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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 640x640, Chinese-food-container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6218346 No.6218346 [Reply] [Original]

Is this ancient chinee secret true?

>> No.6218354


No, you're not supposed to do that, but you certainly can if you want to.

>> No.6218356


because one of those boxes is one serving. okay.

>> No.6218360

whats the difference?

>> No.6218362

how fat are you to think that equates one serving?

>> No.6218363

>not throwing two whole containers on your plate with a side of rice and eating it all in one go

manlet pls.

>> No.6218414

how autistic are you to not recognize sarcasm?

>> No.6218426

Friendly reminder that if you think that's one serving and a plate worth eating off you are both fat and poor

>> No.6218427

>destroy box
>have to get a new container for leftovers

For what purpose

>> No.6218432


What makes you think the box is destroyed? You can simply fold it back up again.

>> No.6218435

>storing food in BPA paper box

>> No.6218452

My chinese take out place wraps the soy sauce and duck sauce packets in napkins and then strangles the ever living shit out of the package with rubber bands. It's like trying to break into fort knox to get muh sauce, those greedy slant-eyed bastards.

>> No.6218533

I just found out those little drink umbrellas have a "secret" piece of chinese newspaper inside.

>> No.6218560


You can't tear a napkin?

>> No.6219155

You never eaten take out Chinese food in a group before?

>> No.6219184

...why do you have to unfold it to eat out of it?

>> No.6219265



>> No.6219274

Burn it, and pray they don't recognize your white devil face.

You just stumbled into a fucking Bourne movie and Chinese intelligence agents will be coming for you.

>> No.6219429

History Time: These boxes are not originally Chinese, they were actually used by oyster salesmen as a container for customers to take their shucked oysters home.

>> No.6219432

>destroying a perfectly good bowl

>> No.6219435

He might break a nail.

>> No.6219438

I guess for plebs who can't into chopsticks?

>> No.6219473


>> No.6219510

Thank you, Wikipedia™.

>> No.6219573

"Wax Mein" sounds like a Chinese superspy

>> No.6219580

literal autism

>> No.6219582


>> No.6219629
File: 20 KB, 500x500, foil-container-no06a-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this container superior or inferior to the cardboard one? This is the most popular UK chinese junk food box

>> No.6219715

I don't know about OP, but Chinese places near me only put the rice into the paper cartons. The rest goes into the foil trays as shown.

>> No.6219717

That just makes it more annoying to eat.

>> No.6219726

Inferior. How am I supposed to reheat that at work? Bring another plate with me? One more thing to have to cart around. Not suitable for easy microwave leftovers.

>> No.6219788
File: 430 KB, 936x699, 1115304274451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6220044
File: 45 KB, 600x487, TAKE_AWAY_CONTAINER_650ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian master race coming through

>> No.6220072

I think this is the 1st most autistic reply I've seen on 4chan. Like real autism, not that "lol 4chan autist" autism.

>> No.6220095
File: 23 KB, 187x272, is that keko tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a batch of the good stuff, smoke out of a bong.
You'll eat a couple of boxes of chinese food and be hungry later.
On the plus side, you'll want to work out if you smoke a sativa.

>> No.6220158

>wanting BPA in your food

enjoy your bitch tits

>> No.6220168

This is news?

I bet the catsup paper cup is news too...Oh man, wait till you guys find out about the pizza box....

>> No.6220180

put it into a tupperware container?
You lazy fuck.