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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6208351 No.6208351 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ cook along with me!

>> No.6208360
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Grate the cheese

>> No.6208361

>fancy salt and pepper
thread hidden

>> No.6208364


>> No.6208369
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Then the other ( I like to use both pecorino and parma

>> No.6208384
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Always reserve some for garnish...

>> No.6208395
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Using a towel and the back of your knife crush black pepper

>> No.6208398
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Chiffonade some basil

>> No.6208410
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Let's cut up our pancetta

>> No.6208420
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And render pancetta over medium heat

>> No.6208426
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Also most useful thing ever: medical tweezers

>> No.6208430
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Whisk cheese and eggs till homogenous

>> No.6208431
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Like so and add pepper

>> No.6208441 [DELETED] 

I went to a restaurant supply store asking for exactly this. They said they have never seen them. Even searching for "medical tweezers" now does not yield this result I seek. My ex gf's mom had a pair in the kitchen just like in your pic and were very useful with food, which is what I have been looking for years since. If you know how to find a very large pair of tweezers just like that, please share.

I've tried plenty.

>> No.6208444


literally 1 second on amazon

get your shit together bro

>> No.6208446
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Boil pasta till al dente

>> No.6208447

try one of those medical supply stores where they sell diabetic stuff and walkers and catheters and shit

>> No.6208449


>> No.6208450

Yeah, sorry. Deleted my post because I found them too. Fucking hell, I was always using the wrong search terms.

God damnit.

>> No.6208454
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Add pasta to pancetta and mix

>> No.6208457
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Take pan off heat and add egg mixture and mix

>> No.6208460

inb4 cream

>> No.6208462
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Wa la! Done

>> No.6208473
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Now I have lunch for tommorrow

>> No.6208474

Your pancetta looks like shit but i'd eat it/10

>> No.6208475

I chunked them more, personal preference for myself. I don't like it thin

>> No.6208485

Never had it in chunks like that, but looks like a good way for me too. Looks tasty.

>> No.6208493

Plus the pancetta I usually get at this Italian deli isn't too salty so it's easier to eat in chunks without it being too salty.... They did have guanciale but is was 25 dollars a pound. Fuck that. (Guanciale is God tier though)

>> No.6208516
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>the pictures in this thread

>> No.6208526

why do you not want/have kitchen tongs?

>> No.6208546

I have them but they are wonky as fuck sometimes, especially when cooking more delicate meats like scallops, fillets

>> No.6208642

Looks good OP

>> No.6210063

9.5/10 would eat op >>6208462

>> No.6210072
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just made carbonara the other day

used giancale or whatever the fuck the pork jowl bacon is called though

also used a terrible camera to take photo

>> No.6210082

>mixing pastas
My jimmies twitched a bit

>> No.6210092

Its voilà you fucking turd

>> No.6210093


Why are you arguing with a troll trying to force a silly meme? Are you new here?

>> No.6210094

would like some broccoli or something on the side pls

>> No.6210119


>> No.6210392
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OP only whisked the eggs,he never cooked it...

>> No.6210419


Correct. The eggs are cooked with the residual heat from the rest of the food.

If you were to re-heat it at that point you'd get a nasty grainy texture.

>> No.6210434

nobody wantsa fucking spaggo omelette ...

>> No.6210443

Ahh... I see. I must try that. Im slightly worried if the eggs dont cook ...

>> No.6210451

>No raw egg yolk on top


>> No.6210453


OMG OP how did your fingers get so horribly disfigured...did they get burnt in a fire?

>> No.6210473

No joke made this for the first time. I scrambled the eggs a bit, and put too much pasta wata in. BUT! It's damn delicious and took 4s to make. 10/10 never ragu again

>> No.6210478

Being a sea beaner does that to you

>> No.6210493
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Hey ya forgots the cream!

>> No.6210521

im not op, but i have stopped using cream.

imo it creates problems with getting an even and complete coating of the egg all over the pasta.

at most, 1 teaspoon per person.

but frankly, better off with none.
it also subdues the bacon/egg combination pretty hard.

>> No.6211982


>> No.6211998

> dumb unskilled faggots like this are on a cooking board

Bretty gud OP, I make it the same way. Usually use a bit more black pepper and garnish with a mix of aged Gouda and parmesan (using pecorino and parm as base of course).

>> No.6212042

Eh...it looks great m8, but this is one of those dishes that has to be eaten on the spot. Everything about it turns to shit when re-heated.

>> No.6212045

>people complaining about uncooked eggs and no cream

please be trolls

>> No.6212534

>no cream
>no garlic

>> No.6213102
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>egg white in carbonara

>> No.6213121

>fancy salt and pepper
Holy shit you can't be serious

>> No.6214145

8/10 would eat... Needs more pasta

>> No.6215883


>> No.6216001

Hiya, new friend :^)

>> No.6216054

>basil in carbonara


>> No.6216060

great job anon! (bonus points for turning off the pan and not using cream...)

>> No.6216070

european here, lived in italy for 3 hears, never use cream, any italian would choke you to death...

>> No.6216081

The addition of cream and garlic is a european and american custom

But I do like garlic

>> No.6216082

Parmesan, basil, pancetta

I don't know what you're making, OP. I'm sure it's delicious, but it surely is not carbonara.

>> No.6216495

You have to use guanciale,not pancetta. That's quite a common mistake.

>> No.6216500

Also,basil shouldn't...no,wait,MUSTN'T be used in a carbonara

>> No.6216594

Why not just use a grinder

>> No.6216598

No reason to not use a grinder really, but generally you already have peppercorns in the grinder which may or may not be fresh. Your grinder may not have a sufficiently coarse setting, any number of reasons.

If you're cooking in front of an audience (and carbonara is a great dish for that. Impresses the shit out of the ladies if they're not kitchen-savvy) then a technique like smashing peppercorns under a knife blade looks pretty trick.

>> No.6216626

>not using a mortar and pestle for maximum control of grind fineness
step up senpai

>> No.6216644

could you point me to a reliable recipe, please? american here, the food network's seo is raping my search results and i don't really trust them anymore.

>> No.6216649
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Not bad, but I usually chop an entire onion and about 9 cloves of garlic to saute in the pancetta/bacon grease.

Also, basil? I would rather use mass amounts of italian parsley.

>> No.6216686

>Holding 1lb dumbbells will give you an ass larger than a baby elephant

Yeah, that's probably how it works.

>> No.6216890

I like everything except the pasta
carbs are so stupid
sugar is horrible for your immune system
search on duck duck go if you don't believe me
it immediately causes inflammation and ruins your stomach bacterial fauna
only carbs to be eaten should be leafy greens
but props OP on everything else, I also would have probably added chives and multiplied the basil by tenfold, but that's because I have the good homegrown abundance of it

>> No.6216914
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>sugar is literally poison
You do realize you have a lineage of ten million primate ancestors whose diet was largely based on fruits, right?

>> No.6216951

tell that to the mammoth my ancestors killed

>> No.6217051

Try actually reading about the things you post here. Humans are basically machines to convert carbs into work. Every other macro and micro nutrien just facilitates that.

On a dietary level carbs are great for you any other source of calories puts unnecessary load on your body to make it into useful energy. Carbs are the bedrock of a healthy diet. Things like wheat and beans are the pinnacle of usefulness because of their carb and protein content. Carbs like fruits and veggies make it possible for our body to digest proteins.

Sugar is only bad for you because it has been extracted out of its natural fiber laden habitat and added to things bereft of any fiber.


>> No.6217250

>Using maldon, a finishing salt used only for texture purposes, in a pasta dish

why do you hate yourself?

>> No.6217285

Poison is all relative. Sugar in excess amount will slowly take a toll on your health. We intake way more than we need. Our ancestors didn't enjoy the same exact fruits as we did which over the millennia we have selected for being larger and sweeter.
Try taking a bite out of a wild strain of apple and try not to spit it out.

>> No.6217360

I like basil, the Italian place I go to didn't have guanciale sadly, and I prefer a mixture of pecorino and Parma... Which is fine for me

>> No.6217640

Nice pasta, OP. 8/8

>> No.6217800
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>Using any pasta for a carbonara besides spaghetti

>> No.6217870

You know each apple seed produces something different? It's not like everything wild is awful, they're pretty much random.

>> No.6217894

You are dumb as shit. The sugar in your blood is a byproduct of digestion. Even if you live out of wild stuff, your blood sugar will be the exact same. That's literally the point of digetsion, and why your body doesn't need to eat other humans to create human flesh.

>> No.6217902

The silly thing about the cream debate is that it was actually quite common in Italy too. It's only in the last 20 years or so that the 'cream is the devil' thing got fancy in Italy.

>> No.6218495
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As I said
the only carbs to be eaten should be leafy greens
those contain the micro and macros you need for amino acid use
yes, even amazing things like blueberries are off my menu sadly
fing sucks :( but it was the next stage beyond processed sugars

I'm going to go ahead and choose fat for my energy source
I'm okay with you disagreeing with me
you're like the other 90% of the world that uses carbs as the primary energy source
ketosis has it's critics but a youtube video isn't going to sway me
fat is the best source of energy not only because of
but because of my first hand experience-fat gives me way more control over my hunger, and I am not a slave to the next meal-by brain function seems sharper and consistent-maybe because I have steady energy rather than spikes via carbs

be careful though-it takes about 6 days for your body to adjust to ketosis and you might be a bit grumpy for "low blood-sugar" or whatever label you want to give the change in your pancreatic functions

also-take it easy on proteins-it's a misnomer that more=better in this case-you're kidneys will be the victim if you overdue it

enjoy helping the growth rate of diabetes in this lovely day and age

>> No.6220151

Oh hell no

>> No.6220287

Go jump off your roof you fucking retard.

>> No.6220387
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>> No.6220405

Is that this?: >>6220391

>> No.6220424


I always found fettucine pasta quite good with carbonara.

>> No.6220426

>fat is the best source of energy not only because of

>This diet trend has stirred major controversies in the medical and nutritional sciences communities and, as yet, there is not a general consensus on their efficacy or safety.[sic]

You fucking wot?

>> No.6220550
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>> No.6221413

So half the World who thrived on eating basically 80% carbs are wrong whereas a bunch of fat americans with diabeeetus and heart disease are right?

Personally, I'm fine with you dying young due to your shitty amerifat diet.

>> No.6221445

that would improve that boring shit tenfold.

>> No.6221450

Italian there. Faggots that can't cook will whine all day every day, but cream improve the dish so much you literally have to be an idiot to not use it.

>> No.6221800
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>med student
>studying for metabolism and nutrient uptake exam
>see this post

thanks anon i needed a good laugh