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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 1063x709, Ulster fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6231659 No.6231659 [Reply] [Original]

Dumb Paddy Buggery

>> No.6231660
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Full English Bastard

>> No.6231661

what type of mushrooms are those used in english breakfast? how are they usually prepared?

>> No.6231664
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The Goddamn Scottish

>> No.6231666
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Get Fucked Pikey

>> No.6231669


>> No.6231671
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Kraut Buggery

>> No.6231672

Yea u would have b dumb eat that crud

>> No.6231675


i will never understand euro food culture in general. not even trying to make fun of you guys, just saying..i don't get it.

>> No.6231676

Damn, is that a meal for ants?

>> No.6231678
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>> No.6231680

Look at this edgemaster.

>> No.6231681

are you serious??? that is almost as much as i eat in a day calorie-wise.

and yeah haha i am asian...no fwied wice you go now.

that is a really rich meal, all the same...

>> No.6231683
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Dago Cunt

>> No.6231689
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Americlap Welfare Lumplings

>> No.6231691

so...a tomato the size of a grape, cheese, salami, cheese, an egg, bread, oh look more cheese, and a fucking pretzel? where the fuck do you live???

>> No.6231695

i hate white gravy...but this pic makes me wish i didn't, looks damn tasty. heart attack on a plate.

>> No.6231697
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Dingo Paste

>> No.6231699
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Idiot Vegan Bullshit

>> No.6231701

Unless those are some sort of fake eggs or feggs or whatever

>> No.6231702

Are you a cute little animal? A normal person (that's not a manlet) would need twice as that.

>> No.6231703
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you best be jolly joking, kind sir.

>> No.6231705
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Farmer's Baby

>> No.6231706

Its probably a woman

>> No.6231708
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>People having a bunch of greasy garbage as a "breakfast"
Toast,fruit and tea masterrace here

>> No.6231711

Some of us aren't petite little girls anon. We need food.

>> No.6231712
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i am a guy, but asian so sure i guess i have the calorie intake of one of your wonderful plump white girls.

love cheese. salami is great. bread is too. not going to gorge myself in cheese and bread in one meal though on average, jesus...anyone eating something like that plate every day needs to be active, or training to be a colossal fatass; more vegetables, common sense, does a body good.

>> No.6231714
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Dirty Cossack Bollocks

>> No.6231716


how often do you train to be a colossal faggot? you're a pro

>> No.6231718

i love fish eggs but wtf...that makes me want to vomit, thanks a lot.

>> No.6231721

aw aren't you just the most adorable little hipster

>> No.6231722


>> No.6231723

It's been a long time since I had a "formal breakfast"
I usually just eat an apple or some cereal before going to work

>> No.6231724

That's boss

>> No.6231726


>> No.6231728

Well, you're free to be a feminine asian gaiboi if you want.

>> No.6231729

Lol hes one of those thai ladyboys

>> No.6231737

>liking beans doused in ketchup

>> No.6231740

>zero protein

>> No.6231742

>implying random shit I never said

>> No.6231747
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Das Juden

>> No.6231753

there is nothing gay about not wanting to be a fatass pantload.

but don't let me keep you further, go choke down a stick of butter.

>> No.6231754
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Me Play Joke

>> No.6231756


you can join that other douche in an elevator and die; they usually only support 1k pounds.

>> No.6231758

Usually in asia. Theyre 2000 here in the us lol

>> No.6231763
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The U. S. of Ayy

>> No.6231764

Lol enjoy those miniscule asian titties

>> No.6231773

Whatever you say little boy.

>> No.6231778

I read this board, and think, "Wow I'm gay." But then I read the posts and think, "Wow, These posts are gayyyyyyyer (lmao)" ALL HAIL LORD TEBOW

>> No.6231779
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Made this awhile back.

>> No.6231794

good lord....i am guessing those are all going in to her tits. 'atta girl.

>> No.6231797
File: 26 KB, 408x402, 1418727904783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, comic-book guy.

>tfw i will be alive decades after you.
>tfw superior cuisine and genes.

stay pained in the stink, friend.

>> No.6231799

You wont be alive for much longer if you keep being such a little bitchboy.

>> No.6231803 [DELETED] 

au contraire mon fraire, finding the humor in white people keeps my young. you guys are ridiculous, truly.

>> No.6231808

au contraire mon fraire, finding the humor in white people keeps me young. you guys are ridiculous, truly

>> No.6231809

>angry fag comes into food thread to whine about food

>> No.6231812

He drank too much biru he got madu

>> No.6231835

*tips fedora*

>> No.6231870

it's 4chan, don't come in here expecting any feels or sympathy; say something stupid, and expect to get raped verbally in your asshoru.

>> No.6231875

I liked it, Germany. The only fookin' legend here.

>> No.6233032
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>> No.6233044

Is that an egg yolk nestled in a pool of mayo?

>> No.6233055

peach, apple and yogurt i would guess

>> No.6233066
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>> No.6233069
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cheddar broc eggs & catsup on wheat master race

>> No.6233070
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>> No.6233082

baked fries?
autist food.

captcha: geraf

>> No.6233083
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>> No.6233084

goddamn i love chips on a sammich. turkey or tuna with salt and vin chips > all

>> No.6233093
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>baked fries

canned peach half in yogurt and julienne apples

>> No.6233137
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Breakfast, BITCH

>> No.6233494

>superior genes
>superior cuisine

Lol get fucked chink. The only thing you yellow bastards are good at is fucking like rabbits and eating housepets. Go commit sodoku and stop pretending to be some sort of master race. There's only one of those and ain't no jaundice lookin squinty eye motherfuckers in it.

>> No.6233843

That's looks yummy. What's the kind of bread with the sesame seeds on it? I want to try making it.

>> No.6233975
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>breakfast burrito

>> No.6233983

dude there's like 1200 calories max in that german breakfast thing