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File: 52 KB, 278x225, soju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6243680 No.6243680 [Reply] [Original]

Saw a munchies video about Soju. Have any anons tried it before and if so how is it? There is a Korean grocery store 30 minutes from my home, is worth the drive?


>> No.6243684

it's fine...quite enjoyable actually. if you want something unique though get some makkori at the korean grocery.

lots of places make things like soju, but makkori is quite special.

>> No.6243694
File: 41 KB, 600x450, makkori0730_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like jizz. Does it have milk or what?

>> No.6243701

Its made from rice. The white color is from rice. I personally prefer soju though. I have "bad" days and "good" days where it tastes really sour or tastes like really sweet sweet potatoes.

>> No.6243706

no milk, though it does look like it does..or jizz...i prefer to think of milk but w/e floats your boat. it is absolutely delicious though, try it out. one of the most unique liqours i have ever had.

>> No.6243710

I really like it. It's got a nice creaminess to it that goes down real smooth. I have it every chance I get.

>> No.6243714

I was at a Christmas party where about 80% were Korean once. We drank quite a lot of soju. It's okay.

>> No.6243732

it has an incredibly mild ethanol taste if you put it in other things, even in large quantities

a few years ago my friends mixed it with some calpico in a big gulp cup, one person drank most of it and apparently didn't realize there was much alcohol in it because he was full retard drunk about an hour later

>> No.6243743
File: 120 KB, 645x615, korean in the room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just watered down vodka

>> No.6243752

OP here. Sounds like most anons here had neutral to good experience with Soju. I'll go buy some then. I'll pick up the Soju and the Makkori jizz. Is it as cheap here as in Korea? In Korea its like $1 according to the video.

>> No.6243756


no it's not as cheap here, but it's still fairly inexpensive if you get it at a korean market

I think I get 1.75l (I think that's the size, it's a big ass green bottle, and it's like $7

>> No.6243782

I always have one or two of these as an excuse to get fucked up while dining out alone. Red one is the strongest!

>> No.6243784

Dont forget to get really drunk and start talking about the one that got away like every kdrama ever

>> No.6243798
File: 28 KB, 640x480, TPhoto_00022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally ~20 percent ethanol 80 percent ethanol


if you buy 1L smirnoff and add 1 liter of water, that's soju. wowowow so amazing

tastes like 'slightly thick mouthfeel', mild alcohol burn water

>source: I drink it all the time, fuck I'm drinking it right now

also, don't fall for that bullshit and buy that rice milk looking shit it's fucking disgusting looks like fucking cum and gives you day long hangovers and only 7 percent or some shit fuck that shit to hell eat shit

>> No.6243801

You can get the flavored stuff, but this drink exists for one reason only. Koreans don't beat around the bush when it comes to alcoholism.

>> No.6243802

lol I look really fat in this photo

>> No.6243805
File: 488 KB, 1680x1050, 1421150418535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i think he sounds like a fucking lightweight.
>mfw i realize i am an alcoholic.

>> No.6243811

Isn't getting pissed more efficiently why you buy this is the first place? Why worry about being a lightweight?

>> No.6243829

i am not trying to brag or sound edgey at all, but...that shit is like water to me. or at least it was up until 3 years ago; now it would probably lay me on my ass, but i don't drink. there are much stronger things to choose from is my point though.

>> No.6243844

1 gets me to drunk 2 gets me stupid drunk. But if I do it too often 2 is enough to get me to the right place.

It's like any drug, the ceiling raises if you do it more than once a week or fortnight. Which is about where I liked to keep it for opiates too. The diminishing returns are too hard for me to bear for me to do it daily anyway.

>> No.6243851


he wasn't a heavyweight but he wasn't a super lightweight either

>> No.6243863

>not making and drinking your own makgeolli

do you even try?

>> No.6243878


>> No.6243893

Okay Timmy, jesus....calm your tits down.

>> No.6243895

Yeah, well I'd rather do baijiu. But I don't know a place where it's acceptable to order casually with your meal.

>> No.6243938

rice whiskey... it's like real whiskey, but rice, and half the percentage.

Chilled, it's quite nice - a bit of burn with some sweetness and a slight vodka/ethanol aftertaste in most of the ones I've tried.

Warm, it's whiskey, but rice... and half-proof.

Mixed, it's like weak vodka. The flavour is too mild to really do much.

>> No.6243946


Why. Its terrible unless you pay out the nose for something like Moutai

>> No.6243951

It's terrible regardless, why pay out of anything?

>> No.6243963


My brother married a Chinese, so I don't think I've had the bad stuff yet. It's all been pretty good. I'd rank it as one of my top liquors.

There are other brands too, also pretty expensive.

>> No.6244171

I've had both good experiences and bad experiences, but the latter is mostly due to losing the bottlecap game and being forced to drink copious amounts of it. It goes down fairly smooth and the taste/mouth feel is rather light.

>> No.6245634

Does this taste anything like sake? There are two companies that make sake near where I live in California so I drink a lot of that because you can get junmai for less than $4 for a 750mL bottle most of the time.

>> No.6245655

it rough low end sake. It is really just cheap watered down sake.

>> No.6245676
File: 168 KB, 500x427, img20110926153730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bretty gud, try the korean beer Hite its not bad, I could drink gallons of that shit, its smooth and flavorful

>> No.6245756
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, xKGI1Qb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you have never tried this shit

its disgusting

>> No.6245778

it is cheap and low tier but why do you possibly think it is watered down?? do you really think that could be possible to pull off? i understand not liking it lol..wow.

>> No.6245790


don't take things too literally online bro

>> No.6245893

What is this beverage?

>> No.6246178

See below. I love it.