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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 466x500, Earl_grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6197657 No.6197657 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite tea /ck/ ?

>> No.6197659


>> No.6197660


>> No.6197662
File: 15 KB, 240x180, 240px-Masala_Chai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earl Grey is definitely up there.
I also enjoy a nice chai tea. Got really into it after a trip to Nepal. I dont think i've ever had one nicer than the ones over there though.

You also cant go wrong with chilled barley tea on a hot summer.

>> No.6197664


>> No.6197668
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>Earl Grey
How quaint...
Much to my pity I find most people on /ck/ have not sampled the finer tea strains of the Orient.

>> No.6197670
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>missing trips

>> No.6197671
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>> No.6197672 [DELETED] 
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I do not play your childish "4chan /B/" games. Begone, the real men are discussing... over tea.

>> No.6197673

Is this a new meme?

>> No.6197676

I'm afraid to disappoint you Euroboos but tea (or tu 茶) originated in China and was perfected there. Feel free to drink your Earl Greys and "Chinese-American" brews while I savor and enjoy the finest Sino tea strains on Earth.

To truly appreciate tea you must learn its history and truly appreciate the different color denominations and strains.

>> No.6197678

I hate to be "that guy", but you don't have to say "chai tea", you can just call it chai or masala chai. Chai tea is like calling it "tea tea".

>> No.6197683

We hate for you to be "that guy" too

>> No.6197686

White: Wilted and unoxidized, good for rejuvenation and relaxation. Good sleepy time tea.
Yellow: Unwilted and unoxidized, but allowed to yellow. Good for pondering, a meditiation tea.
Green: Unwilted and unoxidized. Good source of anti-oxidant, prevents and cures cancer.
Oolong: Wilted, bruised, and partially oxidized. Aromatic, good with meals and company.
Black: Wilted, sometimes crushed, and fully oxidized (called 'red tea' in China). Not for beginners, this tea is generally used in highly advanced meditative ceremonies in astral projection.
Post-Fermented: Green tea that has been allowed to ferment/compost ('black tea' for the Chinese). Balances chakras, alleviates pain. Increases libido.

>> No.6197693

fruit tea

>> No.6197713

Fruit tea is literally atheism in liquid form. I'm writhing around on my kitchen floor at the thought of someone over the age of 12 recommending it in my /ck/ tea threads.

>> No.6197716

Iced tea

>> No.6197721

Iced tea is the 9gag of teas. If you aren't going to drink it hot don't drink it at all.

If you want a cold drink stick to your fucking Mtn Dew and Coca-Cola you heathen.

>> No.6197789
File: 3.57 MB, 1823x1028, Pu er tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like a gentleman of discerning taste like yourself could appreciate this pu'er tea I recently got straight from Yunnan province.

>> No.6197850

White tea is partially oxidized.

>> No.6197852

Yunnan sourcing?
Only thing I hate about most of the overseas tea shops is the price of shipping/time for shipping.

>> No.6197854

What a sad way of looking at it. Iced tea is great

>> No.6197966

Tie guan Yin, Darjeeling first flush and premium Japanese greens.

>> No.6197976

>you can just call it chai
no you can't, that's just calling it tea.

>Chai tea is like calling it "tea tea".
it's not like calling it tea tea, it IS calling it tea tea.
chai and tea are regional pronunciations, it's literally tomayto-tomahto.

>> No.6197986

no, it's called bing bong lead leaf.

>> No.6198140

I would say my favorite tea would be Earl Grey.then it would be countess of seville

>> No.6198394


>> No.6198867

I drink whatever is on sale for cheapest.

>> No.6199068
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is green tea really bad for you? I've read article about that lady who died from it and heard that it contains shit like arsenic and florida via china.

>> No.6199071


>> No.6199124

builders brew m80

>> No.6199128

Nice pleb tea, enjoy sipping your disgusting British tea while wanking over Queen Elizabeth II faggot

>> No.6199158

bog off mate!

>> No.6199181

As long as you buy from respectable places you will be fine.

>> No.6199223


>> No.6199607

orange pekoe best tea

>> No.6199625

Exquisite pu'er tea strain you have there my good sir! I think I speak for /ck/ when I say we would love to hear your review on this particular strain.

>> No.6199627

There's an Asian market a few blocks from my house that has super cheap tea. My favorite is a tie between lemon ginger and Genmai-cha (green tea with brown rice)

>> No.6199635

>There's an Asian market a few blocks from my house that has super cheap tea. My favorite is a tie between lemon ginger and Genmai-cha (green tea with brown rice)

Ah yes, the "gaijin poison" tea strains sold in American markets to gullible foreigners...

Genmai- cha or literally "arsenic tea" is not legal to sell in most states.

>> No.6199674
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Wait what the fuck.

>> No.6199708

Is teavana shit? If so, why?
I got like a pound of tea from there and then i see you fags call it shit.
It tastes good, it was cheap, and I like to rub it in my nostrils.
Show me how to better tea if you can.
I was looking at upton's site but i have no idea what they have that's good.

>> No.6199710

milk oolong

smell and taste of the gods

>> No.6199754


Yes, this would explain why it is readily available on every online tea shop that ships in the US.

>> No.6199800

you're on /ck and bought tea from a tea chain store.

/ck is 99% full of elitist assholes, you just have to ignore it most of the time or you will end up having a stroke.

if you want to try something very amazing, go on alibaba and get some nice loose tea; if you are lucky enough to live in a city with an asian population, try to find a tea store and explore around. It will most likely amaze you way more than anything teavana has to offer, and teavana teas taste just fine.

>> No.6200006

Some pretty half-gen trolling

>> No.6200155

anyone into pu erh tea? keep hearing that get thrown around, wonder if it's worth my time

>> No.6200173
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A gentleman like myself only drinks the finest blends of Orange Pekoe.

>> No.6200184

it's great man, give it a shot. try some mugicha while you are at it. the robust flavors are really satiating; i honestly feel less hungry often during the day.

i use alibaba and rakuten to make my orders but that may be difficult depending on um..well what you are capable of comprehending. i am sure there are other sites though.

>> No.6200196

Sometimes it tastes like fish.
Sometimes it tastes like dirt.
It's OK.

>> No.6200324

Teavana is known to use more filler, also fuck alibaba.
I hate to say it, but check the reddit tea shop list.

>> No.6200480

I love a good tisane/fruit tea/herbal tea. Also like oolongs, Gyokuro, black teas, basically lots of stuff from DavidsTea, like chocolate teas.. like it all and fuck you for judging me its delicious

>> No.6200547


I wait your searing ridicule.

>> No.6200579

We're in the western board now, faggot. Chai to us means the funny spicy flavoured tea.

>> No.6200614

Assam (black tea)
Sencha (green tea)

Though hot tea is default, non-sweetened refregirated sencha is also good.

>> No.6201059
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Bullshit. When i knew nothing about tea, i enjoyed it better than i do now.

What do you mean by sleepy time tea? Like tea you can drink before going to sleep? White teas contain caffeine like any other tea. The better white tea, the higher amount of caffein.

Post-fermented: Arent those know as puerh teas?

Also, i know nothing about mystic stuff around teas, but im quite sure that taste-wise, the black teas are quite good for beginner.

Green tea in general is good for you. If you dont drink too much of it, you should be fine.

Genmai means roasted rice. Why do you lie, you fucker?

I has very earthly taste. Some hate it, some love it. Do you like strong, earthly tastes?

>> No.6201138

Will this give me lead poisoning?


>> No.6201142


Are you me?

>> No.6201302
File: 52 KB, 724x230, Lyons_Irelands_favourite_tea_brand_0000x0000_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has no one here tried the god tier lyons? gold blend is a mix of assam and ceylon, and is far better than either on their own.
also, add a bit of orange into earl grey to make lady grey. its fucking amazing

>> No.6201309

Wait, Green tea is bad for you? Since when?

>> No.6201678
File: 206 KB, 1500x1500, scottish-breakfast-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving this currently, has a nice malty taste


>> No.6201729

possibly, maybe. who knows.

>> No.6202220

I just tried this (got it from my local tea shop) and I fucking hated it. I brewed it and put it in a styrofoam cup I got from Chick-Fil-A set it in between my legs when I got into my car. The fucking cup burst like paper and scalded my thighs and genitals. Luckily I had already been burned down there before so it wasn't as big a deal but I'm still recovering in the ER (posting from my phone) and I do NOT recommend this "on the go" tea. It is NOT "on the go" as advertised and it boils at too high of a temperature. The manufacturer should put a warning on the box saying that it boils very hot instead of mild hot.

>> No.6203254
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>> No.6203512

Still in the hospital overnight and I can't fell my lower body. I hate you and I hate Scottish breakfast tea.

>> No.6203586

is there a newfag guide for tea? every time I try to brew some it's really weak or bitter.

>> No.6203601

why the fuck are there so many tea threads?
why the fuck does do op's not realize there are already tea threads?
why the fuck do repeat-op's not see how boring tea is?

>> No.6204217

Have you triend to taste in during infusing? That's probably best you can do.
What type of tea do you drink?

>> No.6204626

Are there any good store brand tea?
What are good western tea? I'm really new to drinking tea, and just buy Bigelow English black tea because everything else is an ice tea, green, health, or fruit tea, but I haven't looked too hard.. Btw I get my tea from a stater bros.. I don't care about authenticity, or health as long as it doesn't kill me, and taste good I'm happy.

>> No.6204631

Hot+styrofoam = drinking chemicals, and cancer..

>> No.6204633

nobody reads the catalogue and some people are simply too butthurt about anime images on an anime website to post in the other tea thread that was already on the front page.

>> No.6204644

I'll give you about four days before you die from not drinking chemicals

>> No.6204653

Okay.... I meant chemicals as in stereotypical poisonous substances'

>> No.6204659

That's not what "stereotypical" means

>> No.6204663

Oh... I'm not good at English its my first language

>> No.6204842

Weebshit is shit
Chinks need to gtfo
Western Civilization is superior to everything in every way, yes Eurocentricism exists, but it's a good thing you inferior pleb.

>> No.6204867

see >>6204842
and http://orwell.ru/library/articles/tea/english/e_tea
>/ck is 99% full of elitist
Good, keeps the plebs out.

>> No.6204870

Any good tea parlors in Austin?
We have good cafes but they're only good for coffee.

>> No.6204883

Oh and the tea found in most of the asian restaurants is pretty good, but I'm looking for more "western" brews.

>> No.6205021
File: 128 KB, 300x170, 1052-397103-Cuppa_Club_button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ain't drinking 20 cups of PG Tips a day then you hate monkeys

p.s fuck you

>> No.6205498

And yet it was completely clear what was meant.

I have a new word for you - the guy you were just talking to is a "Cunt".

>> No.6205506

I bet you call Americans, United Statesians.

>> No.6205681

If it's weak use more tea or more time
If it's bitter use cooler water

>> No.6206032

have a bit of everything, friend works at teavana and gave me a $100 giftcard for Christmas after I mentioned I was interested in drinking. Sold me a bit of each type afterwards, can list the names if you need them. I also have the last three months of handmadetea and vanilla black tea from harney and sons

>> No.6206034

I'll try colder water, just been using cold tap

>> No.6206058


in that order

>> No.6206059

Does anyone know about the effects that pesticides have on your health. I started drinking some tieguanyin I got as a gift and since then I've developed some chest pains and trouble breathing.

>> No.6206063

Those aren't the pesticides, that's the bitch-made boi can't-even-handle-a-little-tea in you.

Tieguanyin is a potent aphrodisiac but your libido is probably so busted you didn't notice any difference. As a 4 year med student I recommend drinking more and building up an immunity to good teas.

>> No.6206068

I don't think that's quite right, just because I fainted and had to go to the ER last weekend because my pulse was too low.

Though you are making Tieguanyin sound better very quickly.

>> No.6206082

Drink the rest of the tea and you will be cured. You went to the ER because you're too stupid to regulate your heart btw.

>> No.6206084

I don't understand. Can you explain?

>> No.6206088

Not unless you go through 4 years of medical school like I did.

>> No.6206128
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Bought some of this cheap shit on ebay, shipping from china so it'll be awhile.
Anyone ever try it?

>> No.6206567
File: 89 KB, 640x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any brands that make a good lapsang souchong?

>> No.6206749
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>boils at too high of a temperature

>> No.6206763

>scottish breakfast
>bags of whiskey residue

Malty, huh?

>> No.6207119

more like a different kind of sweentess. Malty in the sense that it has this dry sweetness to it, like malted milk powder.

>> No.6207129

>scroll by quickly
>see "lapband douchebag"
I've been here too long, friends.

>> No.6207390

>no mention of yerba maté so far
It's like you don't enjoy camaraderie.

>> No.6207437

it's carnicoginistic.

>> No.6207524
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baihao yinzhen erryday

>> No.6207526

Early grey tea, hot.

>> No.6207565

Brit here, this thread disgusts me.

Americans are either all "lol tea is gay amirite coffee masterrace" or massive hipster "Earl Grey? Hah I only drink the finest chai handcrushed by Tibetan monks" faggots like we see in this thread.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6207569

go back to drinking your bagged tea with clumpy milk from pouring it like george orwell told you, granpa.

>> No.6207627

A toss up between Peach & Chai

>> No.6207648

i got a bunch of loose leaf tea and an infuser for christmas and have been using and enjoying it a lot
but the infuser broke because it was a cheap piece of garbage
this is a stupid question but how do i make tea without one of those? do i just put the leaves in and let it sit and then strain it?

>> No.6207650

maybe because this is a tea thread m8

>> No.6207654

The Brits have the worst tea culture.
Seriously, if your country is known for having some of the worst food in the world, why would your tea be any different?

>> No.6207868
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>brits knowing anything about food and cooking

>> No.6207892

hope you're not implying orwell is elitist. he's a commoner on both tea and literature.

>> No.6207901

Little Englander pls go

>> No.6207913

Well, he kinda is. He's pro strong english tea and basically say that everything else is shit.

A weak jasmin tea isn't a bad tea it's a different tea from a different culture. Not only Orwell is right only for English teas but even then the rest of his "instructions" is complete bullshit.

If I get a strong breakfast (I just got one actually), whatever I do to brew it, if the temperature is right and I don't let the tea brew for hours the tea will be good, because well, I bought good tea. Things like « tea before milk », « milk before tea », « no sugar », etc. are complete elitist bullshit.

To have good tea only 3 things matter:
getting good loose tea leaves
brewing at the right temperature
brewing enough time

Maybe the room you let your tea to brew can also be taken into consideration (tea ball vs tea pot, etc.), but nothing else really matter if you aren't an elitist.

>> No.6207924

Being tyrannical about commoner shit doesn't make one an elitist. To be elitist you have to be defending elitist or high culture principles. And in the world of tea that would be the east asian traditions.

Your idea of some kind of unbiased egalitarian is a fiction, even your own 3 requirements would be considered 'elitist' by a supermarket teabag buying pleb.

>> No.6207929

>tea from a different culture.
So it's shit.
Exactly, keeps plebs like you away.
No, it's the right and only way to make tea.
>And in the world of tea that would be the east asian traditions.
No, if it's not Western, it's inherently shit and pleb.

>> No.6207933

>even your own 3 requirements would be considered 'elitist' by a supermarket teabag buying pleb.

Everything is relative I guess, nobody on 4chan want to be a complete pleb. We're here because we like and want good tea to a certain extent. I just think that orwell is going to far with this and it's kind of autistic.

You're just confirming everything I said.

>> No.6207939

No, I'm refuting everything you've said, but continue being jealous at how being patrician comes naturally to me if you please.

>> No.6207946

>No, if it's not Western, it's inherently shit and pleb.
that's correct for most things but not tea or philosophy.

>> No.6207949
File: 1.59 MB, 940x1640, Kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's correct for most things but not tea or philosophy.
No, it's correct for everything, especially philosophy.

>> No.6207967

>categorical imperative
>masturbation is worse than suicide
>Things In Themselves
>priori/a posteriori dichotomy
>subject object
>all these dualisms
>aesthetics of disinterest
>christian morality
Influential sure, but his philosophy is shit tier.

>> No.6207980

>philosophy is shit tier.
Spoken like a true pleb.