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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6202908 No.6202908 [Reply] [Original]

how do i into eating alone at a restaurants?

it's just too hard for me

>> No.6202932

Just bring a book. There's a whole subset of not sad people who go to a restaurant alone to get good food and a quite place to read. I think it starts being sad if you are there for dinner though.

>> No.6202949

That looks like a steak n shake. Theres nothing wrong with going to fast food restaurants alone. Some people just happen to be out and want a burger, or shake.

I won't go to any other restaurant for lunch or dinner though. It just feels like everyone is looking at me and judging me for being alone. I rarely go out to breakfast, but I could do that alone.

>> No.6202954

Sit at the bar??

>> No.6202965

Good god this. The reason the old man looks so depressing is because of the fucking booth. If he were at the bar you'd think of him as some regular that everyone loves or some shit.

>> No.6202982

Sit at bars or counters. Bring something to do/read (like your phone or a laptop or book). Tons of people eat alone at restaurants, especially at lunch hour. You just get used to it and realize it doesn't matter. No one gives a shit.

>> No.6203020

I go to bars after work sometimes just to relax and have a drink. I always thought it was fairly normal.

Even if you sit at a booth, there is not really anything to worry about. Enjoy your meal and don't worry about about what some 19 year old server thinks of you (probably nothing).

>> No.6203022

I did this when I lived in the city, I don't really do it anymore unless its like a fast food place

>> No.6203025

No because I'm not a fat retard who lacks even the most basic of culinary skills. When I go out to eat it's to experience it with company, as a social activity. I use Soylent at all other times.

>> No.6203044
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U could just find icecream truck

>> No.6203046

Only faggot care about people eating alone at restaurants. You go there to eat, not for social interaction. Restaurants shouldn't be hangout places; you and your friends are there to eat, you can enjoy the experience, but dining alone isn't something to be ashamed of.

>> No.6203049

While I do agree, people won't necessarily care but they will judge you.

Will they remember who you are 10 minutes after they leave? No.

>> No.6203064

this. just sit at the bar. bars are meant for single people to sit and eat it

if you have to absolutely sit at a table alone just pretend you're a food critic.

>> No.6203094


who the fuck cares if they judge you

do whatever you want

I used to go to restaurants alone all the time because I went to school an hour+ from my house, not a single fuck was given

>> No.6203097

Anyone have /tv/'s guide to going to the movies alone and not looking like an loser?

>> No.6203105

Ever since the missus passed away, I've always been going out to eat by myself. I still eat at the booths because I like all the 'workspace'. I bring a book, sometimes two, and I always listen to my iPod so I can enjoy my own music while I eat. It's really not bad at all; nothing to feel bad or judged about.

>> No.6203116

Are you seriously living off of soylent? There are cheaper ways of eating only the basic nutrients.

>> No.6203208

First post closed the thread.
Once you get past the point where you feel uncomfortable eating alone, it really adds to you later in life.
Especially when you're in a small town during lunch hour. The waitress will usually enjoy keeping you company and you'll end up with a nice menu rec.

I hope this isn't real. I don't want a missus.

>> No.6203215
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>mfw i go to mcdonalds alone, order a happy meal with my regular meal cause they had toys i wanted, sit down at a booth, eat my food and open up my toys as i eat and see people looking at me

>> No.6203228
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How to eat alone in a restaurant:

Go to the restaurant
Order food
Eat the food

I've gotten to the point where I enjoy going out to eat less when I'm with people. Social considerations just bog down the experience.

>> No.6203235

every one of these threads made is stupid
it's self-centered to even explore the idea that random strangers give a shit about whether or not an able-looking person is eating alone
it's "so sad" when you're old because you're fucking old
people care about their food, not whatever the fuck you're doing with your life at that present time in the same breathing space

>> No.6203237

>be octogenarian
>wife nagged you for 60 years
>go dine alone to keep sanity
>people pity you for being alone

>> No.6203244

1. Don't care about others.
2. Order.
4. Profit.

>> No.6203261
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Normally if I eat alone I just mess around on my phone browsing the internet or texting friends. All my friends live in different parts of the country though so I normally just get food to go or cook at home since I don't really like it much.

>> No.6203264
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Not caring about others is the sign of a psychopathic 14 year old.

>> No.6203271

I wear sunglasses inside the place and keep my hat brim down, they know I'm eating alone on purpose

>> No.6203274

many chain restaurants do not have a bar because they exist only to serve the people who live in the blasted hellscape that is suburban middle america

>> No.6203284

I've yet to step foot in a UNOs or Applebees or Ruby Tuesdays or TGI Fridays or Chili's or Texas Roadhouse or pretty much any other decent chain restaurant that didn't have a bar.

>> No.6203299

They probably think you're a hungover pedophile.

>> No.6203310

GO the fuck inside
Order your food
Fucking Eat IT

nobody gives a damn if a guy or girl is eating by themselves. Don't take up a giant ass table/booth.

The only time I've ever thought anything about somebody by themselves was a single guy on valentines at a steak and shake weirdly enough

>> No.6203313

>people who live in the blasted hellscape that is suburban middle america

while i like the word choice here, i have to agree with >>6203284

most places have bars and that is actually how they stay in business in the " blasted hellscape that is suburban middle america"

>> No.6203319

maybe it's just locally then but quite a few places around here are suspiciously lacking bars. might be because they're frequently using strip mall space and don't bother with any permanent installation

>> No.6203329


not that guy but why did you ignore what he was obviously trying to say?

ok here you go:

> 1. Don't care about what other random people think about you

>> No.6203333
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Start by going to places where you order at the register and have rail/counter seating.
I go to a few places that only have table seats, but only right when they open.

I haven't moved much further beyond this.

Can't imagine the idea of dealing with a waiter myself or having to tip, dear god.

>> No.6203338

>might be because they're frequently using strip mall space

Makes sense.

>> No.6203339
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>go out to restaurant to eat by myself
>pull out my phone and read my chinese cartoons whilst i eat
i enjoy my me time

>> No.6203340

unless you're some sort of disgusting neckbeard then nobody gives a fuck

and in that case people already judge you no matter where you go or what you do, but it's not like they're going to verbally abuse you or you'll ever see them again so it still doesn't matter

>> No.6203344

Yes, you psycho.

>> No.6203347


you sound autistic though and probably aren't comforting OP

>> No.6203352

Humans just make a living out of caring about things that don't matter. Trying to tell them that it doesn't matter won't help.

>> No.6203355

Embrace your autism. It is only then that one can truly be free.

>> No.6203358

Eye contact. Make eye contact with anyone or everyone the moment you come in. That way you will not look depressed or lonely. Take peeks around while waiting for your food. Whatever you do, do not take our your phone.

No one really gives a damn. If you see someone eating alone you wouldn't bat an eye

>> No.6203359

>All those

>> No.6203361

>many chain restaurants do not have a bar
Eat at better or at least more interesting places. Not to mention even shitty chains like TGIFridays have a fucking bar.

>> No.6203363
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>> No.6203381


Bring a book.

Also, try to sit with someone else who is by themselves.

This worked out well for me.

First example:

>Chilling in an airport for several hours waiting on an international flight and the first class lounges were all in another terminal.
> Hung out at a wine bar and saw someone sitting at another table with a great view. Asked if I could join him.
>He had several hours to kill and it turned out we had some common business interests. Ended up inking a generous six-figure deal by the time he had to leave to catch his flight.

Second example:
> in a hotel in Asia I wintering at and went down to the buffet breakfast.
>see a gorgeous woman sitting at a table and asked if I could join her. She said yes.
>Turns out she was a model who was stuck by herself there while working on a contract. She was half Japanese and half Brazilian. The bottom half was Brazilian, let me assure you.
>spent the day together, hanging out at pool.
>fucked that night
>rendezvoused later in Spain
>fucked again
>booty call anytime I'm in Rio

TLDR; eating alone = mad model pussy

Remember your ABC's: always be coozin'

>> No.6203385

>go out with friends to eat
>they don't even talk
>just stay on phone the whole time
its just like eating alone at a crowded table

>> No.6203389


> having shitty uninteresting friends

>> No.6203402


you might still feel anxious about it but if you can really think about it and rationalize it enough then you should be capable of overcoming tiny irrational fears like this if you are not a gigantic pussy

>> No.6203442

That sounds more weird to look at ogher people, as if you envy them having a dining partner.

Sticking to your phone would probably be better.

But I only eat alone in fast food places but when I do, earphones In youtube time

>> No.6203571

Both of these examples never happened.

>> No.6204334


>> No.6204775

>have qt gf
>walking together past a maccy d
>she sees a happy meal toy she wants
>we go in and order one happy meal
>she eats the nuggets and plays with the toy
>I eat the fries because im a vegetarian
tfw gf is a womanchild

>> No.6204779

you mean all 6 fries in a happy mea.l

>> No.6204784

it was a surprisingly generous portion, made a nice little late night snack

>> No.6204795

>dating someone who wants a happy meal toy
>buying a happy meal so that she can have a toy
>expecting us to believe you're not a pedophile

>> No.6204798

>eat at local place
>watch people come get to-go meals
>see people eating in their cars

Is this fucking real life

>> No.6204837

On weekdays, just try to look like a businessman in town for a couple of days.

I usually read in restaurants. Or take a clipboard and work on something.

Only once has anyone ever commented on it. I was at a Chinese Restaurant in Houston once reading the Economist while waiting for my order of Pressed Duck. I overheard someone at the next table say something about it. I just laughed at the twit and went back to my reading.

>> No.6204860

she's very much an adult woman physically

but she's an uncynical sweetheart

>> No.6204884
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>> No.6204892

b-but what if I am a food critic?

>> No.6204900

>The bottom half was Brazilian, let me assure you.
She did anal?

>> No.6204929

I actually had a few guys and a girl sit down at my table while I was eating alone. They asked if they could sit with me (4 seat table, busy hour long wait).

I said sure but they were chatting loudly, hand gestures into my area and just inconsiderate. I excused myself to use the restroom but went to the front and said my party would be paying ffor me and left.

I was only 20 at the time and it was in a city I'd never go to again. I still feel guilty about it. It was only a $20 meal though including tax tip.

>> No.6205018
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I used to go to this little diner in San Antonio called Jims, and I would see this old couple in there almost as often as I'd go. The husband could barely walk, he had a real bad back. They would always smile at me. One day I started seeing the woman all alone, and she was alone every time she went until I didn't see her anymore.

Shit really broke my heart.

>> No.6205033


>> No.6206343

>>The bottom half was Brazilian, let me assure you.
>She did anal?

She did everything. But that was more a reference to her having an ass that broke my heart and my dick.

>> No.6206348


>> No.6206349


Bring a notebook and pen. Every so often pretend to jot something down whilst muttering to yourself distractedly then go back to pensively chewing your food.

If you're lucky the restaurant owners might even treat you extra special and other people will think you're a food critic/reviewer and leave you alone.

>> No.6206352
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>Go to the movies alone
>I'm a couple minutes late
>As I walk into the theater, the whole crowd turns to look at me
>One of them yells "HOLY SHIT, HE'S ALONE!"
>Whole theater laughing hysterically as I take my seat
>Calls of "weirdo," "creeper," etc.
>Want to die
>After the movie, the entire audience mobs me in the hallway
>They start dancing in circles around me, chanting deliriously and laughing
>They start singing a nursery rhyme about how only virgins go to the movies alone and how I should kill myself
>I can't get away because they've joined hands and won't let me escape
>They start throwing their drinks and candy and stuff at me
>Ushers come by
>They look mad but then they see me in the middle of the crowd
>One of them says "wait, did that fucker come here alone?"
>Ushers join in, start using supersoakers to shoot artificial butter at me
>I'm lying in the fetal position sobbing at this point
>The dancing and chanting continues for over 13 hours
>I'm completely covered in soda, butter, and bits of candy
>Crowd finally disperses
>Cinema manager comes by
>Leans down, whispers in my ear "Never come here again"
>All I can do is whimper yes sir

>> No.6206354

>can't afford television to watch the super bowl
>spreading myths about fucking brazilians

>> No.6206356

Nice sociopath behavior you've got there.

>> No.6206357

>putting this much effort into an unfunny post
.05/10 you tried

>> No.6206358

I also saw this WKUK skit

>> No.6206361
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>putting decimals in your fractions

>> No.6206370

>go into mcdonalds in the ghetto
>buy a toy for my niece
>reponse in a tone implying i'm a faggot or something

>> No.6206388

>treated appropriately.

>> No.6206392

considering they didn't know who it was for, yeah probably

>> No.6206404
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>> No.6206406

>waiter at restaurant
>weird guy comes in alone
>table for 2? i asked
>"no.. no... alone"
>as i am taking him to his table he quickly mumbles on about being a reviewer or some shit
>okay okay, i prepare the table for one and seat him
>he orders big combo meals meant for 4 people
>literally covered in sweat at this point
>when i bring the food i see him jotting stuff down on a notepad
>he is literally holding it up so i can see him writing stuff
>catch a glimpse and its just drawings of ponies and shit
>i push a female waitress towards the table and tell her to join him
>she audible shouts "EWWWWWWWWWWW" before making gagging sounds and running away from the table
>he does not react at all and ignores what is going on around him pretending he is too focused on his "reviews"
>he just sits there drawing in his notepad occasionally making "hmmm good food" remarks to himself
>bill is $45
>literally sat around for an hour after finishing too shy to ask for the bill
>literally emptied his wallet out and tipped me everything he had which was about $35
>"can i go now?" he asked
>at this point i pissed myself laughing
>so where will the review be posted?
>he looked completely lost when i asked this and replied "i dont know"
>leaves and never comes back

I swear to god OP you better not come on your own to eat out or this will happen to you, i do it every single time to lonely people.

>> No.6206407

Too bad they use beef stock on the fries.

>> No.6206410

>Having a girlfriend that supports the slaughter of meat so she can eat it
>literally only ate it so she could have a toy
>you kissed her after this
>might as well be licking the flesh off the knife that killed that chicken
why dont u just fuck a corpse u sick fuck

>> No.6206411

I liked it.

>> No.6206412

Tldr tendies

>> No.6206418

Trick to eating alone at a resturaunt
>sit at the bar
>order an alcoholic beverage with your meal
>get drunk and enjoy the company of the other lonely patrons at the bar
>enjoy your meal
Bars are the greatest invention ever for lonely people.
Kind of like this guy >>6203381 said, except you won't be inking six figure deals or banging hot brazillians but you might have some good conversations and make new friends.

>> No.6206423

This pic would be the perfect heart-warmer, if it wasn't for the evil cunt LOLing in the lower right corner, probably egging her friend on to "take a picture of the lonely guy."

>> No.6206428

I want to cuck you.

>> No.6206459

No we don't
Haven't in so many years I can't even remember how long

>> No.6206478

No one is interested that you are eating alone anon. Stop acting like strangers care what you do so long as you aren't trying to do them harm.

>> No.6206690

>made a six figure deal with a complete stranger
>Fucked a model who was all alone at a hotel
>can't afford cable for the super bowl
Does lying on the internet make you feel better about your sad life?

>> No.6206771

Do all old people in America eat from troughs?

>> No.6208023

I eat alone all the time.
if I go to the bar, I get hit on too much, and it gets irritating.
I also look like jailbait, so that doesn't help me much.

OP, just get over it. sometimes I pull out a book, or just have my phone out CONSTANTLY.
usually the server is really nice and we have nice conversation.

sometimes I'll go to a 24 hour place in the middle of the night, and just eat alone and mediate in my thoughts.

I should add that I don't really have any friends, and generally hate people, so that makes it easy.

if you're that worried, eat at the bar if the place has one (and very rarely do they lack a bar, at least in my area). if there's no bar, ask for a small table in the back where you're out of sight.
done and done; it isn't that hard tbph

>restaurant with bar
sit at the bar
>diner or sit down place w/o bar
small table/booth out of sight
>fast food joint
no one cares, it's a fucking fastfood place
thread should have just ended with this tbh.

pull out your notepad and write.

>> No.6208032

>I think it starts being sad if you are there for dinner though.

Depends. If I'm traveling on business I have no issues eating alone--mainly because my iPad and some spreadsheets are my dinner partners.

>> No.6208058



>> No.6208067
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>He had several hours to kill and it turned out we had some common business interests. Ended up inking a generous six-figure deal by the time he had to leave to catch his flight.

I think you've seen too many TV shows.

>> No.6208072


I noticed that too and thought the same thing. :(

>> No.6208076

>probably egging her friend on to "take a picture of the lonely guy."

Knowing young women it was probably more a case of "Awww take a pic of the cute old guy! That's so adorable!"

They refer to old folks like they're toddlers/puppies and it makes me quite angry to hear it.

>> No.6208091

Personally I laughed.

>> No.6208095

that's incredibly sad

>> No.6208108


>Personally laughing

Is there any other way? Can you impersonally laugh? At least you didn't say 'I literally laughed.' That's even more queer.

>> No.6208109

I prefer to eat alone, although I did just have a potentially ungood experience at some vietnamese place last week.

My mother's boyfriend was telling me that whenever he had to travel and wanted to eat at a restaurant, he would call the place up in advance and say that he is scouting restaurants for a meet/large party of patrons.

Its a little much just to not seem weird for eating alone, but he said he always got phenomenal service because they wanted the imaginary future business from the patrons.

>> No.6208113

I go out to eat at full service restaurants alone at least once a week, usually two. I usually go to the same 5 or so places and the staff at all of them have grown to LOVE me.

I show up at about 6pm, order simple dishes then put my headphones in and listen to audiobooks while I slowly enjoy my meal. They've all learned that if they keep my water glass full and leave me alone I'll get the fuck out of there before rush leaving only a polite "thank you" and a fat tip.

I give them all good write ups on yelp and urbanspoon but I don't think any of them know.

>> No.6208119

order takeaway instead, fag.

>> No.6208131


>walking together past a maccy d
>nice little late night snack

Where were you two walking so late?

>> No.6208138

mcwhat is your fucking problem dude
leave me alone autist

>> No.6208141

thats heartwarming
I'm glad for you and your existance

>> No.6208161

>The bottom half was Brazilian, let me assure you.

Her legs had been eaten by piranha?

>> No.6208171
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>> No.6208345


>I'm an autist for poking holes in a story you made up for a Mongolian Pokemon card training exchange board.

>> No.6208406

>I actually wasn't that guy that went for a walk. I was just trying to soil his reputation by acting like a dick as him. I'm sorry you had to bear the brunt of this just for my own amusement.

>> No.6208439


The only person who cares is you. Take it from me, I used to think it was strange for me to eat at a restaurant alone, until I started work which requires me to travel and I get to expense the meal to my company so I eat out pretty much all the time. Honestly, if you feel awkward about it, just pretend you are on a business trip! Just think of how many people there are in the world that have to do it for work.

>> No.6208527

A true sociopath. Godspeed

>> No.6208818

These days I pretty much only post on /trv/, /ck/, and /sp/ and the first 2 boards always have the same identical issue. Traveling or eating alone.

Why is 4chan making a huge deal of doing things by yourselves? Is it because people here are so awkward that they cannot imagine a fully functioning human being doing something alone? No one really cares, if you're not a significant part of someones life they won't remember you if you just go somewhere alone.

>> No.6208946

haha fuck them