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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6229637 No.6229637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

School gave us rotten fruit today.

>> No.6229643

>be me
>be in lunch line
>get this banana
>throw it in lunch lady's face
>lunch lady cries
>lunch lady sings "baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more"

>> No.6229647


also some white worms or larvae

>> No.6229668

Thanks Obama.

>> No.6229670

Thanks Obama!

>> No.6229682

Bush's fault.

>> No.6229688

Thank God I got out of school before Obama came into office and his wife fucked up school lunches for everyone.
Calzones, deep dish pizzas, god tier fries, spicy chicken sandwiches, cookies, chocolate milk, fuck yeah.

>> No.6229699
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>eating school lunch
>being this poor

>> No.6229710

I was told by a student that they have sugar-free ketchup now. Fuck. That.

>> No.6229714
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Every time I took a Lunchables to school, kids would ask me for a bite. Some of them would borderline beg.

I hate attention, but telling them no felt really, really good. I hate people more.

>nb4 dat edge

>> No.6229724

Quit being fat.

>> No.6229984

How old are you?

>> No.6229989

>those capri suns
Did anyone else fold them up like a cell phone?

>> No.6229995


>> No.6230001

Yep. Instead of healthy food, they found a loophole to just give us less food.

>> No.6230077

I went on an elementary school field trip once where the school provided some sandwiches for us for lunch. The sandwich I got was moldy. I brought it to the teacher to complain and get a non-moldy sandwich, and she looked at me like I was some kind of stuck-up fag and just said, "Eat around it!" So I stopped being a stuck-up fag and I ate around it.

>> No.6230218

That's not rotten, do you know what rotten means?

>> No.6230277

Interesting. I don't think I would eat around it. I can eat this banana no problem, but moldy bread means it has been a while since it was baked, right? So it's stale AND moldy.

>> No.6230283


The mold organism itself is present throughout the entire food, the part you see is only the reproductive portion.

>> No.6230318

>The mold organism itself is present throughout the entire food

Not necessarily. You're correct that the visible part is the reproductive spores, and the rest of the mold is larger, but it isn't necessarily occupying the entirety of the rest of the food.

>> No.6230341

Throughout high school I generally used lunch as a study hall to read and get homework done.
I'd go to the library and just chill out for an hour.
I've never understood the kids who were saying that they were 'starving' before lunch got around.
Are you THAT fucking malnourished at home that you can't go 8 hours without stuffing food in your face?

>> No.6230350


> Are you THAT fucking malnourished at home that you can't go 8 hours without stuffing food in your face?

It's pretty common to want to eat more often than every 8 hours

>> No.6230357


Yeah, but I'd hardly call that "starving".

>> No.6230371

If you're fat, or a hungry skeleton, I suppose.
But seriously
I guess I was just lucky that my mom would always be up in the morning to fix me a little something before school. Eggs n' toast or pancakes or cream of wheat or just something nice and warm before heading out the door.

>> No.6230439
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