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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6214327 No.6214327 [Reply] [Original]

Any Military chefs on /ck/?
>How you like your job
>Cooking tips
>interesting or funny stories

Air Force Services Specialist here. Feeling alone in the world so I made this thread.

What are some tips for cooking steak? I want to make steak that makes people orgasm at the mouth. Currently I grill them on a very hot grill for about a minute each side so only the outside is done with grill marks then I cook them in an oven the rest of the way and they come out great.

>> No.6214335


stay pleb, /military/

>> No.6214352

we use the cheap shit because we have budgets.

>> No.6214367

This shit makes me so glad I'm not in the Navy anymore. You can just feel the depression in these pictures

>> No.6214403

>services nonners

Literal scum of the Air Force next to finance.

Jesus christ you even added 'specialist' in your title. Did those 6 long weeks of tech school make you an expert at handing out basketballs and dumping prego and processed cheese on an undercooked lump of chicken as to warrant such a title?

Here's your tip-- let the civies do the cooking and get out once your 4 is up so the flightline can have enough funding to bump up their manning.

>> No.6214406

All the old cunts tell me that they had a great time and I should join since I can't lever my way out of fast food.. is it that bad?

>> No.6214421
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Yes, I was an AR. The military, especially now, is shit. Civilians look on you with disdain everywhere and you are essentially a mercenary unless you buy all the bullshit. You could be killed by Israelis tomorrow and they would cover the story like what happened in the past.

The US military doesn't even fight for the US, it fights for international bankers and is arming radical jews and muslims. Two years before I joined I worked with an ex-Marine and he said the work was okay but the people drove him crazy, and that is very true. Getting up early and working 12 hours is not what makes it shit, it's the people and the cause that do. Most education in the military is also next to useless and you will be using your GI Bill to essentially start anew like me and many others. My advice? Go get some licenses, become a truck driver or a real-estate lender or some shit that is easy but pays well.

I work in Avionics now and love it mainly because I can go to a parts shop and be proud. However, if you really want to go join, and even though they tell you you're stuck as shit when you get there you aren't. I've seen people leave early and it's easy so if you get stuck in shit you're not completely fucked. Me, I had to experience it to realize how much I messed up.

tl;dr meh. It's messed up, but when it's your life it's messed up in a non-funny way. Ask yourself the moral questions, not the education/money questions before joining.

>> No.6214424

The way I cook steak is by using a stainless steel frying pan. I heat it until it's very hot (that is, when water rolls around the pan instead of flashing to steam), season the meat with salt, put a fair amount of a high smoke point oil (e.g. peanut, canola) in the pan, place the steak in, turn it every 30 seconds and continue to do so until it develops a nice deep crust on both sides, at which point I'll sear the strip of fat running down the side (that is, if your cut of meat has that). Then I'll pour off whatever oil is left over, put a good pat of butter in there and spoon it over the meat. This method generally produces good results. I'm not sure what you have available to you in your kitchen, so I don't know what you can apply. I would say that, at the very least, season your steak with salt. This is usually enough to greatly improve any piece of meat.

>> No.6214447

german navy here. our Chefs always make the best they can of their possibilities. its a lot of potatoes and Pasta yes, but it's mostly okay. on maneuvers we often get special food. actually it's way better than my Highschool food.

>> No.6214455

air force fag here, been on kp a few times and i made the mistake of telling people i was a good cook.

at the time it was basically garbage food like noodles and sauce that was pretty much ketchup, i hear its alot better now. we just made the best food we could with what we had. that was like 10 years ago and i'm told its alot better now

honestly kp was better than bmt so i wasn't complaining

>> No.6214465

Why do you make the food so terrible? It's your job ffs. If I have to eat unsalted instant potatoes with some weird ass Cajun chicken bbq lamb chop because some faggot lance Corperal doesnt know how to compliment foods, I'm gonna lose it.

>> No.6214477

>budget is $700 billion
>using prego

I'm surprised you're not stuck using that crappy Wal-Mart Great Value brand with that super barebones budget you guys have there

>> No.6214484

the guys who make shitty food are either new or just don't give a shit since they didn't decide to become cooks in the military.

my DFAC cooks pretty damn well since everyone enjoys cooking. The only time our food sucks are the days when our NCOs are fucking off letting the 1 or 2 troops under them attempt to throw together a meal to feed 300 people by themselves.

>> No.6214493

Oh Services, my sides. I wish you guys weren't such pussies, can't even call the Chow Hall the Chow Hall anymore. Stupid Whopper Floppers.

You realize like 30% of that pays, feeds, clothes, and houses active duty members. The rest is on weapons, R&D, and sustaining war.

>> No.6214504


So the military spends over $200 billion on keeping 1.4 million service members fed, clothed and housed? I'm pretty sure for $150k per person, I could afford all that and some fancy pasta sauce too.

>> No.6214561
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>security forces

I envy you guys. Being able to be prepare food as my job in the military would be the coolest shit ever.

>> No.6214899
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U.S. military is great! Your job is literally killing Muslims and you get paid for it and showered with respect and honors by the world. Someone has to kill the Muslims, and right now only the United States has the balls to do what needs to be done. Europe is waking up due to young people being forced to live amongst these filthy savage Muslims. Give it another 10 or 20 years and Europe will be right there with America, in the crusade against Islam.

Anyway, might makes right and America didn't get on top by staying neutral or mailing sternly worded letters. If you're too much of a pussy to fight it's ok, move to the West Coast, smoke a lot of pot, and whine about how you hate America.

>> No.6214906


Come on dude. It's the military. Home of the $100 toilet seat.

>> No.6216286


>> No.6216314

>U.S. military is great! Your job is literally killing Muslims and you get paid for it and showered with respect and honors by the world
lol your forgotten PTSD and injured veterans would beg to differ.

U.S. soldiers are just political pawns who are championed by politicians to prove their patriotism street cred and that although they are 4th-generation millionaires, they can pretend to care about the common man.

Then they'll cut veteran benefits and care to "save money" while increasing tax loopholes and other benefits for their corporate buddies.

But hey, people let the veterans go ahead of them in airport lines so they must have it good lol

>> No.6216422

do military chefs have actual military training other than being able to cook and manage a kitchen?

>> No.6216457


We got through BMT and THEN we learn how to be chefs.

for Air Force we learn Cooking, Fitness, Lodging and Readiness at our Tech School after basic military training.

>> No.6216464
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Someone start a military rations from around the world thread. I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.6216578

Come on /pol/, go to bed.

> soldiers being respected
Maybe by morons. Every rational being despises soldiers like they despise vermin. Fight your wars, die for nothing, but don't expect anything above indifference.

>> No.6216612
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>> No.6216615
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>> No.6216618
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>> No.6216659
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>> No.6216675

Um. No.

>> No.6216684 [DELETED] 


This is a food board. Please stop posting off-topic shit.

>> No.6216688

Is this unholy abomination still being served?

>> No.6216694
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This is Sci-Fi Horror tier.

Holy fucking hell.

>> No.6216700
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>> No.6216706
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>4chan is telling me this is a duplicate reply

>> No.6216710


>> No.6216719
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>> No.6216721
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>> No.6216778

>multicultural British Army photo on their rations
you guys couldn't be anymore of a cuck nation

>> No.6216783

>no photo of the actual food