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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 485 KB, 2150x1430, scrambled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6225675 No.6225675 [Reply] [Original]

What's the fedora of eggs?

>> No.6225687


I don't know. I like mine scrambled or boiled

>> No.6225689



>> No.6225692


Seen lots of hipsters link to this. I made them once and they are utter shit.

>> No.6225696


>> No.6225701

please stop

i don't want the hat meme in my breakfast

please don't do this to me.

>> No.6225708

I only eat egg whites so I don't know

>> No.6225717

Actually, I think you answered the question.

Egg whites confirmed for fedora-tier.

>> No.6225722
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>I only eat pouched eggs

>> No.6225727


>> No.6225729

I want to kidnap Gordon Ramsay and force him to eat overcooked scrambled eggs and well done steak.

>> No.6225738

>Half cooking the tomatos

What the hell do they even taste like? Also, I'm curious about that egg mash, might try it someday.

>> No.6225742

Any preparation of eggs is fine.

Fedora eggs would be if you ONLY eat quail/duck/goose/swan/etc eggs, and then being really picky about it when youre eating brunch at a restaurant or friend's house.

>> No.6225758

"Never whisk the egg. Whisk it in the pan. Because when you start beforehand, you're breaking it all down. You've got to break it down in the pan"........... What the fuck?

Chives+onion on a fried egg are the best. The fedora of eggs is poached eggs, boiled eggs are autismfood and scrambled is memefood.

>> No.6225767

>not liking based eggs Benedict

>> No.6225775

Chives on fried?
mhmm, I have tried in omelette, but never like this. Gotta try it.

>> No.6225782

i made them once and they are quite good

>> No.6225783
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The Fedora meme is dead when OP tries to seriously relate a style of cooking eggs to le fedora meme.

>> No.6225787

Do you also eat the pouch?

>> No.6225791
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this is fedora tier. You don't have to like Ramsay at all, but if you made eggs exactly the way the video described it's not the recipe mate.

>> No.6225825

>ctrl-f sous vide
>0 of 0

>> No.6226015

>What's the fedora of eggs?
but if you need to cover eggs maybe you should lethally frag it first


>> No.6226071

Fedora has been dead for ages now. I mean seriously when was the last time you saw a post with a fedora picture that you didn't immediately skim over or proceed to shitpost.

>> No.6227324

They're not bad but thats way too heavy with all that butter and creme fresh.

Omlette with chives is the way to go

>> No.6227328

The fedora of eggs is hard boiled with the yolk still runny on the inside (soft boiled?) or poached.
Both are delicious though so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.6227339

Ugh boiled eggs with salt n peppah is the breakfast of fitizens.

>> No.6227351

>poached quail egg on everything whether it benefits from it or not

>> No.6227861

I want to kidnap Gordon Ramsay and force him to eat my asshole.

>> No.6227877

eggs benedict

>> No.6227885


>> No.6227903

pickled eggs. They come in a huge jar, perfect for the neckbeard who doesn't want to run into his mom in the kitchen since she'll yell at him for pissing in mountain dew bottles

>> No.6227950

Pickled eggs are fucking delicious though.

>> No.6227954

Fedora neckbeard detected.

>> No.6228382

super hard boiled with greying yolks I guess

personally I eat eggs any way but raw. Does that make me hipster?

>> No.6228427

The fedora of any food is either the oversalted and overfattened version or the strictly utilitarian food = fuel version. So in this case it'd be either fired or boiled eggs.

Any food that is prepared diligently can't be fedora.

>> No.6228482
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>> No.6228583

I've tried his method before, it's alright, but I prefer a more firm scrambled egg personally.

>> No.6228585
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Added too much milk to my scrambled eggs, turned out like fuck.

>> No.6228589
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Fuck you, iPhone.

>> No.6228592

Motherfucking cocksucker

>> No.6228600

Don't add anything to your eggs. It doesn't do anything but fuck them up.

>> No.6228601


You live in Australia?

>> No.6228629
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>turned out like fuck.

they look like gourmet eggs to me. i'd be delighted if mine turned out that way.

>> No.6228634

...in fact they're so light and fluffy that they seem to defy gravity!

/dad joke

>> No.6228639

its too late
4chan is in your food now
we took over the mother fuckin food supply mother fucker

>> No.6228645

I don't go for the creme fraiche, but I've taken to making scrambled eggs this way. They are really easy to monitor, so you can cook bacon and shit while you do them.

Though I think if you aren't going to put them on bread you really have to skimp on the butter.

>> No.6228647

Can you even make eggs sous vide?

>> No.6228648
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>I only eat eggs that I cracked myself
>muh real eggs

I eat normal eggs, same as everyone else. You hipsters make me laugh. What's next, brewing your own coffee from beans, like some california faggot?

>> No.6228738

wrong faggot. adding a tiny bit of milk or water helps build volume and texture to the egg

>> No.6228746



Literally Reddit Eggs.

>> No.6228753

>What's the fedora of eggs?
You, you fucking egghead.

>> No.6229655

Nobody here has ever heard of basted eggs?

>> No.6229760

Eggs that have had a black truffle rubbed on the shells the day before, so the unique flavor penetrates them.


>> No.6229782

Eggs poached in obscure American IPA

>> No.6229832

idk how it would be prepared, but
>duck egg
>served from food truck

>> No.6229847

egg benedict, because sauce is basically only eggs and oil, so it's eggs, with eggs and oil

>> No.6229858


Would you eat this /ck/?

>> No.6229865

Fuck YES, I would. That looks glorious.

>> No.6229872

Yes, absolutely. But, (and this is a big but), I'd prefer it without the sauce on top.

>> No.6229874
File: 549 KB, 1632x1224, photo (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I shouldn't "egg" you on, but here is a dish I have had at a fancy molecular 19-course degustation dinner called "The World Series of Food"

Served in the shell of a steam cleaned blue duck egg shell, a salted vanilla cream foam suspended with soy lecithin, and inside that a "yolk" of spherified orange, carrot and saffron puree. This was served on a "nest" of alfalfa that had been lit and extinguished right before serving, so the smoke just slightly wafts about you as you eat the dish.

Note there was no actual egg in the dish, except for the use of the shell.

>> No.6229876

beer poached eggs? sounds good Ima have to try that

>> No.6229938

Like all japanese things, it is very plain and boring but ridiculously hard to make, but has caters to their bizarre craving for all things that feel like a mouthfull of cum

>> No.6229954



>> No.6230055

>this whole post

There's no way

>> No.6230061

Deviled Eggs
Extremely fedora

>> No.6230969

Just do it in like bud or natty so that you're not a hipster or a fedora.

>> No.6230981
File: 162 KB, 500x375, scotch-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6230989

8/10 would eat on a daily basis

>> No.6230993



>> No.6230995
File: 151 KB, 1500x1020, Hindshead-267-1500x1020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The captcha was "absces"

>> No.6230998


Looks like cum with pepper in it.

>> No.6231000

It's very clear many of you are underage because you actually care about this kind of bullshit.

>> No.6231004

You care that we care. Means you probably havent even been born yet

>> No.6231090


yea, seemed supper fatty

>> No.6231097

soft scrambled on toast, boiled, scrambled with sharp cheese and bacon bits, over easy on top of a sausage gravy covered biscuit, over easy on top of sliced sharp cheese, on top of a short stack of pancakes with a layer of sausage in between the two pancakes, slathered with butter and maple syrup; eggs, the only real food.

>> No.6231100

wrong faggot, best scrambled eggs are made in microwave.

>> No.6231105

Who hurt you?

>> No.6231306

That stupid fucking thing where you cut hole in a thin slice of tasteless wonderbread and fry an egg inside of it. Total bullshit artifice and you can't go 20 minutes in here without some moron "discovering" it. Just make a fried egg sandwich you douchebags, it's obviously what you really want.

>> No.6231319

Omelet obviously. There are all sorts of techniques to get them exactly right and being elitist about it afterwards and you can put the most autistic ingredients inside.

>> No.6231483


Is there a certain good frozen hashbrown brand?

>> No.6231509

The better version of this is to cut a section of bell pepper and cook the egg in that. Bomb ass fried egg sammies

>> No.6231516


* tips fedora *

>> No.6231527

>Toad in the hole ever being good

>> No.6231615

My mom always boils eggs for my autistic brother and this comment made my laugh the hardest I have in a month

>> No.6231621

My mom always boils eggs for my autistic brother. This made me laugh hardest

>> No.6231893
File: 13 KB, 290x384, 1375732068577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image results
>0 hits

>> No.6232131
File: 1.75 MB, 331x240, DreddJustice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1 whole fucking minute passes before he gets to the eggs

> dumps a shitton of butter into the egg
> and creme, chives, salt, pepper, and, and... it fucking oozed out of the pot he was using

> and the toast burns


>> No.6232139




>> No.6232144

I whisk A1 into my eggs
sometimes even taco bell sauce

>> No.6232153

Maybe mollet eggs.
What does fedora mean in this case anyway? That's memetalk.

>> No.6232160
File: 34 KB, 356x329, eggsface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way

>> No.6232971


>> No.6233022

I'm actually fairly skinny considering my eating habits are shit. I eat like once a day.

>> No.6233039
File: 136 KB, 640x640, 2524782-balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree this is the fedora of eggs.

>> No.6233041


>> No.6233456
File: 26 KB, 460x288, jamie_1642561c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of olive oil

>> No.6233475

That's more like the hipster of eggs.

>> No.6233526

Basted eggs are god tier

>> No.6233529

eggs benedick is definitely fedorafood

>> No.6233567

it's fucking bread m8
but whatever, keep eating charcoal if you want save 5 cents

>> No.6233581


>> No.6233603

You probably just suck at cooking.

>> No.6233630

cry some more

>> No.6233643

I will, thank you very much. I will shed a single tear for your delusional faggot mind.

>> No.6233648

so buttmad

>> No.6233649

It's so sore, could you put some cream on it? Thnx bby ;^)

>> No.6233663
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>> No.6233738

Fucking this, they were undercooked enough to get salmonella and he didn't even cook them in bacon grease.

>> No.6234128
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1313390415880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poached eggs

why? how? my grandfather would eat them on toast every day with black-as-tar coffee before going to the factory.

>> No.6234134

And my grandfather wore a fedora and zoot suit.

Being that old almost guarantees it is fedora.

>> No.6234174

By what do you mean "fedora"? Classy topping? Fakey enhancement? Scramble of sincerity? I don't know what you're seeking.

>> No.6234667

it's very reminiscent of French style scrambled egg. Very creamy but I would rather have something more cooked - firm - and flavoured.

>> No.6234673


You mad bro

>> No.6234715

You can, but it's terribly redundant because it's extremely similar, if not identical, to poaching.

>> No.6234720

how do you prepare your eggs op?
that's the fedora of eggs.
Because you are a total faggott.

>> No.6234728


>> No.6234729 [DELETED] 

id say sunny side up or over hard

>> No.6234787

egg white omelets.

>> No.6234804

what is cholesterol

>> No.6234808

nothing bad in moderation.

there are worse sources of cholesterol then eggs.

>> No.6234810 [DELETED] 

you do know that the yolk has the most cholesterol right? no one can be this stupid right?

>> No.6234818

yeah. like liver. and kidney. those good old dietary staples. yum.

you put like 2-3 eggs in an omelet, that's a lot of yolk.

which is why I don't understand how avoiding the yolks is somehow fedora tier shit. follow the conversation, friend.

>> No.6234824 [DELETED] 

>doesn't get the fedora meme
learn your memes grandpa

>> No.6234828

but there are good things in with that cholesterol.

you could be eating some processed crap or something with a lot of butter. that has no good qualities to it at all.

>> No.6234830

>processed crap
opinion discarded

>> No.6234836

plz stahp

a meme food isn't a popular food, it's food where people add things into it to the point where it's making it worse or pointless.

>> No.6236336

Eggs Fedora

>> No.6236357
File: 126 KB, 489x400, 1334241506741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you eat just the yolk or the white of the egg, then this picture is for you.

>> No.6236385

>free range eggs
>autistic about cracking eggs
>double boiler
>strains burnt butter through a coffee filter

>> No.6236404

yeah cuz it was off my phone ya dangus.

I mentioned I actually had it in the first paragraph.

It was fucking good too.

>> No.6236419

But what if you use the yolks to make bernaise and use the whites to make an omelette the next morning?

>> No.6236451

Or use the whites to make meringue then use the yolks to make an omelette the next morning.

>> No.6236452

Then it's fine, you're using the whole eggs.
What I see as fedora shit is eating just part of the egg for no good reason.

>> No.6236467

This recipe's great, you probably just fucked it up. You don't need the creme fraiche, I've never used it. It's easier if you use a small non-stick pan though instead of a pot like in the video

>> No.6236492

Let's play spot the faggot.


>> No.6236504

>15 minutes to make scrambled eggs
How about you spend that time making something interesting. What the fuck.

>> No.6236547


Not him but he's a faggot for telling you that you can't cook? Ok

>> No.6236584

I second this

>> No.6236590

Poached eggs. Fried is almost the same but much easier.

>> No.6236645

My peanus weanus of course. You see, the fedora of eggs is.... my peanus weanus of course haha.

>> No.6236695

Am I a bad person for not liking scrambled eggs that are somewhat runny? The texture seems weird to me and I don't like having my eggs be still liquefied. I-I also like my steak medium well

>> No.6236706

I don't approve of your steak choice but I'm not a fan of runny eggs either. I don't mind the yolks so much but just thinking about runny egg whites make me physically gag.

(I just did now)

>> No.6236713

>All that fucking butter in scrambled fucking eggs

>> No.6236734

Actually looks pretty good. At least they aren't runny.

>> No.6236786


Poached are lighter and fluffier and dissolve in your mouth
The yolk stays creamy and smooth
They're not greasy from the oil

They're just objectively better than fried in every way except they don't go golden and crispy I guess.

>> No.6236828

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.6236915
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what about sunny? I like mine "sunny and runny"

>> No.6236932

Can we all agree that over-easy is GOAT?

>> No.6236935
File: 114 KB, 550x538, Century-eggs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6236939



Has anyone heard of tea eggs around here?

>> No.6237034

>2016 - 1
>not having oeufs en cocotte

stay pleb

>> No.6238186


> 1:35:03

Nah nig I aint watching that shit,

>> No.6238371

Please god no

>> No.6238445

I hate scrambled eggs. The only way to make them acceptable is if you put a shit ton of seasoning in them and even then you are just wasting good eggs.

The best part of the egg is the yolk. Yolk in between raw and cooked is the most delicious an egg can be. If you dilute the yolk, you've ruined the egg.

Ramsay is an idiot if he doesn't realize this.

>> No.6238446

the answer is French style. all other answers are wrong

>> No.6238447

Eggs have a shitty percentage of protein. Any meat and even beans are better than egg.

>> No.6238460

No cheese, no bacon grease, no deal.

Plus they are runny.

>> No.6238482

Fried Boiled Egg with Tamarind Sauce (Son-in-Law Eggs) - Kai Luk Koey (ไข่ลูกเขย)

>> No.6238581

Literally just whisk a few eggs, pour them into a hot pan with oil, then stir it for like a minute or two, then put salt and butter on it. That is all you have to do to make good eggs

>> No.6238591

breaking what down?

>> No.6238598


Yes, different techniques produce different outcomes in texture/flavour.

I find it funny that people would call ramseys version of scrambled eggs autistic yet if you told them you were baking a steak in the oven they'd scream bloody murder.

Its the same thing, different techniques for different results. People only go autismo because it's not the way that they cook it.