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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6211766 No.6211766[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf that cooks
>tfw no gf at all
post the last thing your gf cooked for you

>> No.6211774

back in 1978 before me mum passed she would take me and the boys down to the gas station to get 10 cent cokes in glass bottles...the old machune sometimes woudnt work but everyone still called her "old reliable" lol...fast forward to high schoolc my buddy met this chica wjo could salsa dance harder better faster and stroger than a jar of PAce,,,those were the days. nothing beats the heat quite like popping a hydrant but if u dont have a lookout prepare to get shut down...just around that time we would all sneak grapes off the bunches at the market. grapes are good but 2much sugar if u eat a whole bunch of them, but still refreshing if you get the nice cold ones from the back

>> No.6211779

I thought you died

>> No.6211935

gf cooked some awesome nachos the other night. i work nights so she had dinner before i woke up.

tfw there was less than a quarter left when i woke up
tfw shes only a little thing and its got me fucked where all the food goes

>> No.6211957

I've never had a gf so, well, nothing
My mom always sucked at cooking so I was the one making good food at home

>> No.6212112

For my last birthday, I visited my gf, who had prepared tons of sushi for us.

>> No.6212115

Cupcake from EZbake oven

>> No.6212120

to be honest, i think the last thing my (ex-)gf cooked for me was tilapia, and i think maybe some pasta. she isn't a bad cook, but tilapia...really? come on....

dont really care that she broke up with me now that i remember that

>> No.6212122

>tfw shes only a little thing and its got me fucked where all the food goes
my gf weighs 90 lbs and is skinny as a twig, yet i swear she eats way more than me. she never gains weight. i've only ever heard her poop once. no clue where it all goes

>> No.6212134

I recently went out to an all-you-can-eat restaurant with a group of friends, and the two skinniest girls of us were the ones who ate the most food.

>> No.6212169

They're probably cardio bunnies mystery solved

>> No.6212171
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>tfw you missed your chance to be young and in love
>tfw seeing happy couples in public kills me inside
>tfw you will never be normal

>> No.6212183

Two nights ago she made seared scallops with a remoulade sauce over rice. Was very good.

>> No.6212191
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Don't worry
We will be wizards soon
Magicks compensate for lack of gf

>> No.6212197
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>> No.6212200

Is that a bun-less cheeseburger? You losing weight, fatbro?

>> No.6212212

Yes, bun less cheeseburger. She put it on a plate and I ate it. No complaints.

>> No.6212228

>tfw gf is worthless cook
>tfw we're azn and she can't even cook rice in a rice cooker
The bridewealth will not be much, I will demand it

>> No.6212251

I was never bothered about not having a gf.
It seems to bother other people quite a lot though.

>> No.6212254

You like weiner

>> No.6212258

you are gifted as you are cursed.

women are diabolical cunts that literally suck the life out of you. but tittys is bretty gud

>> No.6212271

continue... I want to hear more

>> No.6212276

im very jelous. you still have the ability to fall in first love, which is best love

it's all down the jaded hill from there

>> No.6212287


my ex never cooked and when she did it was this overcooked steak thing that turned out pretty gross

i think she knew i didnt like it and she never cooked again after that. she worked at a diner so whenever she was in charge of food she would just bring something from there (was mostly p good actually)

it just sucked because she was hot af and my gf before cooked all the damn time and really good comfort food type stuff too and she was the first big relationship i was in so she kinda set the standard for what i expect a gf to do

>ive been single for the past 2 years
>just want a hot gf that cooks me delicious gains filled meals.

>> No.6212327

No pic but last meal gf made was pulled pork sammies with coleslaw and a chocolate pie (homeade crust too) She's a great cook and I'm lucky. She was raised in the south and knows her way around the kitchen. She works a lot so she usually cooks/preps a couple meals and makes a dessert of some kind on the weekends for the coming week.

>> No.6212332

I always cooked for my ex gf.... and she loved it... and I loved her.....

>> No.6212334

Welcome back old friend.

>> No.6212424
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>tfw you masturbate to couples' sex tapes and see them acting intimate and get such a gigantic bout of loneliness that you can't finish masturbating

>> No.6212439

we wanted a late night snack last night so she made some scallops over polenta with a lemon caper beurre blanc

she wanted to keep track of the exact proportions used so that she could write it down for the restaurant she works at, since she doesn't usually use recipes

>inb4 hurr durr that's a "snack"
we aren't fat

>> No.6212450
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Hey, thats only happened a few times.
Usually its when I'm at the supermarket and I see couples doing the big shop together.
i di evertim

>> No.6212462

No, even tried that just to make sure.
I like women, but I don't feel like I'm missing anything by not being in a relationship.
Only time I feel lonely is when I get into bed....alone.

It would be nice to have someone paying half the bills and to go on holiday with.

>> No.6212467

Get a cool as fuck roomie. Bro around together on adventures.

>> No.6212469

The only way I could tolerate living with someone was if I were putting my dick inside them.

The only reason I'd like the extra money is so I could buy a nice sports car instead of a shitty sports car.

>> No.6212486

>half-Asian gf who knows Western and Asian cuisine
>was an apprentice when she was a teen at some Ritz restaurant (her father is friends with the chef or something)
>her godfather owns a top restaurant in Melbourne

Pretty pleased. However, looking for a restaurant with the fear of disappointment is hell.

Last meal was some butter sautéed shiitake, pleurotus and jew ear, with a little bit of curcuma and coriander.
Next meal is probably some tom kha.

>> No.6212511


>looking for a restaurant with the fear of disappointment is hell.

yeah, that's why I only eat cheap take out if I'm exhausted, or go to very upscale restaurants (1-2 times a year). I work ~65 hours a week and we make way better food than middle of the road restaurants that I can make and eat while we're closing. I've been disappointed so many times that I've just stopped going to them entirely.

>> No.6212641

A girl I liked made me chicken stir fry with cauliflower rice recently.

>> No.6212659

Bacon and eggs. She makes good eggs even though she doesn't eat them.

>> No.6212705


>Do 95% of the cooking.
>GF helps sometimes, but doesn't really think about what she's doing (ie. likes to use the smallest possible knife in the kitchen to cut things).
>Need to correct her, act like an overbearing dick
>She doesn't like to cook with me so much

When she does cook I can't be in the kitchen. Which can be nice...

>> No.6212753

I made black bean nachos with my lady last night

>> No.6213803

Learn to cook you fucking whining cunt.

>> No.6213814


2012, I cooked some filets for my girlfriend.

She was cheating on me with an iranian.

I'm an alcoholic now.

>> No.6213881

my ex never cooked because she was a dumb fuck.

she still texts me every few weeks to let me know she thinks of me. i was the best she's ever had and she knows it, but she didnt know it while we were together. she never cooked, she never did anything for me except "be there" for me, and even that sucked because we usually found ourselves having sex when i wouldnt even want to. she was a latina, but she could not cook to save her life. she was wild though, my god.

brianna you were the worst year and 3 month relationship that i experienced.

>> No.6214294

i cooked some battered shrimp tacos for my dude tonight

some pico, cabbage, cotija-cilantro dressing and the shrimp in corn tortillas

but he will eat honestly anything so i don't usually stress too much unless i have the money for fancy ingredients. i try to cook for him almost every night since he's full time and i'm only part time.

>> No.6214665

I know that feel brah. Things work much smoother when I just chill out and have her chop shit/help with prep and cleanup, and is much more enjoyable that way.

>> No.6214857

Goddamn that is the same exact thing in my house. My gf is a decent cook and does some things better than me but she is awful at working in a kitchen with someone else. I worked for a chef and on the line at a few restaurants in the past but she never had so she does shit like walk around with knives pointing outwards and not announcing when she's walking behind me while I'm doing something dangerous.

She also made godawful decisions when trying to improvise that results in inedible abortions of food. She once tried to make some kind of pan fried eggplant and then attempted to make a sauce for it and the whole thing tasted like fucking apples for some reason even though she never added anything apple flavored.

I do 95% of the cooking, its better this way. She's happy, we eat better.

>> No.6214871

I am 35 and I've never had a girlfriend, so I don't know what this is like. The "#wifeymaterial" threads make me feel alright about not ever have experienced that particular feeling.

>> No.6214880

I would pay good money to put good money into one of those old machunes

>> No.6214926

>He doesn't obsess over women so he must be gay

Why would you think that?
I've met countless people with that mindset and it still confounds me.
Is it an inability to comprehend that some guys are simply content spending their life without being in a relationship?

>> No.6214961

Biologically the only purpose of life is reproduction. The player/PUA culture is just an extension of the most natural biological urges men have - fuck bitches. So men living closer to how man is meant to live naturally spend most of their energy chasing pussy to fuck. It's only the semi-autistic shut in nerds that can't comprehend this sort of behavior - the behavior of men being men.

>> No.6214996

I can comprehend it just fine.

>> No.6215005

This thread and everyone in it has been blessed

>> No.6215007


>>6212486 here

Yeah, that's what I tend to do as well. Mid-range restaurants are really terrible for what they are.
When I really want to eat well, I just grab one of those Michelin starred restaurants every once in a while (every 3 or 4 months I guess?) whenever my pay allows me. Even if it's sometimes overrated, it's never too terrible so far and the overall experience is pleasant (good service, good table, fancy place).

>> No.6215013
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>mfw gf made me based shakshuka for breakfast

>> No.6215014

We all understand you condescending prick.
A life time of negative re-enforcement makes "chasing pussy to fuck" redundant.

>> No.6215034

>gf can barely make a salad let alone cook
>I make all the meals

At least she does the dishes.

>> No.6215046
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