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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6211558 No.6211558 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel pressured to use chopsticks in an Asian setting /ck/?

>> No.6211568

nope. I'm quite good with chopsticks but most of the people that use them, unless that is the only option, are cunts

my brother always ate with chopsticks when we got chinese takeout and he just seemed like a douche

if it's a real asian restaurant and you are given chopsticks as utensils it's completely different, I don't mind

>> No.6211571

I use them if they are offered. They're not difficult to use.

>> No.6211574

I suck at them, I very clumsy in general with a lot of physical tasks, and when I get sushi with a friend it's always in poor form when I eat, but there's just too many rolls to get to and I'll be damned if I give up

>> No.6211577

Not in the least.
Though I do find it a little annoying not knowing how to use them. I could probably manage Sushi, but rice with chopsticks baffles me.
How the fuck did China become an empire without coming up with a spoon?

>> No.6211581

I do it for fun. Invariably make a mess because despite the chopsticks being available, they aren't compatible with American table manners (don't touch the plate/bowl).

>> No.6211583

If they give me chopsticks, i'll use them. Otherwise, i won't use them,

>> No.6211596

no, but if I'm getting take-out I may ask for some so I can pretend to be a fancy cunt when I eat.

>> No.6211600

>How the fuck did China become an empire without coming up with a spoon?

They have spoons. They are used to eat soup.

>> No.6211604

No, mainly because I'm pretty good at using them.
For Asian food they are usually pretty handy.
I worked in Taiwan for half a year and usually the food was bite-sized. Except for our canteen which served some meat just as a big piece but without any forks or knives.
So eventually I also figured out how to eat big pieces of meat (with bones) with chosticks and a spoon.

>> No.6211605

No, never. I use forks or my hands and feel no guilt.

>> No.6211606

Pressured? No, more like challenged. Yes, I find them difficult to eat with, but I always like a good challenge.

>> No.6211625

>eventually I also figured out how to eat big pieces of meat (with bones) with chosticks and a spoon.

This is still wrong. They were expecting you to use your hands.

>> No.6211634

my Taiwanese coworkers did the same

>> No.6211638

>asian fag, reporting for duty.

i don't feel pressure at all, i just do it (big surprise).

a lot of times though i have meals with non-asian friends who never really put in the time for learning how to use chopsticks, and when food comes, more than a few times, i notice glances at me, and just to be more comfortable i just pick up my fork and we all get to work.

it's a restaurant, nobody there knows you, fuck what they think. you are paying them for food, not their respect of your chopsticks ability. if you wanna use them practice at home where you feel comfortable, and have fun with your accomplishment eventually at restaurants.

main point, just enjoy your food. you paid for it, who gives a shit what anyone around you thinks. pick up your knife and fork and enjoy until you feel good to use chopsticks.

>> No.6211643

They have spoons but most soup dishes are served in a small enough dish that people just pick it up and drink it.

Atleast in Japan

>> No.6211649


Agreed, I like using them for a little bit for fun but unless you're really good at using them you look like a retard trying to use them for the entire meal. I've rarely seen anyone eating their entire meal with chopsticks, they put out silverware for a reason.

I can use them fine for large things but I can't pickup rice for shit with them.

>> No.6211695

you're just thinking of miso; jp has plenty of big soups. but in the end you are basically right, most had spoons, and most still have no qualms about finishing off just holding the bowl.

>> No.6211696
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>always ate with chopsticks when we got chinese takeout and he just seemed like a douche
I am that person. I like how they feel in my hand compared to a fork. I'd eat everything with chop sticks if it wasn't so impractical and admittedly douchey

>> No.6211706

Chopsticks should be used for any Asian food that is not Thai, end of discussion. This is the whitest thread I've ever seen.

>> No.6211708

What I find more hilarious than white people who can't use chopsticks is country bumpkin Asians who can't use a knife and fork.

>> No.6211731

What I find the MOST hilarious is people giving a shit about what utensils someone uses to eat their food.

LOL look at that guy, eating his chinese food with a fork, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT SHIT!? i mean damn, it's like his western parents didn't teach him how to be asian at all! hardy-hur-durrrrrr.

vice-versa also true. chopsticks are not special. a full set of english-standard silverware is not special. get over yourselves.

>> No.6211744

It's one thing if the restaurant offers chopsticks by default, but white people who request chopsticks at asian places are douches.

>> No.6211753

>so I can be a cunt when I eat.

Fixed that for you m8.

>> No.6211768
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All Asians using chopsticks correctly?

>> No.6211834

i'm asian and do not hold 'properly'.

no shits given, either. food goes in my mouth, and i can grab shit up faster than anyone in my family; dad wants that last piece of x when i visit on holidays? gl old man with your proper form.

>tfw i laugh and give it to him, has happened a few times..we play around. dem feels...hmmmmnnnggg.

>> No.6211875

Hey man, I'm not eating my sushi with a fork, and my programming since childhood will not allow me to comfortably use my hands. So I'm using fucking chop sticks and fuck you.

>> No.6211879

>white neckbeard speaking on behalf of the asian community

Leap in front of a bus please

>> No.6211881

>not eating soup with chopsticks

>> No.6211882

nigga, that gay as hell.

>> No.6211888

I would like you to know that I hate you.

>He can't have an opinion if he is x

Fuck off you arse licking cunt.

>> No.6211903

You will never have glorious yellow skin

Stay mad >:)

>> No.6211914

>I need to look jaundiced to divert attention from my 'species' lack of hair and eye colour

Stay yellow, only thing you got going on :^)

>> No.6211918
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>I eat my mushy pizza flavored top ramen with chopsticks I am so elite!! xD

>> No.6211920

I use whatever's put in front of me. Rice dishes are a pain in the arse though. There's silverware on the side at the Asian place we frequent but it's clearly there for invalids who can't into chopsticks. How are you meant to use chopsticks for rice without picking the bowl up and using your chopsticks like a spade?

>> No.6211924
File: 66 KB, 584x480, ehmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? I don't eat ramen or use chopsticks. I am a civilized northern Euro. Are you projecting now?

>> No.6211927


Ah that explains it. I just feel genuine pity for you now, so I'll leave you to wallow in your shitposts since that's all you really have.

>> No.6211928

I like you. You have a new opinion and aren't afraid to let the players know. So fresh. Where are you from, if you aren't embarrassed to say? :^)

>> No.6211937

Actually I'm from Japan but I moved to Canada recently. Feels good. Feel free to take blows at either of those countries, I'm sure your northern european trash heap is so much better.

And keep that butthurt going, friend. Every time you post ":^)" I can sense you busting another polyp.

>> No.6211938

>Northern Europe
>Not having things

Nigga that is pretty much the richest part of the world. Your ignorance is showing. Please don't be American.

>> No.6211942

I like how you obviously lie to make your self feel better on an anonymous food and cooking board. Is Japan meant to be good?

Canada is great though, they are much more like Europeans than Americans. So your point seems silly.

>> No.6211945

I hope we are friends like you insinuated though. I enjoy the bantz. Nothing personal and I am certainly not butthurt! :^)

>> No.6211965

I hope you're all not talking about the rice that sticks together. That stuff's easier to eat with chopsticks than noodles. With a spoon, you pretty much have to slice a piece out, it feels so awkward. Or maybe you're putting soy sauce on it. That'll make it more difficult. Or brown rice.

>> No.6211967

Pressured? No. I like using them when I'm eating a meal that's already in bite sized chunks or long noodles. Chopsticks are ez pz once you know how to actually hold them.

>> No.6211986

Picking up the bowl and shovelling is pretty much what you do for the last few bits, but the rice should be sticky enough that you can hold the chopsticks parallel about half an inch apart and sort of tear off a bite sized lump from the main rice body.

>> No.6211993

I eat sushi with a fork and knife. The expression on the nip assemblers face is fucking priceless.

>> No.6211996

The rice is quite sticky, so you pick it up in clumps

>> No.6212017

I lived in Korea.

Bottom left is the "proper" way, my friend that lived in Japan insists top right is the "proper" way but I found it harder to learn.

Holding chopsticks or asians is like hold a pen or using a knife and fork in the west. You don't learn properly as an adult. You just do whatever works as a kid without thinking about it, and if no-one corrects you you keep doing it.

So I met a LOT of Koreans that used the top left method or something equally bizarre. It seems to work for them so whatever. They never really thought about it before meeting a foreigner that asked them how to hold chopsticks. Usually westerners are better at teaching people cos we consciously taught ourselves how as adults (I never learnt as a kid), whereas Koreans just did it since they were babies and never even thought about it before.

I taught myself by searching the internet and practicing on small pieces of candy infront of my PC a week or 2 before my flight out. Once I was in Korea it only took me a few days to get the technique perfected, and only about a week for it to stop aching whenever I ate for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Chopsticks are brilliant for asian food. They're as easy as picking things up with your fingers. You can just see what you want (you eat from communal pots in the middle of the table) and pick it up as if you were using your hands. No guessing how big it is and digging around underneath it with a fork pushing it awkwardly on with a knife and balancing it there (or worse, stabbing it like a barbarian down into the broth). You just pick it up.

>> No.6212020

>lol so quirky
No you are just a faggot.

>> No.6212027

how you gonna eat fried rice with chopsticks

shit's nowhere near as sticky as white rice

>> No.6212028

>Picking up the bowl and shovelling is pretty much what you do for the last few bits,

This isn't a rule though. Do NOT do this in Korea for example. You'll look like a savage (ie. Chinese).

They give you a spoon for rice. Most people end up picking up great clumps in their chopsticks because it's so fluffy and delicious, but the spoon is there for the last bits and for mixing rice with liquids and things.

I've only eaten in Korean restaurants in the UK about twice and I was with actual Korean people so I just used Korean rules. If you're in a generic Asian restaurant I don't think it really matters. As long as you're not that awkward white guy chopping noodles up with a knife and fork (there's no civilised way to eat noodles, just accept it and do as the Romans do).

>> No.6212034

Was referring to this image (>>6211768)

In Korea: Spoon
In Nippon or China: Fuck knows

>> No.6212051

Try civilized round eye, weeb.

>> No.6212053
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, [Coalgirls]_Darker_than_Black_06_(1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[4946FC71].mkv_snapshot_07.17_[2015.02.07_06.45.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stuff's made in a frying pan, so butter or oil must be used, right? And it's a Chinese dish anyway, so I assume it's eaten properly. I can't think of any other way to eat it.
I know the pic's from a cartoon and the character who made it is Chinese to begin with, but it's what I've got.

>> No.6212056

Occasionally a street vendor would give you a shitty plastic spoon but in China it was all chopsticks all the time for everything

>> No.6212057



>Bringing a knife to the table

>Having to hack apart your food because it's not been properly prepared

>Pushing chunks of food onto fork tines with your knife and balancing them there precariously while liquid drips from your food because you need a separate eating utensil if your meal includes liquids

>Stabbing things with your fork like a savage

It's only civilised cos we were raised with it you mong.

>> No.6212070

Learned how to use chopsticks when i was 6 at school, had Chinese new year so we made a bunch of stir fry with babby corn and shit. Now I just like them for anything that'll fit, except rice. Fuck rice with chopsticks.

>> No.6212076

>Crashing your plane because you're losing
>Having any input on civility

>> No.6212090

No, because only four (or six or seven, depending on your POV) Asian countries routinely use chopsticks: Korea, Nipland, Chinkland and Taiwan. Six if you consider Singapore and Vietnam, which use chopsticks about a third of the time. Or seven if you separate Good Korea from Evil Doer Korea.

I don't tend to eat any of those cuisines often enough where I need to often use chopsticks. I do use big wooden ones for cooking, though. It's just easier.

>> No.6212091

>not using chopsticks all the time because they're convenient


>> No.6212092

White American reporting.
Nope, but I do use chopsticks, when it's appropriate. And, btw, not all asian cuisines use chopsticks as the main eating utensil.
My parents taught us to use chopsticks when we were kids, though.

>> No.6212149
File: 19 KB, 280x400, google image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I live on take-away and my meal of choice (at least three times per week) is Asian noodles that comes in a box like this and I find it easier to eat with chopsticks than a fork. Especially the plastic fork that they provide.

So with take-away there's no pressure at all because nobody is watching me eat. But I do prefer to use chopsticks.
I hold them slightly differently to the guy in your image, though.

>> No.6212185

Im in Japan and I can honestly say you are a fucking pleb weeb.

>> No.6212188

no but i use them anyway

>> No.6212193

I feel I'm being disrespectful if I use chopsticks since I assume people from other cultures don't appreciate seeing weebs act like they're Japanese or something.

>> No.6212198

Listen to this man, for he is obviously the true authority on chopsticks related table manners.

He is in japan after all. What an amazing feat.

>> No.6212201

Using chopsticks for things like pizza and spaghetti is autisitc. You are a pleb.

>> No.6212211

Japanese chopsticks are chit. They're too pointy which makes it hard to hold onto things. Chinese chopsticks are much better.

>> No.6212213
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What pressure? I'm half asian but my white side of my family has no problem with chopsticks and only a small fraction of the white people I know have trouble. Those who do struggle? They're the kind of people who say stuff like "normal food" (meaning, unappetizing microwaved chain restaurant food), as if "normal" is the right description, and as if food meeting that description is actually a good thing. The kind who freak out at the prospect of a meal that isn't accompanied by a coca cola or whatever. In short, human trash.

I have no respect for anyone who struggles with chopsticks. If you're older than say, ten or so, you were raised badly and you should be ashamed of yourself and your terrible, terrible parents. It's like being unable to tie your shoelaces.

>> No.6212219
File: 78 KB, 585x407, chopthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only use cast iron chopsticks to continue my finger gains while i eat

also challenge my friends to fly catching

>> No.6212225

Pressured? No. But I use them when eating Chinese and Japanese food both in restaurants and at home. I'm about as comfortable with them as with a knife and fork.

I was not raised using chopsticks. But in high school by bro's best friend was Cantonese, and his parents had a slammin good restaurant. In short order my entire family was converted into enthusiastic fans of that cuisine. The ability to eat with chopsticks kind of sprung from that.

>> No.6212272

> they are much more like Europeans than Americans.
lol, not even remotely

>> No.6212281

Yeah, no. We didn't conquer the slopes so I have to use their ancient and barbaric eating sticks. I'm not taking off my shoes either, Ping.

>> No.6212304

I only use them to eat noodle dishes like pho. Don't ever feel pressured at all because I find it fun to eat using them.

I once had a roommate that ate his packaged ramen with chop sticks and a spoon.

>> No.6213165

I used to run a test lab at my former job. Had a chinese intern. One day we went to Vietnamese/Chinese/Japanese restaurant. I order some kind of noodle dish. I don't remember exactly what it was. My noodles arrive and they ask if I want chop sticks. I say sure why not, I've used them since I was little. Intern shouts out "I want to see anon use chopsticks". I take them and pick up my egg roll dip and take a bite, get a bite of chicken off my plate and then grab a single grain of rice out of the bowl. What now intern?

>> No.6213731

>asianfag reporting for duty round 2.

holy fuck you guys really think way too hard on what you use to get food in to your mouths....

maybe you should all just go to southern india or sri lanka and eat with your hands.

>> No.6213740

Am I supposed to use these for sushi rolls? My friend was giving me shit for using my hands, but I can't think of a better finger food.

>> No.6213741

I use them for Pho because that's what you're given. That's about it.

Thai = Fork
Chinese = Fork
Sushi = Fingers
Japanese = Trash can

>> No.6213746

>Not replying "I want to see you use a fork"

Shit is annoying. I've lived in Japan nearly 3 years now and some condescending douche always say that during the first time I eat out with them.

>> No.6213748

I generally end up using because I honestly find them easier to use for Asian food than a fork and spoon, especially for noodle dishes. Y'ever try to eat udon with a fork? It's not pretty.

>> No.6213761

Everyone watch this


pathetic sushi faggots think the way you dip is wrong

>> No.6213766

No one cares about your blog posts. If you keep it up, we have more than enough to bomb you back to the ming dynasty.

>> No.6213768



>> No.6213792

careful careful, i pokey ur eyeball out wit mai sticks.

>> No.6213820
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no some people do hold them awkwardly but still manage fine

> I live in Korea.
>Yes I know how to use chopsticks perfectly
>Practice is all you need

I prefer using chopsticks anyway for other things such as salad so I can actually pick up that goddam piece of lettuce, with a fork im just stabbing away at my plate

>> No.6213832
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hahahahahah this is the best

>> No.6213833
File: 36 KB, 399x471, robbinthug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go home, Tyrone. the night is about to call you.

>> No.6213841

I always use chopsticks and feel very weird when I go to a nice dinner and there are no chopsticks. I kind of find it difficult to use a fork comparatively.

>> No.6214193

No, I'm Asian. I do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.6214203

yep, but they're generally god tier for eating noodly things that aren't covered in too thick of sauce

also make eating at a computer or something w/ no mess hella easy which is nice

>> No.6214220

I sometimes eat ramen with chopsticks for shits and giggles. It's fun and I don't do it for some pretentious "thats how they do it in the animes i'm so in tune with japan culture" weeb reason

>> No.6214235

>>this nigger actually thinks japan did 9/11

>> No.6214256

i like to eat ramen with em, it works better because you can guide the flow of the noodles as your slurp. otherwise they flop around and splash broth everywhere and make a mess.

actually in general food from chopstick cultures is easier and more sensible to eat with chopsticks. the presentation is centered around the use of chopsticks.

>> No.6214277

clearly the only time anyone has ever crashed a plane into anything ever

>> No.6214287

if the place only puts out chopsticks and no forks, then yeah I just go with the flow and use the chopsticks even though I am terrible at it.
I am so bad at it that my friends sometimes out of pity will call the waitress over and ask for a fork for themselves and then hand it to me. I think I have gotten slightly better at using them but god damn is it a pain in the ass to use.

>> No.6214425

>asian fag, reporting for duty.
>i have meals with non-asian friends [...] and just to be more comfortable i just pick up my fork
>who gives a shit what anyone around you thinks
take your own advice, fag.

>asianfag reporting for duty round 2.

>> No.6214629

you really ommited the part where he says he uses a fork to make his non asian friends more comfortable when eating out at asian food .....?

>> No.6214656

I've never used for a long time. 4 years ago, I tried eating my meals with them. Now I don't even touch a fork anymore unless it's for meat. Chopsticks are quite versatile once you can handle them well.

>> No.6214685

>go to asian restaurant
>staff sees you're white
>they give you a fork with your meal
If it's a place I go to often enough they give me chopsticks.

>> No.6214712

I do take my own advice...it was from me.

no ranting. i am almost laughing. you guys are pathetic for the most part. keep up the good work.

>> No.6214713

thank you.

>> No.6214762
File: 423 KB, 900x900, 04382ef2ed1c90f39b8317c325b40709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bringing a knife to the table
It's already there

>Having your food pre-cut like a fucking toddler

>pushing chunks of food swimming in liquid with two wooden sticks straight from the bowl into your mouth while making pig noises

>> No.6214772

You missed the point. AsianAnon preaches that nobody should give a fuck about what other people are thinking but clearly he gives a fuck about what other people are thinking. If you don't see the hypocracy in that then that's your problem.
If AsianAnon feels more comfortable using chopsticks then he should alpha the fuck up and use chopsticks. Myaybe he could have a bit fun teaching his (aleged) friends how to use them if they don't know how.
Most people would expect the Asian guy to using chopsticks so by not using them he's presenting himself as a beta conformist bitch.

Be yourself. That the advice you were trying to offer and I'm offering it back to you. Do you not understand that?

nvm. ur a whiney little bitch.

The best part: You'll dismiss me as a troll and not even consider the advice being offered. Hypocritical conformist.

>> No.6214854

>asianfag reporting in for duty, round 3.

holy fuck you are one angry little guy. the whole point of what i said is basically that i do not give one single fuck at all, about anything anyone thinks in a restaurant; that being said, i want my friends to feel comfortable. wtf is wrong with that you tryhardfag?

you're trying way too fucking hard on something that just makes you look fucking stupid, but sure keep going. I'm your huckleberry.

>> No.6214863

Always ask for a fork first thing.

>> No.6214866

I can use either utensils, so it doesn't matter. Western cutlery is of course superior.

>> No.6214879

>implying asians have a harder time.
>go to any real asian restaurant, everyone doing just fine.

nice opinion, all the same. pat yourself on the cock.

>> No.6214911


>this nigger doesn't know much about the Japanese.

>> No.6215076

I am too physically retarded to use chopsticks so fuck 'em

>> No.6215091

im so white, ive learned how to use chopsticks, and find them the superior utensil for anything that doesnt require cutting, and fro touching anything in the pan

>> No.6215095

I use chopsticks to eat chips and chettos.

Fuck eating them with fingers.

>> No.6215098

They are so great for cooking, it's like having three hands sometimes.

>> No.6215282

Fried rice is served with spoon in China.

>> No.6215296

its fun, why not?
i never eat with chopsticks so i do when i eat east asian fod

>> No.6216377

Maybe if I ever went to a restaurant that was actually in Asia, but in America, no matter how authentically Asian the place is, it's still catering, at least in part, to Americans, and there's no shame in a white person coming in and admitting they can't use chopsticks.

>> No.6216383

>not using it to have a fun time leanring how to use a new tool

>> No.6216388


I eat chips with chopsticks, am i autist ?

>> No.6216409

i actually learned to use chopsticks in my karate class, but the one kind off food i can't cook is asian or oriental.

i guess i'll just wait for the asian gf then...

>> No.6216428

Asian here.

I always ask for forks.

Great for serving or eating.

>not having fork and chopsticks ready

>> No.6216576

If the dish was made for or works with chopsticks ill use chopsticks. I can't remember the last time I ate an asian dish specifically designed for forks.

Just dont be that guy that eats his dumplings with a fork.

>> No.6216734

>pressured to use chopsticks in an Asian setting
Nope. Just the opposite, they usually look at me funny and are surprised that a honkie can use them so well.

I enjoy asking for them at Thai places, because they have that whole "we are so sophisticated that we have ALWAYS used forks and knives just like Europeans!" meme programmed into them by the Thai Ministry of Cultural and Historical Revisionism thing going.

>> No.6217017

im joe i,m half japanese and my mum said i use chopsticks thecorrect way

>> No.6217044

>can't use a knife and fork.
how is that even possible?

>> No.6217056

If you've never had to use them, it's very clunky. I lost function of my right (leading) arm due to nerve damage. It took two years of therapy until I could hold items again. In the process, holding and properly utilizing a knife was ridiculously difficult. Felt like a real retard.

>> No.6217179


It's well known that the Taiwanese are uppity faggots who think themselves above "mainlanders" and they also suck Japanese cock.

Chinese people eat with their fingers all the time.

>> No.6217190 [DELETED] 

Ten bucks says you're going Indian.

>> No.6217192
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>tfw i laugh and give it to him, has happened a few times..we play around. dem feels...hmmmmnnnggg.

chinese here, what the fuck am i reading

>> No.6217283

Any time rice is involved in the dish I immediately grab a fork. If the planets align and I get something without rice, I use them.

>> No.6217549

when has noodle box ever fucking looked that good
>drowning in cheap sauce box

>> No.6217770

Yes, by weeaboo hipster faggots who have culturally surrended to a foreign civilisation.

>> No.6218368

No. I just use them. The only time it gets silly is with beef which is provided in large piece. I really don't know how that's supposed to work.

>> No.6220141


>> No.6220894

i just adore people samefagging themselves.....so cute.

>> No.6220897

Just shut up and adopt the metric system already. Jees.

>> No.6220900

Yes, usually the implication of using a fork is that you're a child who can't eat properly. Either that or you're a crappy asian. Then again, I am asian and grew up in an area that is predominantly asian. Almost everyone who was born or raised here uses chopsticks routinely.

>> No.6220921

Living in India, it's awesome to see people trying and trying and eventually running back to their forks

>> No.6221150

How can people seriously not be able to use sticks?
The first time i used them i was 5-ish, was at a Chinese place, the staff there were amazed that i could use them so i got free shit. I know that because i still get free shit from them because they remember me and i used to go there often. It's the main thing i miss from home.

>> No.6221168

>asianfag reporting for duty, round 3.

my god, this thread is insanity...ppl on one part of the globe use forks, another part, sticks, , inter-mixed some people just use their damn hands, and you glorious cock-suckers seem to think one way is better than the rest, and/or one way is superior and should just be fucking known..................word?

crazy pills. i seem to be taking them.

>> No.6221181


On a kind of related topic...I frequent a local Vietnamese restaurant where they only serve authentic and not the stuff made to suit an American palate.

This fat white middle-aged beast and her husband walk in and sit in the booth in front of me. They order chicken chow mein which isn't even on the menu and fat wife hollers, "ONLY IF IT'S MADE FROM REAL CHICKEN!!!1" The husband adds,"and no wood sticks, we use utensils."

Why go to an authentic restaurant if you don't want an authentic meal? And just try the "wood sticks" for a change, ffs.

>> No.6221186

>Why go to an authentic restaurant if you don't want an authentic meal?

Because they didn't know it was an authentic restaurant. The assumed it was a generic westernized Chinese place.

>> No.6221193

>Yes, usually the implication of using a fork is that you're a child who can't eat properly.

That's some strange implications coming from people that are midgets who can't grow facial hair if they bathed daily in Rogaine and whale penis.

>> No.6221198

This never happened

>> No.6221216

white people dont even try to order off-menu anymore, try harder

>> No.6221225


I'm not the guy you are replying to, but I had firsthand experience with a very similar situation. In my case, it was a local Thai and Filipino joint (Wife was Thai, husband was Filipino, both cooked at the restaurant). The food was very authentic as was the service: your food came out from the kitchen in a random order, with no thought to serving all the appetizers at once or all the main dishes at once. Consequently it took a while to eat there, which made it great for business meetings. One day I'm in there and a big black guy walks in, doesn't even bother to be seated or look at a menu, and loudly calls out for "Kung pao chicken to go". That wasn't even on the menu as this wasn't even a Chinese restaurant, and it was quite a scene watching the waitress try to explain that they were a thai place, not Chinese, while he kept yelling about "whut you mean you ain't got no kung pao chicken"?

Then again, this is a great example of why you shouldn't name your restaurant "Asian Cuisine" without being a bit more specific, especially in an area where authentic Thai food is a rarity.

>> No.6221726

Chow mein is a laughable choice for a lot of reasons but w/e, if that is a choice then it is theirs to choose from. Wanting to use utensils and thinking chopsticks somehow do not fall under that category is rage-inducing...that being said, if they want a fork, let'em use a damn fork who cares. That is the least of their problems, it seems to me.

>> No.6221739

nigger was lucky the waitress didn't bring general tsao out of the kitchen.

shit would have gotten real. fast.

>> No.6222080

I'm ...eurasian and I do not always use chopsticks, even in an asian setting.
Chopsticks are incredibly useful when you eat at the table, with multiple dishes and a plate on the table, with a small rice bowl in hand.

>> No.6222152
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depends on the food, I will use a spoon for rice but noodles and shit are waaaaay more enjoyable with a pair.

>> No.6223119


If you can't use chopsticks properly as an adult after growing up in a place where everyone is raised using them, most people will look at you like you're some kind of idiot. That is simple truth.

We don't care whether Caucasians can use them or not because we'll assume that you can't anyway.

>> No.6223125

It took me all of 30 seconds to learn how to use chopsticks, and I'm sure anyone could learn them in a similar time if they thought about it. The problem is that most Americans are too lazy to.

>> No.6223130


And I'm not saying I'm god with the fucking chopsticks but I can atleast hold a ball of sticky rice with them.

>> No.6223143


you hold the two chopsticks parallel and fairly close to each other, less than 1cm apart, then scoop the fried rice up just like with a fork.

>> No.6223169

Hands for all types of sushi and a fork for anything else.

>> No.6223174

>mfw qt3.14chinagf
>go out to eat with her family, while her grandmother is already against her dating outside of her race
>pick up the chopsticks and start eating
>woahhh anon you can actually use chopsticks?
At first I wasn't suure if they were just humoring me and being sarcastic, but then I realized that their other son was crossing them and the other one was already asleep at the table. Apparently not everyone thinks eating with chopsticks is easy. That being said half way through the meal everyone just said fuck it and started using forks.

Philipinos eat with their hands all the time. My roommate warned me that I shouldn't just use my fork and knife to eat the bbq his parents prepared. I said who fucking cares how I eat it. Immediately bite into several bones in my first fork-full. They eat with their hands because they can't fucking debone their meat properly...

>> No.6223180
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I'm Australian so I knew how to use chopsticks before I knew how to use salad utensils.

Never felt pressured about using or not using chopsticks. I try not to use them with Thai food but that's about it.

>> No.6223245

I am Asian so I'm kinda used to it. Actually, it feels a little awkward using a fork at times.

>> No.6223261

I always demand silverware. And I glare and leer at the yellow subhuman that brings me human eating utinsels. Who the fuck eats food with wooden sticks. Slant eyed communists, that's who.

>> No.6223324
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>> No.6223340

Might please you to learn that Koreans use stainless steel chopsticks.

>> No.6223341
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>> No.6223344

I don't know about that. eating rice is incredibly easy with chopsticks.
You just hold the bowl to your face and push it in with the sticks.
Much faster than spoons or forks and more convenient.

>> No.6223346
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>> No.6223347

I welcome the chance to use chopsticks. I use them whenever I eat Asian food since many of my friends in highschool were Asian, so it's normal to use them when available. I'm not some hipster fag who uses them every time I eat. I always say that chopsticks are the manual transmission of eating, I get to have fun while I enjoy the taste of the food.

Asians are always surprised and the 1st gen people are blown away that a white dude can use chopsticks just as well as they can. It's pretty funny, which is another advantage.

>> No.6223349
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>> No.6223350
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>> No.6223354
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>> No.6223371

How does it feel being a cuck to a bunch of fish head slopes? Pick up your fork, you fucking faggot.

>> No.6223446

No matter how you paint or enamel them wood chopsticks will always be inferior to glorious Korean metal chopstick masterrace.

Do you use wooden spoons and forks to eat your food? No? Then why the fuck would you use wood chopsticks?

>> No.6223477

i wonder if asian people feel pressured to use a fork or spoon in a white setting

>> No.6223480

i have wooden mixing spoons and sometimes i eat a little food off of them

>> No.6223482

I use them for Chinese food but use my hands form sushi.

>> No.6223497

Pressured, wut? Are you that much of a pleb?


>> No.6223507

metal chopsticks are trash for gullible idiots.

simple bamboo sticks are all you need.

>> No.6223512

I hear they use these to hold their babydicks when they pee

>> No.6223521

Yeah bro, enjoy your bamboo knives and forks. Let me know how that goes.

You don't eat food with cooking utensils unless you're some sort of hoarder and have nothing else left clean. Even when you've got metal chopsticks you'll still have a wooden pair or two for cooking with.

>> No.6223526

no pressure at all, if you dont like them fuck em, but its a new skill you can learn! when is learning something new a bad thing?

>> No.6223595

google "Chinese spoon". the chinks and the japs use them. the Koreans used to use them too, but now they use western soup spoons.

>> No.6223601

Koreans really are the best Asians aren't they. They still have that horrible Asian culture/social system but at least they have a lot more pragmatic western systems than the other Asian nations.

>> No.6223603

>rice with chopsticks

rice is supposed to be served in a bowl (rather than a plate). to eat rice, you pick up the bowl in one hand and use the chopsticks to rake the rice into your mouth.

>> No.6223605

Yeah if you're a peasant or anime character. Otherwise you use a spoon like a civilised human.

>> No.6223609

>you mong
>mong is short for "mongoloid"
>extolling the virtues of mongoloid eating habits while insulting someone by calling them a mongoloid

>> No.6223614
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>> No.6223618
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>> No.6223619

each have their uses...

for example, in the home, I use bamboo chopsticks and glass Chinese spoons.

in my work bag, though, I keep steel chopsticks and a plastic Chinese spoon because wood and glass would break in a portable setting.

>> No.6223622

Angry Korean angry.

>> No.6223623

same guy again:
actually, my opinion is that Chinese soup spoons are better for eating soups with. they have a deeper bowl and thus can contain more soup.

Korean food, though, is pretty good.

>> No.6223624

Not even Korean but I started spending time with some last year and was introduced to the glory of stainless steel chopsticks. I was sceptical at first but holy shit they're amazing. My wooden chopsticks have been relegated to being used as cooking utensils and sticks to poke things with.

I prefer them for soup noodles because the noodles sit more snugly in the deeper spoon. For regular soups western style soup spoons are my preference but my mouth is sensitive to hot things so I don't really want to risk the extra soup anyway.

>> No.6223627

>roommates use all the fucking forks and spoons and hoard them away in their rooms
>no one in the household is actually good at chopsticking but me
>bought 24 pairs of chopsticks
>TFW yes, I feel pressured, but I'm also the only nigga with utensils half the time.

>> No.6223629

Stainless steel chopsticks.
Heat conduction.

>> No.6223643

Stainless steel spoons and forks.
Heat conduction.

>> No.6223645

heatless spoon forks
steel conduction

>> No.6223669

I think the biggest problem with westerners and chopsticks is how stressed they get over holding them "correctly". Different asians use different types of chopsticks and everyone uses them their own way.

People have different hand and finger shapes, put them in your hand and make them open and close however is easiest and not painful for you and do that until it stops seeming hard. That is literally all their is to it.

I am pretty good with a standard set of wooden or textured plastic chopsticks, but those slippery heavy metal korean ones fucks me up all over again so don't fret about being bad.

>> No.6223671


>> No.6223673

imo using chopstick in an asian setting is like saying gracias to your mexican waiter at a mexican restaurant. only embarrassing white dads do it.

>> No.6223708
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My homies! I thought I was the only one. We're definitely the classiest folks ITT.

>> No.6224955

>big glass of milk
>fully submerge the oreo using chopsticks
>hands stay clean

>> No.6224966

No, thats terrible
>cookie gets soft
>squishes between sticks
>falls into your milk
Using your fingers gives you more cookie surface area contact

>> No.6224975

You either don't know how to use chopsticks or you leave your oreos in the milk way too long.

>> No.6225137

I'm an asian dude thats been brought up as a white bogan.
i love going to asian restaurants with my white friends and watching them try to use chopsticks while i stick to a fork.

>> No.6225516

Metal chopsticks are trash. Food slips out way too easily

Wood > Plastic > Metal

>> No.6225519

or, you know, dunking it in milk with your fingers as if you're not an autistic faggot

>> No.6225537

all. work. the. same. enjoy. splinters. in. your. food.

you must be white. only a moron would say something so arrogant.

>> No.6225543

No but I do anyways because it's fun

>> No.6225559

Nah, but they're fun to use, I guess. Which seems sort of like a shitty thing to say, but fuck it.

>> No.6225561
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>Not bamboo

>> No.6225564

I've managed, you just need to press it in a clump and not saturate it in sauce. Alternate bites of rice w/ pieces of meat

>> No.6225569

I can pinch the corner just fine, 99% gets soaked and my fingers stay dry.

>> No.6226072

>imperfect dunking
>dirtying your fingers
Enjoy being children.

But seriously if you want it to properly absorb the milk the biscuit needs a break in it, either by biting it or just breaking it, that means less room for holding it and imperfect soakage.

>> No.6226192

Warmer milk helps with absorption. Amateur.

> stack 3 oreos in glass
> fill glass with warm milk
> wait 3.5 minutes
> oreos are completely dissolved
> stir
> drink
enjoy your oreogasm.

>> No.6227428

>eating dim sum
>meatballs are stuck together
>only way I can grab it is impaling one of them with a chopstick
>flour covered shrimp shit
>try and grab it
>the flour comes off and I only grab shrimp

fuck dim sum

>> No.6229162

You seem to have misspelled fork.

>> No.6229217

I've actually gotten a splinter from low-quality chopsticks. It was big enough for me to feel it, but so small that I needed to heat up a needle and slice it out. It hurt like a bitch.

I like using chopsticks, too. But now I'll only use them if they're not bamboo or wood.

>> No.6229448

take your chopsticks and press down firmly in between the meatballs to separate. if that is not enough, grab a meatball with your chopsticks. press toward the table and twist. twist both ways and press down harder if needed.

congratulations, you have a single meatball that hasn't been impaled. you are now asian or a weeaboo black belt.

>> No.6229481

That's disgusting.

You are disgusting.

Everyone knows you crush up oreos with ice, milk, and vanilla ice cream.

Possibly bailey's too.

Don't blend it, enjoy the natural crunch.

Don't be a sick fuck like this guy

>> No.6229509

>making things that need to be sharp out of wood

Enjoy your plaster chef's knife, anon.

Some people prefer the feel/ease of cleaning that metal has.