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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6203914 No.6203914 [Reply] [Original]

Could you make it through a MEATLESS MONDAY?
Just eat no meat for 24 hours.

>> No.6203917

but today is tuesday anon

>> No.6203920

I went through a meatless decade. I will never get those years back. I spent the last two hours grinding up chicken, pork and beef for sausages I'm stuffing tomorrow. Get fucked meat erryday.

>> No.6203925

I've done it for 8 months couple of years ago. Can I? yea, but now I know better than to do it anyways.

>> No.6203947

easy my dads a farmer if i didnt eat veg i'd starve

>> No.6203957

I'm catholic, I do meatless friday

>> No.6203986

Why did you go meatless?

Did it make you sick?

I got this fat workmate who transitioned into vegan and lost 15 kilograms from it in 3 months and find it weird since they were only vegetarian for a year before.

>> No.6204017

Made me sick? I'd say no. It definitely made me less energetic tho, and my knees hurt like hell for the first four months, then I learned so much I became healthier given the limiting diet.

>> No.6204027


Will I? Hell naw; my gainz are at risk if I don't gorge myself on chicken and my wallet is at risk if I buy red meat or fish.

>> No.6204028

i mean, yeah. i don't eat much meat in the first place. it's not that hard... are you looking for the bait-taker who says he wouldn't because of reasons?

>> No.6204030


actually it's mittwoch.

fun Thing - I didn't eat meat on dienstag :-)

>> No.6204056

Quit your moonspeak, heathen.

I, probably entirely by accident have only 3-4 days where I'll eat meat in a week. I cook a lot of curries and pastas for myself though, and there are a hell of a lot of recipes that just don't happen to have meat in them.

>> No.6204059

No, meat is essential to any healthy diet.
I'm not gonna deprive myself of nutrition.

>> No.6204062

Sure. I've had turkey burgers before. I could survive on that for 24 hours.... maybe some beer battered fish and a rotisserie chicken... look at me! I'm vegetarian!

>> No.6204067

can I eat eggs

or chicken

or salmon?

>> No.6204365

I've been doing it for the last seven years. It's not hard since I love vegetables and don't really care for meat/fish.

>> No.6204425
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I will absolutely never do a meatless day unless coerced by government officials

Fuck that shit - Why bother

>> No.6204447

I go most thursdays without meat

in fact I usually don't bother with a dinner at all and just have a bowl of porridge. but thats partly cause I always eat some insane dinner with tons of meat every friday so I'm just prepping myself

>> No.6204464

I sometimes go a few weeks without eating meat. It isn't such a big deal. I'm not sure what the problem is here. A few decades ago people ate far less meat. Cheap fast food changed all that.

>> No.6204485

Is going a day without meat some sort of accomplishment?

I routinely go anywhere between 24-30 hours without meat since I only eat meat once daily, if that. Usually, I'll have meat only at lunch, so I go 24 hours till the next day's lunch. Sometimes, I'll have meat at night instead, so from the time of the previous day's lunch to that day's dinner, I've gone without meat, about 30 hours, give or take.

Days I eat beans or pulses, I have no meat. There's a stigma in my culture against eating beans and meat in the same day. It's not something really enforced, just kinda thought to be a bad thing to do, so I don't tend to eat any meat on days I eat beans. For example, I had noodles with mixed vegetables for lunch yesterday then pasta and black beans stewed with celery and garlic for dinner. No meat until today's lunch, ham and brie on milk bread with a salad, about 41 hours with no meat.

I seldom-to-never eat meat at breakfast.

>> No.6204964

Meatless Monday is a silly vegan marketing ploy. The only reason they choose Monday is because it rhymes, which is silly because Monday is themost appropriate day for having leftovers from Sunday's dinner. Wasting Sunday's leftovers is a crime against Mother Nature.

>> No.6204969

easily. I eat meat about once a week, so 24hrs without it is easy.

>> No.6204973

Vegfags? Where you get your proteins at? :^)

>> No.6204976


same here, and I'm not going to do some stupid thing on a particular day for no reason

enjoy your vegan company marketing

>> No.6204988

drink milk faggot

>> No.6204991

>Meatless Monday is a silly vegan marketing ploy.
Nope.Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover came up with the idea during WWI. But it was meatless Tuesday, while also recommending US citizens eat at least one other meatless meal a day. This was when Hoover was head of the FDA.

Today the motivation is out obesity epidemic instead of war rationing, but the idea itself is nothing new.

>> No.6205013

Heck yes I could go a day without meat, easy. It's not like it's crack or something.

I eat meat about 2-3 days a week. I love meat but I can't eat it every day. Sluggish digestion.

>> No.6205161

Really that's interesting. Could you please tell me more about your culture?

>> No.6205283


>one day no meat
>one day

Is this supposed to be hard?

>> No.6205290

It's supposed to be meatless Friday.

And yes, easily.

>> No.6205294

You mean being impoverished without anything to eat because you're too poor to afford anything except water and 22cent pasta from 2005 boiled and seasoned with the minerals in that water?

Yea. Plenty. WTF is your point? You wanna live like a fucking poor faggot? Give me all your money save for $350 - 250 of which is going to rent for the month. Then try to live and tell me how you wanna live you faggot.

>> No.6205433

I had to look up why you would do that.
I don't even like Football, I don't live in the US.
I usually try to avoid meat for 2 or 3 days a week. It's difficult but possible (do it just so I force myself to eat more vegetables). 1 day would be no problem.
I don't remember what I had for lunch last Monday, but yesterday I had no meat

>> No.6205444


>> No.6205676

Who cares. Animals taste delicious, that's why we eat them.

>> No.6205741

Muh T-levels

>> No.6205801

Of course...

What kind of question is that? I could eat cereal, jam and toast, rice, beans, spaghetti with no meat, mashed potatoes etc.

>> No.6205819

I doubt it. I really like eggs and sausage for breakfast.

But I could easily eat some vegetable stir fry for lunch, and hummus and falafel sandwich for dinner.

>> No.6205860

>Just eat no meat for 24 hours.
hurr hurr but where ur proten???

>> No.6205864

>then I learned so much I became healthier given the limiting diet.
post tips please

>> No.6206224

Yeah sure. First of all it was hard to me to realize that while being a grainarian could technically be vegetarian, you are by no means on a healthy diets.

I learned in no time that I had to accept and eat veggies as the name of the diet implies(thankfully I still do even after reverting). Usually the green leafy stuff (like kale, spinach, lettuce) is the healthiest. Don't you ever hesitate to try new things, the harder it is to pronounce the more eager I am to try it. I learned so many ways to make a exotic salads but I have to say the learning curve was a little bit more expensive than what it was for learning to cook steak properly. (if you are anything like me and only love salads a certain way).

I lived during that time in a sun-deprived city so I had to get my vit. D from somewhere. I also realized that I have extremely low levels of B-12 and biotin hence my knee problems and hairloss (but that's another story) so I had to buy supplements to compensate for both. I also found it easier and cheaper to learn to cook instead of considering the 6-cheese Wisconsin pizza a vegetarian dish. Hence me being hooked with cooking for 6 years now. I realize that these tips aren't really the best out there but I could tell you that I honestly don't know how I lived without them.

Captcha: haha I just had to choose which pics were steaks.

>> No.6206241

Of course I can. I'm a fucking omnivore. Being omnivorous doesn't mean I HAVE to have meat every day. I eat a reasonable amount of meat, fish, and seafood, plus a fuck ton of vegetables, and then fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, pulses, and grains.

>> No.6206243

Just eat eggsa nd fish.

>> No.6206516
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I can accept that eggs aren't meat per se. But fish is meat...

>> No.6206533

Yes but my point is that Monday is the stupidest day to go meatless.

>> No.6206535

Paul McCartney did a crappy song about. You don't have to be in the US to have heard of meatless Monday you mong.

>> No.6206537

It's pretty normal for me to have at least one day a week without meat, and I'm someone who loves meat.

>> No.6206543

We have fishy fridays here, meaning we will usually have seafood.

Come lent we dont have meat at all on fridays, none of us are religious anymore, kind of just stuck. Usually have something vegitarian or seafood.

Its not hard to live as a vegitarian or a vegan if you know how to cook. The problem is so many of these "vegetarians" and "vegans" aren't, they are just picky ass eaters.

Nearly every cuisine has a list of vegetarians and (with some substitutes) vegan dishes, it wouldn't be hard to come up with at least 3 weeks worth of different meals and circulate them

>> No.6206564


Yeah, I rarely eat meat and I don't really notice.

>> No.6206565


sometimes I eat meat regularly and sometimes I don't eat it for weeks if not months

doing something like this for no reason so that you can post your ~~meatless monday~~ selfie on facebook is fucking stupid and pointless

eat what you want; if you don't want to eat meat then don't

>> No.6206622


I usually go meatless for a few days each week. recently I've been making a pot of spicy bean and lentil soup and eating that for a while.

>> No.6206648

lol why bother?

>> No.6206651


>> No.6206654

I don't eat meat because I live alone and can't be bothered to cook meat for one. I don't miss it, I rarely crave meat. Also I don't think meat is that good for you. I eat spinach and beans and stuff for protein and iron.

>> No.6207339

/fit/faggot here. I started meatless mondays for shits and giggles in december to see if it would have any impact on my strength/body composition.

shit is actually pretty cash. it gets you out of yoru comfort box in terms of coming up with meal ideas.

Nobody here will care but did not lose any strength and lost a bit of body weight as a result (about 5 lbs).

>> No.6207348

I could, but why would I want to?

>> No.6207349


fucking this

this is like new years resolutions; if you want to eat less meat then eat less meat, don't wait for some pointless fucking day to do something

>> No.6207356

No thanks

>> No.6207362

MEATY MONDAY where you can't eat anything but meat would be more fun

>> No.6207364

I vary my diet every day actually

>Meatless monday
>Taco tuesday
>Weedless wednesday
>Thick cock Thursday
>Foodless friday

You should try it anon.

>> No.6207372

Why is that difficult? I've gone days without meat before without even realizing it or intending to do so.

A lot of days I feel like eating salad, or just french fries or pancakes. Shit like that.

>> No.6207425

I laughed way too hard at that.

>> No.6207496

Yeah, sure. I often don't eat meat in a day, depending on the ingredients/leftovers I have and what I feel like eating. It's nothing special or difficult.

>> No.6207591

Fucking vegans are the WORST. Here's a prime example from today:

Shanna A. wrote a review for Whole Foods Market Roseville 3 minutes ago
4.0 star rating 2/5/2015
The land of vegan cheese and kombucha, where the staff wear organic deodorant and have dreadlocks. They're very pricy, but you cannot find a better selection of vegan foods anywhere.

Was this review …?

Useful Funny Cool

Shanna A. wrote a review for 7-Eleven 4 minutes ago
3.0 star rating 2/5/2015
What can I say about good ole Sevo? They're all a bit dirty. If you haven't already, try their iced coffee.

Was this review …?

Useful Funny Cool

>> No.6208897


I don't get it

>> No.6208905

Can I? Yes
Would I? Not really

>> No.6208918
File: 143 KB, 348x280, where da video games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who eat meat every day

do these people eat ice cream for dinner too? jesus christ america

>> No.6208922
File: 196 KB, 1536x1457, o-ASHAMEDANIMALS-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you learn vikings ate meat every day

>> No.6208924

She's giving half-assed biased reviews based on her vegan beliefs not the quality and the value of the stores.

>> No.6208938

You're upset because she gave 7-11 a 3 out of 5? you're a fucking idiot

>> No.6208944


The hell are you talking about? She gave whole foods a 4 out of 5 for being expensive but having a great selection and she gave 7-11 a 3 out of 5 because it's fucking 7-11

>> No.6208945

She's a fucking vegan, and she drinks premade slop from a dirty 7-11 machine. She may as well drink Bull Semen with her $40 Whole Foods premade meal from their "salad bar". She's a stupid cunt, like you.

>> No.6208948
File: 42 KB, 314x214, Richards-N-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>She's a fucking vegan!
>Look, look, she's a vegan!
>40 years ago we'd have her upside down with a FORK in her ass!

>> No.6208949

I wasn't the one who posted the reviews in the first place, just trying to interpret what was in front of me.

>> No.6208954

Kill yourself you stupid cuck.

>> No.6208959

Get fucked commie

>> No.6208968


i do it like 3-4 times a week

>> No.6208996

Mushroom salad today.

>> No.6209247

Will definitely do that one. Would be a great day for turducken!

>> No.6209262

Actually I read this one thread on /r/vegan where they tried to start a meat sunday or sth. The point is to have 6 veg*n days instead of the opposite. I don't agree with their premise but I think this approach might prove more useful.

>> No.6209273
File: 48 KB, 460x345, dumbassholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone touched a nerve, eh? LOL
Time to get in your box.

>> No.6209277

I tried going vegetarian a few years ago and I by didn't feel right. Felt sort of malnourished.

Meat isn't a huge part of my diet but I do eat a bit everyday, going a day without would be no big deal.

>> No.6209291

I haven't eaten meat in 6 or so years, so yeah, I'm pretty confident in my ability to do it

>> No.6209294

You sound fat and poor.

>> No.6209306
File: 48 KB, 500x500, rupertthebadvegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnd....you're wrong on both counts, but nice try.
>using the word "sound" to describe a written statement.
The word you are looking for is "tone", dumbass.
But, you've given undeniable proof that you're a fucking moron, so hey, at least your post was somewhat informative. Of course, we already knew you were a moron because you're vegan.

>> No.6209309

I eat meat every single day and I eat ice cream for dessert.
Is this something Euros don't do?

>> No.6209317

>you tone fat and poor
Yeah that was so much better. Fatty. Fatty fatty fatty fat fat fatty

>> No.6209325

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were a special needs person. Please, let me help you with this.
>Your tone seems fat and poor
or, if I were to describe YOU,
>Your tone seems mentally challenged
>The tone of your post is uneducated and possibly autistic (which is typical of vegans)
>The tone of your post reads as if a three year old wrote it
Now do you understand, or would you like some more examples? I don't mind helping the mentally handicapped. I'm sorry your crack whore mother dropped you on your head in the bathroom stall while she was blowing dick for drugs.

>> No.6209329

Holy shit you are so angry. You should talk to someone about that, fatty!

>> No.6209338
File: 1.20 MB, 3648x2736, prmrib2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder, kid. Come on, use those two brain cells.

>> No.6209341

fatty fatty fatty fat fatty fat fat fat fatty fat

>> No.6209344

Fucking mobile

>> No.6209348
File: 141 KB, 540x397, grilled-rare-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know /ck/ can't use spoilers

>> No.6209349

I had never tried to use spoilers on here before, so admittedly, that's on me.

>> No.6209400


You must be from Europe or South America, because American Catholics only do that during Lent.

>> No.6209405

And I try to have meatless meals often, or at least meals with tiny meat portions. It's generally cheaper, and healthier.

>> No.6209690

I do Foodless Friday.

>> No.6210569
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>No Sat or Sunday


>> No.6210595

You might as well go full homosexual for a full day. Literally the same thing.

>> No.6210610

>tfw will never have a day of the week entirely devoted to some good old fashioned d

why live

>> No.6210642

This is some new thing, probably thought up by Satan or something. "Meatless Monday" to make people forget about or go against the old Catholic Friday thing. Me, I had me some nice extra garlicky hummus and olives today (Friday) - yummy. I make awesome hummus.

>> No.6210649

I could, but why? Why bother with "poorfag anyday" when I have plenty of money to eat meat all day erryday?

>> No.6210656

Are you by any chance a single IT professional or computer programmer?

>> No.6211384

Misuse detected.

>> No.6211411

Is that supposed to be challenging? Only the most weak-willed spineless degenerates would not be able to skip an ingredient for just one day.

It's disturbing that this is presented as a maybe difficult task.

>> No.6211479


To have atleast one day of healthy eating a week

>> No.6211485



>> No.6211517


No, 1/7 days where you eat healthy food

>> No.6211536

>meatless and Monday rhyme
>can't eat Sunday's leftovers on Tuesday

>> No.6212830

Well I've been vegan for two and a half months now, so probably. Meat wasn't even hard to give up, I don't understand those who are addicted to it.

>> No.6212848

As someone who regularly gets told her the doctor to eat more red meats, yes, meatless Monday is easy as fuck to do. I fail to see the challenge.

>> No.6212882

I could, but I have no interest in doing so

>> No.6212890

That's not much better than doctors recommending cigarettes...

>> No.6212896

Oh please like hell it is.
>inb4 propaganda bs pseudoscience.

>> No.6212904

Enjoy your cancer and hormones?

>> No.6212917
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> regularly gets told her the doctor to eat more red meats

>> No.6212924

My system doesn't absorb iron from non-heme sources properly.

so if I don't get enough meat I get anemic and become prone to blacking out/fainting. Plus it fucks up my ability to concentrate. Sucks. On the other hand every summer my doc tells me to enjoy BBQ season and to get plenty of rare meats.

>> No.6212933

Is this genetic?

>> No.6212939

R u an anemic grill?

>> No.6212943

Nope not genetic. It is however pure bullshit.

>> No.6212948

Seems that way, we haven't found any other reason... No sickle cell, no intestinal issues, no spleen issues, no clotting issues, no internal bleeds. Further tests would be getting invasive as hell so we stopped searching really. It's manageable now that we know to do blood check-up every few months. I have "emergency" iron supplement pills as well but the side-effects are not cool so I try to avoid to have to use them.

>> No.6212965

not even trolling, genuine question (trigger warning):

to those who regularly eat cheap meat or any meat from animals which are likely to be treated in despicable ways:
do you genuinely not feel any guilt or compassion towards the creatures?

do you not realise that in this day and age our food sources are plentiful enough that the farming of these animals is only for a little extra flavour?

>> No.6212973

Well I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get better.

>> No.6212979

Thanks :-)

>> No.6212984
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>> No.6212987

i don't give a fuck. i want animals to die. i want my fellow humans to die.

for every animal you don't eat, i'm going to eat 10 factory farmed chickens with the breasts so fat that you KNOW for certain they were immobile for the entirety of their shitty, short, brutish existence.

fuck im hungry.

>> No.6212989

i'm too poor to feel sad about this kind of shit, if i can have a nice piece of chicken that's a big treat for me

>> No.6212991

Mine too. Well, meat in general, actually.

I have http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pernicious_anaemia
It's a type of anaemia wherein my body doesn't /process B12 near the same rate as average.

As a consequence, I need around 20000% more B12 in my diet than most people do. I take a 1mg pill of B12 daily, but that only gets me to 16000%. I still need to eat animal derived foods for optimal health.

I believe him/her because I've also been told by my doctors to eat more meat. They also tell me to avoid greens because of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catastrophic_antiphospholipid_syndrome
wherein my blood clots about 6× faster than normal, so I have to take a lot of blood thinners and the vit K in green veg can counteract those meds.
Don't get me wrong, I still don't eat much meat and I still do eat quite a lot of green veg... but I really shouldn't.

>> No.6212994

I consider it an act of kindness to end their suffering. Then eat them.

>> No.6213005

There's generally an intentional disconnect. Meat isn't an animal, it's a food item, and if you remember it is the flesh of a dead animal, you just quickly assume they died instantly and painlessly and the meat would just be wasted otherwise if you didn't eat it.

Tyson and the other meat companies keep everyone in the dark for a reason. Most people don't even know that buying dairy directly supports the veal industry, when they generally would never eat veal knowing where it came from.

What does your financial status have to do with anything, though? Rice costs almost nothing and rice alone is a complete protein.

>> No.6213006

childishly not addressing reason or how you really feel
>too poor
meat is more expensive than vegetables, stupid argument
if people like you weren't eating it, the suffering would not happen

>> No.6213015

>suffering wouldn't happen
Well, you try to change the minds of all 6930000000 people who eat meat.
Do you know how a stampede works? You run with the herd or you get trampled by it. Then get eaten.
Do you really think the 1% of dedicated vegans/vegetarians in the world are going to really do much in that stampede of meat eaters?

>> No.6213028

by your logic there's no point voting either

also are you implying that the vegetarians are going to (metaphorically or otherwise) get eaten?

>> No.6213037

Ruminants are vegetarian. Lots of things/people eat ruminants.

Excepting pigs, very, very few people eat any of the animals on that list. Vegetarians are food for non-vegetarians.

>> No.6213039
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Not him, but they are actually growing at a decent pace. 5% of the US population are now vegan or vegetarian, dairy milk bubble is about to burst when the milk industry is already on a decline, Europe just opened a shitload of all vegan grocery stores named Veganz, France just voted like today that animals are all legally sentient beings, etc. It's growing at a pretty amazing pace.

With how much water it costs to make just one pound of beef, it's not just sustainable anyway, eventually we'll have to give up factory farming. Don't let that be when we've already run out of water and when our oceans have run out of life.

>> No.6213044

>no point voting
That doesn't make any sense. There is a reason to vote. Know why? Because the public are on the fence on whatever's being voted on.
Clearly, with a 99% majority, there really isn't any fence for the public to be on when it comes to eating meat.

>> No.6213057

No they aren't. The US has a bit smaller percentage than that. It's only about 1.5-2% who are lifelong vegetarians, less than a quarter of whom are vegan. There is no way in fuck that the US carries 20% of the world willful vegetarian population. None.
Most of them try it a few years to piss off mummsy and daddy, then revert to normality when they realise how fuckstupid it is.

>> No.6213065

so if the party you opposed had majority, would you vote for them just because?
is not an argument, you sound like a child.

>> No.6213071

so you are literally implying that vegetarians will be eaten by non vegetarians

you are likening meat eaters to cannibals

please try to come up with a real argument besides willful ignorance

>> No.6213073

Take that vegan shit and stick it where the sun doesn't shine you hippies!
>"Hurr durr we are spreading across the world"
Just like ISIS which you have a lot in common with.

>> No.6213079

riiiight so what exactly is your counter argument

>> No.6213086

How do you know they have a majority without the votes being cast? By polls? Which are a type of voting? Quite the conundrum.

You'll give up on vegetarianism in a few years. I can almost guarantee it. Unless you're gay. The vast majority of men who keep vegetarian or vegan beyond the age of 30 are gay.

>> No.6213091

Faggot detected

>> No.6213092

does fish count?

>> No.6213095

I've never seen a sheep eat a wolf or a gazelle eat a lioness, have you?

>> No.6213100

Whats yours?

>> No.6213103


They aren't perfect sources, you won't find one for either side that is, but the growing trend should be pretty obvious. I currently live in Phoenix, AZ and the huge number of vegan restaurants that have popped up here in the past few years has been amazing.

Majority consensus doesn't matter. Once you reach a certain point, everyone else just switches over. What was it, like, only 1/3rd of the population was anti-slavery when it was abolished?

Plus the majority are kept in the dark. Between USDA guidelines brainwashing kids about meat and dairy with that food pyramid shit, to environmental organizations not allowed to talk about factory farming's impact on our environment, to it being made illegal to film inside slaughter houses, there's just too huge of a disconnect between factory farming and what the public knows. Hell, how many people incorrectly think that rice, beans, potatoes, etc, lack certain amino acids compared to meat? You can't vote without all the information.

>> No.6213176


Read the thread

>> No.6213200

I'm out, assumingly-veganbro. The thread seems dead anyway.

Remember that even though this is 4chan, the way to change people's minds about animal product consumption is through compassion and support and education, not through arguing... Their sufferance is self-sustaining even if their diet is not.

>> No.6213205

is fur meat?

>> No.6213395

I mulled over this question for a very long time and would like to thank you for asking in the first place. My story is kinda long but I'll try and keep it short.

I grew up on a remote village in a third world country back in the 80's. We had a lot of farming land and livestock that I personally looked after. I used to herd the sheep for about 10 hours a day and at one point they were literally the only friends I had. I remember getting extremely depressed after the first time we slaughtered one of them. I soon learned that these animals are meant to be eaten (given the religious background). At the time it was enough reason for me to justify eating them and it's still is, but more importantly it had been ingrained within me that while we might eat these animals, we should by no means torture them while alive.

We soon had to leave the farm and fast-forward 20 years I moved to the U.S. I knew very little about the mistreatment of animal farming but wasn't unaware. I soon decided to abstain from what I believed to be wrong, and actually stayed 'vegetarian' for almost a year going to group meetings and participating in discussion boards at the time. I said almost because I did eat meat no more than 4 times one by accident and the rest I knew that the animals lived a decent life.

To be continued...

>> No.6213421

But perhaps I pushed it too far and became somewhat interested in becoming an activist after seeing what truly goes in animal farming. I became so indulged that it took almost all of my times. I got to meet new people and new ideologies. The first real clash was when I told one of my new friend that I don't think eating animals per se is bad. I got into numerous debates where my fellow-activist (mostly vegan) automatically circlejerked each other's misinformation. I was perhaps the only one who lived near animals long enough to know what I was talking about, but sure if the internet said it it must be true. I was literally shunned and received a ton of hate from my only friends at the time. I didn't mind it but when they became so balantly anti-omni (the crazy vegan kind) the ones that call for animal testing to be done on human prisoners instead of mice and the ones that compare omnis to nazis I got so pissed off that I became the polar opposite of what they were(not that I wasn't already)

I reverted to eating meat and chose to do so just so I could piss off these idiots. I didn't actually do it for any other reason but I chose to tell others that I found it healthier which was half-assed truth but whatever. As time went by I found myself to be more apathetic to causes that I once was so passionate about (back in my prepubescent) only out of pure hatred. I can imagine what these animals had to go through for my enjoyment, but now I just brush off these bad ideas while enjoying a strip of steak. I became a little bit adjusted as I moved back home and away from all of the evil corporates and crazy veg*ns. I'm a bit lost right now as far as ethics go, but I'm trying my best to find a neutral ground to stand on.

Excuse any mistakes as English isn't my first language.

>> No.6213591

> I became the polar opposite of what they were(not that I wasn't already)
Just to clarify what I meant, I became the polar opposite insomuch that I hated them and consequently what they believed , but I was already way to different that the rest of them since I had learned how to field dress, slit the throats of 7 animals and skinned two, saw at least 70ish animals dying before my eyes and all of that before I turned 19.

>> No.6213654

>anti-war activists are annoying
>we should bomb more countries
>women's rights protesters are annoying
>rapists shouldn't be punished
>DARE is annoying
>I'll show them! I'll get blazed all the time!
>animal rights activists are annoying
>I'm gonna change my diet just to show them who's in control!

This actually somehow makes sense to you?

>> No.6213708

>eating meat is the same as rape, drug addiction and war
This actually somehow makes sense to you? That eating a plate of buffalo wings is the same as raping a woman, shooting smack and bombing civilians? Really?

>> No.6213857
File: 144 KB, 940x705, z20150206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating meat is Mugabe class bad (JOKING)

>> No.6213875
File: 48 KB, 500x348, z20150207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't make friends with salad?

>> No.6213889
File: 79 KB, 500x388, Marijuana-And-After.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoking marijuana is the same as injecting heroin

This actually somehow makes sense to you? That taking a few puffs of smoke from a natural herb is the same as injecting the infectious tarry mass extracted from a Taliban controlled poppy field full of decapitated bodies of NGO workers and raped little girls?

>> No.6213910

I'm not the one likening ham sandwiches to rape and slavery, Anon. Most people would be extremely appalled at that comparison and rightly so. A hen's life != a war refugee's or rape victim's life. It just doesn't.

>> No.6213927

Rape is involved in dairy production on a mass scale, and in honey production on a small scale.

The cows after being kept impregnated through repeated rape (usually with a tool, sometimes they do get sexually abused by the workers, though) and driven to exhaustion are then immediately taken to the slaughterhouse to be killed for beef.

The product of the rape is either kept in small confinement for a couple months and then killed for veal if male, or turned into dairy cows if female.

Rape culture is not separate from animal exploitation. Domination is the driving factor for both.

>> No.6213940

>Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural Natural

>> No.6213977

>here, let me equate the lives of quadrupeds with that of human beings again, because they're totally on equal footing.

You do know what rape is, right? Because you don't seem to know what rape is. Here, let me define it for you: rape is the illegal sexual penetration of another human being or, less commonly, having another human being illegally sexually penetrate the perpetrator.
The sexual penetration is usually considered illegal due to lack of consent of one person or the other.
This lack of consent can be by simply forcing a human victim into the act, rendering a person unable to give consent (such as through the use of a drug to incapacitate and 'knock someone out') or by the victimised person being considered unfit to give consent due to age, position or mental faculties.
In the third case, the crime is often appended with the term 'statutory.'

An animal cannot rape another animal because rape involves human beings by definition. Likewise, animals cannot be murdered because murder is the illegal ending of a human life.

Stop equating the lives of non-humans with those of humans. Eating chicken tendies is not tantamount to genocide (which is defined as the willful killing of a large group of people of the same or similar or interrelated ethnicity/ethnicities, race/s and/or national origin and, again, deals with human lives and not animal).

Cows, chickens and pigs are not people, no matter how much you try to anthropomorphise them. They are not raped. They are not murdered. And they never can be. Because that's not what rape and murder are.

>> No.6214038

I don't believe we're superior to other living things so your entire post isn't very relevant to me.

If you need to tell yourself that we're superior or that nothing was raped or murdered to make your meal, while being ignorant to the fact that your meal is driving our own species into extinction through our health, environment, and water resources, by all means.

>> No.6214115

I'd really like to see you go to a RAINN meeting and tell them that they're equal to dairy cows.
Your sort of batshittery is absolutely disgusting. You have no compassion for your fellow man and care more for a quadruped than your neighbours. You are a horrible, ghastly, terrible person. You and your ilk are a nuisance at best and a blight to humankind at worst.

>> No.6214171

>You have no compassion for your fellow man and care more for a quadruped than your neighbours.
Well, first of all, no, I don't. I care for humans and animals alike, and am very passionate in real life about helping both. Second of all, if you care about our species, even if you don't care about animals, the best thing you can do is to stop eating animal products.

>> No.6214323

No and thank you for pointing that out. I did however state that I reverted to what I was believing once before (bad animal farming, but ok about eating meat) and I don't support these inhumane practices. Rereading my posts I see that it is a bit confusing. I do condemn my lust for increasing the suffering of other animals only to get back at vegans.

Interestingly I genuinely think that the whole discussion could be boiled down to one simple fact, whether animals are inferior to humans or equal to them. You can cherry-pick all the research that support your cause, you could go around posting cute animal pics, or talk about the dangers of gas emissions from these practices, but if you still haven't convinced the other party of your belief (be it superiority or equality) all points discussed thereafter will be moot.

>> No.6214325

how man computers have other animals built?

checkmate, retard

>> No.6214333

I've successfully not eaten any food at all for 48 hours once.

Sure, I can eat slightly less food for 24 hours.

>> No.6214402

Wait why?

>> No.6214416

When I was in high school, I participated in a famine for charity.

It was only supposed to be 24 hours, but after the school famine, my youth group also happened to be doing a famine of their own, so I joined in on that, too.

>> No.6214442

I really appreciate your bravery. So no water as well? Could you please expand on your experience.

>> No.6214707

>Animals consuming water means water leaving the watershed

ayy lmao

>> No.6214729

How the fuck is not eating food for a couple days brave? People have been fasting for thousands of years, its not fucking brave to decide "Gee I'm not gonna eat anything today".

>> No.6214745

I don't see why not. I mean, I wouldn't enjoy it, but there's still meat substitutes to keep my body running properly for 24 hours.

>> No.6214751

The whole 'animals aren't as smart as humans so I condone their torture in order to eat bacon' is pretty fucking see through

>> No.6215567

I didn't say they're not as smart as people. What I said is that quadrupedal suffering does not deserve the same attention as human suffering. Any nutter vegan/vegetarian who says otherwise really ought to go to a RAINN gettogether and tell them that cheesemaking is the same as the sexual brutality they've endured.
What's more see-through is your lack of compassion for your fellow man, your inability to argue against the statements made and instead ascribe other points to the opposing view that they've never made and your absolutely despicable willingness to equate an aged Cheddar to sexual brutality against women.
You and everyone like you are disgusting, horrible people. The worst scum of the earth, exhibiting borderline sociopathy through your lack of empathy for human suffering by equating it to fucking yogurt.