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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 467 KB, 541x549, intro-coffee-home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6226220 No.6226220 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your coffee?

I like mine black with nothing added. The bitter flavor is pretty nice.

Occasionally I also like melting a small chunk of dark chocolate into it and a tiny bit of cream.

>> No.6226242

2 cup hot coffee
2 tbsp unsalted butter
2 tbsp coconut oil

>> No.6226249

Cream and sugar. I have shit taste, I know.

I also like those sugary creamers like coffeemate and such. Dessert coffee makes me weak.

I've thrown in some pumpkin spices too, pretty tasty. The shit from starbucks is too bitter for me. Homemade is, as always, much better.

>> No.6226253

this fatty puts butter in his coffee y'all lmao

>> No.6226672

Cold brew

>tastes like dark chocolate
>takes 12 hours to make

>> No.6226674

Black. Sometimes with a little brown sugar.

>> No.6226675

sweet tea isn't exactly good for you either

>> No.6226689

Typically with a little milk and sugar. But I love iced coffee. But typically I just drink black espresso

>> No.6226694
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Straight out of this bad boy and a dash of mil with it.
4-10 cups a day, depending.

>> No.6226695
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When I had my espresso machine working my usual cup was a double shot flat white. Now I use my Aeropress it's just black.

Anyone on /ck/ roast? Thinking of ordering some green beans, picking up a popcorn marker and trying it out soon.

Must be drinking some shitty ass stale coffee if you need to dilute it with butter and coconut oil.

>> No.6226696

> 4 - 10 cups a day
Finally someone I can relate to!

I like mine strong and bitter, preferably from home ground and pressed beans. Dash of milk to take off the sharp edge and sugar when I need a pick me up.

>> No.6227271


>> No.6227411

Strong skinny flat white with 1–2 tsp of sugar, depending on the blend and my taste buds.

>> No.6227437

7 sugars, the sweet tooth is real

>> No.6227451

I like my coffee like I like my women, black and bitter.

>> No.6227733

Strong and black, though sometimes I add something like half a teaspoon of raw sugar.
Never milk, cream or cream substitute though.

>> No.6227924

half mug of hot milk
rest is strong coffee
so basically a flat white but only half milk.. no sugar or cream or any of that shit

>> No.6227928

Strong coffee with about two inches of steamed heavy cream and no sugar.

The best.

>> No.6228347

White with one, please.

That's how I answer the question when I'm a guest in someone's home for the first time and don't know how they brew their coffee. It's a safe bet.

I can't imagine why someone would ask me how I like my coffee unless they were making it for me.

>> No.6228875

I enjoy all coffee, but my favorite drink would be a Cappuccino with 5-6% milk

>> No.6228893


like midnight on a moonless night

>> No.6228921
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>How do you like your coffee?

1/2 mug of Maxwell House Original Roast, 1 tsp Big Chief beet sugar, 1/2 tsp Coffee Mate powered creamer.

>> No.6229034

I grind my beans and brew it in a French press and then 99% of the time drink it black. After I take the time to prep everything I don't really think its right to cover my work with creamers or sugar.
I keep buying dark roasts despite thinking I'll get something different, I guess I'm more okay with risking getting burnt beans because I've smoked too many cigarettes to care

>> No.6229039

Strong with a lot of cream usually half and half. Til it's a nice caramel color. I used to take sugar but now just make it strong and creamy. Mmmmmm coffee.....

>> No.6229732

you took my reply

>> No.6229862
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>i enjoy dark roasts

>> No.6229867

Dark roasts are shit but that's not a fedora thing.

>> No.6229871

Everyone now knows that light/medium is the way to go

>> No.6229889

I like light myself, but dark roasts are usually just bought by idiots who fell for clever marketing than anything.

>> No.6229966

I haven't found a light roast that wasn't too acidic for me

medium is the best way to go

>> No.6229972

I've almost completely switched to exclusively black coffee for ease of use. If i had more time I'd take my more savory coffee's coming from Central/South America with cream and no sugar. I would take those in the more acidic African varieties with a unrefined, caramel noted sugar.

>> No.6229987

Why does having refined taste automatically make someone a hipster?
I enjoy good food and wine, I don't eat fast food or drink soda but I'm a down to earth guy with no pretensions. Honestly, some of you have inferiority complexes the size of a planet.
Be yourself and enjoy what you like, be that fois gras or Kraft dinner with Mountain Dew.

>> No.6230387

>stop liking what I don't like
Seriously the dude said he smoked and likes that burnt taste so fuck of with your fedora and go to the alcoholism thread and jerk off your buddies.

>> No.6230391

>Why does having refined taste automatically make someone a hipster?

You're new here, aren't you?

>> No.6230396

>Refined taste
>Coffee where char covers up any sort of flavor


>> No.6230405

I've been buying some straight Peruvian beans lately that make the best cup I've had in quite awhile (I drink all my coffee black, btw).

>> No.6231926 [DELETED] 

I like my coffee the same way I like my waifu
Dark & sweet

>> No.6231931
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I like my coffee the same way I like my waifu
Dark & sweet

>> No.6232008
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A heaping mound of baking sugar, and a touch of half-n-half, if anything just to watch it billow and swirl, as well as the placebo effect of thinking it'll go down smoother. Lovely.

>> No.6232013

Maybe he's a full time ketoer

>> No.6232113
File: 1.62 MB, 2400x1590, Cafe-Au-Lait-for-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made café au lait for the first time. 1:1 ratio of French press to heated milk. It was okay but I think next time I'll increase the amount of coffee.

Any tips?

>> No.6232123

I like my coffee like I like my Women. FILLED WITH BIG BLACK COCK!

>> No.6232145

I'll ask here instead of making a new thread.

Want a manual ceramic burr grinder for not an insane amount of money,

What buy?

>> No.6232146

Hario or Porlex.

>> No.6232151

Thanks like, I'll look on Amazon.

>> No.6232154
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pure black coffee!

>> No.6232214
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aeropress with kerrygold butter instead of cream
no sugar needed

>> No.6232259

holy shit i want one of these

>> No.6232344
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Hey /ck/, how do I get into coffee? I've made it through my days without it, but I feel like I might want an extra kick. You know, that stuff everyone drinks. Now I've had a bit of it before on a few occasions, and I understand that coffee is an acquired taste. But are there any ways to go on about getting used to it faster? What would you suggest I do to get my palate used to coffee?

>> No.6232445

understand that coffee isn't supposed to be bitter. go to a speciality coffee shop and order either a filter coffee or an americano (also known as a long black). drink it. it won't be bitter

>> No.6232457

>understand that coffee isn't supposed to be bitter

I thought everyone knew this

If your coffee's bitter you ain't doing it right

It's supposed to taste roasty, like it smells, and be good with a little sugar

anything else is additional flavoring but good coffee can be good in its simplest form.

>> No.6232704

>muh bulletproof coffee

how about you cook your food with coco oil instead and enjoy your coffee pure without anything added?

>> No.6232720

I like to laugh at the bulletproof fags too, but I think the alleged point of it is that you get a bolus of slow digesting fat in your food so you won't feel hungry for a long time after "breakfast"

it's like a kind of fasting, or something.

>> No.6232739

I absolutely despise coffee unless it's diluted with milk and sugar, but only drink black coffee anyways because muh calories.

>> No.6232748

yeah, it's a fad diet thing. if you eat clean and exercise regularly, then you don't ever even have to think about that kind of stuff.

>> No.6232750

oh and i forgot to say,

I used to take mine with lots of cream and sugar before I actually liked coffee, but now I take it black with just a little bit of sugar to round out the bitterness.

>> No.6233231

Why is Folgers so shit?

>> No.6233289


In coffee?

Isn't that something they do in Norway? (one of the scandinavian countries)

What does it add to the flavour and texture of the coffee?

>> No.6233295

Is any brand of instant coffee/shop bought granules acceptable?

>> No.6233302

I just drink black coffee. never had any fancier drinks or real espresso. Also, looking for a new bag of beans, really liked the kenyan beans i got a while ago, if anyone has any good recs. I used to drink dark roasts but then started drinking med-dark and liked them better; going to try more medium roasts now.

>> No.6233328 [DELETED] 


It's generic.

>> No.6233927
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Consumption of a dark roast coffee decreases the level of spontaneous DNA strand breaks: a randomized controlled trial.

>> No.6234092
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ITT: butter in coffee

it's probably not any good. It's some bullshit foodie fad after some fedora-wearing basement-dwelling macfag tumblr liberal edgelord spread it around after hearing an offhand joke about it on the Simpsons

>> No.6234217

Nah, just a run of the mill scam.

>> No.6234229
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That attached image is depressingly true.

>> No.6235320
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there's nothing fedora about strong dark black coffee

>> No.6235332

because it's a name brand and it's edgy/authentic/attention-whoring to hate the leading brand

>> No.6235338

black or with chocolate whey

>> No.6235368

Yes there totally is. Unless they're super good quality beans, strong black coffee is putrid swill that people only drink because they think it makes them "dark and edgy and experienced and cultured."

It's the same thing with beer snobs and super hoppy microbrews. "Woah, look at me, don't I know a lot about beer by stifling my gag reflex on this crap beer that I actually hate but want to show off my depth of taste."

Real food patricians don't force themselves to like things.

>> No.6235391

Double ristretto.

>> No.6235401
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With a splash of 2% milk or half of one of those creamer thingies in a restaurant or 7-11.

Espresso I drink black (duh) with some sugar.

for instant, always this.

>> No.6235404


You haven't had a coffee made properly with one then. Light roasts made well are sweet and juicy.

>> No.6235406

Macchiato with brown sugar

>> No.6235411

Get a Rhinowares handgrinder. They massively outperform both of those for the same price.

>> No.6235432


>whatever I don't like is edgy fedora

ok, bro

>> No.6235635


Are you me

>> No.6235730
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But I like dark coffee and don't like overly hoppy beers
>checkmate atheists

>> No.6235743

I got a cheap Espresso machine
Usually double shot with frothed milk and caramel

>> No.6235770

1 tablespoon of butter for each 8oz of coffee

>> No.6235773

Textbook example of projection with a hint of autism.

>> No.6235778

a tsp of cream
a tsp of sugar

>> No.6235790

Yes, I drink black coffee when I'm by myself/it's obscured by a lid so I can show off. Flawless logic.

>> No.6236033

You know, I used to think I couldn't understand the whole Bulletproof coffee thing. But it turns out I did all along -- there is nothing better than a cup of black coffee and a butter croissant to dip in it. That buttery explosion combined with the coffee is the most pleasant taste imaginable on a Monday morning.

>> No.6237226

Depends on the quality of the coffee. If it's fresh and brewed properly (not bitter) I can drink it black or with some milk for colour. Usually I just drink whatever drip garbage we have for free at work, so 1 milk & 1 sugar is necessary to cut the dishwater flavour. I like the occasional pumpkin spice or latte, but I find as I get older I prefer something less sweet.

I used to work in a chain coffee shop a number of years ago and I was disgusted by the amount of cream & sugar people put in their coffee. Like we're talking 4x4's where literally half the cup was cream and sugar. I'm no purist, but if you hate the taste of actual coffee that much maybe you shouldn't be drinking it.

>> No.6237413

When I first started drinking coffee, I'd drink it black because I thought it'd make me cool.

Unfortunately, I'd also have a shit brew and fucked up my stomach for some time.

After a long stint of tea only, I went back.

Now I add just a bit of cream (milk doesn't taste right) and a teaspoon or less of sugar. Biggest difference is in my brewing, though.

All's right with the world.

>> No.6237421

>understand that coffee isn't supposed to be bitter.
>go to a speciality coffee shop and order either [one of the two most bitter coffees that they could make]
I believe you are trolling, sir.

If you've already tried coffee but didn't like it then there's no real reason to force yourself to like it. Drink what you do like instead.
But it's possible that you may have tried a bad coffee and it would be unfair to judge all coffee on that bad experience. So my advice is to go to specialty coffee shop (no chain stores like Starbucks) and order a flat white coffee. Try that and see if you like it.
I'd recommend the flat white over an espresso because espresso can be a bit strong for new coffee drinkers who haven't acquired a taste for coffee yet. It's espresso that is diluted with steamed milk. If they made it right, and you don't like it, then just accept that coffee isn't for you.

>> No.6237436

I got an aeropress from my dad for Christmas and I used it, like, once. I liked the coffee it brewed, but it seemed to take quite a while to set up and whatnot.

Any tips? Or does the process become more or less automated when you get used to it?

>> No.6237457

Typically milk and sugar.

Occasionally cream, sugar and dark chocolate (my favorite).

I almost always cool it.
I seldom have hot coffee. Not a big fan.

Very rarely will I ever have it black.

>> No.6237495

You might just be going to shit coffeehouses with teenagers working the counter

To me, if a coffee is bitter it's not worth paying for it.

>> No.6237517


Depends on the situation. If I'm having coffee alongside a meal, then plain black is best. By itself, with equal amounts of cream and sugar. Going with sweet food, it gets a splash of cream no sugar.

>> No.6237518

>implying americano is bitter
Holy shit what? I have never heard of such a thing. If an americano is bitter then they fucked up making the espresso or the drinker has babby tatste buds. I've never had filter coffee though, so maybe you're right on that one.

>> No.6237520

>smokes cigarettes
>won't eat fast food or drink soda

>> No.6237525

Do you not know how addiction works?

>> No.6237531

Being a smoker is way better than being fat, in almost every way.

>> No.6237706

just a table spoon of milk in it to take the edge off

>> No.6237726

being fat affects only yourself
smoking poisons everyone around you

>> No.6237748

>does the process become more or less automated when you get used to it?
Pretty much, The time it takes for my kettle to boil usually is enough to get it ready.
I dont bother grinding every time, I just grind 4 cups worth of beans in the morning and keep it in an airtight to use when needed.

>> No.6237800
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I like it cold press with lots of ice, lots of cream and lots of sugar with a pinch of sea salt.

>> No.6237941
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>making assumptions

I'm not saying you have to approve but I've yet to find a better way to start the day besides coffee and a cigarette. I like how the tastes combine, but yeah it's still terrible for you so I've stopped smoking. Now I just like strong dark coffee to remind me how I used to abuse myself with chain smoking. And of course smoking ruins your taste buds so I always liked my coffee strong to compensate for that, and then I just acquired a taste for it that way.

>> No.6238350
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sweetened condensed milk erryday
vietcong know what's good

>> No.6238361

>being fat affects only yourself
what about the smell? and taking up adjacent seats on public transport?

>> No.6238607

>coffee alongside a meal
Unless that meal is breakfast you're disgusting
Coffee is for after the meal

>> No.6238615

sandwich + coffee for lunch is pretty great

>> No.6238961

Black for breakfast.

With a tablespoon of honey for dessert.

>> No.6239138
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I can only drink espresso because any kind of drip coffee gives me horrible heartburn. Luckily I find it cheap at my uni.

>> No.6239150

Black as midnight on a moonless night.

>> No.6239190

That's pretty strange man. You should try a double blind trial to see if it's just a placebo or not.

>> No.6239201

Elena bros in /ck/? now that's nice

>> No.6239205

That gum you like is going to come back in style.

>> No.6239211

Just ground coffee brewed in a french press for 5 mins, sometimes if I've got time I'll grind some beans, but that's not often.

>> No.6239553

Favorite brands/blends?

>> No.6241648

Has Bean

>> No.6241667

french pressed
medium to medium dark roast
nothing added

>> No.6241707

Roasting is actually pretty easy in a popcorn maker, just need to keep an eye on the temp.

What happened to your espresso machine, Anon?

>> No.6241710

It's a case of burning the coffee when it comes out, or when it hits the hot water in the cup.

Yes, you can burn coffee in the cup if the cup is too hot. I've done it, it's embarassing and worse than an over-roasted bean because there's no hint of coffee, just tire rubber.

>> No.6241760

flat white w/ soy no sugar

>> No.6241762


>> No.6241776

I just stir some coffee granules into hot water. I prefer it this way, i drink so much coffee i save using a machine, or adding milk and sugar for special mornings where i want a good pick me up. Would not be able to drink so much milk in a day either.

>> No.6241812

Like I like my women, cold and bitter.

>> No.6241994

Medium to Medium-Light roast with 5 cream, and 3 sugar.
I like it warm not hot.

White as heaven and sweet as sin baby.

>> No.6242041

It doesn't smell very good (reminds me of cheap plastic) but it tastes fine black. I'm sure the kind of people who drink Folger's just load it with cream and sugar anyway.

>> No.6242068

My favorite drink is an Americano. How strong should it be, though? I make them just slightly stronger than standard drip coffee, but I've seen pictures that look just slightly bigger than a couple of shots of plain espresso?
I have a couple more questions for my coffee bros, i-if that's okay...
>Is a flat white supposed to taste like a big sickening cup of hot milk with a hint of coffee flavor?
Seriously, that shit gave me lactose intolerance.
>Does chicory coffee taste good black?

>> No.6242089

Ibuki is a top-tier waifu...literally.

>> No.6242105

I liked espresso the first time I tried it, which was some time before junior high. I also liked beer the first time I tried it, which is apparently uncommon. Maybe I'm just weird.

>> No.6242159
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>One of pic related
>Grind the fucking beans until their as fine as yo momma's pussy
>Tamp that shit down hard, but not too hard, like your jerking it and bout to nut
>Stuff the beans in the machine
>Under more pressure than George W Bush at a spelling bee
>Watch it stream at 93 Degrees C
>Soon as that shit starts turning cum-coloured, fucking shut it down
>The you drink it ASAP because you're not some fucking pussy that made coffee but then she decided she'd rather have warm milk instead.

>> No.6242308

kill yourself

>> No.6242333

i'm not pickey. on wintry morning strong,lightly sweet,halfnhalf. or evap milk.I feel sorry for the people up north us

>> No.6242335

fucking butter man
do you have no shame?like you go to a restaurant after your meal and you ask your server
bring me an expresso with butter,please

>> No.6242340


>> No.6243664
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>> No.6244120


I like coffee with a meal. Especially a salty one. I don't care if you think I'm disgusting; bitter and salt is a classic combination.

>> No.6244154

it is easy to mess up a good dark roast to get it a burnt roast- gevalia French roast with french press is good

If I'm feeling decadent, I put a, egg yolk in my cup with some honey/dark chocolat crumbs, extract a shot of espresso in cup, whisk and add a touch of steamed milk
to make a kaiser melange

>> No.6244264

Who Pour Over here?!

>> No.6244270

I'm repulsed but intrigued too.

>> No.6244294

Bulletproof® Coffee, a horrendous iteration Tibetan yak butter tea.

>> No.6244310

I'm fairly certain that the Bulletproof coffee is a troll aimed at Americans who put so much sweetening fat into their fraggotaccino coffee. It's like, if you're puting all of that fat in your coffee then you may as well add a stick of butter too.

>> No.6245014


Black, brewed from a moka pot.

Also. I gotta buy some coffee, but my only option right now is starbucks. Which grain should I buy from them?

I thought about Kenya. Is it good?

>> No.6245128


>> No.6245151


Coffee is not a bean. Grain or seed is the better name.


>> No.6245159

Yes I know, but "which grain should I buy them from?" still doesn't make sense.

>> No.6245267

Black from express or Irish.

>> No.6245366

Any tips for using the areopress?

>> No.6245380

I might get hate but I use a good Sumatra or kona blend and add cinnamon, a verry small amount of clove and a tab of rosemary but no cream and sugar

>> No.6246696
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I like my coffee with hot frothy milk

>> No.6246802

gril detected

>> No.6247190

You just aren't extracting enough. Lighter roasted coffee will be more dense and less extractable than a more darkly roasted coffee (also, because of the degradation of the cell structure with increased roasting, darker roasts will actually produce more fine particles than a light roast at the same grind setting, leading to higher extraction still).

Good quality coffee is better at lighter roasts generally, with a low limit being somewhere around the start of first crack. Most dark roasted coffee is roasted darkly because of roaster ignorance, green bean quality defects, or a combination of the two. Most coffee of sellable quality will taste about the same if it goes well into second crack. That flavour is primarily carbon and dark caramel. Gross.

Lightly roasting coffee allows for the nuance of the terroir, cultivar, and processing to shine through.

>> No.6247218


There are a few routes.

First, you can go to local cafes in your area that serve good coffee. Look for single origin coffee, and that means that it can be traced to a farm ideally. If it just says "costa rica" or something like that, it is a regional blend, and probably you are not in a good cafe.

When you are at the cafe, try a few of their brewed coffees, if they are great they may even offer a tasting flight. That will allow you to try a few coffees at once. This is important. I have found that the most eye opening thing for people getting into coffee is for them to try many coffees side by side at once. Through the contrast, you will understand just how different coffees can be.

The other path is to dive right in, and buy yourself a good burr grinder (don't bother skimping here, or you will be dissatisfied until you buy better or give up), some good water (get distilled water, and add filtered tap water to it in a 2-8 part distilled water to 1 part filtered water ratio, depending on your water hardness (aim for around 70-130 ppm)) and buy a few coffees from good roasters. I'd say try Blue Bottle, Stump Town, Ritual and see what you like and go from there. Try a coffee from central america, ethiopia, kenya, and indonesia (sulawesi in particular). Try to order them all at once so you can compare them. Look up how to do a cupping, and cup them. I recommend a baratza encore for your first grinder.

>> No.6247220

>strong black coffee

You don't need a dark roast to be strong, in fact, darker roasts eventually destroy enough extractables that even with the same extraction parameters will lead to a thinner cup.

Buy good quality coffee and brew it correctly.

>> No.6247226

Ristretto is a poor way to prepare espresso. You cannot possibly prepare an espresso with a brew ratio below 2:1 (ristretto being below 1.5:1 commonly) and have an extraction yield over 18%. You will inevitably have a very intense, but sour and probably very bitter espresso. At best you will hit the first hump of 15-16% extraction yield, and get a fruit forward but unbalanced espresso.

>> No.6247254


I like my coffee the opposite of how I like my women (and neighbours, and friends, and people within my general vicinity): black

>> No.6247259

black. medium roast. 120F. French press preferred. If it's anywhere above 135F I add cream.

>> No.6247266

I like my coffee freshly ground with some chicory, brewed in the ol' fashioned drip pot, and maybe with a little cream if I am feeling fancy.

It's great with homemade yeast doughnuts or beignets.

>> No.6247337

What? You are underextracting your coffee. If it tastes bad above 120f, you are doing a few things wrong.

>> No.6247434



If you grind the beans fresh before making it, extract by espresso or french press, it won't be bitter.

Coffee shops suck for the most part.

Pour over / paper filter / drip is probably the worst for bitter. Stop doing that.

Why doesn't everyone just use a French Press? It's easy, quick, cheap, tastes good. WTF? Someone explain this shit to me.

>> No.6247617

Because you can make good tasting pour-over coffee. Also, french press will leave unpleasant sediment in the cup.

>> No.6247629

This is the new hipster attitude.

>> No.6247903


>> No.6247906

i've only had one ristretto but it was anything but sour or bitter.

>> No.6247909

>Coffee shops suck for the most part.
Which part of the world do you live in?

>> No.6247910

With half and half.

>> No.6248047

>Under more pressure than George W Bush at a spelling bee

Really cool, thanks

>> No.6248408

Black is good. With cream or half&half is also good. Iced coffee heavy on milk and sugar is also good every now and then.

>> No.6248431

Unless it's instant [in which a little cream], always black.

Cream, no sugar in iced coffee.

>> No.6249257

i think that's what he drinks it at, not brews it at

>> No.6249262

same thing milk would do minus the sweetness

>> No.6249496

Then you were lucky, and/or you haven't had a really good high extraction espresso.

>> No.6249618

>literally something at wholefoods called "mammoth coffee" that uses butter and coconut oil

i'll say it was interesting to try with no sugar or cream. very smooth to drink down but it had a strange aftertaste that i don't know how to describe. i'd have to try it one more time to get a better idea on whether i like it or not to be honest

>> No.6249673

except milk isn't sweet. so it literally just does the same thing milk does. thanks.

>> No.6250870
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Latte art

>> No.6250880

Black as the night, sweet as...idonthaveametaphor.

>> No.6250884

>milk isn't sweet


>> No.6250887
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>make 100s a coffee a day
>Still can only make a heart shape maybe one in 5 coffees

>> No.6250889

you aren't alone

>> No.6250891

R u me

Is 7/11 the only coffee shop you been to?
Cafes use a thing called a coffee grinder.

>> No.6252293
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You will get better...

>> No.6252383

i've been roasting in a popper for about a year and it's always been really good. sometimes i'd roast darker than i prefer (i like to stay away from second crack) but just the fact that it was quality fresh coffee made it better than any store stuff. i'm using a behmor now which is definitely better but kinda expensive.

>> No.6252400

porlex is way more consistent on the grind than hario. it's worth the extra few dollars.

>> No.6252420

i like to brew in a v60 and drink it black. i let it cool for about 5 minutes before i drink though. a lot more subtle flavors come out as the cup cools.

>> No.6252571

1 cup freshly brewed hot coffee
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 jigger Irish whiskey (1 1/2 ounces or 3 tablespoons)
Heavy cream, slightly whipped

>> No.6252639

Light roast, v60, nothing added. Up to 6 cups a day.

>> No.6252662

Just black, italian to enjoy, and 60/40 with milk when I have to get ready because I'm to impatient to wait for it to cool down

>> No.6253835

Folgers, Maxwell House, Yuba, and similar instant coffees are made from coffee beans harvested from from Robusta plants. Compared to the Arabica beans used in most specialty (good) coffee, Robusta plants are much hardier, produce many more beans per plant, and their beans have twice the caffeine of Arabica beans. This typically makes for a stronger cup, and the plants lend themselves to large-scale coffee industry. Furthermore, because the beans have been ground up and treated ahead of time to dissolve instantly, a great deal of their organic compounds are lost by the time you open your tub.

>> No.6253923

I need help figuring something out.

So I like making myself coffee in the morning, but I rarely have time to drink it all before I have to leave for work. I've got a french press that I get a good two cups out of.

Everything tastes fine when I drink it at home. Even an hour or so after brewing it still tastes mostly alright. I can still taste what the beans are supposed to taste like, it's just a little cold and overexposed from the little bit of grounds that snuck into the container.

However, if I put that coffee in a thermos and take it to work with me, it tastes like shit. I only live 10 minutes from work and it still tastes worse than the cold stuff that sat on my counter for an hour. I've tried plastic and metal thermoses. I've tried brewing and immediately leaving to see if I'm taking extra time and not realizing it. I've tried pouring it back out into a ceramic mug when I get to work to be sure it's not just the lack of nose when drinking from a thermos. Nothing works. The shit's fucking tainted and I don't know why. The thermoses are clean. Hand washed. I've even tried putting the coffee in one and drinking it at home. It tastes just fine. I don't understand.


>> No.6253983

Milk, no sugar.

>> No.6253988

it's hot in the thermos so it keeps brewing

>> No.6254020

I don't.

>> No.6254043
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I love a splash of coffee in my hazelnut coffee mate

>> No.6254432

Light roast 2cups, sweet with cane sugar and cold stone creamery creamer. On certain days I take it irish with a joint.

>> No.6254445
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I once got a dick shape in my coffee but I was too embarrassed to mention it to the barista in case it wasn't intentional.
I'm pretty fucking sure it was though.

>> No.6256903
File: 32 KB, 502x417, Intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god this is so cringy
>Strong black coffee
>uses an image of liam neesies
>uses liam neesies pieces with a cigar in mouth

>> No.6256905

that looks so disgustingly thick and sweet. who the fuck would drink that it's like a fucking candy bar

>> No.6256909
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My nigga.

>> No.6256937


Just depends on my mood and the brand of coffee. My preference for roast never changes (dark), but sometimes I take it black, sometimes I put a little milk, others I'll put a splash of cocoa powder or flavored creamer in it.

>> No.6257083

I have been trying to make microfoam milk with an aerolatte using this tutorial but the bottom half of the milk is still liquidy. How do you do it?


>> No.6257131
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no sugar added

brazilian beans, french press

>> No.6257391

reporting for duty

>> No.6257405

I like my coffee like I like my women: hot and full of liquor.

I like my coffe like I like my slaves: free.

Generally I drink it black, brewed as a pourover. However, with darker roasts that have a hint of chocolateyness to them, I think the milk complements fairly well if I don't use too much.

>> No.6257420

>2 legit results

I like you guys

>> No.6258113

>french press

I recently bought one, but my coffee is too watery and not at all strong/creamy. I'm using the measuring cups that came with the french press, and following its instructions. what am I doing wrong ?

>> No.6258119

what do the instructions say? and do you grind your own beans?

>> No.6258128

it's a tiny french press for two cups max, I live on my own so that's alright (made of glass)

instructions say: one cup of roughly ground beans per cup of coffee. add hot water and let it sit for 4 minutes, then press down and pour. I ground my own beans, yes.

>> No.6258134

at around the 3:30 mark, use a spoon to get rid of the crust at the top. then press down and pour.

>> No.6258139
File: 755 KB, 1838x1434, turkish-coffee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I in a hurry? Then I don't give a shit.
Am I at home? Turkish coffee, always.

>> No.6258142

i'm trying this on tuesday. pretty excited.

>> No.6258146

Hell yes, love it. There's a mosque nearby my house(only one in the city) and they have a cheap but excellent restaurant there. They know me there and it's always a chill athmosphere so I go there every day after work for a coffee and baklava.

>> No.6258161

and this will make my coffee less watery (like tea) and more full like actual coffee, how ?

>> No.6258162

Do the instructions define how large a cup of coffee is? It might be smaller than a regular liquid measuring cup.

>> No.6258164

i don't know if it will, but it will be an improvement upon your current method.

>> No.6258166

It's quite easy to make:
>grind coffee into dust
>heaping tablespoon for quarter cup water
>mix water and coffee before heating, heat slow, don't stir
>serve when it starts foaming, crema will form on its own
Don't drink the grinds.

>> No.6258170

it's supposed to have enough space for 2 cups max, so half of the content should fill a cup, and my cup is the perfect size for it. so I don't think the coffee cup size is the issue, for the coffee grind, I use the cup they included.

>> No.6258173

i don't have a pestle and mortar

>> No.6258175

>heaping tablespoon
*teaspoon, whoops

>> No.6258274

I also like my coffee like I like my women -- stuffed into a burlap sack and transported illegally out of South America

>> No.6258281

what the heck are you talking about? the milk has been steamed and the foam looks absolutely goddamn velvety.

there isn't a gram of sugar in that thing

>> No.6258286

i don't think he thought sugar had been added to the milk. milk is naturally sweet.

>> No.6258293

my nigger.

only OG's drink their filter coffee black

>> No.6259175

I also like my coffee like I like my women: white and sweet

>> No.6259185

I generally do 500g water for 27g beans, can't remember where I got this but it seems to work fine.

>> No.6259296

Melitta master race, reporting in as ordered.

>> No.6259303

If you can, and don't have a grinder of your own, get it ground a step coarser than espresso. The muddiness of the brew will be greatly reduced.

>> No.6259360

like my slaves

>> No.6259386

yeaaaa mellita here! I dig it but I really want one of those Chemex ones

>> No.6259390

My usual order at dunkin donuts
Extra large coffee
Extra extra extra sugar
Extra extra cream.