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6222555 No.6222555 [Reply] [Original]

I believe I have invented the perfect diet.
I works like this : have a nice dinner no later than 7pm.
Then go to bed at your normal time.
By 7 am you have already been fasting for 2 hrs.
Once you are up there is no eating all day.
You go to bed hungry but you are well into ketonis .
Get up at 7 AM and you have been fasting for 36 hrs . Now its time to break your fast with protein. I like 4 over easy eggs mixed with a little cheese.
All day you keep the carbs to a bare minimum.
This cycle happens twice a week .
The other three days are total cheat days. Eat whatever you please.

This diet will melt the fat away and improve your IGF1 levels in a big way.

This diet could honestly extend your life by decades and you get to eat any all all amazing food that you all love so much.

>> No.6222573

>By 7 am you have already been fasting for 2 hrs.

12hrs not 2

>> No.6222600 [DELETED] 

ive been doing this for most of my life.

>> No.6222614

His name is Bendtadumknt Cumberbumkt

>> No.6222621


>This diet will melt the fat away and improve your IGF1 levels in a big way.

Let me guess, you learned about IGF-1 from that Horizon episode on the "5:2" diet?

>> No.6222628

But it takes two days to enter Ketosis, anon. So, you're basically getting a very limited time that the body is in that mode.

This may prevent some weight gain by nature of the fasting and all, but it's very unlikely to be a weight loss strategy.

>> No.6222630
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>starve yourself and then eat junk food

Nice diet you've developed there, OP.

>> No.6222642

Double trips confirms

>> No.6222646

This is just a glorified way of starving yourself.
My boyfriend won't let me get away with this.

>> No.6222681

17hrs actually

>> No.6222724

Its two to three days to reach ketosis on a low or no carb diet .
Its pretty quick with fasting .
Fasting before going low carb is not new.

>> No.6222745

Damn, Cumberbatch needs to start using sunscreen.

>> No.6222852


holy shit double trips

>> No.6223003
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Not just double trips but topic related double trips.
Fives and twos.


>> No.6223018

Lets be real here. You haven't "invented" shit. Keto diets have been around since before the JFK hoax.
As for all these people shitting on your diet, they're wrong as well. Keto is a great diet, provided you can keep the carbs basically zero. You lose fat like a motherfucker and get to eat good stuff too

>> No.6223899

He is not as cute without makeup

>> No.6223904

>By 7am
>Once you get up

Do you really think I'm able to get up past 7AM?

>> No.6223906

>there is no eating all day
yeah I like not going hypoglycemic

yeah I'll lose a lot of weight but that's because Ill barely be in consciousness and unable to move

>> No.6223961

Fasting will help you overcome hypoglycemia forever.
Unless you have the beetus that is.

>> No.6224036

I'll get you up

>> No.6224053

I thought it was Benadryl Cucumberpatch.

>> No.6224061


Why does he look like he had his face stretched too tight in a botched plastic surgery procedure?

>> No.6224080


> don't eat for 36 hours twice a week and you'll lose weight

depends what you eat between the fast days

And I doubt fasting two days a week is a manageable lifestyle

>> No.6224153

>doubt fasting two days a week is a manageable lifestyle

A sizable percentage of London has been doing this for two years.

>> No.6224203

If I fast for two days, I'm gonna fucking binge the next day. Can't help it. Won't lose weight if I'm eating like 8000 calories when im not fasting.

>> No.6224446

Studies show that most people only eat 25% more the next day and they feel like they binged.

>> No.6224457

I see you watched that BBC documentory also

>> No.6224672

AKA "Bendthedick Cuminhersnatch"

>> No.6224685


I basically starved like a mother fucker when I lived in London. Not total muslim like fasting or whatever but an average day might be several cups of tea, a small salad (if anything) for lunch and either a bowl of rice or 2 pieces of toast with some jelly where I had swindled some of the small packets commonly found at a hotel's continental breakfast.

It's hard at first but after a while you do get used to it.

>> No.6224734

I am fit and its all because of my diet, and id like to keep it a secret.. ive never done any crazy method or ate any fruit for it, i dont follow up your "perfect diet" i also have a nice curve shape an dim not underweight or overweight idk maybe its my diet because it is for a fact different.. oh and im american

>> No.6225097

It was pretty good!
I also trust the BBC about like PBS or NPR , at least on sciency stuff.

>> No.6225107


>> No.6225111

The secret to dieting is: stop eating so much shit, eat healthier food, portion control, regular exercise.

>> No.6225154

Its also really good for you to deplete all the glycogen in your liver once in a while.
Your bland advice does not address that.

>> No.6225397

old ramblin gal?

>> No.6225406

What is that thing in OP's pic? It's horrendous.

>> No.6225431

If you never had a eating disorder, then maybe he wouldn't have to treat you like a 4 year old.

>> No.6225438

If you never would have had an eating*

>> No.6225626

Are you drink?

>> No.6225736

It's Cumberdict Benibatch

>> No.6225745

Well he has very nice teeth for a british

>> No.6225748

Beenderdonedat Scratchmaback

>> No.6225762

This is a fucking shit diet and you should feel bad

>> No.6225871
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Woman detected.

>> No.6225877

You're mistaken, his name is Bartleby Cabbagepatch.

>> No.6225885

Wouldn't it be significantly less retarded to just eat a healthy diet that gives you vitamins and minerals and shit? Why do fat people always try to find some crazy diet that doesn't work for longer than a few weeks? Just eat the shit every other skinny person eats

>> No.6225891
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>Wouldn't it be significantly less retarded to just eat a healthy diet that gives you vitamins and minerals and shit?
They don't even need to do that. The whole key is to just eat less.

Also OP is clearly a woman (i.e. suffering from hormone-addled tardbrains)

>> No.6225898


Eating less is good enough for weight loss but OP's making it sound like not eating on some days and then eating kraft mac n cheese and bacon and cake on the rest is the pinnacle of health

>> No.6225911

come on guys read the thread.
There are significant health advantages to fasting besides weight loss.
IGF1 levels greatly reduced.
Liver flushed of glycogen
this is life extending stuff.

>> No.6225928
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Fuck off hippie

>> No.6225959


>IGF1 levels greatly reduced.

That's a good thing when we're talking cancer, but you know what else is good for preventing cancer? Eating healthy foods and avoiding unhealthy foods. In fact IGF-1 is tied very strongly to animal protein, with vegans having the lowest IGF-1 levels and highest levels of IGF-1 binding protein

But anyway, why is emptying your liver's glycogen by means of starvation good? If you feel like using up some glycogen, why not exercise and enjoy the extra benefits associated with that? That's what the glycogen is there for anyway. If you're doing this kind of shit for health, I don't get why you'd half ass it so much

>> No.6225962

is it true that he's a kiddie fiddler?

>> No.6225968

>why not eat more and exercise to be healthy
>because i can eat less and do nothing and be twice as lazy and still gain some kind of benefit

>> No.6225973
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Every time someone mentions igf1 you show up to start shilling vegan propaganda.
Are you ready to start trotting out your garbage links and getting mad when people tell you its poor science?
Your links go back and forth from legit studies you don't understand to YouTube videos from know vegan shills.
So very predictable.

>> No.6225979

I've never heard of anyone accusing him of that.

>> No.6225980

>I also trust the BBC

Don't do this.

>> No.6225996


>Every time someone mentions igf1 you show up to start shilling vegan propaganda.

I think you take the word "vegan" too seriously, it's just a type of diet. When we're talking about IGF-1, animal protein will inevitable be brought up. Whether it upsets you or not, animal protein is known to raise IGF-1 levels while plant proteins are known to either lower it or be neutral towards it. It's similar to how animal foods are known to raise cholesterol levels while plant foods generally lower it. That's not "vegan propaganda," that's just how things work. You're so afraid of "letting the vegans win" that you've shut yourself off from any kind of intellectual pursuit, blindly denying anything that might let some other diet group "score points" on you.

>> No.6226023

>Prime numbers
Guess I have no choice but to try it.

>> No.6226070

I got a better one;
Stick to your caloric limit
Eat a variety of foods
Keep decent macro ratio's
Wait scratch that, Dubs on trips this shit must be legit.

>> No.6226888

>Stick to your caloric limit
>Eat a variety of foods
>Keep decent macro ratio's

That does nothing for igf1 levels.

>> No.6226895

Agreed, but they're still better than every American news network.

>> No.6226926

Some of the shows are terrible and not trustworthy but Horizon is impeccable.

>> No.6226975

trips again confirms.
tfw everyone in here is about fad diets except the fucking vegan, I think this will be the only time in my whole life I agree with one of them fuckers.

>> No.6226979

Someday the best diet ever will cone down the pike.
Everyone will call it a fad diet.

>> No.6227062

>wanting "the best diet ever"
>instead of eating a healthy, balanced diet 90% of the time, exercising a bit, and eating whatever else you enjoy 10% of the time so you don't burn out on a strict "diet"

>> No.6227309

>tfw my only self control is attached to my wallet
How do I eat well when the healthier options are much more expensive where I live?

>hotdogs + bread
$3 for dinner
>chicken breast + vegetables + brown rice
$8 minimum
And honestly I don't like chicken breast, but it's the cheapest healthy option.

I mean I eat vegetables and fruit to keep my vitamins up, but that's about it.

>> No.6227327

>$8 minimum

How so? A serving of rice is pennies. "Vegetables" is pretty vague, but unlikely to be expensive unless you insist on buying out-of-season ones. In my area boneless skinless chicken breast is $3/lb at the fancy supermarkets, and substantially less if you shop around.

Where do you live that a single serving of chicken plus rice and veggies would cost you $8?

>> No.6227332

I live in Australia and while I can afford nice food I'd rather save up for things I want like a trip overseas.

>> No.6227357

The thing with eating healthy is that it's super cheap but only if you buy stuff in bulk. 10lbs of frozen chicken breast can be found for 20 bucks easy. You should get ads in the mail for the local grocery store. Find what's on sale and stock up

>> No.6227359

I tend not to buy in bulk because I don't have a car and it's a decent walk to the supermarket.

>> No.6227373

I like you

>> No.6227392

The best one is the one that is sustainable. The best body is the one which forms as a result of the product of your usual diet and activities. You've just got to come to terms with the fact that while at the time it may feel like a revelation anything else will be a temporary change at best. You can't defeat the combined impact of a majority of time spent inactive and eating and drinking the wrong kind of things.

What works for me is..

>skip breakfast, eat supplements
>bike to work, 5-6 miles
>work until about 1-2pm, eat a high protein, moderate fat, low carb meal.
>bike home, 5-6 miles
>eat a small moderate protein moderate carbohydrate meal.
>lift up heavy things and put them back down again
>eat a normal dinner
>take supplements before bed

Basically I fast from about 8pm - 2pm so roughly an 18 hour fast, I don't eat excessive amounts of carbohydrates and I don't skimp on the protein and fats. I tend to eat small amounts of fish, chicken, pork and eggs, average amounts of beans, pulses, lentils and nuts, rice, tons of vegetables.

If I avoid alcohol calories I tend to lean out as far as I need to go without really thinking about it. If I want to gain weight if my weight training needs it I just add a glass of milk or a handful of nuts extra to my diet per day.

Drug use is basically my major vice except I tend to be into psychedelics more than anything which is usually only a few times a year and usually I fast, carry out all sorts of bizarre preparations for my therapeutic adventures.

>> No.6227454
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Even cheaper and healthier than chicken breast is beans and lentils. A pound of beans is usually between 1 and 2 dollars, and that's dry weight. Avoid canned beans, they're convenient but it's like 6x the price.

>> No.6227466

I can't buy beans unless they're canned, it's simply not available where I live.

>> No.6227472


Where do you live? And what is online ordering like where you live? I've bought lentils and chickpeas cheaper online than at my local store before, in bulk

>> No.6227478

Here in the UK dried beans, lentils, pulses etc have become very expensive compared to just a few years ago. It is almost like the supermarkets have realised that the kind of middle class people who eat them will pay what seems 'fair' rather than a price based upon actual world commodity prices/poverty diets.

Still doesn't mean a 12lb sack isn't like the price of a chicken, but previously they cost practically nothing.

>> No.6227480

Australia, buying food online is not really a thing.

>> No.6227617

>Here in the UK dried beans, lentils, pulses etc have become very expensive compared to just a few years ago.
thats fucked up

>> No.6227661


Go find an Indian/Paki/Desi market.

>> No.6227677

Still in the region of £1+ per 500g compared to a few years ago when they were 29p.

>> No.6227844

Vegan pls go

>> No.6227984

>saving by skimping on healthy food
Why not save by cutting your cable tv, internet and using your car less? Besides, if you're not a total moron, you can eat healthy for cheap.

>> No.6227988
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>By 7 am you have already been fasting for 2 hrs.

what happened to those 10 hours
Are you a magician?

>> No.6228302

I hope you know that organic is no healthier.

>> No.6228375

Elaborate, please

>> No.6228393

That almost reads like Angie..

>> No.6228399

that was too long ago, none of those people are still here.

>> No.6228871

Diets are for schmucks, I eat because I love taste and food.

>> No.6228872

it's like you want to be fat

>> No.6228876

50g protein is 100% daily value? Where? In fucking Africa?

>> No.6229498

No one needs more protein than that.

>> No.6231126


>> No.6231332
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I do intermittent fasting
It takes about 6 days for your body to get used to it, but when it does..damn it's good
I eat whatever I want (especially high fats)
but I don't really eat carbs except leafy greens or it makes me hungry during the fasting hours
I do a food for 2-6 hours 24 hours after I last stopped eating
check it out on wiki
the studies on humans so benefits similar to what OP is talking about
it's not a diet it's a way of life for me at this point

>> No.6231338
File: 192 KB, 544x406, Screen Shot 2014-07-04 at 11.59.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

human* benefits *are

>> No.6231343

as someone that grows organic and non-organic
all I can say is the organic is much more difficult to maintain
bugs love my organic soil and plants
the non organic just needs some weird chemical spray and it's good
it has to mean something
but I will add that store organic only has to be 95 percent to pass certification-so there are loopholes and the consumer gets bent over basically

>> No.6231365

um, is it because the organic pesticides suck ass and the normal ones work amazingly well?

>> No.6231368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6231406

yeah 50g is plenty dude. i eat more than that daily probably just because of the foods I like to eat, but you definitely don't NEED more than that.

>> No.6231512

>None of those people are still here
The old trips were entertaining as fuck, though. I mean, shit, even Zed is kill. Unless he's shitting up /k/ still

>> No.6232156

Don't cry little anon, you'll make new friends.

>> No.6232180

Someone has been reading too much supplement manufacturer propaganda, I see

>> No.6232252

I lost 20 pounds in two months on the 5:2 diet but the next four pounds took another 4 months.

I have abs again though!
Some days fasting is as easy as pie.
Other days its horrible.
I will have to keep it up till I get in a relationship though.

>> No.6234264

I lost 13 kg (almost 29 lbs) in 3 months (lost 3 kg in one week during that time since I was sick) but have been staying in place for the past month or so. I've been doing some minor cheating but nothing too extreme - I am almost definitely under 2000kcal/day with my diet, plus lose at least 400kcal daily from exercise, yet I'm still constantly at the same weight now.

Through all this time the only dietary rule I had was "Don't eat just because you're bored - only when you're hungry. When you're not hungry anymore, stop eating - you can finish it later." which was really effective until now.

Guess it's not as easy anymore once you've lost a good bit. Time to actually use a planned diet like Moreno's 15-day one or maybe keto. Thought of one of those instead of 5:2?

>> No.6234460

I am of the opinion that fasting will lengthen your life which is very important to me so I would do fasting no matter what and will continue even though I am fairly skinny now.

>> No.6234630

how much more do you want to lose?

>> No.6234681

Just 10 kg should be enough to be in the optimal range. Maybe a bit extra just to have some breathing room.

>> No.6234894

Op just eat more veggies before main meals, fiber fills your stomach and also slows and aids the digestion of fats. Also eat whole grains dont be a retard its simply calories should be kept under a daily limit.

>> No.6234963

Here's a better diet


>> No.6234974

I've successfully ignored this thread until I saw this link. I wanted to say thanx very much. But at first glance that site appears to be vegan propoganda.

I respect your chosen lifestyle, but no thanx.

>> No.6234986

barnabus cragglesnatch

>> No.6234990

Any proof that keto actually makes you lose weight? Don't tell me it just makes you eat better. Research citation needed.

>> No.6234992


> But at first glance that site appears to be vegan propoganda.

It advocates for a vegan diet, but browse the thousands of videos on the site and you can see why. Shit's good for you.

>> No.6234995

The secret is simply eating braised vegetables and lean meat. Eat fruit for snacks. Boom.

My personal favorite is chicken breasts and mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).
Throw in two breasts to a pot with a steam releasing cover add a serving of whatever veggies you want. Season to taste and of course oil the pot (olive, coconut, etc)

Takes like 20 minutes. Just walk off and do something interesting for that time, and then you will smell it, and by that time it's done.
Eat that shit for dinner.

For breakfast, Eggs and bacon (either center or shoulder cut bacon. Not from the belly.)
Fruit for snacks or maybe greek yogurt.

Depending on what fruit you eat, you can really have lots of pieces of it.
Jumbo eggs are about 90 calories each. and each piece of bacon is about 50
3 eggs, and two slices of bacon is like 470 calories
The chicken and vegetables is like... 400.
Fruit lets say 150 for excess.

550+470 = 1,130.
If you are a grown man, that is essentially running at a pretty decent caloric deficit.

The food is good, and good for you, and its easy to get full off of. And super quick to cook.
Every now and then, switch up what piece of meat you are cooking. Maybe throw in beef or lamb with your vegetables.
Count the calories, though.

And only drink water. No juice or soda. That takes away from the food you could be eating.

>> No.6235003

the secret is this:
expend as many or slightly more calories than you consume.

so either consume less or expend more.

also it helps to get a range of nutrients, also you probably eat too many omega 6 compared to how many omega 3 you need.
so suppliment with fish oil, because i am too lazy to poison myself with radioactive mercury ridden fish (not that i don't love fish, i just don't want to eat it consistently enough to have enough omega 3, and i don't live off hemp seeds like some goddamn hippie faggot)

>> No.6235643

Benevolent Cummerbund

>> No.6236588

Leddit has a decent write-up