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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 400x266, niggerwhyareyoureadingthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6206827 No.6206827 [Reply] [Original]

Post the good, the bad, and the ugly.

>> No.6206838

Thats what my middle school looked like minus the pretzel. I with I stayed in my elementary for ever in Louisiana. They fresh baked biscuits every morning served Red beans and rice, nachos, different stews. It was like living in heaven.

>> No.6206839


I teach at an inner city middle school in TX. I rage so hard when it comes to school food.

Most of the kids don't even bother eating the crap we give them, and I can't blame them A good chunk of those who do stand in line, get their tray, and literally just throw it all in the trash.

I've had kids show me bugs in the food, undercooked chicken, and slimy veggies.

I'd love to punch Michelle Obama in the face.

>> No.6206848
File: 95 KB, 700x467, kevin-carter-vulture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6206860

>rectangle "pizza" with ketchup sauce and drywall crust

Almost every early 20something american knows this feel. Maybe they've changed by now?

>> No.6206864

We always had local pizzerias supply our pizzas at school.

>> No.6206876

>I teach at an inner city middle school in TX
You deserve what you are. Shit.

>> No.6206925
File: 50 KB, 1053x1025, Michelle-Obama-School-Lunch-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Obama

>> No.6207012

What is that? Doesn't look like it would sustain a 5 year old for 2 mintutes let alone a teenager. Why the random meats too?

>> No.6207017
File: 313 KB, 2000x1000, o-HEALTHIER-LUNCH-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6207019
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, Thanksgiving Lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have to post this pic in these threads. I'm still amazed they served that for a holiday dinner.

>> No.6207021

Wow, look, a teacher who's too stupid to realize it's not fucking Michelle Obama's fault your school district buys their food from prison suppliers and hires people who have no idea how to cook. I may not like the FLOTUS very much, but at least I'm not mentally handicapped as to blame her for the problems at the bottom end of the school lunch debacle.

>> No.6207024


>> No.6207027

isn't it more thanks republicans?

>> No.6207034

Thought I was looking at a shit version of sloppy joes till I noticed the spaghetti noodles sticking out from the sauce


>> No.6207038

Healthier than anything I got 20 years ago. The veggies we got were the nasty unflavored frozen mixed veg, and the fruit was a sliced, canned pear.

>> No.6207058


Schools are a dirty business. Of course they want to maintain low overhead. The majority of principals are scummy, cheap douchebags, and I absolutely expect them to look away when the kids are given still frozen vegetables for breakfast.

My issue is with Michelle Obama (among various others) who put on a bright and cheery face, and act like they've become some kind of champion for nutrition with students. When she places herself at the helm of school lunch reform, does she not deserve the blame when results are not seen?

>> No.6207066

No, you dumbass. I can't believe you actually made it through college without any sort of critical thinking. You want to a state school in the south, huh?

Michelle Obama is not the head of the department of education. Nor is she the head of the FDA. Nor does she possess any sort of power to change the funding and structure of the agencies in charge of public school funds. Her husband was elected. She has zero power. She can tell him all day long to change school lunches, and he's not going to give a shit because the President has far more pressing issues. She just goes on TV and smiles and makes statements. Just like the Royal family in England. They have no purpose other than to look nice.

It should be an issue that gets attention. But it's not. Because congress.

>> No.6207071


Blaming Michelle Obama for your kid's shitty lunch is retarded. School lunches have always been shit, at least as long as I was in school going back to the 90's.

I'm assuming school lunches were shit when they were introduced in the 60's and 70's. The only people who don't bitch about their lunches are grandparents, who walked home to eat lunch, then went back to school.

If you want to improve school lunches, actually make these lunch ladies work. All these niggas are doing is reheating frozen food. Hell, I could do that, I do it everyday.

I still don't understand why schools just don't make lunches from scratch. It's really easy to make shit like casseroles, burgers, chicken sandwiches, fish sticks all from scratch. You don't need to be a culinary expert to cook food.

Hell, fucking cold cut sandwiches could be an option. It's not hard to blanch and cook green beans, make carrots and they can all be done in bulk.

Schools are just lazy. You don't learn shit in school anymore, nobody really cares, which is a shame. These kids are the future and they go away for 7-8 hours a day to get fatter and dumber.

>> No.6207077

>When she places herself at the helm of school lunch reform, does she not deserve the blame when results are not seen?
No, she really doesn't. She's basically a mascot. Every first lady has to choose a "cause" for them to work at during their term in office. Laura Bush was a "reading program" person, as have been many other first ladies, (because it's relatively EASY) Michelle Obama decided to take on a much more difficult problem, and now she's getting stuck with the blame when it's really not her fault. If this country weren't full of so many idiots that think finger pointing will fucking do ANYTHING but cause unnecessary animosity, maybe something could move forward. If anything, I kind of feel sorry for her for trying too hard to take on a problem that goes WAY to deep for her capabilities.

>> No.6207079


That's exactly what I'm saying. She has done nothing, and has zero power. But for some reason, she felt the need to throw herself in the middle of the issue. She's like some bored socialite wife who sets up charity dinners. They truly think they're contributing and making a difference.


>thinking the president actually does anything either

>> No.6207086

Breakfast? what school serves breakfast? Only schools I been to only serve lunch.

>> No.6207089

>mfw my school lunches were very good, you could always get a nice sandwich with tomato and salad/dried fruit/nuts/pretzels/milk
my high school wasn't even nice, it was one of the shittiest schools in the state. what kind of hellhole serves food like this

>> No.6207090

I suppose you think you're making a difference in the lives of children. Except you're just another figurehead. Another teacher who tows the line of the board of education you work for. An employee who must do what the government says you need to do, because they determined that's what kids need.

You're just like her. Ineffective. Because you don't have the resources you need to be effective.

>> No.6207092

how old are you?

>> No.6207093

>But for some reason, she felt the need to throw herself in the middle of the issue
If you had ever bothered to LISTEN during civics and government classes, you'd know the FLOTUS MUST choose a "cause" that helps children to promote during their husband's term in office. This isn't something new.

>> No.6207099

Anon. She's a grade school teacher. Her college classes were some of the easiest you can take, next to a psychology, females in society or philosophy degree. Think back on your grade school teachers. They really aren't that bright. They don't have to be. They're teaching small children.

>> No.6207111


>he doesn't know about the +$30,000 in scholarship money i've helped kids get
>he doesnt know I work at a charter school and im immune from BOE standards

If that's not helping kids who need it...I don't know what to tell you man. I guess you can keep on trolling if you want to. I'm sure you've got plenty more up your sleeve to get me.

>> No.6207113

When I was in elementary school we had to bring our own lunch in a special, tagged container. Middle and high were better, the food was pretty good and more importantly warm.

>> No.6207121


>i'm a boy
>i said before, i teach middle school
>i worked as an engineer for 15 years before going into teaching

>> No.6207123

You have once against missed the entire point of a post. A parallel was driven between you and the First Lady in that neither of you have the power to make significant change in a larger issue. You think you're doing something worthwhile. You have two examples of that. But you don't know what she has done in her entire lifetime, even prior to becoming the First Lady. You don't know how effective or ineffective her various campaigns have been. You could do some research on it, but you won't, because you're the type of person to blame the government figureheads for your failings. When really, they have no power either. Just like you have no power to go to your governing board and say, I want this curriculum now, so that's what it's going to be starting tomorrow ok thx.

>> No.6207125

28. why?

>> No.6207138


Lol what are you going on about? My failings? I never blamed anyone for my failings. Mainly because I have exactly none.

And you missed the point completely. I don't have to worry about going to the governing board and complaining. I work at a charter school, which means I'm given a very high level of freedom with how and what I teach. And if helping as many kids as possible pursue their dreams isn't making a making a difference, then what's your definition?

I couldn't care less about what Michelle Obama has done in her past. But don't tell me I can't see how ineffective her school food 'campaign' is when I have to look at it everyday.

What's up your ass by the way? Do you just have a hard-on for her, or do you just get your jollies trying to troll people on a cooking board?

>> No.6207163

>Mainly because I have exactly none.
Oh looky, we have a narcissist here. Those are fun.
Maybe you should have thought about what you were posting before running your mouth about something you're obviously so ignorant about.

>> No.6207169


>He's unable to detect blatantly obvious sarcasm!

>> No.6207173

Do you have autism? Because there's nothing to indicate sarcasm in any post. If you're going to imply such, you either need clever wit, or an emoticon.

>Mostly because I have none ;)

Makes it "blatantly" obvious you're being a snarky shit.

>> No.6207195

oh god the memories of this shit

>> No.6207241
File: 210 KB, 880x800, 1314780630328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya'll two need to get together and just fuck it out

>> No.6207293

Thank God my mom always brown-bagged for my brother and I.

>> No.6207307
File: 768 KB, 2592x1552, IMAG0147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French reporting in

Only pic i ever took when i was in high school, it was the christmas special.

The lunches were breddy gud in general.

My new school does not have a cafeteria. Now i only eat KFC and Gyros because I'm too lazy too cook and bring my own meal.

>> No.6207566
File: 63 KB, 465x528, colon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



get fucked, Murica.

>> No.6207718

is that a colon or a poo?

>> No.6207748

I've thought of doing one of those strong colon cleanses just so I could find ropes of poo shaped as my colon in the toilet.

>> No.6207757
File: 108 KB, 900x960, 1421154346940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd love to punch Michelle Obama in the face.

Oh fuck off, American school food has always been a disgrace, just like American schools (short of college anyways)

It's not michelle's fault

My entire time in highschool I ate Papa johns then later cicis because otherwise I got soggy tatertots and old boiled hotdogs

i don't even like cicis or papajohns

I'm amazed im not fat

There are two things about this country I'm embarrased about, our prison system, and our schools, which are essentially the same thing, the only difference is we spend more money on criminals.

>> No.6207762

So close to perfect, wrong type of cookie.

>> No.6207764


Is... Is is private or public school ?

>> No.6207772
File: 189 KB, 900x960, Worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that?

>> No.6207778
File: 15 KB, 500x375, 1386541499222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing vaccines cause autism

>> No.6207787


Read about that Jamie Oliver thing.

It's all about funding and nutritional standards. Food is pre prepared because it can be done by a corporation in bulk for dirt cheap, and any nutritional standards violations (like fat or sugar content) are on the company.

>> No.6207831

But what if I just want to punch her in the face? She has such an obnoxious face.

>> No.6207838

Ding ding. Schools have enough shit on their plate without having to scrape up the resources to actually manage a functional kitchen that also needs to be careful about litigation. That's the real problem.

Have you guys ever wondered why lunch ladies look like ex-cons and retired hookers? Because the pay is basically what a bus driver makes. Absolute fucking shit. And you're saying those people need to be tasked with the tasks of an eatery on the wages of a fast food drone?

At the end of the day it comes down to no one wanting to pay what it takes to provide options that the kids are likely to just throw away anyways (unless it's just french fries or chicken strips).

>> No.6208069

for real. with the little cubed pepperoni. I remember loving it for the first 3 weeks of 7th grade

>> No.6208144
File: 246 KB, 1280x853, 11236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6208160

Why even get it to throw away?

>> No.6208162
File: 32 KB, 400x300, chicken nugget day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6208163

That looks better than most of the shit posted though.

>> No.6208167


Did you have a "stuffed crust" day?

You'd get a break from the 4x6 pizza for ooey gooey delicious cheese in a soft crusted pizza.

>> No.6208170

This was great, btw. Chicken Nugget Day was the only day EVERYONE got hot lunch.

The mashed potatoes tasted like paper, but the gravy was heavenly. You would just use the chicken nuggets to shovel the mixture into your gaping maw.

>> No.6208177

>Bread on tray
.fr confirmed
That's a public school, innit? Of course, lunch is the most important meal of the day in France, unless I'm remembering wrong. My favorite thing about that pic is the non-disposable plates and glass.

>> No.6208194

>Get a milk carton
>It's frozen solid
>They all are
>Lunch lady tells me to wait a few minutes and it'll be fine

>> No.6208212
File: 199 KB, 1280x833, thumbProxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local fish on a bed of arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, caprese salad, baguette, and some grapes

>> No.6208216
File: 177 KB, 1280x833, thumbProxy (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pea soup, beet salad, carrot salad, bread, and pannukakku (dessert pancake) with fresh berries

>> No.6208222
File: 145 KB, 1280x833, thumbProxy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak, carrots, green beans, cheese, and fresh fruit

>> No.6208224


That's bullshit, I lived in both countries and your average lunch does not look like that, it's some fancy rich school shit

>> No.6208226
File: 176 KB, 1280x833, thumbProxy (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork with mixed veggies, black beans and rice, salad, bread, and baked plantains

>> No.6208237

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who did that shit.

>> No.6208249

>all that cheese
Shit, seriously?

>> No.6208250


>> No.6208252
File: 12 KB, 91x273, 00025000001925_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was 6-8th grade, I knew what I was drinking every day of the week.

>> No.6208255
File: 185 KB, 1280x833, thumbProxy (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish soup, tofu over rice, kimchi, and fresh veggies

>> No.6208256

All bullshit photographer pics you fucking retarded nigs! Its the same fucking tray in every shot! You cock smoking monkeys! MERICAN LUNCH 4EVA!!!

>> No.6208257


Ow, right in the nostalgia.

>> No.6208258


These are just from some stupid plan to make the US school food look like absolute garbage and are not what most students get in those countries.

Don't get me wrong US schools get mostly shit tier food (although my HS actually had some good stuff) but a lot of other countries do too at the average school.

>> No.6208261

i have never understood why anyone would serve food on a tray like that.
is that how it is in every school in us? is it like that elsewhere?

>> No.6208264
File: 206 KB, 1280x960, 1421011525467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /ck/, apparently some kid got a rotten hamburger patty.

>> No.6208266
File: 56 KB, 500x375, fiestada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else's school serve "taco pizza"?

>> No.6208268

Fortunately my high school had a chicken tendies line where they served them and fries every day for a little more.

>> No.6208269

I remember this too

>spend hours in fucking 50F degree classes and wearing shorts with a t- shirt (since it is south texas and 100F outside with 98% humidity)
>"fuck yeah, gonna get some hot food"
>servered lukewarm "chicken" nuggets with either milk or some "vita fresh" dogshit
>sides are sloppy disgusting canned horseshit
>school is fucking miserable for the rest of the day

I grew up in a predominantly wealthy white suburb so I'm sure this was the norm for everywhere else.

>> No.6208272

The only decent cafeteria lunch I saw in America during my time in the POS school system was during my attendance at a tiny rural school in Kansas. There were 100 students K-12 which meant they could make fresh biscuits and gravy every morning, chicken soup for lunch, etc. God that was awesome.

>> No.6208276

>thinking chemicals are doing this
>not the fucked up educational system
hilarious, i haven't kekked this hard in a while.

>> No.6208340

Whatever happened to this stuff? I haven't seen it since middle school.

>> No.6208386

>literal cancer
>caseous jew
>wheat crackers
well, at least that cauliflower looks unprocessed

>> No.6208392
File: 39 KB, 400x266, calzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I grew up in a predominantly wealthy white suburb so I'm sure this was the norm for everywhere else.

The suburb may have been wealthy, but your family obivously wasn't. This kind of food only exists in PUBLIC schools. Private schools have amazing meal plans. I went one semester to some jewish private school... it was the shit. We had bagels with cream cheese in the morning, and we had In-N-Out and dominos for lunch....

obviously all this shit costs money... it wasn't free.

But I remember in public schools, I couldn't wait for Calzone day. That shit was legitimately good, and way better then any hot pocket. Oh gawd i want one....

(OH! and the coffee cake in the morning... mmmmm)

>> No.6208396
File: 829 KB, 2810x1803, LAUSD_coffecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee cake was the shit. I still can't find a better coffee cake in the "real world"... the pre packaged ones in stores are way weaker, not enough sugar/cinamin.

>> No.6208399


School i went to had the seniors in Home Economics cook. Honestly, 7/10 would recommend over regular shipped frozen and microwaved shit they normally serve.

>> No.6208405

>The mashed potatoes tasted like paper, but the gravy was heavenly.
>having good gravy every Chicken Nugget Day

For me it was that instant white gravy that's about the same level of quality you get on biscuits and gravy at a cheap motel. The only time we had anything different was around Thanksgiving when they still had leftover turkey broth.

Also our school had an every day hot basket meal with different types of chicken nuggets/strips/poppers/etc but the good stuff was once a week.

>> No.6208408

this guy gets it

>> No.6208412
File: 53 KB, 468x587, 13519063601340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people getting into political arguments again over there goddamn school lunches

McFucking kill yourselves you unholy throng of tards.

>> No.6208416


You mean a photographer looked up what is typical in a meal:

Italy: Grapes, salad, pasta, bread, fish (cod)

Finland: Pancake, soup, bread, carots, salad

France: Beef, apple, carots, fruit, vegetable, cheese

Brazil: Pork, salad, bread, banana

And then the artist decided to take whatever he wanted to make it look like that. Suddenly fish isn't fish, its "local catch of the day", and the photographer makes it look all nice. Unless you go to a high class boarding school this isn't the meal you get in europe. Source: boarding school in Belgium.

>> No.6208421


idk if that is necessarily rotten, just looks like the burger was steamed for some stupid reason which i can see a cafeteria doing.

>> No.6208428

McWhat is your fucking problem?

>> No.6208434
File: 113 KB, 960x716, savanna_georgia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pfft... thats what the BAD prisoners get in jail here

This is what real school lunches look like. (in georgia)

>> No.6208464

I used to work at a school cafeteria right after graduating high school. it was pretty cool. Funniest thing was the janitor who always got into arguments with fat kids to make sure they put vegetables on their trays. You got free food too. I dont remember the food looking shitty like some of the pics in this thread show. In fact it was pretty good and this was 4 years ago. But from what I'm reading its a bunch of people from texas complaining about the school foods. Thats probably cause Texas privatises the shit out of everything.

>> No.6208470
File: 20 KB, 133x448, nutties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6208472

southern masterrace

>> No.6208502

My high school had a pretzel as a lunch option.
Just a big ass pretzel.

>> No.6208513



It's on a tray so you can carry it dude. What are you even talking about?

>> No.6208541

All I can remember is tiny boxes of milk, greasy grease pizza, dry and salty chicken patties, and gooey overcooked pasta things.
Haven't had a school lunch since 1989.

>> No.6208580
File: 228 KB, 1092x1024, 1394202178215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6208585

>I'd love to punch Michelle Obama in the face.
such is life in inner city texas

>> No.6208593
File: 2.81 MB, 3648x2736, dsc04725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never had school lunches here. You just bought whatever.

So I'll post some Japanese ones.

>> No.6208632

Out of hs and working as a sub in the kitchenbin cali. The food they serve to highschool and middle school kids are okay. They get hotwings, bacon wraps, roasted chicken, turkey and gravy and some other decent food choices. Then we go to elementary school, 80% of the food is packaged frozen shit. A frozen grilled cheese is considered a main item, cheese and bread will sure keep those kids full. They serve something called hawaiin double dog which is 2 mini dogs on a sweet bread
Literally no kids like it and are forced to take it when we run out of the other food. Some kids look like they are about to cry when there is only that left.

Another gripe i have isnt about the school but government regulations. There can only be a certain amount of salt in foods, so spaghetti, tacomeat and other foods we cook is extremely bland. The government doesnt care about sugar though as long as they take a fruit. We have sugar coated raisins which are pretty good but they have 27g of sugar. Juice and icees are also considered fruits so as long as they take one of those they will be getting their daily serving of fruits, right?

I do blame michelle obama on that part, if we have to serve kids juice, icees and sugar coated fruits with over 20g of sugar just to get them to take a fruit then we shouldnt serve them at all.

>> No.6208639

I never understood this, as I got further through school the food got significantly better. My elementary school served such garbage that I'm sure prisoners get better.

Logically I would think food should be the best quality in elementary school since young kids are much less competent to make their own lunch to bring to school.

My HS actually had some decent food and a lot to choose from. My elementary school had 1 lunch if you got the school's lunch and a lot of the time it was basically inedible.

>> No.6208654

I used to love that shit. Wish I could buy it from somewhere.

>> No.6208677

Dan is that you

>> No.6208683

Parents usually only send their children to private schools when they live in a shithole neighborhood. That or if they're religious fundamentalist. Or Jews. I'm sure my car is worth more than you'll ever make in a years salary.

>> No.6208685

New regulations enforce nutritional value of school lunches. It'd totally be possible to make decent lunches within the regulations, but schools are too poor/too cheap/too lazy to come up with decent food or decent menus, so they just throw in random shit that technically makes the cut.

>> No.6208700

This is bullshit because I lived in Georgia and we got the same borderline inedible lunches that were posted earlier.

>> No.6208708
File: 39 KB, 600x445, pouch_choc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fags remember the milk in pouch? fuck cartons they said...

>> No.6208713

Who's Dan?

>> No.6208720

My schools didn't serve lunches. We had a canteen you could buy things from, but it was all sugary or fried shit that made you feel sick in the afternoon.

>> No.6208723


80s schoolkid reporting in, and I have to say that as time wore on, school food went downhill.

That said, when I was in early grade school (Fall '79 - Spring '84) I was in Montana, and we still had grants from the Carter administration. Hate on Carter all ya want, but our education was the bomb at that time. School lunches at my small, rural school were decent, and the lunch ladies knew how to cook. Fall '84 - Spring '89 was spent in the richest county in WHYoming, which was a good thing, as even the last item on the budget -- school lunches -- got plenty of money. The cooks at the two schools I went to (elementary and jr. high) knew WTF they were doing, too.

Then I moved again, to one of the middling WHYoming schools, and lunches were... Meh, at best. In the three years I was there (sophomore to graduation), the lunches were less and less appetizing. The only things worth a shit were the pizzas, which were actually made from pizza dough, sauce, and halfway decent toppings.

Other than that... I skipped school lunch and brought bagged... A LOT.

>> No.6208724

man FUCK these things. that shit was so gross. Boy i sure loved trying to drink the last bit of milk and sucking up a big gulp of plastic/rubber flavored air

>> No.6208726

Wow. Bittersweet nostalgia overload. The weird turkey noodle slop wasn't as bad as it looked, iirc/imo.

>> No.6208793

>working at a charter school

Holy shit, enjoy your sham institution.

>> No.6208805

>fast food is good to give children every day for lunch

You're missing the point of this thread entirely.

>> No.6208806

fucking russia hanging the plates on the wall

>> No.6208810

>>sering an entire slice of brie
definately rich kid stuff, not that I'm buttblasted you're posting it.

>> No.6208816


Note that every one of those meals has more food than an American school lunch.

American school lunches have to meet a certain caloric amount as well, but this is met by simply adding extra sugar to most dishes to increase the calories.

>> No.6208832

>tfw high school had several different lines that gave different things
>mfw we had a dedicated Nachos/Chili Cheese Fries line
>mfw juice, milk, a muffin and veggies to go along with it

My middle school was pretyt alright too. They had these really tasty quesadillas, and occasionally we had Famous Bowls(not from KFC, but the same shit).

>> No.6208839

What the fuck? This was a thing? Date?

>> No.6208899


>real plate and glass

Why aren't we funding this ?

>> No.6208956

We had these briefly around 1990-1992ish. We got to vote on it, and we of course voted for weird milk blobs. I can recall a boy getting in trouble for smashing his straw thru the bag without his finger over the straw. He squirted chocolate milk on the ceiling.

>> No.6209021
File: 7 KB, 236x250, 1418279417973s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every item on that tray is pure sugar

>> No.6209023 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6209040

>square school pizza

nigga we got pizza hut, papa's, domino's and an awesome local chain

>> No.6209055


I always thought this was a Canada-only thing. It wasn't?

>> No.6209056

Is that the good or the bad?

>> No.6209099

>Glorius Crispbread

Nordik stronk!

>> No.6209102

What peasants actually ate school lunches? Why didn't you fags have parents who loved you and sent a bagged lunch with you?

>> No.6209106

Good god.

I remember those smiley fries, at least yours are cooked on something other than a giant microwave.

>> No.6209181

>tfw they order from your go to place

>> No.6209203

>parents who loved you

Are you literally gay

>> No.6209230
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man this thread is depressing.

I can't imagine how the people who make the decisions what school kids are eating can live with themselves.
No wonder that american schools are so shit when the kids are fed literal garbage. It's like no one knows the importance of proper food, especially when growing up.

Thank god I grew up in germany where our lunches were nothing special but at least they were reasonable healthy.

>> No.6209245

>there as a possessive

Har har.

>> No.6209940
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it's just an incredibly CHEAP burger.
made of hearts and hooves and asshole

here's the same burger cooking.

sorry for making everyone vomit.

>> No.6209949
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the only day i bought double lunch.

we called them 'crispedo's

>> No.6209952

Thank god I live in a country where we can decide for ourselves what to eat and extort our own self control than bed fed that disgusting slop in your pic. A fat fuck will be a fat fuck no matter if you serve them healthy shit at lunch. They'll just get their pizza or burgers elsewhere.

>> No.6209953

oh, and it came with two mozzarella sticks and corn.

>> No.6210081

These are so full of shit, man.

Usually what we do in my country is stew. Different, tasty kinds of stews. And then ocassionally pasta or pizza. And warm milk to put chocolate powder, tea or coffee for recess.

I think that from what I see in the US is that there's this thing where you NEED to have milk, cookie, a veggie AND a fruit all in a single day meal which isn't cost effective. Should just make meat one day, veggies the next, and yeah it would kinda suck to just eat green one day but overall it wouldn't suck so fucking bad.

>> No.6210099


I did, and the one time I forgot my lunch I cried because I didn't know how to get food from the lunch line

>> No.6210111

>not bringing your own lunch

>> No.6210149

I went to a top in state public school in the Philadelphia main line area. First of all, 4 days a week we had dining options from restaraunts- chick fil a sandwiches, a burrito place, a sushi place, and something else I can't recall. We had a salad bar, a sandwich bar, a fried shit bar, a daily school lunch that changed, burgers and dominos + school pizza everyday. Its no surprise I was a fat little shit.

>> No.6210158

Subway was the one I forgot. I fucking hate that place and never got it

>> No.6210212

The bubbles are the filler mixing with the fat.

>> No.6210250

It's something else iirc, something about it being a different piece of meat that is not muscles.

>> No.6210299

What do you teach? Do you wish you could go back and choose another career path?

>> No.6210334

Only now I've realised americans don't get to eat from plates. Fuck it never even occured to me, I'm pretty sure everywhere in Europe we have plates, glasses, cups, metal forks, spoons, knives.
Not even sure if americans use metal forks,spoons,knives or just those plastic shitty sporks and whatnot

>> No.6210677

>My failings? I never blamed anyone for my failings. Mainly because I have exactly none.
But anon, there's one in your post.

>> No.6210691

That is EXACTLY what we ate in Maryland in elementary school and middle school. I don't remember high school lunches, but I think they were better than that. Although I started driving in 10th grade and then barely ever showed up and dropped out.

>> No.6211340

>I've had kids show me bugs in the food, undercooked chicken, and slimy veggies.

I work for the State Health Services. What school is this? I'll be paying them a visit Monday morning.

>> No.6211377

okay magic mystery internet anon, wat hav u dun 2 fix da kidz?

>> No.6211397

I hope I never see these again

>> No.6211412
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forgot my pic

>> No.6211416

I always post these when people say shit about only canada having milk in bags and nobody remembers them. I think it might have been a midwest thing.
Anyway we had these in elementary school and all the kids would poke the straws through both sides and get milk everywere.
What a stupid fucking idea.

>> No.6211417

Did public school kids have to pay for lunches?
I know this question is ignorant as fuck but I went to a private school my entire life (K-12) and I know we did. I don't think we even had reduced/free lunch plans or anything. You either brought it from home or coughed up the cash.

We had a salad bar at some point but it was taken away at some point during high school. There were different kinds of sandwiches you could have from the cold box, or you could get like pizza sticks or some shit from the hot box. Then there was the meal of the day with some various options.

Living in the south we got some pretty good food choices. I can tear up some fried okra holy shit

>> No.6211421
File: 349 KB, 1228x690, CrunchLunchables2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mah nigga
I always sat at the table with all the cool kids who brought lunchables everyday.
All the other kids would get mad jelly with their shitty cafeteria food.

>> No.6211427

>had reduced/free lunch plans
I went to public school in SoCal, I got free lunch from 3rd to senior year.
>memories of cold totino's pizza rolls for lunch in 2nd grade
My Buzz Lightyear lunchbox was the only thing that made it fun

>> No.6211430

I remember having to pay for them in middle school. My dad would always give me 2 bucks for lunch and I would always get doritos and chocolate milk from the vending machine instead.

>> No.6211449

You had to pay for lunch unless your parents didn't make enough money.

One of my schools also had pbj sandwiches for kids for free. In case they forgot their lunches or money. Shitty sandwiches though. Always dry.

>> No.6211452
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>capri sun
holy fuck that was like the greatest beverage ever in school.
did anyone else fold them and make a cell phone with the straw as the antenna?

>> No.6211457
File: 181 KB, 500x375, Italian_Dunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else had italian dunkers.

I just thought they were alright but they were tons of other kid favorite lunch ever.

>> No.6211459


I had those over christmas break in my house this year

like, 20 of them in a week. feels like childhood again

>> No.6211465

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god





>> No.6211476

This was some of the best shit I've ever eaten in school.
The bread sticks made me orgasm in the 7th grade once.

>> No.6211477

Man am I glad I graduated higheschool when I did. Was in the last year before the school district merged with another town to create a new school district and started using all the modern government programs and shit. Not only did things go to hell because the other town was full of stupid punk rednecks that always had half their female students pregnant before 16, but because the lunches became absolute shit. The portions were apparently less than half of what we used to get and incredibly lazily made, and gross.

>> No.6211482

It's garlic bread with cheese on top. Nigga just make your own.

>> No.6211487
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Everyone else had these, right?

>> No.6211489
File: 27 KB, 500x375, FUCKIN CHEESE STICKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm mistaken

I thought it was these. Highly processed cheese sticks wrapped in shitty pastry dough. THE BEST

>> No.6211504

>it's Michelle Obama's fault the State of Texas doesn't help underfunded schools with state funding

Texan detected.

>> No.6211513
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>yfw the weeks lunch schedule was shrimp poppers, italian dunkers, mini corndogs, chicken sandwiches and pizza

>> No.6211520

>go to private school
>asiago cheese and portobello mushroom and all that fancy shit
>get lobster the friday before christmas break

>> No.6211523

>did anyone else fold them and make a cell phone with the straw as the antenna
Holy shit I didn't think anyone else did this.
I used to sit alone at a table in middle school and talk into my capri sun like I was talking to somebody thinking I was cool.

>> No.6211525

Oh god every Wednesday at my dilapidated public school school we could buy a little Caesars pizza. I never knew I was so rich! And you had In n out?! Are you sure you didn't go to school in Qatar???

>> No.6211527

Dat scene. Fucking diamonds.

>> No.6211528

>go to private school
>expensive as fuck
> "prestigious" as fuck
>still get conagra foods and sysco mass produced shitfood

fuck you buddy

>> No.6211531

Do you go to some WASPy East Coast school where the kids who go there only ever ate mayonnaise sandwiches despite being millionaires?

>> No.6211533

I did.

They were millionaires.

We ate shit. Like, the same shitty hamburgers, the same shitty grilled cheese, everything.

I know this because I transferred in as a freshman in high school out of public school. There wasn't a change until they spent like 7 million dollars on an entirely new dining facility.

even then, it was still shit

>> No.6211538
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and ACTUALLY it got kind of dangerous, because they started trusting the cooks (basically slaves, not gonna lie. thanks traditional southern schools) to cook raw chicken.

Can't count how many times I got a raw breast, thigh, or wing. Stuck to the processed shit for that reason.

>pic related, what they were apparently dealing with in the kitchen which prevented them from cooking properly

>> No.6211543
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>I used to sit alone at a table in middle school and talk into my capri sun like I was talking to somebody thinking I was cool.

>> No.6211546

I can second this, growing up with the MD school system too.

When I got to high school they had mozz sticks and stuffed crust pizza and nachos, my go to lunch became their stuffed crust pizza (mostly lukewarm), tater tots and a cup of nacho cheese sauce.

Every now and then I'll miss it and want it again but my current eating habits are non-conducive to that much grease, so I stick with my nostalgia.

>> No.6211607


>> No.6211623

SoCal here, the free-lunch program was for if you didn't make enough money. If you didn't, you paid out the ass (It was $2.75 for a burger that was a step below a cheeseburger from McDick's) and God forbid they ever had enough food for all the students.

I usually just said "fuck it" and went without since school food was about as edible as a Capri Sun packet.

>> No.6211645
File: 74 KB, 720x540, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking remember these pieces of shit.

>> No.6211650

I don't know about you guys, but my "UNITED STATES" lunch never looked half as good as this staged bullshit.

>> No.6211657

Of the billions of school lunches served every day across all those countries do you really think that ONE single image from each of them is a complete 100% accurate representation of what every single school lunch in the country looks like?

Look hard enough in any one of those countries and you can find school lunches ranging in quality from 5-star restaurant tier to a cooked shoe on a plate.

>> No.6211666

>a cooked shoe on a plate
that sounds so fucking GOOD

>> No.6211670

fucking american assholes bragging that they get a WHOLE shoe AND it's even cooked.

>> No.6211685


I had tons of VERY rich friends who went to my shithole public school. Unless they're super religious parents it seems like parents don't tend to send their kids to private schools.

>> No.6211714

As someone who works with younger kids(3-9), that's more than enough for them during lunch. Most kids don't want to sit and eat for lunch,my only complaint is not enough veg.

>> No.6211742

I come from Singapore and we don't have cafeterias. We have canteens with various stalls (usually 6-7) to choose from, but we have to pay for the food (usually only up to a dollar or so if you're in primary school).

That made sure that we had variety everyday.

>> No.6211754

it's a scam, the "colon cleanse" congeals in your gut and creates this ropey fecal slime that fat idiots actually photograph proudly thinking that it was trapped in there.
If you really want to move shit out faster just eat some fiber, anything a colonic brings out would have been pushed out in a day or so tops.

>> No.6211824
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>mfw I read that as "Backside Blast"

I do remember the backside blasts I regularly experienced from Fruitopia, indeed. Worth it, though.

>> No.6211863


Or you can order them directly from the Bosco site but it's a lot more expensive.

>> No.6211892
File: 1.09 MB, 2688x1520, 2015-01-21-20-29-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Student at a College of Hotel Administration.

>> No.6211909

Trays? Nah the tables were set and you sat down and ate whatever was on the plate.

>> No.6211913

You cut the corner and put the bag in a jug or pour the milk to a jug.

>> No.6211916
File: 1.16 MB, 200x150, whatever the rock was cooking,it was lousy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6211919

It looks like a bunch of zerg are about to crawl out of it.

>> No.6211931

Cool, I'm going to use this photo for a ground texture on an alien planet. Thanks anon, it's perfect.

>> No.6211933

Where did you go to school? We had 'crispeedos' too, 75 cents each. They were extremely popular. And tasted good.

>> No.6212633

I'm from Denmark, and this thread has made me wonder, if there is even any of the public schools that serve lunch meals ala the ones posted so far? In the three elementary/high schools I went to, we just had lunch packs.
In college it was a proper cafeteria.

>> No.6212639

This is physically and emotionally upsetting.

>> No.6212663
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>> No.6212788

what fancy ass school are you boarding at you liar

>> No.6212834


>being this defensive

top kek

>> No.6212858

Its the schools who dont want to pay for good food thats the problem, not Michelle.

>> No.6212877
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>> No.6212888
File: 531 KB, 450x450, nachosagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see some ripe teenage girls taking things into their own hands.

>> No.6212916

i went to a tiny catholic high school. in the beginning we had a team of nuns who ran the cafeteria. they actually made a lot of things from scratch and it really wasn't all that bad. then for some reason the school got rid of the nuns and contracted the food service out to some company that hired a bunch of retards and high school dropouts to serve our food. quality went way down. i normally only ate from the salad bar and their cookies (which was the best thing they made)

>> No.6213025

i thought catsup was a simpsons meme but its actually a real thing?

>> No.6213036

How old are you?

>> No.6213038

22, but im a britbong and we dont have it here

>> No.6213047

Can't Amerifats just make a sandwich for their kids to take to school?

>> No.6213048

It's pretty fucked up to make fun of Americans for their school meals, when it really isn't their fault. They have to feed kids, but the government is too busy funding defense and tons of other stupid shit to give their next generation proper care and education.

Everybody knows the school food system is fucked up, but its either eat it or starve, since some kids are so poor that it might be the only meal they get.

>> No.6213050

jesus christ what the fuck are those things that look like rotten deflated peas

>> No.6213060

Does anybody know where a nigga could buy some of the pizza in the OP? I have such fond memories of that shit.

If you didn't put that shitty corn on your pizza, you weren't living right.

>> No.6213069


That sounds about right for Savannah. I graduated HS last year from a school in North Georgia though, and if anything, our lunch looked more like >>6207019 and >>6207017

It wasn't so bad, and there was a big variety. I think we're getting better at it, but it'll be a long time before we're in a better place as a whole.

>> No.6213089

my school had an alright lunch program, nothing special, probably healthy then what some kids brought in, and the cooks were competent,

A lot of people just walked 4 blocks to a corner store to buy pizza and donairs on their lunch break instead though, which was probably a lot healthier because of the exercise, considering my school had a barely-there gym class that was not a required course and people were constantly taken out of it to be put in other classes.