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File: 17 KB, 467x532, raw-honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6242120 No.6242120 [Reply] [Original]

I met an old man today who told me that he raises his own bees and that he sells raw unfiltered africanized bee honey with pollen and bits of honeycomb and all that good stuff in it. He only charges about $5 a pound so I was very intrigued. The problem is that he also kept trying to steer the conversation to trying to get me to come to his house so he could suck my dick. I'm not sure if I want him to suck my dick but the honey does seem interesting. I've never had honey like that before, so I was wondering if you guys thought this is a minefield worth navigating or I'm better off looking elsewhere.

>> No.6242142

>Americanized bee honey
>oral seeks, no strings attached

Also, OP is a faggot

>> No.6242163

>Honey with honeycomb

Fucking delicious. My Greek yogurt can't do without it.

>Shady oral sex deal with old man

Your call. The honey sure sounds good, though.

>> No.6242166 [DELETED] 

I had this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6242169

I just recently saw a jar of honey with honeycomb still in it. Expensive as hell, but interesting. can you just eat the honeycomb? I always imagined it to be made of ... well, bee wax.

>> No.6242172

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have legitimate down syndrome or something??

>> No.6242173


Yeah, you can eat it. The comb itself is just wax but since it's filled with honey you get like, little pockets of honey that pop and seep out when you bite into it.

>> No.6242174

You can't eat the honeycomb, it is pretty much wax. That guy is a moron. Well you can eat it but it's not advised.

>> No.6242176

>eating the puke of the jew bee

>> No.6242177
File: 4 KB, 184x184, 1414463339650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's only one person

>> No.6242178


There's nothing wrong or unhealthy with eating beeswax. Just like fiber, it goes in one end and out the other.

>> No.6242181

mix high fructose corn syrup with a dollop of honey. Throw in an old honeycomb. There you go.

>> No.6242193


Honeycomb is completely fine to eat.
Only pregnant women get a no-go because there's a 0,0000001% chance the comb carries some beekiller fungal spore that might affect the unborn child so people generally don't risk it.

Otherwise, eat that shit. It's full of honey, yo.

>> No.6242219

I just chew the honeycomb like gum then spit it out later.

>> No.6242222

you mean botulism

>> No.6242245

C'mon OP, just give him your dick. He's a sad old man who only has bees for company.

>> No.6242249

its a small chance of botulism with honey, which would affect the mother and baby very seriously

>> No.6242265


>> No.6242316

My grandpa had bees and you can just chew the honeycomb and spit out the wax when you suck out all the honey

>> No.6242568

Is he offering OP a BEEEjay by any chance

>> No.6242577

>free blowjobs
>free honey
I do not see the problem here

>> No.6242588

>free blowie from a greasy old dude
I see a problem here

>> No.6242591

The honeycomb is uninteresting and a gimmick, you should look for regular pure filtered honey that's been properly crystallized, and avoid the rape stuff.

Source: my mother used to keep bees

>> No.6242601

>The honeycomb is uninteresting and a gimmick
This. It's really kind of anticlimactic.

I still like my honey minimally processed though, I want all those pollens still floating around in there to help me out with my hayfever.

>> No.6242611

close your eyes and think of your favorite pornstar

>> No.6242623

Honeycomb makes it so you can just kind of chew it like gum. It's still a shitty gimmick though.

>> No.6242636

I'm not even sure why anyone would want to do anything beyond extracting the honey, filtering it and then doing the crystallization process.

It doesn't even really taste that much, and the taste leaves pretty quickly. I assume most of it is just honey residue stuck on the wax.

>> No.6242728

>people thinking honeycomb is delicious and fun to eat

You watched too many Honeycomb cereal commercials growing up.

>> No.6242788

The honey isn't free

>> No.6242931


>> No.6243189

He's trying to ... honey-pot you?

>> No.6243203

An old huddarite guy sold it to me once. He said to chew it like bubblegum and it was one of the best things in the world.
Chewing honeycomb is so good.

>> No.6243222

OP is being offered a blowjob. There's a potential climax for one or both participants.

>> No.6244008


>> No.6244757

What? We used to eat grilled honeycomb all the time.

>> No.6244794

Hasn't that shit breed made illegal yet? It's literally killing a whole continent worth of bees.

>> No.6244806

because our native bees are all being genocided by pesticides that were supposed to be safe for bees.

>> No.6244831

if you feel uncomfortable don't go. or go with a friend. honey is good. locust tree honey.is greathearted you are misreading him don't go alone.

>> No.6245108

The old geezer will dip his cock in your honey

>> No.6245411


>> No.6245423

You mentioned sex twice.

>> No.6245438
File: 984 KB, 270x194, gif not related .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I tell if honey at the store is 'real' honey, or just honey flavored HFCS?

Is there some sort of test I can run to weed out the bullshit from the good stuff?

>> No.6246358

It's a dude, so it's honeydicking.

>> No.6246495

The ingredients will say: "(clover/orange/whatever) Honey"

If it's the fake shit, it will say so, if you live in the land of the burger. No idea if you're a europoor or in kangaroo-land or some other third world place.

>> No.6246642

Yeah, it's a danger to infants/toddlers and to people with shitty immune systems. But that's ALL honey, not just honeycomb honey. It's not possible to heat the honey enough to kill the spores, period.

For adults with normal immune systems, you can eat honey, and chew honeycomb, pretty much with impunity.

Also, holy shit, quads.

>> No.6246650

There's no way to stop them. They're in the wild. It's all Brazil's fault, BTW. Seriously.

"I like rape."

>> No.6246703

Goddamn it. Why did that make me laugh.