sandwich on toast.

>> No.6240203

You know, cooked lentils with sauteed onions and a fried egg on top are fucking delicious. If I'm feeling like a fatty I'll also add some fried slices of smoked sausage to the mix.

>> No.6240213

> /fit/ niggers and your hippie alternatives
Bitch, if they were from fit they would be clamoring to tell you to eat eggs. Eggs are like the holy grail of food on /fit/ behind chicken and broccoli and oatmeal.

>> No.6240225

eggs are like $4.50 for 12 where I live, and I'm just talking about normal store-brand eggs, not any organic free range shit

>> No.6240229



>being a scum sucking liberal.

>> No.6240249

Eggs where I live are almost 3$ for 12. And I live in the middle of chicken country (not USA). I miss having farm fresh eggs every morning, damn coyotes and badgers ate all the chickens.

>> No.6240264

They are getting more expensive, and that is a good thing!

>> No.6240438


why would you read anything from those retards?

They are the opposite of sanity.

>> No.6240573

>Low income families can't afford a lot of food besides junk food
>At least they can afford eggs to give their children a good source of protein
>Have fallen on extremely hard time, all the money they can save helps
>"Haha, fuck you, free the chickens."
>Welp, little timmy get another bowl of overly sugared cereal today.

Remember, they care about the disenfranchised.

>> No.6240590

I make huge fucking omelettes the night before and that makes up my breakfast and lunch. The best part about omelettes is that you can put so many different kinds of ingredients in them and give them a variety of flavors.

I just had an omelette with feta, spinach, kale, and bacon.
I put pickled garlic, feta, and ham in one the other day, it was amazing.

>> No.6240623
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My family has backyard chickens. Our eggs are amazingly delicious, very cheap compared to the cost of feed, and our chickens are happy and healthy (not slaves, they get to scratch around in the dirt and eat bugs and kitchen scraps)

My favorite way to eat eggs is to fry them up with the yolks semi-cooked but still a little drippy. Sprinkle some salt on those bad boys and then drizzle ketchup. Eat with a side of peanut butter toast and/or a bowl of baked beans. Perfection

>> No.6241932

Forget it OP... you will be stuffed with eggs after 2 Months... I tried it and I had nightmares about eggs.

>> No.6243725

>OP asks about god tier egg dishes
>thread got into fight over nutrition

dunno WTF did I expect

>> No.6243751
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Pic related is actually surprisingly good for frying eggs. Cook them long enough for the yolk to become solid, thats the good shit.

>> No.6243768

I didn't even realize the entire thread was off topic till you pointed that out.

>> No.6243800

But I like runny yolk.

>> No.6243808

Wow sounds like you live in an overpriced shithole. Eggs are $1.50 a dozen here.

>> No.6243820

He's probably californian, they passed some law forcing chicken farmers to make larger chicken cages. It's really progressive.


>> No.6243936

>tfw you can never make an omelet without fucking it up.

>> No.6243970
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>eggs aren't nutritious

when did all the vegan fags get here?
on topic, scrambled, fried and poached are your tastiest choices. don't even bother trying other ways of cooking eggs.

>> No.6243998


>tfw every time you try to make scrambled eggs you end up making an omelette

>> No.6244010


sure am

thank god I only pay $1200 for a TINY apartment with NO kitchen in the bad part of town, and I make $10 an hour because I'm a line cook

I'd never, EVER live here if I wasn't born here, since you need to actually make money to relocate. My parents were too abusive to live with so I couldn't save up money. Oh well, that's life. Fucking stupid faggot Californians.

>> No.6244057
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>> No.6244087


You don't have to be vegan to acknowledge that eggs aren't a particularly nutritious food

>> No.6244170
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Harvard seems to think that they are, these eggs aren't nutritious people seem like tinfoil quacks to me.


But I cook mine in bacon grease, so that probably isn't very healthy.

pic unrelated.


>> No.6244205
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What harvard says there has already been broken down in this thread. Harvard also still recommends not eating more than an egg a day, as their own studies have found eggs and dietary cholesterol in general to associate with heart failure and diabetes.

When people say eggs "aren't nutritious" it's more because they've seen the nutrient data for eggs and noticed that it's not a particularly good source of anything really. It has some riboflavin and some B12 that can't be absorbed properly, and that's about it. Combine that with the recommendations that severely limit the amount of eggs you can eat and you don't get much out of them. They're not completely bare of nutrients like a junk food, but they're not especially great either. They're just "food." It's like everyone's so caught up in saying how nutritious eggs are that nobody bothered to actually look at them

>> No.6244278

>Low income families can't afford a lot of food besides junk food
>At least they can afford eggs to give their children a good source of protein

What makes you think a fast food diet is in any way lacking proteins? It's not at all.

You know what it is lacking in? Fiber. And there are way cheaper sources of fiber than eggs. You know what that diet has too much of saturated fat and cholesterol. Same as eggs.

I'm a vegetarian and I have milk and eggs often to make sure I get enough protein. Especially on days when I'm not eating lentils, beans or paneer. Or having rice instead of bread. For me eggs are a good source of nutrition because they provide what my diet can sometimes lack. For most of America including the junk food eating poor eggs provide nothing.

>> No.6244284


that's like saying that meat is associated with health issues because vegetarians are more likely to be more health conscious than people who shovel hamburgers down their gullets and never exercise

>> No.6244288
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Cajun Pickled Eggs are fucking amazing, thinking about making a few batches.

gonna try this dudes method.


>> No.6244306

Do you live in California? Do you not know why eggs prices have gone up?

>> No.6244337
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That's not why meat is associated with health issues, but no anyway. I think I know what you're getting at though, that an "association" doesn't mean as much as hard data, but after being discovered, these associations are then considered for plausability and subjected to experiments to determine causality and then to understand the mechanisms of why. When people say something is "associated" with something, what they generally mean is that it's known to cause or contribute to some problem, not that it's just been linked in a speculative, confounded way.

Pic related, red meat for example is associated with colon cancer, and investigation has identified several mechanisms that can explain it. Whole grains on the other hand are associated with protection against colon cancer, with fiber, phytates, and fiber-bound antioxidants believed to be the reason why after studies have found them to be cancer-preventive. Things like this help to explain why vegetarians, who may eat these healthy plant foods, are usually shown to be healthier than non-vegetarians, who eat foods like red meat. There's clear plausability that jives with established knowledge and inquiry

>> No.6244345
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This thread is severely lacking in egg porn.